DeSoto Parish Louisiana

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the state of Louisiana
and to the motto for which it stands:
A state, under God, united in purpose and ideals,
confident that justice shall prevail for all of those abiding here."


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Records of Mrs. Rattie Coleman Glenn
December 19, 1888 - March 28, 1981


Many thanks to Mrs. Glenn's relative Patricia Hill Abram for scanning and submitting these files.
Please note that all files on this page are in pdf format.
Click here for free download of Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Obsequies of Sister Rattie Coleman Glenn,
New Hope Baptist Church, Mansfield, Louisiana,
Sunday April 5, 1981
Front & back
Inside pages

Poem & sketches

Poem "Go Home Someday"

Poem (cont'd.) & notes

October 13, 1916, Note & sketch

Names & ages of Ms. Glenn's grandchildren

Church meeting minutes 10-13-1916

Church meeting minutes 10-26-1916

Church meeting minutes 12-2-1916

Undated meeting minutes(?)

Church meeting minutes 11-16-1917

Bill for & list of Church Board members & notes February 4, 1918

Church meeting minutes 10-8-1918

Church meeting minutes 3-14-1919

Church meeting minutes 5-26-1919

Church meeting minutes 10-6-1920

Undated list of board members


Month beginning Dec. 4, 1916
Names of 1st grade students
Attendance roll
Names of 1st grade students cont'd.
Attendance roll

Names of 2nd grade students
Attendance roll
Names of 2nd grade students cont'd. and 3rd grade students
Attendance roll

Names of 4th & 5th grade students
Attendance roll

Month beginning Jan. 8, 1917
Money Paid for the Month
Names of 2nd & 3rd grade students
Attendance roll
Names of 5th grade students
Attendance roll

Month beginning November 19, 1917
Names of 1st & 2nd grade students
Attendance roll

Names of 3rd & 4th grade students
Attendance roll

Names of 5th grade students
Attendance roll

Month beginning December 17, 1917
Names of 1st & 2nd grade students
Attendance roll

Names of 3rd, 4th & 5th grade students
Attendance roll

Month beginning January 14, 1918
Names of 1st & 2nd grade students
Attendance roll

Month beginning February 11, 1918
Names of 1st & 2d grade students
Attendance roll

Names of 3rd, 4th & 5th grade students
Attendance roll

Month beginning March 11, 1918
Names of 1st & 2nd grade students
Attendance roll

Names of 3rd grade students
Attendance roll

Month beginning April 8, 1918
Names of all students
Attendance roll

Month beginning December 30, 1918
Names & attendance of 1st grade students
Names & attendance of 2nd & 3rd grade students
Names & attendance of 4th & 6th grade students

Month beginning January(?)23, 1919
Names & attendance of 1st grade students
Names & attendance of 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th grade students

Month beginning February 24, 1919
Names & attendance of 1st (& 2nd?) grade students
Names & attendance of 3rd, 4th & 5th grade students

Unremarked list of names ~1916 numbered 37-70
Unremarked attendance roll ~1916
Unremarked list of names ~1918
Names & attendance of 1st grade students
Names & attendance of 2nd grade students
Names & attendance of 3rd grade students

Accounts cont'd
Accounts con't





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Page Modified: 11 September 2024                           

DeSoto is part of the LAGenWeb Project, State Coordinator:Marsha Holley