DeSoto Parish Louisiana

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the state of Louisiana
and to the motto for which it stands:
A state, under God, united in purpose and ideals,
confident that justice shall prevail for all of those abiding here."

Roster of Alumnae & Graduates 

 Mansfield Female College, 1856-1895

as given in the 1929-30 MFC Catalogue, with some contemporary annotations(*)
This was/is not a complete, correct list (esp. as to married names).  Please e-mail me with additions/corrections.
[use your browser's "find" function to search for a particular name]
Alumnae & Graduates 1897-1929 are on the next page

MFC's first official graduating class was in 1856, but it was in existence for several years prior to that.
The name of only one student from the pre-1856 classes, Emily Houston, is known.
(Married names, if known, are in the column on the right.)

Class of 1856
Greening, Virginia Elizabeth
*daughter of Maj. John James and Sarah (Warren) Greening
Mrs. Samuel Patton DuBois
Pearson, Martha J.  Mrs. Campbell
Stuart, Mary E.  Mrs.  Joseph Barton Elam


Class of 1857
Burrus, Ellen K. Mrs. Parker
Kincaid, Anna T.  Mrs. Hanley
Phifer, Sarah Lucinda 
*d/o Silas & Harriet Phifer
Mrs. Gillespie[Gillaspy]
Tompkins, Mary B.  Mrs. Billian
Wright, Mary Cornelia   

Class of 1858
Hill, Leonora T. Mrs. Rudd
McCallen, Theodosia Mrs. Alexander
Foster, Mary F.  Mrs. Rogers
Terrill, Mary J. Mrs. Perry
Sturgess, Mississippi  

Class of 1859
Hogan, Ida A.  Mrs. Means
Hogan, Louise K.  
Rogers, Odelia Mrs. Harris
Woodham, Marietta Mrs. Williams

Class of 1860
Constantine, Jemima Mrs. Maywald
Crowder, Anna S. Mrs. Bowman
Howard, Antoinette M. Mrs. Hardenburg
Iler, Lizzie A.  Mrs. Fisher
Johnson, Kate B. Mrs. Frehelle
Moss, Sarah Gardner Mrs. C.T.  Bannerman
Payne, Mary Lou Mrs. Walmsley
Williams, Jennie D.
*d/of Thomas Jefferson & Evalina (Young) Williams
Mrs. Spaulding
_________, Emma Mrs. Draughon

Class of 1861
Burrus, Eunice Mrs. Foster
Gilmer, Mattie G. Mrs. DeShiell
Hill, Susan E. Mrs. ______
Ogilvie, Lou E. Mrs. Hendricks
Parker, Mattie Mrs. McCann
Rogers, Julia Mrs. Hollingsworth
Thom, Mary A. Mrs. Douglass
Wimbush, Anna Z. Mrs. Murphey

Class of 1862
Cooper, Mattie S.  
Crosby, Laura E. Mrs. Snell
McKay, Isabel Mrs. Mayhill

Class of 1863
Davidson, Victoria Mrs. Freeman
Gibbs, Margaret H. Mrs. Littlejohn
Gibbs, Sophia E. Mrs. Vinson
Pegues, Frances A. Mrs. Bradford
The college was closed in 1864/5 because of the war, and was used as a
hospital during and after the Battles of Mansfield & Pleasant Hill.
The identity of only one of the students whose education was interrupted is known.

Elizabeth "Lizzie" Phifer who married Elijah Scott is known to have graduated in the 1860's.
Any documentation as to which class she was in would be most welcome.

Stephens, Jemima Laetitia "Gemma"
d/o John Harvey & Sarah Ann (Bloodworth) Stephens
(1)Mrs. Simpson Kennedy Armstrong (2)Mrs. Crittenden McGee Armstrong

Class of 1866
Fortson, Bettie Mrs. Johnson
Moss, Fannie E. Mrs. Williams
Munday, Margaret Mrs. Scales
Pegues, Mary Frances
*d/of Charles S. & Mary Frances (Guy) Pegues
Mrs.  M. F. Page
Thorpe, Mattie Mrs. Stephenson

Class of 1867
Brantley, Lizzie Mrs. Newman
Holmes, Sarah E. Mrs. Hill
Johnson, Pauline Mrs. Putnam
Thompson, White L. Mrs. Carrick:  2/21/2023 Notes from Kelley Witten  White L. Carrick was her husband.  Her maiden name was Camilla Rosina Thompson born January 3 1850 died July 8 1915.
Wilder, Ella Mrs. Pleasant

Class of 1868
Dennie, Bettie Mrs. Durrough
Eggleston, Agnes Corinne Mrs. Crane
Thom, Sallie Mrs. Pitts
Wimbush[Wimbish], Emma Mrs. J. Lud Williams

Class of 1869
Butterworth, Florence Mrs. Sinclair
Douglas, Emma Mrs. Carter
Parsons, Cora  
Pipes, Kate Mrs. Jones
Wylie, Julia Mrs. Boty

Class of 1870
Guy, Mary F.
d/of Samuel Eldridge & Nancy E. [West] Guy
Mrs. O.H.P. Sample
Parsons, Porter  
Reaves, Annie F. Mrs. Lacey
Stuart, Annie F. Mrs. Haley

Class of 1871
Battle, Kate Mrs. Holmes
Collier, Mary  
Pong, Susan Mrs. McMichael
Riggs, Mattie Mrs. Munn
Rives, Fannie C. Mrs. Tharp*
Robinson, Mary S. Mrs. Stringfellow
Stallings, Bithalia  

Class of 1872
Fortson, Mary  
Garlie, Emma Mrs. Fly
Herren, Sallie Mrs. Lewis
Parson, Ella Mrs. Carruth
Robinson, Georgia  
Rose, Lizzie  
Saunders, Nina  
Walker, Willie Mrs. Graham

Class of 1873
Greening, Ella
*d/o Maj. John James & Sarah (Warren) Greening
Mrs. James Chambers Williams
Harrington, Kate Mrs. Fleniken
Phifer, Julia
*d/o Silas & Harriet Phifer
Mrs. Bishop
Washington, Mary Mrs. Brown
Wilcox, Jennie
*d/of James and Jennie Wilcox
Mrs. Goode Bryant Williams

Class of 1874
Alexander, Delia H. Mrs. Thatcher

Class of 1875
Elam, Mollie E. Mrs. Sutherlin
Hodges, Nancy A.  

Class of 1876
Bryan, ______  Mrs. Clifford C. Grantz
Glassell, Dora S. Mrs. Wemple
Walker, Fannie I. Mrs. Brown

Class of 1877
Coty, Lucile Mrs. Dickson
Fort, Mattie  
Phillips, Hattie Mrs. Sheppard
Potts, Lily Mrs. Blackshear
Wilcox, Blanche  
Williams, ______ Mrs. E.E. Jackson

Class of 1878
Armstrong, Mary Mrs. Davis
Harts, Fannie Mrs. Walker
Heriot, Mary Mrs. Roach
Ivey, Bertie Mrs. Hobgood
Jackson, Myrtis Mrs. Foster
Platte, Annie Mrs. McDade
Puckett, Clara  
Williams, Imes Mrs. Womack

Class of 1879
Fields, O. Bertie Mrs. Frank
Gibbs, Belle Mrs. Foster
O'Pry, Hattie Mrs. Armstrong
Ricks, Willie E.  
Sutherlin, Alice Mrs. White
Taylor, Belle  

Class of 1880
Armstrong, Marielou
*d/o Rev. (and Pres. of MFC) Thomas King and Martha (DuBois) Armstrong; niece of Dr. S.P. DuBois of Mansfield
Mrs. Chappell Cory
Lacks, Viola A. Mrs. Porter
Pipes, Carrie E.  
Walker, Mollie E.  

Class of 1881
Burns, Beulah Mrs. Capers
DuBois, Kate
*d/o Dr. Samuel Patton & Virginia Elizabeth (Greening) DuBois
Mrs. Fletcher Irwin Elder

Class of 1882
Chapman, Mary Lou Mrs. Jordan
DuBois, Mattie Carr
*d/o Dr. Samuel Patton & Virginia Elizabeth (Greening) DuBois
Mrs. L.M. Harris
Fair, Sallie Moore Mrs. Herndon
Foster, Annie Mrs. Gullatt
Griffin, Fannie Mrs. Norris
Horn, Cora Mrs. Crichton
Lyons, Lillian K. Mrs. Clark
Thompson, Jimmie:   2/21/2023 Notes from Kelley Witten Camilla's sister named Jimmie Thompson.  Jimmie was a nickname, real name is Verna Conway "Jimmie" Thompson born Jan 20 1866 died July 26, 1906.  Married William Rufus Cavett October 28, 1891.  Both Camilla and "Jimmie" were daughters of Dr. Dickson Thomas and Camilla Rosina Haden Mrs. Cavett

Class of 1883
Foster, Ella Mrs. Aswell
Glassell, Mary Mrs. Harrington
Guy, Minnie
*d/o Samuel Eldridge & Nancy E. [West] Guy
Mrs. Dilzelle
Nolan, Minnie Mrs. Butler
Wiley, Bettie Mrs. Weber

Class of 1884
Allen, Anna  
Constantine, Blanche Mrs. Mourning
DuBois, Anna [Judith Ann]
*d/of Dr. Samuel Patton & Virginia Elizabeth (Greening) DuBois
DuBois, Jennie [Virginia Greening]
*d/of Dr. Samuel Patton & Virginia Elizabeth (Greening) DuBois
Mrs. Richard Brown Prather
Harris, Kate Mrs. Kimbro
McCormick, Willie  
Smith, Ella Mrs. Buvens
Sutherlin, Emma Mrs. Logan
Wagner, Lillie B.  

Class of 1885
James, Fannie  
Sallis, Georgia Mrs. Texeda
Youngblood, Augusta Mrs. Best

Class of 1886
Allen, Fannie Mrs. Baskett
Elam, Irene Mrs. Sutherlin
Garrett, Hortense  
Hayes, Eudie Mrs. Marston
Lee, Hattie Mrs. Boylston
Mooring, Nannie  
Pegues, Laura Mrs. Chamberlain
Sample, Ella Mrs. Spilker
Wynn, Alice  

Class of 1887
Capers, Mary Mrs. Curren
Day, Sudie ***

The 1887 graduate "Sudie Day" was actually "Ludie Carington Day." Here are three excerpts about her from a biography of her son, Bishop J. Waskom Pickett, The Road to Delhi.
In the late 1880s, L.L. pickett preached often across the Texas state line in Louisiana. During the 1887-1888 school year, he preached a series of sermons at Mansfield Female College, the first women’s college west of the Mississippi River. There he met the woman who would become his second wife—and Waskom’s mother. Her name was Ludie Carrington Day. Born March 31, 1867 in Bayou Tunica, Louisiana, her parents were Lemuel P. and Emily (Alexander) Day.
Ludie, who had earned Bachelor of Arts and Master of English Literature degrees at Mansfield, had stayed on to teach English grammar and literature. She also served as organist in the college church, which is where she and L.L. met. Just two weeks after the close of the revival services, Pickett wrote to her and invited her to become his wife. She accepted, even though she had often declared that she would never marry a preacher, a widower, or a Texan. The 30-year-old evangelist and the 21-year-old teacher married on the fifth of December, or thereabout, in 1888.
Like her husband, Ludie had applied to the Board of Foreign Missions. Unlike him, she was accepted. But she needed to pass a medical exam in Nashville. Though she felt fine when she got to Nashville, her temperature was one degree above normal. They sent her home with instructions to record her temperature for a month and come back. Because her temperature remained slightly above the normal mark, the secretary reported to the Board that Miss Ludie Day was prone to developing tuberculosis. He added that she probably would not last a year in Asia.
Ludie gave birth to seven sons, one of whom—Vernon Day—died in infancy. When Leroy Woodson was born and the Picketts learned they would have no more children, L.L., who had hoped for at least one daughter, wept. As a kind of assuagement, a succession of temporary daughters (Asbury College students) stayed with the Picketts. They sought to adopt one of them. Three of them became missionaries.
Ludie Day Pickett was slight in build. Her demeanor was serene. Stanley Jones could not recall ever seeing her ruffled. When the first Pickett house caught fire, he was riveted by a plaque on a hallway wall. It was still readable through the flames. Later, he told "Sister Pickett" that the "Trust in the Lord" motto was the last thing he saw of home’s interior. Ludie replied, "Stanley, that is exactly what I am doing." Confidence in Christ was her constant refrain, as expressed her hymn, "Never Alone."
Though all around me is darkness, earthly joys all flown;
My Savior whispers His promise, never to leave me alone!
Ludie Day took up the fight too—in fact, had already done so. Waskom could not recall a time when his mother was not active in the Women’s Christian Temperance Union. And as he penned his answer on the application, he would, no doubt, have been reminded the Kentucky WCTU had just elected her as its new recording secretary, a post she would continue in for the next 15 years. She would accept other roles too: corresponding secretary; editor of the Kentucky White Ribbon (the WCTU’s paper); and, for 23 years, president of the Kentucky chapter of the WCTU.
After the death of her husband, Ludie Day Pickett became even more involved in the prohibition movement. In late June, she went to Houston as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention. In a speech to the assembly, she implored the delegates not to nominate the frontrunner, Governor Al Smith of New York, who opposed prohibition. To appoint Smith, she warned, would be perilous for the party. When Smith was nominated on the first ballot, she went home to work for his defeat. She was no doubt greatly reassured when, in the election, Herbert Hoover won all but eight states—including Al Smith’s own state of New York.

I hope this is useful to you,

Arthur McPhee


Mrs. Pickett
DuBois, Lula (Louisiana Jane)
*d/o Dr. Samuel Patton & Virginia Elizabeth (Greening) DuBois
Mrs. W. Clark Hughes
Irwin, Bessie  
McCain, Neva Mrs. Nelson
Moore, Mary Lou  
Simpson, Lelia Mrs. Alexander
Smith, Lee Mrs. Middleton
Walker, Annie Lee Mrs. Jackson
Walker, Willie  
Weber, Ida Mrs. Williamson 

Class of 1888
Farmer, Mary  married to William E. Neal, and she was know as "Mamie" in all of the documents, submitted by b. circa 1869 in Louisiana).  Mamie was the daughter of Rufus Morgan FARMER (1845-1930) and Amanda "Mandy" Jane TERRELL (1845-1935). "Mamie" was first married to Reuben G. Warren, in Desoto Parrish, on Feb. 28, 1894.  I do not know if she was divorced or widowed, but she and William E. Neal were married on Aug. 10, 1907 in Shreveport.
I found a newspaper clipping of their marriage announcement in a family bible.  There was no indication as to the name of the newspaper or it's date.  The article is as follows: "Mr. William E. NEAL of Nacogdoches, Texas, and Mrs. Mamie Farmer WARREN, of this place, were married in Shreveport last Saturday.  Rev. Felix B. Hill officiating.  The groom is a traveling salesman and is held in high esteem by those who know him.  The bride is one of the most popular and accomplished teachers in our parish.  She will be greatly missed in our educational circles.  The best wishes of a large circle of friends and admirers follow her to her new home.  Mr. and Mrs. Neal will make their home in Nacogodoches." Mamie and Rufus had a child, but I have no information on when or what happened to the child.
Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Mrs. Neal
Hayes, Emma Mrs. Marston
Horton, Lena Mrs. Sledge
Huffman, Irene Mrs. Naf
McDonald, Hattie Mrs. Gibbs
McKnight, Anna Mrs. John B. Williams
Noel, Stelle Mrs. Barnes
Pegues, Marie Mrs. Shepherd

Class of 1889
Alexander, Lizzie Mrs. Gibson
Allen, Mary Lou Mrs. Lee
Baynard, Elise Mrs. Liverman
McVoy, A. Bessie  

Class of 1890
Bailey, Edna S.  
Bussey, Jessie C.  
Davis, Hattie Mrs. Armstrong
Gibbons, Virginia J.  
Griffith, Fannie  
Jackson, Minnie D. Mrs. Kidd
Moss, Mabel Mrs. McMillan
Parsons, Lula
*d/of  J.M & E.J. [Barfield] Parsons
Mrs. James Thomas Guy
Pegues, Fannie Mrs. Wolf
Phillips, Viola Mrs. Talley
Roach, Sallie Lou  
Trosper, Lizzie A. Mrs. Miller

Class of 1891
Blocker, Lula Mrs. Davis
Bussey, Maud  
Constantine, Mary E. Mrs. Nelson
Farmer, Florence L.  
Frasier, Ada L. Mrs. Carroll
Gamblin, M. Daisy Mrs. Hendricks
Green, Annie B. Mrs. Goss
Guy, Lucy Mrs. Wakeman
Hall, Ruby R.  
Miller, Mamie Mrs. Lock
Murphey, Laura Mrs. Gibson
Thomas, Lizzie D. Mrs. Brownfield
Thompson, Jennie B.  
Trosper, Alice P. Mrs. Edgar

Class of 1892
Allen, Gertrude Mrs. Calhoun
Bailey, Hattie  
Cooper, Sallie Mag Mrs. Nabors
Davis, Annie Mrs. Jordan
Freeman, Zena Nile  
McVoy, Irma Mrs. Egan
Potts, Mamie Mrs. Scholars

Class of 1893
Billingsley, Florence Mrs. Ricks
Farmer, Rosa R.  
Fleniken, Lizzie Mrs. Smith

Class of 1894
Elder, Ella Mrs. Perry
Frazier, Suzie  
McGowan, Alice Mrs. Bouvier

Class of 1895
Henderson, Annie May  
Patterson, Ruth  
Thompson, Josie  
Walker, May Mrs. Suttle

There were no graduates in 1896.
See Alumnae page 2 for graduates 1897-1929





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