DeSoto Parish Louisiana

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John J. Greening & wife Sarah A. Warren, & family

By Act or Treaty of April 24, 1820)

Sarah A Greening, Doc 3591- 9/1/1849- Nat. Land Office, T/S 10.0 N, Range 11.0W, Sect. 23 39.80 Acres

Sarah A. Greening, Doc. 3592, 9/1/1849-Nat. Land Off. 119.92 Acres T/S 10.0N, Range 11.0W, Sect. 24

Sarah A. Greening, Doc. 4882-Nat. Land Office -9/1/1849--39.80 Acres-T/S 10.0N, Range 11.0W, Sect. 23

John J. Greening, Doc 6545, June 10, 1850 -39.97 Acres , T/S 10.0 N, Range 11.0W, Sect. 13 Nat. Land Office

John J. Greening Doc. 6546, June 10, 1850-Nat. Land Office--39.98 Acres, T/S 10.0N, Range 11.0W, Sect. 24

John J. Greening, Doc. # 7171, Oct. 1, 1852, 40.12 Acres, T/S 12.0N, Range 13.0W, Sect. 30-

John J. Greening had 2 land grants that were Military Warrants-Certificate # 650654 & # 26143

The following are Desoto Parish records, unless otherwise noted.

Sabine Parish, La-June 3, 1847 George Gallaspy of Walker Co, Texas to Sarah A. Greening, wife of John J. Greening of

DeSoto Par, La. for $100.- 40 Ac T/S 10. Range 11, Sec 24 Wts: James M. Gibbs, John Gallaspy

Feb 2, 1850 David Jackson Laird, of DeSoto to John J Greening of Sabine Par, for $150.- 159.90 AC sit. in Desoto, in Sect

13 T/S 10, R 11 Wts: H. O. Beall, A R Mitchell

March 20, 1851- Edward M. Harris & wife/Nancy of Sabine Par, to Sarah A. Greening, of Sabine Par, 40 Ac in Sec 13,

T/S 10, R 11, Par of Desoto, for$200. Wts: J S Jackson, dpy Recr

April 19, 1851-Edward M Harris, & w/Nancy of Nat. Par to Sarah A. Greening, w/o John J. Greening of Sabine Par, 40 AC

, in Sec 13, T/S 10, R 1- for $200. Wts: J H W--Illeg. & J E. Whitten

Sabine Par, La-Oct 11, 1852- James L. Williams of Sabine Par to Sarah A Greening, w/o John J. Greening, of Sabine Par

for $600.- 40 AC in Sect 21, T/S 10, R 11 Wts: John Jorden, J. E. Whitten, Thomas J. Moore

Feb 13, 1855 Samuel E. Guy of Desoto, to Sarah A. Warren, w/o John J Greening, of Sabine Par, for $1,000.00--200 AC. in

Sect 19, T/S 12, R 13. Wts: James L Williams, J B Moore Sig: Samuel E Guy, J J Greening for S A Warren, his wife

Oct 11, 1855 George H. Sutherlin & Joseph S. Jackson of DeSoto to Sarah A. Warren, w/o John J. Greening of same,

39.39 AC in Sect 17, T/S 12, R 13, for $412.00 pd in a draft by said vendee, drawn on the firm of Rugely, Blair & Co. at the

city of New Orleans and payable on the first day of Feb, next Wts: Nathaniel A. Sutherlin, John D. Huson., Nusom?, Sig: J L

Jackson, Geo H Sutherlin, J J Greening for his wife, Sarah A. Warren

Oct 19, 1855 Richard Cole to Sarah A Greening, by consent of her husband, J J Greening, of DeSoto Par, La 480 AC m/l in

Sect 30, Sect 29, T/S 12, R 13 ; purch by Cole fr T W Broadnaux- Also 40 AC in Sect 19, T/S 12, R 13, All in DeSoto Par,

(this 40 AC purch by Cole fr W G Cater) all for $3,000. on a 1 yr pr note. Sig: Richard Cole, Sarah A. Greening by J J


Oct 20, 1855 Severe Lafitte & w/ Tellispee , to Sarah A Warren, w/o John J Greening, all of DeSoto, 566 AC in Sect 21, &

Sect 22, T/S 13, Range 12 b/b land of Maria Magdaline Laffitte, w/o Pedro Flores- for $2,100.-payable as follows: a draft for

$l,000. drawn on the firm of Rugely, Blair & Co of New Orleans, and balance in form of promis. note signed by J J Greening

to Severe Lafitte. Sig: Severe Laffitte, Telespee Lafitte, Sarah A. Warren, by J J Greening

Nov 5, 1855 William G. Cater of Desoto Par, to Sarah A. Warren, wife/o J J Greening for $600.00- 120 AC in Sect 19, T/S

12, R 13 in DeSoto Par, Wts: Geo H Sutherlin, J S Jackson Sig: W G Cater, Sarah A Greening by J J Greening

Jan 8, 1856- James H Dillard, Sheriff to last & highest bidder, Sarah A Warren, w/o John J Greening, for $2,900. - ( being

land of Succn of Marie Magdaline Lafitte, w/o Pedro Flores) - 180 AC in Sect 21, T/S 13, R 12; and 400 AC in Sect 20, and

21, T/S 13, R 12, all in Desoto Par. (1,450. cash with bal in prom. note to Pedro Flores, tutor, w/Jones Persons as Sec.) Sig:

J H Dillard, Sheriff & J J Greening for Sarah A Greening, Wts: Henry Marshall, James L. Williams

Aug 16, 1856 Hardin Harville, & w/ Hannah of DeSoto Par, to Sarah A. Warren, w/o John J Greening 166.56 AC in Sect 19,

T/S 13, Range 10, and Lot NO 8 in Sevt 24, T/S 13, N. of R 11 W, contain. 50.51 and Lots One, Two, three, Four, five &

six in Sect 30, R 10, T/S 13 cont. 150.20 AC (containing in all 376.26 AC) in DeSoto Par. for $12,000. to be pd in 4 ann

installments. Mrs Hannah Birdwell, w/o Hardin Harville, relinq all rts and presence of Thomas A. Guy & Claborn M

Oliver Sig: Harden Harville, Hanah Harville, by Auth. of husband, Harden Harville, Sarah A. Greening, by me, J J Greening

Wts: T. A. Guy, C. M Oliver

March 14, 1857 James M Mumford of DeSoto, mortgage to John J Greening for $1,000. - 4 and 1/6th AC Wts: James L

West, G. W. Meek

April 1, 1857 Natchitoches Par, La- Aaron H Pierson, attny-in-fact of John Lowery, and Lewis Curtis, of state of New

York, under P-O-A of Private Act, dated New York, Jan 22, 1857, to John J Greening of Desoto Par, La -

Lots 7, 8, 9 in Sect 30, T/S 13, Range 10, cont. 132.88 AC

and lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16, of Sect 31, T/S 13, Range 10, cont. 480 AC;-

also 160.32 AC in Sect 6, T/S 12, Range 10-

Also 160.16 AC in Sect 6, T/S 12, Range 10,.

being same the sd Lewis & Curtis purch at Sheriff sale rendered in suits #428 & #429 in Distr. Crt, Par of DeSoto.-- for the

sum of $4,500.; ($1500. pd in cash and bal in prom note) Wts: J. Brown, A. W. Hamilton Sig: Aaron J. Pierson, Attny-in-fact,

J J Greening

Jan 4, 1858- James H Dillard, Sheriff of Desoto Par, to last & highest bidder, John J Greening, for $2,600. pd in a Prom. note

drawn & signed by the sd John J Greening, w/Sarah A Warren authorized by her husband, and T. A. Guy as Sec. payable to

Emily A, Rembert, Adm-( the Succn of A R Rembert) as follows: cont. 80 AC , in Sect 17, T/S 12, Range 13, near town of


ALSO includes the slaves belong. to this Succn. No number/name given for slaves. Wts: J H Sutherlin, E G Betts, Sam'l F

Smith, Notary, J B Moore Dpy Rec

August 7, 1858-Thomas J. Carrell of DeSoto to John J Greening, of Desoto, for $260.- 120 Acres in-Sec 19, T/S 12, Range

13-Wts: J S Jackson, J L Scales

March 14, 1859-Natchitoches Par- Estate of Melvina A Lockwood, by John E Murph, Adm to John J Greening, of Desoto,

for $4,420.90-

147.98 AC, Desc. as Lots 1 & 2, Sect 30, and Lot #3, Sect 19, and Lot # 4 & 5, Sect 19, of T/S 13, Rg 10. Wts: G W.

Weatherford, Geo H Hughes

May 9, 1859 Natchitoches Par, Succn of Melvina A Lockwood, by John E, Murph, Adm- Acctg filed from Estate Sale

-signed by J J Greening, M H Stallings, & L L Brumby- John J Greening was the purchaser of the following items, in addition

to the 147.98 AC land:

1 cow/calf=10.

4 cows/calves=24.

3 head cattle=80.

20 hd cattle=80.

1 keg paint=2.

1 set plows & gunstock=35.50

1 lot pots=2.75

150 bu corn @99cents=148.50

1/2 barrel lime=1.

Nov 9, 1859-Lawrence L Brumby to J J Greening, both of Desoto, for $25.00 cash-a 5 AC lot, Sect 2, T/S 12N, Rg 11W.

Wts: James Persons, Jerre B. Moore

(My note-Lawrence L Brumby was a cousin to John J Greening; he married Lucina Haley

Dec 3, 1859-Natchitoches Par, La-George H Hughes & wife/Eliza J Hughes, of Nat. Par. to John J Greening of DeSoto

Par, 93.34 AC in Nat. Par, on left bank of Red River, located Sect 19, T/S 13, Range 10--. for $3,255.00 Wts: J D Law, W

H Stalling, Bythell H Baird, Notary

Dec 12, 1859-Jacob C. Porter & w/Sarah to John J Greening, all of DeSoto-for $2500. the following slaves:, a girl named

Sidney, abt 14 yrs, a boy named Davy, abt 13 yrs Wts: W. T. Gibson, S. P. DuBois

Mar 19, 1860-Samuel P DuBois to John J Greening, both of Desoto, for $3,290.00-following slaves: a woman, named

Louisa, aged abt 29 yrs, and her 3 children, Catherine, aged 10 yrs, Tom, aged abt 6 yrs, and Joel, aged abt 2 1/2 yrs. Wts: D.

W. Heriot, Thos. J. Moore

Dec 5, 1860-Note of James Bonds payable to Richard Cole, sold by Richard Cole to John J Greening- the sum of $6,526.65.

. Wts: J H Sutherlin J H Phillips

Nov 6, 1861- Sarah P. Sutherlin to J J Greening, for $137.50; 20 AC located Sec 17, T/S 12, Rg 13. -Wts: Samuel A.

Pegues, G. R. Barfield

Dec 26, 1861- Lewis E. Franklin to John J Greening, for $3,173.64; 81.81 AC located Sec 2, 23 AC Sect 3, 17 AC in Sect

2, All in T/S 12, Rg 11-Wts: A. T. Wimbish, Henry L Moss

Dec 18, 1863- Hugh F Dear Est sold by Thomas J Williams, Sheriff of Desoto Par. sold to last & highest bidder John J

Greening, the following land= 20 AC loc , Sec 17, Also 1 Ac Sect 17, Also 3 AC Sect 17, Also 6 AC Sect 17, Also 26.58

AC Sect 17, Total of 46 AC m/l, T/S 12, Rg 13, for $1850. Wts: J B Elam, H E H Buck

Feb 8, 1864 Martha S. Williams w/o Hilliard J Phillips, to John J Greening for $1500.-foll LAND- 120 AC loc. Sec 30, T/S

12, Rg 13 -Wts: W F Herrin, G W Meek Sig: Martha S. Phillips, authoriz. by her husb. H J Phillips

Mar 16, 1867 Benjamin F. Jenkins, of DeSoto, to John J Greening, for $414.16, the follow. land-Sect 17, T/S 12, Rg 13,

cont. 5 Ac; Also 1 &1/4 AC lying due E in same T/S & Rg. Also a lot of gr. cont 15 1/2 AC in Sec 17, T/S 12, Rg 13 ,

being same land purch by Benj F. Jenkins at sheriff sale at the suit of Henderson Terry & Co vs Betts & Gibbs, 2/2/1861.Wts:

William Jinks, Wilson Godsey

Jan 7, 1873 Sheriff Sale-by Robt. T. Carr, Sheriff of DeSoto-Property of Thomas E & Wm. E. Adams to last & highest

bidder, John J Greening. follow prop: 40 AC in Sect 26 , 40 AC in Sec 35, 40 AC in Sect 35 Also 40 AC Sect 35, Also

40 AC Sect 35, Also 40 AC Sect 35, Also 40 AC Sect 34, Also 40 AC Sect 34, 40 AC Sect 35, all in T/S 13, Rg 14 cont.

in all 360 AC m/l in DeSoto Par, for total of $2280. Wts: W C Reynolds, O N. Wemple

Sept 13, 1874 Vol R P 651 S E Guy & T A Guy to Virginia E Greening DuBois

Dec 29, 1874 Sarah A Greening to Ricks Vol P, P 736 -misplaced-need to copy over

SEE ALSO SUCCESSION RECORDS- John J Greening Estate by Sarah A. Greening & John R Greening-several deeds on

that page (1876)

Jan 5, 1877 Sarah A Warren, widow of John J Greening, Deed of Gift, to her dtr, Sarah Lou Greening, w/o William R.

Jackson, 15 1/2 AC located Sect 17, T/S 12, Rg 13 , incl. all bldgs and improvements thereon.. Sig: S A Greening, S L

Jackson, W R Jackson Wts: W F Herrin, S E Allen

Jan 5, 1877 Vol D P 792,793- Sarah A Warren, widow of John J Greening, Deed of Gift, to her dtrs, Virginia E. Greening,

wife of Samuel P. DuBois, and Sarah Lou Greening, wife of William R. Greening (sic) (sh read Jackson), 280 Acres, located in

Sect 19, and 280 Acres located in Sect 30, Also 80 Acres located in sect 20; Also 200 Acres, located in Sect 29,

containing the Aggregate of 840 AC land, all in T/S 12, Range 13, DeSoto Par. Sig: S A Greening, S L Jackson, Wm R

Jackson, V E DuBois, S P DuBois Wts: W F Herrin, S E Allen

Vol D P 814-S E Guy to Ella A Greening Williams

Feb 14, 1880- Julius H Greening to M J Peek (T-399)

Dec 30, 1882 Mrs Sarah A Greening, wid of John J Greening, to Caleb Wormsley of DeSoto, 4 Ac land Sect 17, for $8.00

per acre Wts: W R Jackson, Thos. J Greening

Feb 27, 1883- Sarah A Greening, wid of John J Greening, to Caleb Wormsley, 4 AC land in in Sect 17, T/S 12, Rg 13,

-correcting description of land in above deed.-Wts: W R Jackson

Jan 3, 1885-Bk Y, P 446-447 Sarah A Greening to Thos. J. Williams, Jr, both of Desoto Par, La-40 AC in Sect 31, T/S 13,

Range 10, for $400.00 Wts: J R Greening & W. R. Jackson

Jan 7, 1885- (Bk Y P 427) Sarah A Greening , of Desoto Par, Willie L Greening & Thomas J Greening- Deed of gift

to her ch. both over 21 and residents of Desoto Par, La. - 80 Acres, in Sect 17, T/S 12, Rg 13, excepting 4 acres in the

extreme corner of SE corner of SE 1/4 of SW 1/4, of Sd Sect, T/S & Range. Wts: G W Hartsfield, W F Herriot

Jan 8, 1891- Bk 4, P 597- Willie L Greening, a femme sole, and resident of DeSoto Par, La, to Wm R Jackson of Desoto

Par, La her 1/2 undivided interest in the land conveyed to her by her mother, Jan 8, 1885. for $750.00. Wts: James Bonds,

A. W. Hewitt

Feb 19, 1896- State of Texas, County of Nacogdoches-Thomas J Greening, a resident of Nacogdoches Co, Texas to O H P

Sample, resident of Desoto Par, La. (Lot, Mansfield) Bk 8, P 466-Filed Desoto Par, La

Oct. 28, 1899-Bk 10, P 752, 753 Thomas J. Greening of Nacogdoches Co, Texas to O H P Sample of Desoto Par, La - 80

AC located in Sect 22, T/S 13, Range 13, with all improvements. Wts: J W Oxford, W. M. Chanley, B. L. Melban, Notary

Filed in DeSoto Par, Nov 6, 1899

March 12, 1899 T. J Greening of Nacogdoches Co, Texas and Willie L Ellsworth, w/o John C Ellsworth, and authorized by

him, of Nacogdoches Co, Texas- Power of Attorney to John Gardner Jackson of Desoto Par, La to sell 20 AC land, north of

the old Greening homestead in Sect 17, T/S 12, Rg 13 Att: W W Simmons, J T Simmons Bk 10, P 509 -made in

Nacogdoches Co, Texas filed in Desoto Par, La

Mar 18, 1899-Bk 10, P 510- State of La, Par of DeSoto, Swep W Greening, Mrs. Virginia E. DuBois, nee Greening, Mrs

Sarah L Jackson, nee Greening, wife of Wm. R. Jackson, who reside in Parish of DeSoto, La. and Mrs. Ella A. Williams, nee

Greening, wife of J. C. Williams, a resident of Caddo Par, La., and Tom J Greening, and Willie L. Greening, wife of John C.

Ellsworth, residents of Nacogdoches, Co, Texas and represented by John G. Jackson, under special Power of Attorney

attached, who declare that they do bargain, sell grant, and convey the following property to William R Jackson, a resident of

Desoto Par, La. to wit: 20 acres of land lying immediately North of the old Greening residence near the town of Mansfield, La

being located in Sect 17, T/S 12, Range 13. Sig: S. W. Greening, Ella A Williams, S L Jackson, authorized by me, Wm R

Jackson, V. E. DuBois, J G Jackson, attny in fact for T. J Greening, and Willie L. Ellsworth, W. R. Jackson Wts: Susie H.

Jackson, R H Ricks Filed Mar 20, 1899, J W Parsons, Notary

Jan 28, 1913 T J Greening, to C M Tull, lots in Fairview (31-399)

Nov 6, 1914 T J Greening to Presley, Bk 34, P 11, doc #4457

Index to other DeSoto Par Deeds-Greening

Vol J, P 49- 3/10/1860-S W Greening FROM J H Mumford, Lot, Mansfield,

J 184-5/5/1860 S W Greening from L Mumford, Lot, Mansfield

L 291 2/12/1867 S W Greening & Bro from A M Campbell & W W Campbell

L 564 1/4/1869 S W Greening from Martha S. Phillips

L 625, 626 4/17/1869 S W Greening from Frank Collins

4/26/1872 P 144 S W Greening from J H Bryan, H G Bryan, H M Hearne, Georgia C Erwin, Emily Smith, Florida Bryan,

Robert Bryan, Laura Bryan, E J Bryan, Elizabeth Bryan

P 346 1/6/1873 S W Greening from E A McClanahan & Minors (land)

P 629 5/1/1874 S W Greening from J T McClanahan , J L McClanahan, Laura R McGraw, M C Samuels

D 820 1/10/1877 R(ebecca) D Greening from Julia Davis, (Her mother) (Donation)

T 399 2/14/1880 Julius H Greening from M J Peek (land)

7-719 12/4/1893 John M Greening from O H P Sample (land)

8-466 2/19/1896 Thos J Greening from O H P Sample (lot, Mansfield)

8-716 7/22/1896 R D Greening from Fudge Jackson (land)

8-716 7/22/1896 S W Greening from Fudge Jackson (land)

4/6/1904 M 146 J M Greening & R W Greening (Agreement)

Also: A J Greening, & R W Greening, Agreement

17-53 7/19/1904 C D Greening from Mrs. M J Pegues (lot, Mansfield)

5/18/1906 19-514 Mrs Janie Bell Pitts Greening from George T Hunt, etal, -Partition

20-314 11/17/1906 Mrs Janie Bell Pitts Greening from Annie Pitts Hewitt, etal-Partition

12/17/1906 20-436 C D Greening from W N Cunningham Lot, Mansfield

1/25/1908 20-628 C D Greening from Mrs. H J Hewitt, Bond for title

5/20/1911 30-34 C D Greening from J M Greening Succn-sale of land

6/14/1911 30-57 C D Greening from Mrs Sallie Rambin- land

6/15/1911 29-470 C D Greening from Dan Morris (lease)

4/12/1912 30-291 C D Greening from Joseph DuBois (Interest, land)

7/23/1912 31-313 C D Greening from Daniel Morris Mineral lease

1/17/1914 34-335 C D Greening from J H Nabors, etal (lot) File # 5080

5/22/1914 35-534 C D Greening from C W James (lot) File #6457

9/16/1914 38-388 Nellie Bishop Greening from L Bishop & Melissa Bishop Heirs -Partition


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