DeSoto Parish Louisiana

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the state of Louisiana
and to the motto for which it stands:
A state, under God, united in purpose and ideals,
confident that justice shall prevail for all of those abiding here."


Federal government land was divided for allocation purposes into 6 mile (480 chains) squares formed by Townships running north/south and Ranges running east/west from principal meridians.  Each square was evenly divided into thirty-six 1/6 sq. mi. (640ac.) sections beginning with #1 in the northeast corner and proceeding sequentially east to west to #6, then due south to #7 proceeding west to east to #12, then due south to #13, and so forth.  (If that doesn't make sense see the BLM General Land Office's

All or part of Townships 10-16 North in Ranges 10-16 West of the Louisiana Meridian lie in DeSoto Parish.  The map below shows the parish divided into sections.  The bolder (somewhat) lines are range/township dividers.  On the left are township numbers, placed roughly at the midline of each township.  Beneath are range numbers, similarly placed.   As this is a scan of a reduction of a much larger map, the section numbers are almost impossible to read.  Refer to the paragraph above when trying to locate a specific section.  

NOTE:  The map does NOT show the little 'finger' of land on the eastern parish line, bordered north & east by Bayou Pierre and  lying in Township 11N that extends into Range 10W.  



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Page Modified: 11 September 2024

DeSoto is part of the LAGenWeb Project, State Coordinator:Marsha Holley