Results of Examination

Submitted by: Elaine Walton Lewis

Thursday, October 25, 1917 Conroe Courier.


Following is the result of the examination by the local board of the one hundred men who were called in for examination Tuesday.


Order No.   Serial No.    Name                                                          Address


Claim No Exemption


417                   567                   Will Howard,                                                                 Montgomery.

419                   421                   Stewart J. Haugh,                                                          Montgomery.

420                   240                   Hamp McWashington,                                                   Waukeg.

423                   169                   Henry Hood,                                                                 Willis.

424                   436                   Silas A. Hough,                                                             Montgomery.

427                   989                   Henry Woodworth,                                                        Conroe.

428                   1304                 Mack Tisdel,                                                                 Bobville.

437                   133                   Benj. Guy Williamson,                                                    Willis.

451                   244                   Thomas Pollard,                                                            Willis.

454                   146                   Johnnie Cavil,                                                                Willis.

457                   1376                 Elif Lakey,                                                                    Hufsmith.

470                   400                   Jim Dennis,                                                                   Montgomery.

477                   206                   Ulichaus McPherson,                                                     Willis.

480                   136                   Flex Alexander,                                                             Willis.

481                   872                   Fate Coplin,                                                                   Waukegan.

488                   1098                 Will Williams,                                                                Fostoria.


Physically Deficient


393                   1272                 Joe Adams,                                                                   Montgomery.

399                   1478                 John Johnson,                                                                Security.

406                   1472                 Walter Faulkner,                                                            Security.

412                   808                   Joseph Walker Simson,                                                  Conroe.

425                   1477                 William Hickman,                                                          Security.

426                   396                   Herman Dikeman,                                                         Montgomery,

465                   750                   Joe D. Jarrard,                                                              Conroe.

467                   1443                 Joe Moore,                                                                    Splendora.

468                   150                   Frank Cole,                                                                   Esperanza.

474                   445                   James M. Taylor,                                                          Willis.

479                   1489                 Lew Ward,                                                                   Security.

485                   96                     Thomas W. Perry,                                                         Willis.


Enlisted or Failed to Appear


393                   713                   Earnest D. Christie,                                                       Conroe.

401                   1121                 Emllio Gonzales,                                                            New Caney.

Order No.   Serial No.    Name                                                          Address


402                   1150                 Earnest Sorter,                                                              New Caney.

404                   1390                 Ancil P. Gibbs,                                                              Montgomery.

405                   143                   Lewis A. Sivley,                                                            Willis.

407                   725                   G. M. Graham,                                                              Conroe.

409                   1521                 Samuel H. Steussy,                                                        Conroe.

413                   780                   James Robert Mims,                                                      Conroe.

414                   1183                 Phillip Thomas Glaston,                                      La.

434                   862                   Robert Banks,                                                               Conroe.

436                   284                   Edgar L. Herren,                                                           Spring.

444                   285                   Eugene M. Herren,                                                        Spring.

445                   1313                 Edward Bruner,                                                             Magnolia.

448                   560                   Isaac Goines,                                                                Conroe.

455                   843                   Ewart G. Abner,                                                            Conroe.

456                   1050                 Arthur Foster,                                                               Fostoria.

458                   1379                 Willie N. Bryant,                                                           Montgomery.

461                   440                   Thos. E. Gentry,                                                            Montgomery.

463                   1075                 Jim McGar,                                                                   Fostoria.

464                   1189                 Surry Williams,                                                              New Caney.

469                   19                     John B. Burkhead,                                                         Willis.

471                   1547                 Anderson N. Taylor,                                                      Tamina.

475                   832                   Emmet L.Walkingshaw,                                                 Conroe.

476                   1180                 Elisha Stevens,                                                              New Caney.

481                   965                   John Simon,                                                                   Conroe.

486                   1519                 Felix T. Steussy,                                                            Conroe.

487                   896                   Trilby Green,                                                                 Conroe.


Claims of Exemption


394                   1525                 Ara Lewis Felder,                                                         Conroe.

395                   877                   Albert Davis,                                                                 Conroe.

396                   435                   Miller Hodge,                                                                Montgomery.

397                   681                   Thos. Henry Brandes,                                                    Conroe.

400                   935                   Jim McNeese,                                                               Conroe.

403                   450                   Jim White Lang,                                                            Montgomery.

408                   1004                 Alfred M. Hooker,                                                         Fostoria,

410                   456                   Johnnie Frazier,                                                             Esperanza.

411                   1034                 Allie Alb. Whitemire,                                                     Gladstell.

415                   267                   Anthony Currier,                                                           Waukegan.

416                   1550                 James Thomas,                                                             Conroe.

418                   1218                 Robert E. Lee Mallard,                                                  Richards.

421                   1232                 Floyd Wilson,                                                                Richards.

422                   1254                 Ben Rogers Moore,                                                       Dacus.

429                   1107                 Frank Beason,                                                               New Caney.

430                   1270                 Jesse Lee Wilder,                                                          Dacus.

432                   1406                 John T. Snow,                                                               Keenan.

433                   257                   Will Wilson,                                                                   Willis.

434                   1109                 Solon S. Barnett,                                                           New Caney.

435                   155                   Friday Fance,                                                                Willis.

Order No.   Serial No.    Name                                                          Address


438                   807                   R. A. Simmons,                                                             Conroe.

439                   867                   John Carr,                                                                     Conroe.

440                   930                   Riven Mitchell,                                                              Conroe.

441                   185                   William Johnson,                                                            Willis.

442                   1398                 Leonard Overby,                                                           Montgomery.

443                   265                   Charley J. Brown,                                                         Waukegan.

446                   1119                 Lube A. Casey,                                                             New Caney.

447                   1051                 Ulon Franklin,                                                                Fostoria.

449                   303                   Charley Coleman,                                                          Pinehurst.

450                   663                   Charley Hill,                                                                  Montgomery.

452                   1435                 Hardy L. Hester,                                                           Splendora.

453                   1163                 Sol Cleveland,                                                               New Caney.

459                   1008                 Hundley Mayo,                                                              Fostoria.

460                   229                   Jesse Sanders,                                                               New Waverly.

462                   299                   Jim E. Bender,                                                              Pinehurst.

466                   58                     Jesse Clinton Howell,                                                     Willis.

472                   1320                 William O. Fritch,                                                          Magnolia.

473                   4                      Stash Adamick,                                                             New Waverly.

478                   228                   Preston Spiller,                                                              Esperanza.

482                   430                   Elmer W. Weisinger,                                                     Montgomery.

483                   328                   William Pate,                                                                 Hufsmith.

489                   624                   Nathan Phears,                                                             Montgomery.

490                   570                   George Hamilton,                                                          Montgomery.

491                   544                   Dave Devereaux,                                                          Montgomery.

492                   1021                 Dock Stubbs,                                                                 Fostoria.


Claims will be heard Monday.

this page updated 6/27/2004