Welcome to
Shelby County Texas
Check back soon or
submit your obits.
If you have old obituaries you would
like to share, please email them to
Shelby County
Historical Society Museum & Genealogical Library
has obituaries starting in 2002
(click here).
This page is designed to bring
together a collection of obituaries of individuals from
Shelby County. Criteria for inclusion in the project are
that the person have lived in Shelby County regardless
of their place of birth or death or that they were born or
died in Shelby County.
Obituaries A-K
Obituaries L-Z
to homepage

Do you enjoy "surfing"
the TXGenWeb county websites and have a few extra hours
available each month? Then contact
Gregory Roberts for more information on joining the surfing
If you are interested in adopting a
county, please check out the
If you or your genealogy group would like to
sponsor a county, please contact
Gina Hefferman.

Copyright © 1997 present by
Jane Keppler.
information may be used by individuals for their own personal use,
libraries and genealogical societies. Commercial use of this information
is strictly prohibited without prior written
Jane Keppler.
If material is copied, this copyright notice must appear with the
information and please email me and let me know.
Neither the Site Coordinators nor
the volunteers assume any responsibility for the information or material
given by the contributors or for errors of fact or judgment in material
that is published at this website.
02 November 2022