DeSoto Historical Society, Inc.

P. O. Box 300

Stonewall, LA 71078-0300

The society meets quarterly on the Sunday nearest the 22nd, during the month of February, May, August and November.  Meetings begin at 3:00 PM on locations that are noted in the publication, DeSoto Plume, which is published quarterly.


Membership is $10.00 (foreign $28.00) and can be mail to the Treasurer, P O Box 300 Stonewall, LA 71078-0300.  Telephone: 318-925-6682.  Click here for mail in membership form.


Books For Sale by the Society: (send payment to above address)

DeSoto Plume Volume I-----$30.00

DeSoto Plume Volume II----$30.00

DeSoto Plume Volume III---$40.00

DeSoto Plume Volume IV---$35.00

DeSoto Plume Volume V----$35.00

DeSoto Plume Volume VI---$40.00

DeSoto Cemetery Records--$35.00

ADD $3.50 for postage for each book.


Consider donating a book to your local genealogy library.  This makes a nice memorial for someone.



Background image copyright 2009, DeSoto Historical Society

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Copyright © 1997-present by Jane Keppler This information may be used by individuals for their own personal use, libraries and genealogical societies. Commercial use of this information is strictly prohibited without prior written permission from Jane Keppler. If material is copied, this copyright notice must appear with the information and please email me and let me know. Neither the Site Coordinators nor the volunteers assume any responsibility for the information or material given by the contributors or for errors of fact or judgment in material that is published at this website.

Page Modified: 11 September 2024                           

DeSoto Parish is part of the LAGenWeb Project, State Coordinator:Marsha Holley