DeSoto Parish Louisiana

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the state of Louisiana
and to the motto for which it stands:
A state, under God, united in purpose and ideals,
confident that justice shall prevail for all of those abiding here."


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A letter that was written from my great –great grandmother, Huella Custer Jones to her son, my great

grandfather, Robert Winfield Jones Jr. during World War 1. Not sure of the towns such as Cross Keys

and La Coupe.  Submitted by Rob Terry email;  bounced 10/10/2022


Winfield and his brothers and sisters are buried in Frierson Cem. Not sure of Huella or Winfield Sr.



P.W. Bonner

General Merchandise

Shipping Point: Howard, LA.



Cross Keys, LA, OCT. 7,1918


Corporal Winfield

My dearest boy

Just got your dear letter.  It was a month coming but you can't imagine how glad I was to get it and am so thankful to know that you are well and having a good time. This leaves all well except your papa, he is sick all the time with asthma. I am well but my feet hurts me a lot. So glad your…… quite hurting you.  Duke & Em & Bud & Rose spent Sunday with us and Em &

Bud & myself caught a nice mess of white perch. I guess you be surprised to know that I have moved to La Coupe.  Oscar has made but little on a count of the drouth.  We have made but little our selves. If you get this you will know where to send my mail to Cross Keys and write your address plain and if there is anything that I can do for you let me know and will be glad to do it. Write as often as you can. Oh your girl Annie Bell has moved to town.


  Duke and Em will write since there is not much news. Will be glad when you get back for we sure miss you. [unreadable].. would keep a fire in the stove and the coffee hot all the time. Yell was out home Tuesday. Viv sent all of his hands to pick up cotton for Oscar, he will come down to La Coupe today. Yell are going to Many today with mother[unreadable]. I have told you all that I know. Oh, Yell and Dina are running a race, ha ha you might know

what. Will stop for this time. No I won't there. You asked about A.B. he is on the finish [unreadable] him Alvin Williams. Uncle X are doing very well. Tom run off once in while. I hardly ever see Mike and Celie, he said was not coming any more until we dug all the stumps out of the road. So it will be a long time for don't care to see them that bad.

        Write us often as you can. With love from all the family and a great big heart full of love and kisses my darling boy.




Letter written by Huella Custer Jones to

Robert Winfield Jones Jr. during WW1.





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Page Modified: 11 September 2024                           

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