DeSoto Parish Louisiana

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the state of Louisiana
and to the motto for which it stands:
A state, under God, united in purpose and ideals,
confident that justice shall prevail for all of those abiding here."

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Located 3 miles east of Stonewall off Highway 171

Stonewall-Frierson Rd & Hill Rd
Stonewall, Louisiana, 71028 USA
Coordinates: 32.28360, -93.77120


My mother  was born in Stonewall and All Saints church was designed and built by her grandfather,

John Julian Marshall. Mother's sister and four brothers as well as her parents and grandparents are

all buried at All Saints. The land on which the church was built and where the cemetery is located was

a part of Allendale Plantation. John James Marshall who owned Allendale, set aside this property for a

family cemetery. His son, John Julian Marshall designed the chapel and supervised the construction. It

was completed in 1886 and consecrated by Bishop John Nicholas Galleher on February 6, 1887.
Information supplied by Virginia Garlington <


More transcriptions found on Find-A-Grave

Name First/Maiden DOB DOD Notes
Ford Lena 28 Feb-1882 11-Jul-1883 daughter of E. L. & Nellie E. Ford.  Mr. Ford was the depot agent for the T & P Railroad in Stonewall, LA 
Marshall Audie Tyler   15-Jun-1972 

Wife of John J. Marshall

Marshall Beatrice Moseley 14-Nov-1876 8-Oct-1934 wife of John J. Marshall JR.
Marshall David Gregg 27-Dec-1836 12-May-1916 born in Cheraw, SC.
Marshall Henry 1 Nov 1884 20 Aug 1965  
Marshall Henry JR 24-Sep-1914 16-Jul-1983  
Marshall James Gregg 16-May-1840 8-Sep-1911 born in Chesterfield Dist. SC., Pvt. CSA
Marshall James Gregg 22-Oct-1922 29-Jan-2000 submitted by Virginia Garlington
Marshall Jessie Duncan 26-Sep-1917 1-Oct-1964 Wife of Robert N. Marshall
Marshall John James 5-Dec-1807 29-May-1877 born in Darlington Dist. SC.  gr- gr-grandfather of Kristin Sutherlin(email bounced so unlinked 10/3/2022)
Marshall John Julian 23-Jan-1847 8-Jan-1912 born in Orange County, FL.
Marshall John Julian 17-Mar-1916 26-Feb-1987  
Marshall John Julian, Jr. 14-May-1879 18-Jul-1917  
Marshall Julia Hawes 26-Oct-1896 3-Mar-1901 daughter of John J. & Mattie D. Marshall
Marshall Margaret Olivia 24-Aug-1833 7-Feb-1878  
Marshall Margaret Olivia 30-Jan-1883 30-Nov-1965  
Marshall Maria Hawes 17-Sep-1812 29-Nov-1852 born in Darlington Dist. SC., died in Dunlawen, FL. daughter of  Dr. Oliver Hawes and Mary Bonneau Leigh.  gr- gr-grandmother of Kristin Sutherlin(email bounced so unlinked 10/3/2022)
Marshall Mary Emily Barret 30 Mar 1912 24 May 1987 Wife of Henry Marshall, Jr.
Marshall Mary Leigh 7-Nov-1880 13-Nov-1880 Daughter of  John J. and Mattie D. Marshall
Marshall Mattie Dashiel Nicholson 2-Jan-1861 13-Jan-1938 wife of John Julian Marshall
Marshall Oliver Hawes 13-Nov-1829 1-Dec-1899  
Marshall Oliver Hawes 14-Feb-1900 11-Jan-1986  
Marshall Ollie Dees   17 DEC 1986 Wife of Robert N. Marshall
Marshall Pattybel Moseley 22-Feb-1887 13 Mar-1971  
Marshall Pearle Williamson 17-Feb-1889 1-Feb-1943 wife of Henry Marshall
Marshall Robert Nicholson 22-Jun-1917 15-Jan-1988  
Marshall William Adam 9-Oct-1831 19-Apr-1903 born in Dukeville, SC.
Nicholson Candace Taylor 5-May-1809 24-Sep1882 wife of Daniel Nicholson
Owens Kathleen Marshall 3-Aug- 1911 23-Dec-1973  
Ruthven Samuel DeWitt 1848 1901  





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Page Modified: 11 September 2024                           

DeSoto is part of the LAGenWeb Project, State Coordinator:Marsha Holley