DeSoto Parish Louisiana

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the state of Louisiana
and to the motto for which it stands:
A state, under God, united in purpose and ideals,
confident that justice shall prevail for all of those abiding here."

Roster of Alumnae & Graduates 

 Mansfield Female College, 1897-1929


As Given in the 1929-30 MFC Catalogue, with some contemporary annotations (*)
This was/is not a complete list of grads. and/or their married names.  Additional information was solicited then, as it is now.
Beginning in 1897 records were kept as to the degree or diploma received.  In 1929 MFC was awarding Licentiate Instructor
(LI or teaching) degrees and Associates of Arts (AA) degrees, as well as Diplomas in the Fine Arts.
Prior to that time the college had awarded other types of degrees indicated by acronyms with which this compiler is unfamiliar.
Please e-mail me if you know what these stood for, or if you have additions/corrections to the information on this page.
Some graduates did receive more than one degree, often in different years.

For a list of earlier graduates see MFC Alumnae & Graduates 1856-1895
(Married names, if known, are in the column on the right.)


Class of 1897
Crews, Miriam (MEL)  
Crews, Pierce (MEL)  
Edwards, Birdie (AM) Mrs. Sligh
Sligh, Lizzie May (AM) Mrs. Calhoun
Slight, Ruth (MA) Mrs. Boener

Class of 1898
McCasland, Gya (AB)  

Class of 1899
Brown, Sallie M.  (MA) Mrs. Newton
Calhoun, Floy S. (AB) Mrs. McKay
Sligh, Minnie (AB) Mrs. Roberts

Class of 1900
Brown, Carrie M. (AB)  
Calhoun, Lizzie Sligh (MEL) Mrs. Welch
Edwards, Lula Bird (MEL) Mrs. Gardnes
Hodges, Mary Lillian (MEL)  
Keith, Mary Slaughter (AB)  
McKnight, Willye Lee (AB) Mrs. Clark
Middleton, Mary Victoria (AB) Mrs. Lowrey
Nabors, Irma Lee (AB) Mrs. Johnson
Nelson, Mary Dashiel (AB) Mrs. Howe
Phillips, Nannie Elizabeth (AB)  Mrs. Wemple
Scales, Annie LeRoy (degree type not given) Mrs. Miller 
Suttles, Nannie Maggie (AB)  
Water, Gussie Brown (MEL) Mrs. Calhoun

Class of 1901
Baker, Mary Ophelia (AB)  
Calhoun, Lizzie Sligh (AB)  
Calhoun, Margaret Adelia (AB)  
Caraway, Stella Elizabeth (degree type not given) Mrs. Causey
Jay, Martha Maude (AB) Mrs. McCrary
Jenkins, Mable Pierce (AB)  
Lyles, Elizabeth (AB) Mrs. Randol
McCasland, Nancy Antoinette (AB) Mrs. White
Moore, Eugenia Dora (MEL)  
Pickens, Mary (MEL) Mrs. Goff
Pringle, Ida Lou (AB)  
Wemple, Gertrude Belle (MEL) Mrs. Goss

Class of 1902
Barr, Rowena Belle (MEL) Mrs. Abel

Class of 1903
Calhoun, Mary (AB) Mrs. Ferguson
Lindsey, Clarisse (BS)  Mrs. Pullen
Nabors, Susie (AB) Mrs. Noble
Page, Irene (AB)
*d/of William W.  and Jensie E. (Carter) Page of Robeline, (Natchitoches Par.) Louisiana
Persinger, Ida (MEL) Mrs. Taliferro
Scanland, Mabel (AB)  
Wier, Claude (MEL)   
Willer, Freda (BS) Mrs. Orken 

Class of 1904
Anders, Daisy (BS) Mrs. Sutherland
Cook, Viola (BS)  
Elder, DuBois (BS)
*d/o Fletcher Irwin & Kate (DuBois) Elder
Mrs. Quinn
Hicks, Charlie (MEL) Mrs. Long
Holloman, Alda (BS) Mrs. Graves
Holloman, Cora (MEL) Mrs. Buie
Keith, Beulah (MEL) Mrs. Darby
Martin, Gladys (BS)  
Matthews, Lillian (BS) Mrs. Turner
Richardson, Carrie (MEL)  

Class of 1905
Austin, Ada Lee (BS) Mrs. Carter
Cook, Lizzie B. (BS)  Mrs. Hart
Elston, Julia Moore (BS) Mrs. Battle
Lindsey, Madge (BS)  
Martin, Inez (BS) Mrs. Morse
_______ (BS) Mrs. Clifford Penelope
Williams, Maggie Louise (BS)
*d/of Goode Bryant & Jennie (Wilcox) Williams
Mrs. Burnett
Wren, Eva Gertrude (MEL)  

Class of 1906
Youngblood, Eloise (degree type not given) Mrs. O'Neill

Class of 1907
Bennett, Ethel (AB)  
Elston, Ethel (AB)  
Moore, Sophia (AB)  
Pegues, Mary Lillian (AB) Mrs. Story
Robinson, Bessie Jane (AB) Mrs. Grey
Williams, Jennie (AB)
*d/of Goode Bryant & Jennie (Wilcox) Williams
Mrs. Russell

Class of 1908
Dowling, Gussie (AB)  
Elder, Virginia (BS)
*d/o Fletcher Irwin & Kate (DuBois) Elder
Gunter, Pauline (AB)  
Hartley, Jennie Clyde (AB)  
Kirn, Bessie (AB) Mrs. Murphey
Little, Corinne (AB)  
Mayo, Maxey (AB)  
Nabors, Lelia (AB) Mrs. Pegues
Peters, Helen (AB)  

Class of 1909
Davies, Jennie (AB)  
Griffin, Ethel (AB) Mrs. Sailes
Huey, Helen (BS) Mrs. Moore 
Huey, Hettie (AB)   
May, Annie (BS) Mrs. Cuny
Monkhouse, Winnie (BS) Mrs. Loveridge
Moore, Kate (BS) Mrs. Mays
Randle, Pauline (BS)  

Class of 1910 (no degree types given)
Cook, India  Mrs. Enloe
Johnson, Suzie  
Lyons, Margaret  Mrs. Maddox
Nabors, Paree Mrs. Petty
Pegues, Cora  
Petty, Ella Mrs. Hollingsworth
Weeks, Alice  

Class of 1911
Guiles, Margaret (AB)  
Lyons, Louise (AB) Mrs. Sharp
Robinson, Sallie (AB) Mrs. Hook
Smith, Mabel (AB) Mrs. Overton
Weber, Florence (AB) Mrs. Overton

Class of 1912
Scales, Frances (AB)  
Hawkins, Elsie (AB)  

Class of 1913
Dilzel, Nellie (LI,BL) Mrs. Coyle
Lawrence, Hylma (LI,AB) Mrs. Butler
Middleton, Mary Lou (LI,AB) Mrs. Bowden
Moore, Margaret (LI,AB) Mrs. MacFarland
Nicholson, Lucy (LI,AB) Mrs. Elston
Prude, Susie (AB)  
Smith, Eva (LI,BL) Mrs. Stuart
Talbert, Ethel (AB) Mrs. Brooks
Weber, Lena (LI,AB) Mrs. Cummings
Williamson, Georgia (LI,AB) Mrs. Goldsby
Williamson, Neva (LI,AB) Mrs. Nelson

Class of 1914
Boyd, Beulah (LI) Mrs. Scott
Cagle, Austin (LI) Mrs. Tillman
Corbin, Carl (MEL) Mrs. Peyton
Hughes, Lora (LI)  
Hunt, Myrtle (LI) Mrs. Cunningham
Jenkins, Frances (LI) Mrs. Sebastain
Liverman, Emma (MEL,LI) Mrs. Hooks
Morton, Mary (LI)  
Parson, Marjorie (MEL)  
Pegues, Emily (MEL)  
Petty, Lenna (MEL) Mrs. Jenkins
Roach, Alice (LI) Mrs. Dunmire
Spell, Sadie (MEL,LI) Mrs. Seale
Taliferro, Linnie (MEL) Mrs. Hubbard

Class of 1915
Christian, Pearl (LI) Mrs. Greer
Coon, Lillian (LI)  
Harris, Gertrude (LI)
*d/o L.M. & Mattie Carr (DuBois) Harris
Hopkins, Rosalie (LI)  
Murray, Margaret (LI) Mrs. Dees
Pollard, Nettie (LI) Mrs. Parker
Rascoe, Effie (LI)  

Class of 1916
Baker, Clio (LI) Mrs. Burford
Baker, Olive (LI) Mrs. Thomas
Binning, Josie (LI) Mrs. Thigpen
Cale, Sarah (LI) Mrs. Samuels
Calhoun, Frances (MEL) Mrs. Waters
Carter, Ernestine (LI) Mrs. Hathcox
Durham, Marguerite (Music Diplomate) Mrs. Sanders
Galatas, Ola (LI)  
Henderson, Lucille (LI)  
Huckabay, Susie (LI)  
Lawrence, Montez (LI) Mrs. Russ
Moore, Rubye (LI) Mrs. Kavanaugh
Patton, Bernice (LI)  
Pegues, Emily (Music Diplomate)  
Petty, Ella (Art Diplomate) Mrs. Hollingsworth
Roach, Mary (LI) Mrs. Allen
Rives, Fannie (MEL)  
Sanders, Fannie (MEL & Music Diplomate)  
Singleton, Belle (Music Diplomate)  
Singleton, Bessie (MEL)  
Thompson, Myrtle (LI) Mrs. Shankle
Tull, Frances (MEL,LI) Mrs. O'Neal
Walker, Marion (LI) Mrs. Berley
Whatley, Lillian (LI) Mrs. Alston
Whatley, Kathleen (MEL,LI) Mrs. Wagoner
Wilson, Elmirt (LI)  
Woods, Tee (Music Diplomate) Mrs. Roberts

Class of 1917
Alley, Alyene (LI)  
Jackson, Edith (Art Diplomate) Mrs. Elem
Lawrence, Montez (LI - *also on roll for LI in '16) Mrs. Russ
Roberts, Ettie Lena (LI)  
Weber, Estelle (LI) Mrs. McDonald
Wynn, Louise (MEL)  
Zylks, Mattie (LI)  

Class of 1918
Coon, Beatrice (LI)  
Cowley, Clarice (LI)  
Cushman, Orrie (LI) Mrs. Rust
Homes, Ellie Rhee (LI)  
Johnson, Emma (LI)  
Leigh, Ollie (LI)  
McDade, Gretchen (MEL)  
Middleton, Lillian (LI) Mrs. Truluck
Miller, Willie Lee (LI) Mrs. Thompson
Oliver, Virginia (Music Diplomate, Piano)  
O'Neal, Eloise (LI)  
*Parrott, Editha Sybil
d/o Dr. J.B. Parrott, Acadia Parrish
Patterson, Maude (LI)  
Richardson, Marzelle (Music Diplomate, Piano) Mrs. White
Sharp, Lillian (Music Diplomate, Violin)  
Smith, Maude (LI) Mrs. Wilson
Smith, Vera (LI) Mrs. Alexander
Wood, Mattie (LI) Mrs. Mills
Yenni, Dorothy (no degree type given) Mrs. Koepp

Class of 1919
Cole, Nerma (LI)  
Falkner, Fay Eunice (MEL)  
Glover, Bertha (LI) Mrs. Carter
Hollingsworth, Lillian (LI)  
Howard, Clara (LI)  
Jerrell, Olney (LI) Mrs. Bernard Pate LaFitte Sr.
Mansfield Librarian during the 1950's
Mallery, Adele (MEL)  
McLean, Iva May (LI)  
*Parrott, Nell Lee
d/of Dr. James C. Parrott, Robeline, LA
Petty, Ethel (LI)  
Power, Hazel (LI)  
Shelton, Reba (LI) Mrs. Lafitte
Steel, _____ (LI) Mrs. Gerald Williams
Thatcher, Mary (LI) Mrs. Clark
Thomas, Jessie M. (Music Diplomate)  
Wilbanks, Janie (LI) Mrs. Ryder
Williams, Leila (MEL) Mrs. Koger
Williams, Blanche (LI)  

Class of 1920
Calhoun, Grace (LI)  
Coon, Ethel (LI)  
Hickman, Lena Mae (LI)  
Hickman, Ruth Mae (LI)  
Hodges, Ruth (LI)  
Holladay, Laura Lee (LI)  
Jackson, Jennie Ruth (LI) Mrs. Sanderson
Jarrell, Ruby (MEL)  
John, Ruth (LI)  
Malone, Gertrude (LI)  
McFarland, Sallie (no degree type given)  
Nabors, Sarah (LI) Mrs. Mullens
Rives, Sara (LI)  
Russell, Mildred (MEL) Mrs. Sledge
Smith, Sadye (LI)  
Snelling, Vera (LI)  
Sweeney, Anna Gray (LI) Mrs. Noe
Truss, Cordelia (LI) Mrs. Erlich
Vaughan, Mabel (LI) Mrs. Manning
Wemple, Imogene (LI)  Mrs. Mading

Class of 1921
Barnes, Ouida Clair (LI)
*from Lula, LA, d/of Rev. John and Mary Belle Barnes, cousin to Reimer Calhoun, who purchased the college after it closed. Information from W.S. Ballenger
Mrs. Ballenger
Bobbitt, Mary Elizabeth (LI)  
Brown, Thelma Violet (LI)  
Brownfield, Gladys Norma (LI)  
Calhoun, Caroline (MEL)  
Chambers, Gladys Marie (LI)  
Constantine, Mai Roberts (LI)  
Davis, Ruth Mildred (LI)  
Foster, Marvin Frances (LI)  
Harvell, Jewell (LI)  
Hebert, Vera Mildred (LI)  
Hodges, Verda (LI)  
Hoffpauir, Florrie (LI)  
Keoun, Eva (LI)  
Marston, Bertie (LI)  
Matlock, Elder May (LI)  
McLennan, Edith Marjorie (LI)  
Middleton, Marguerite Smith (LI)  
Morris, Grace (LI)  
Page, Lucille (LI)
*d/ of Luther and Carrah (Greer) Page of Robeline, (Natchitoches Par.)  Louisiana
Mrs. Oliver
Porter, Allie Ruth (LI)  
Saunders, Mary Virginia (MEL)  
Stewart (?)Natalie (LI)  
Stone, Amy Prier (LI)  
Woodruff, Mary Blanche (LI)  
Worley, Clara (LI)  
Youngblood, Alice (LI) Mrs. Mathews

Class of 1922
Alford, Carrie Mae (LI)  
Baker, Alice (LI)  
Calhoun, Margaret (LI)  
Chambers, Lettie (LI)  
Davis, Lillie (LI)  
Douglas, Mary Chapman (MEL)  
Edge, Clara (LI)  
Faulk, Vera (LI)  
Fletcher, Velma (LI)  
Galloway, Mary Alice (LI, Dip. Music - Piano & Voice) Mrs. Williams
Huson, Ruth (LI) Mrs. Galloway
Kavanaugh, Summie (LI)  
Kendrick, Juanita (LI)  
Keoun, Winnie (LI)  
Martin, Kemper (LI) Mrs. Browne
Mason, Vessie (LI)  
McLeach, Lillian (LI)  
Pace, Gay (LI)  
Nilson, Argyle (MEL)  
Parrott, Irma Claire (LI)
*d/of Dr. R.W. Parrott, Zwolle, Sabine Parish
Smith, Lurline (LI)  
Stokes, Mary (LI)  
Wright, Nellie (LI)  
Roach, Beverly (LI)  
Stutson, Irma (LI)  
Williamson, Gladys (LI)  
Wilson, Willie Mai (LI)  

Class of 1923
Adams, Cynthia (LI)  
Allgood, Agnes (LI)  
Amy, Martha (LI)  
Bailey, Lucille (LI)  
Bailey, Mildred (LI)  
Benson, Katie (LI)  
Bogan, Ada (LI)  
Davis, Anne (LI)  
Dunbar, Althea (LI)  
Faulk, Rhoda (LI)  
Feree, Thalia (LI)  
Fulton, Ina (LI)  
Grady, Dollie (LI)  
Herbert, Fern (LI)  
Herndon, Jennie Mai (LI)  
Hickman, Caroline (LI)  
Hixson, Irene (LI)  
Jackson, Mary D. (LI)  
Johnson, Violet (LI)  
Kendrick, Aurie (LI)  
Lowrey, Grace (MEL)  
McGehee, Mary Louise (Diploma in Piano) Mrs. Lester
Nelson, Maude (LI)  
Nichols, Elizabeth (MEL & Diploma in Expression) Mrs. Sayer 
Page, Jewel (LI)
Daughter of Luther and Carrah (Greer) Page  of Robeline, (Natchitoches Par.)  Louisiana
Patison, Hortense (LI)   
Pitchford, Mary Day (LI)  
Purcell, Mary (LI)  
Reid, Julia (LI)  
Smith, Mary (LI)  
Thompson, Louise (LI)  
Volentine, Willy Bell (LI)  
Whatley, Gladys (LI)  
Williams, Cora (LI)  
Woodruff, Juanita (LI)  

Class of 1924
Alford, Mary (LI)  
Armstrong, Helen (LI)  
Bell, Margaret (LI) Mrs. Holcomb
Boyken, Ladye Nelson (LI) Mrs. Bell
Brewer, Agatha (LI)  
Camp, Urla (LI)  
Davis, Mattye (LI)  
Dowling, Doris (LI)  
Farrar, Dorothy (LI)  
Fisher, Caroline (MEL)  
Freeman, Doris (Diplomate in Expression)  
Gearheard, Greta (LI)  
Goldsby, Susie (LI)  
Greer, Pauline (LI)  
Hill, Ruth Claire (LI) Mrs. Rice
Howell, Willie (LI)  
Jarrell, Louise (LI)  
Jean, Marguerite (Diploma in Voice)  
Jones, Norma (LI)  
Lamkin, Annie (LI)  
Lamkin, Aura (LI)  
McDonald, Claudia (LI)  
McGehee, Mary Louise (MEL)  
Morton, Ava (MEL)  
Nichols, Repta (LI)  
Nilson, Argyle (LI)  
Parrott, Estelle (LI)  
Rutledge, Alda (LI)  
Sanders, Sibyl (LI)  
Stone, Leona (LI)  
Town, Mildred (LI) Mrs. Martin
Vaughan, Bess (LI)  
Warren, Maudalys (LI)  
Wemple, Virginia (LI)  
Williams, Irma (LI)  
Williams, Kathleen (Diploma in Music - Piano)  

Class of 1925
Butchee, Mable (LI)  
Butchee, Anna (LI)  
Babin, Lucile (LI)  
Bentley, Maurine (LI)  
Bilbray, Iva (LI)  
Campbell, Ruth (Diplomate in Piano)  
Coney, Helen (LI)  
Crowley, Olive Dean (Diplomate in Piano)  
Drewett, Bennie Mae (LI) Mrs. Hebert
Dunbar, Etta (LI)  
Edge, Blanche (LI)
*gdtr of Goode Bryant & Jennie Rebecca [Wilcox] Williams
Freeman, Doris (LI)  
Fraser, Ruth (MEL) Mrs. Campbell
Grady, Nannie Laura (LI)  
Graves, Elizabeth (LI)  
Guy, Mary Evelle (LI)  
Heard, Janice (LI)  
Heard, Thelma (LI)  
Lowrey, Ruth (LI)  
McDonald, Ruby (LI)  
Perry, Gladys (LI)  
Pollock, Berta (LI)  
Power, Thelma (LI)  
Price, Maye (LI)  
Purser, Madelle (LI)  
Swann, Pauline (LI)  
Tatum, Ruth (LI)  

Class of 1926
Alford, Gladys E. (LI)  
Allen, Janice (LI)  
Birdwell, Willa (LI)  
Brown, Hattie (LI)  
Carroll, Sue Lynn (LI and Diplmt. in Expression & Piano)  
Corley, Lolette (Diplomate in Voice)  
Cowley, Olive Dean (LI)  
Cranford, Maud Evelyn (LI)  
Edgerton, Katherine E. (LI)  
Flowers, Eloyse L. (LI)  
Goss, Maxine (Diplomate in Piano)  
Guy, Sue Hazel (LI)  
Hervey, Corina C. (LI)  
Hoffpauir, Sadie (LI)  
Johniken, Annie (LI)  
Kidd, Mildred (Diplomate in Piano)  
Kine, Lillian (LI)  
Matthews, Mary Traylor (LI)  
McPherson, Ione E. (LI)  
Middleton, Ruth (LI)  
Mitchell, Marguerite (LI)  
More, Eunice E. (LI)  
Nilson, Laura Isabel (LI)  
Neill, Grace (LI)  
Petty, Ella Mae (LI)  
Perry, Eva (LI)  
Perry, Neva (LI)  
Pressley, Elizabeth R. (LI)  
Pylant, Lela K. (LI)  
Ricks, Elizabeth (LI)  
Sledge, Mary Alice (LI)  
Sheppard, Carrie L. (LI)  
Sparks, Lola E. (LI)  
Summer, Floy (LI)  
Stone, Sophronia C. (LI)  
Tatum, Marie G. (LI)  
Thornton, Frances (LI)  
Town, Mary Alice (LI) Mrs. Dowell
Tynes, Mary M. (LI)  
Wade, Marie M. (LI)  
Wilson, Floy E. (LI)  
Wilson, Clarice L. (LI)  
Worley, Frances B. (LI)  
Yarbrough, Mary Blanche (LI)  

Class of 1927
Bickham, Marcus L. (LI)  
Broadway, Isabelle Folden (LI)  
DuBois, Virginia Page (LI)
*d/o Joseph Warren & Eliza (Carter) DuBois
*Mrs. W. T. Huckabee
Flanders, Frances Vivian (LI)  
Ferree, Virginia Louise (LI)  
Gandy, Mildred G. (LI)  
Greer, Annie Lillian (LI)  
Goss, Gertrude Maxine (LI)  
Hodges, Lula (LI)  
_______, (LI) Mrs. H. H. Howell
Hebert, Hazel Ione (LI)  
Hendrix, Audrey Jacke (Diploma in Expression)  
Kallenbaugh, Era Maree (LI)  
Lahey, Margaret Olive (LI)  
Logan, Lorene E. (LI)  
Law, Minnie (AA)  
McGhee, Dolly (AA)  
McKinnon, Ruth (LI)  
Moss, Thelma Blanche (LI)  
Miller, Mary Coryce (LI)  
Middleton, Laela (LI)   
Massey, Lillian Amelia (LI)  
Matthews, Mary Jane (LI)  
Moore, Allie Mae (LI)  
Morris, Mary Inez (LI)  
Nabors, Birdie Louise (AA, and Diploma in Expression)  
Pace, Catherine I. (LI)  
Platt, Lillie Mae (LI)  
Perry, Katie Elizabeth (LI)  
Petty, Daisy Gertrude (AA)  
Salter, Velva (LI)  
Smith, Betty Lynn (LI)  
Smith, Hazel (LI)  
Smith, Rubye Estelle (LI)  
Sparks, Mary Kathryn (LI)  

Class of 1928
Butler, Catherine (LI) Mrs. Swayze
Brewer, Flora C. (LI)  
Brownfield, Elsie (LI)  
Cochran, Lois (LI)  
Edge, Martha Willis (LI)
*gdtr/of Goode Bryant & Jennie Rebecca [Wilcox] Williams
Glass, Zetta (LI)  
Greer, Eva Meadows (LI)  
Hendrix, Audrey Jacke (AA)  
Hoell, Doris L., (LI)  
Hunter, Sara (AA)  
Irwin, Elizabeth (LI)  
Joyner, Mary Wynn (LI)  
Keelen, Susie Stewart (Diploma in Expression)  
Leaming, Agnes Virginia (LI)  
McBride, Fairy Christian (LI)  
Mayo, Arlene (LI)  
McLaurin, Jean (LI)  
Neill, Ethlee (LI)  
Nelson, Helen (LI)  
Odom, Mildred Octavia (LI)  
Roberts, Corry Lee (LI)  
Saunders, Helen Jane (LI)  
Smith, Nell (LI)  
Smith, Nellie (LI)  
Stephens, Katherine (LI)  
Whittingdon, Agnes (LI)  
Woodward, Onee Marx (LI)  

Class of 1929 & Seniors 1928-29
Bridges, Lillon (LI)  
Brown, Fern (LI)  
Copeland, Pearl (LI)  
Glaspie, Camille (LI)  
Greening, Ruth (LI)
*gdtr/of Swepson W. & Rebekah (Bullock) Greening
Griffiths, Lois (AA)  
Hawthorne, Minnie +
*d/o John & Minnie Salter Hawthorne
Guy, Jane (LI)  
Lenehan, Etoile+  
Leysath, Edna (LI)  
Lowe, Marie (LI)  
Lowrey, Elizabeth (LI)  
Madden, Elnora (LI & Diplomate in Piano)  
McDonald, Cassa Lou (LI & Diplomate in Expression)  
McIver, Mary Katherine (LI)  
Nabors, Margaret+  
Newton, Della Belle (LI)  
Pace, Hines (LI)  
Packer, Allie Copeland+  
Ramsey, Helen+  
Robertson, Grace (LI)  
Robinette, Myrtle (LI) Mrs. Dowden
Stone, Eddie Belle (LI)  
Tatum, Sibyl (LI & Diplomate in Expression)  
Williams, Bessie (LI)  
Wilson, Ivy+  
+ - names which appear on the catalogues list of seniors 1928-29, but not in the list of 1929 graduates
Juniors 1928-29 
Barr, Beuna  
Brandenburg, Katherine  
Brinkley, Thelma  
Brownfield, Nelwyn  
Bullard, Mae  
English, Bashie  
Faust, Ruby  
Fulton, Daisy  
Joiner, Opal  
Lamkin, Mary  
Lenahan, Ora  
Lilly, Madeline  
Lindsey, Eloise  
Mustin, Mary Lewis  
Newton, Elise  
Pattison, Mary  
Porter, Genevieve  
Rascoe, Heloise  
Ross, Verbie  
Skinner, Aleyne  
Smith, Elaine   
Stallcup, Janie Lucille  
Stephens, Frances  
Thaxton, Edith
*d/o Mr. & Mrs. R.P. Thaxton
Mrs. Roy Corley
Todd, Ruby  
Wemple, Blanche  
Wemple, Helen  
Whitman, Merle  
Williams, Ernestine  
Wilson, Mary Alice  
Woodell, Zelda  
Word, Gertrude  
Word, Jeannette  
Yearwood, Katherine  






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