DeSoto Parish Louisiana

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the state of Louisiana
and to the motto for which it stands:
A state, under God, united in purpose and ideals,
confident that justice shall prevail for all of those abiding here."

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as compiled & transcribed by Sadie Greening Sparks

DeSoto Parish Succession Records, Book 1, page 351

To the Honourable John H. Sutherlin, Parish Judge and ex-officio Judge of the Court of Probates in & for the

Parish of DeSoto, State of Louisiana:

The petition of Sarah A. Greening, of the Parish and State aforesaid, respectfully shows that John J. Greening, her

husband, died in your Parish on the 22nd of July 1873, leaving a large estate held in community with your

petitioner, consisting of lands, movable property, and rights and credits. Petitioner further represents that said

deceased left the following children issue of his marriage with your petitioner, viz: Virginia E. Greening, wife of

Samuel P. DuBois, Swepson W. Greening, Sarah L. Greening, wife of William R. Jackson, John R. Greening,

Hinchy R. Greening, Julius H. Greening, Ella A. Greening, Willie L. Greening, and Thomas J. Greening, all of your

said Parish and majors except Julius H., Ella A., Willie L., and Thomas J. Greening who are minors. Wherefore

petitioner prays that an inventory and appraisement be made of all the property, rights and credits belonging to

said community and that a commission issue for that purpose to T(?). M. Heriot, Parish Recorder and ex-officio

Notary Public in and for the Parish of DeSoto and Duke H. Hays, Notary Public in and for the Parish of Red

River. Petitioner further prays that after the necessary advertisements and the expiration of the legal delays she be

appointed administratrix of the succession of the said John J. Greening. Petitioner further prays that she be

confirmed as Natural Tutrix of her minor children, and that John R. Greening be appointed under Tutor - and for

general relief.

(Signed) Elam & Sutherlin Attys.

Filed November 5th 1873 (Signed)

O.V. Wemple, Dy. Clerk ____

It is ordered that the application of the said Sarah A. Greening to be appointed Administratrix of the succession of

John J. Greening be advertised as the law directs. And it is further ordered that commissions issue as prayed for,

directed to D. M. Heriot, Recorder and Notary in and for the Parish of DeSoto, and Duke H. Hayes, Notary in

and for the Parish of Red River, commanding them to take inventories and cause appraisement to be made of all

the property, rights and credits belonging to the succession of John J.

Greening, deceased, found in the respective Parishes. And it is further ordered that John R. Greening be

appointed Under Tutor to the minor children of said deceased. Done and signed in Chambers on this the 5th day

of November, A. D. , 1873.

Signed: J. H. SUTHERLIN, Parish Judge, DeSoto Parish, La.

Filed November 5th, 1873.

0. V. WEMPLE, Depy. Clerk

To D. M. Heriot, Parish Recorder and Ex-Officio Notary Public in and for the Parish of DeSoto in the State of

Louisiana, or to any other duly commissioned and sworn Notary in said Parish, in pursuance of an order of the

Parish Court for the Parish of DeSoto, State of Louisiana, you are hereby authorized and commissioned to cause

an appraisement to be made, and take inventory of the property belonging to the succession of John J. Greening,

late deceased, of this Parish, and make due return to said Court according to law. In testimony whereof I have

hereunto affixed my signature and impress of office seal on this 11th day of November, A. D., 1873.

Signed: W. C. Reynolds, Clerk of Said Court


We the undersigned appointed to appraise the property pointed out as belonging to the Succession of John J.

Greening, dec'd., solemnly swear that in appraising said property we will act faithfully and impartially and appraise

all property pointed out as belonging to said Succession to the best of our knowledge and belief, so help us God.

Signed: ELBERT BISHOP , J. M. PARSONS Sworn to and subscribed to before me on this 12th day of

November, A. D. ,1873.

Signed: D. M. HERIOT, Recorder Ex-Officio Notary Public

Filed November 12th, 1873. Signed: O. V. WEMPLE, Dy. Clerk


Be it remembered that on this the twelfth day of November, A. D. Eighteen Hundred Seventy-Three (1873), I,

Davison M. Heriot, Recorder and Ex-Officio Notary Public for DeSoto Parish, Louisiana, duly commissioned

and sworn according to law, in pursuance of an order of the Honorable Parish Court for the Parish of DeSoto,

Louisiana, and by virtue of a special commission to me directed (Dated November 11th, 1873) from the Clerk of

said court and authorizing and commissioning me Recorder and Notary to cause an appraisement to be made and

take an inventory of the property belonging to the Succession of John J. Greening, deceased of this Parish, I did

proceed to the last residence of John J. Greening, deceased, about one mile from the town of Mansfield, on the

aforesaid twelfth day of November, 1873, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. to take the said inventory and have

caused the property pointed out to as belonging to said Succession to he appraised by Elbert Bishop and James

M. Parsons, competent appraisers who were first

duly sworn by me before commencing said appraisement and I have set the appraised value opposite the

description in the fol1owing words and figures to wit: and all done in the presence of the undersigned competent



The following described land situated in the Parish of DeSoto, Louisiana, to wit: the East 1/2 of SE quarter of

North East quarter, Section No. 17, East 1/2 of the SW 1/4, Section 17, SE 1/4 of Section 19, East 1/2 of SW

1/4, SwW1/4 of SW 1/4 of Section 19,South 1/2 of SW 1/4, Section 20, NW l/4 of'

Section 20, NE l/4 of' SW1/4, Section 29, NE1/4 of Section 30, East 1/2 of NW 1/4, Section 30, NW 1/4 of

NW 1/4 Section 30, all in Township 12, Range 13, containing in all 940 Acres, more or less, appraised at

Thirty-Seven Hundred and Twenty Dollars. ($3,720.)

Also, , the following described land in DeSoto Parish, La., to-wit: the SE corner of North 1/2 of North West 1/2

of Section 17, Township 12, Range 13, containing five acres. Also, one and one-fourth of an acre adjoining and

lying due East in Same Township and Range. Also, a lot of ground commencing three chains and 50 links from

SW corner of SW corner of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Section 17, Township 12, Range 13, and running thence to

NW corner of said SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 thence East thirty-five half chains and 18 links and thence to place of

beginning, containing fifteen and 1/2 Acres, more or less, with all the buildings, and improvements thereon,

containing twenty-one and 3/4 acres, more or less, appraised at $10.00 per acre, making a total of $217.50.

Also, (LINE MISSING) of Section 26, and West 1/4 of North West 1/2 and North 1/2 of East l/2 of North

West 1/4 Section 35, South East 1/4 of NW1/4 of Section 35, West 1/2 of SW 1/4 of Section 35, and East 1/2

of SE 1/4 of Section 35, all in Township 13, of Range No.14, containing 360 acres more or less, appraised at

$4.50 per acre, making Sixteen Hundred and Twenty Dollars. ($1,620.)

Total appraised value of land is Five Thousand, Five Hundred and Fifty-Seven and 50/100 Dollars. ($5,557.50)



l Black Mare Mule $125.00

l Bay Mare Mule $50.00

l2 Head Stock Cattle @ 5.00=$60.00

l Lot of Hogs (15 Hd.) $45.00

l Buggy & Harness $125.00

1 Carriage $40.00

1 2 Horse Wagon $50.00

1 Old Buggy $75.00

1 Old Wagon $10.00

1 Bedstead, Beds & Bedding $50.00

1 Ditto $25.00

1 Ditto & Lounge$60.00

1 Ditto Ditto $50.00

1 Washstand $5.00

1 Small Table $5.00

1 Side Board $40.00

1 Bookcase & Books $35.00

2 Mantle Mirrors $16.00

1 Piano $400.00

1 Centre Table $20.00

1 Lot Chairs $27.00

1 Sofa $10.00

1 Hat Rack $8.00

1 Barometer $8.00

1 Lot Plows, gears, hoes, etc $22. 50

2 Bales cotton @50.= $100.00

90 bushels corn @6cents = $67.50



1 Note from D. A. Blackshear for $400. Pd in full

1 Note, A. M. Davison , for $892.82 1/2

l Note, A. M. Davison, for $1392.82 1/2

l Note, B. F. Spearman for $300.00 -Paid in Full

l Note, V. Renoir, 257.51-PAID In Full

l Note E. H. Joiner $92.50

l Note, S. W. Greening $1042.00

1 Note. H. S. Boneau $292.35

1 Note, R. T. Carr 400.00 -PAID In Full

1 Note:: J. M. Carr 10.00 paid $5.00




Total appraised value of Community Land is $5557.50-

Five Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty-Seven and 50/100---

Total appraised value of Community Movables is Fifteen Hundred and twenty-Nine Dol1as, $1529.00

Total appraised value of Notes and Account is Three Thousand Five Hundred Seventy-Two and


Total amount of Inventory is Ten Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty-Eight and 54/lOO Dollars $10,658.54

There being nothing more known of or pointed out to be inventoried and appraised, I now close this Inventory

and Appraisement by causing said appraisers to sign their names to the same in presence of the undersigned

witnesses, James 0. Pry and Geo. H. Sutherlin, who also sign with me, Recorder and Notary, on the aforesaid

twelfth day of November A. D., 1873, (Eighteen Hundred and Seventy-Three) at the hour of three o'clock PM of

said day at the last residence of John J. Greening, dec'd.


D. M. HERIOT, Recorder and Ex-Officio Notary Public.

Filed November 12th, 1873.

Signed: 0. V. WEMPLE, Dy. Clerk

To Duke H. Hayes, Notary Public in and for Red River Parish, in the State of Louisiana, or to any other duly

sworn and commissioned Notary in said Parish; In pursuance of an order of the Parish Court for the Parish of

DeSoto State of Louisiana, you are hereby authorized and commissioned to cause an appraisement to be made

and take an inventory of the property belonging to the succession of John J. Greening, late deceased, of Desoto

Parish and make due return to said Court according to law. In testimony whereof I hereunto affix my signature

and impress of office seal on this 12th day of November, A. D., 1873.

Signed: 0. V. WEMPLE, Dy. Clerk


We, George Hamrnitt and A. M. Davison, residents of the Parish of Red River, State of Louisiana, having been

appointed appraisers to appraise the property and effects belonging to the Succession of John J. Greening,

DeSoto Parish, Louisiana, deceased, do solemnly swear, that in proceeding to discharge such duties we will act

impartially and to the best of our ability, so help us God.



Sworn to and subscribed before me this 25th day of November, A. D., 1873.

Signed: D. H. HAYES, Notary Public Filed November 27th, 1873. 0. V. WEMPLE, Dy. Clerk


Be it remembered that on this the twenty-fifth day of November, A. D., 1873, (One Thousand Eight Hundred and

Seventy-Three) , I Duke H. Hayes a Notary Public in and for the Parish of Red River, State of Louisiana, duly

appointed, commissioned and sworn according to law, by virtue of a commission issued by order of the Parish

Judge of the Parish of DeSoto and to me directed authorizing and requiring me said Notary to make and take a

true, faithful and correct Inventory and appraisement of all the property and effects, real and personal, rights and

credits, both separate and community, found in the Parish of Red River, State of Louisiana, composing and

belonging to the Estate and Succession of John J. Greening, late of DeSoto Parish, deceased, having appointed

and qualified George Hamrnett and A. M. Davison as appraisers to appraise said property at the hour of 10

o'clock A. M. of the date above written., at the plantation of the late John J. Greening, Dec'd. situated in the

Parish of Red River, State aforesaid, about 10 miles from the town of Coushatta in said Parish, did proceed to

make and take said Inventory and appraisement according to law, which is as follows, to wit:


1,454 Acres of Land, more or less, situated in the Parish of Red River, State of Louisiana, and fronting on Red

River, described as fol1ows~ to-wit: The S 1/2 of SW 1/4, Section 26, Township 13, Range 11; the West 1/2 of

Section 35, Township 13, Range 11; NW 1/4, Section 2, Township 12, Range 11, , E 1/2 of SW 1/4, Section 2,

Township 12, Range 11, NW 1/2 of NW 1/4 of SW 1/4, Sec. 2, Range 11, Township 12; NW 1/4 of Section

31, Township 13, Range 10; Tract West of Red River, Lot No. 8, Sec. 24, Township 13, Range 11; Tract Lot

No 8, W. Red River, Section 19, Township 13. Range 10, Lots Nos.1,2,3,4,5,6 , Section 30,Township 13,

Range 10; West 1/2 of NW 1/4, Sec. 30, Township 13, Range 10; Lots 7 & 8, W 1/2 of SW 1/4, Section 30,

Township 13, Range 10; Lot 5, E. of Red River, Sec. 30, Township 13, Range 10, Valued at $12,775.00.


1 Black Mule, Dolly $65.00

1 Bay Mule, Bullen $65.00

1 Black Mule, Scott $80.00

1 Sorrell Mule, Tom $25.00

1 Bay Mule, Sally $125.00

30 Head Stock Cattle $120.00

1/3 Interest in the following:

1 3/4 Horse Wagon $20.00

l Ox Wagon $20.00

Farming Implements $50.00

Blacksmithing Tools $6.00

Iron Safe $25.00

Show Case in Store $10.00

1 Yoke Oxen $20.00

2 Gin Stands :$60.00

Corn Mill $8.00

Gin Belts $8.00

In Supply Accounts,( to Laborers for the year 1873, $3690.50 )=$400,00

400 Bushels Corn, more or less $200.00

10 B/C, more or less (Seed corn) $450.00

l Writing Desk $10.00




Real Estate-Valued at 12,775.00

Personal Property valued at 1,767.00


No other property having been shown, or pointed out to me Notary, and us, appraisers, to be found in the Parish

of Red River, State of Louisiana composing and belonging to the Estate and Succession of John J. Greening, late

of DeSoto Parish, deceased, we do hereby close this Inventory and appraisement, and this our process verbal of

the same in the presence of Young W. Hicks, and John Walters, competent witnesses and of lawful age, who sign

hereto, together with said appraisers and me Notary on the day and date above written and at the hour of 2

o'clock P. M.

Signed: GEORGE HAMMETT, A. M. DAVISON, Attest: Y. W. Hicks, J. Walters, D. H. Hayes, Notary Public

Filed November 27th, 1873. Signed~ 0. V.WEMPLE, Dy. Clerk Recorder's Office, Coushatta, Red River

Parish, Louisiana, December 1st, l873.

I certify that I have this day filed and recorded on Folio 565 of Conventional Mortgages Inventory and

Succession of John J. Greening taken by D. H. Hayes, Notary, on the 25th of November, 1873, whereof my

hand and Official Seal of Office this 1st day of December, A.D. 1873. Signed: J. P. HYAMS, . Depy. Recorder,

Filed December 3, 1873. Signed: O. V, WEMPLE, Dy. Clerk



I the Undersigned do solemnly swear that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties

incumbent on me by law as Natural Tutrix of the minors, Julius H., Ella, Willie and Thomas Greening according to

the best of my knowledge and belief, so help me God.

Signed: S. A. GREENING

Sworn to and subscribed before me on this 8th day of December, A. D, 1873.


Filed, December 8th, 1873, signed: W. C. REYNOLDS, CLERK



I the Undersigned do solemnly swear that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties

incumbent on me by law as Under Tutor of the minors Julius H., Ella A., Willie L. and Thomas J. Greening,

according to the best of my ability and understanding, so help me God.

Signed: J. R. GREENING

Sworn and subscribed before me on this l0 th day of December, A. D., 1873. W. C. REYNOLDS. CLERK, P.

C., DeSoto LA. Filed: December l0th, 1873, W. C. REYNOLDS, CLERK



I the undersigned do solemnly swear that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties

incumbent on me by law as Administratrix of the Succession of John J. Greening, Deceased, according to the best

of my knowledge and abilities, So help me, God.

Signed: S. A. GREENING

Sworn to and subscribed before me on this 8th day of December, 1873.


Filed Dec. 8th, 1873, Signed: W. C. REYNOLDS. CLERK

Know all men that by these presents, we Sarah A. Greening and S. P. DuBois, S. W. Greening, William R.

Jackson and J. R. Greening, as security, acknowledge ourselves to be indebted to John H. Sutherlin Parish Judge

in and for the Parish of DeSoto in the State of Louisiana or to his successors in office for the use and benefit of the

heirs as representatives of John J, Greening, deceased, in the sum of Thirty One Thousand, Five Hundred and

72/100 Dollars to the payment of which we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, and administrators in

solid, given under our hands at Mansfield, this 8th day of December, One thousand Eight Hundred and

Seventy-three . The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bounden Sarah A. Greening

has this day been appointed Administratrix of the Succession of John J. Greening, late of the Parish of DeSoto,

State of Louisiana. Now, if the said Sarah A. Greening shall well and truly discharge the duties incumbent on her

by law, in her said capacity of administratrix and shall pay or deliver over to those entitled by law to receive the

same all and every sum or sums of money and all other effects which may come into her hands as administratrix as

aforesaid, and shall render a true and faithful account of her administration, wherever she shall be legally required,

then and in such case the above obligation be null and void, otherwise to be and remain in full virtue in law.


Approved by me December 8th, 1873.


Filed December 15th, 1873 Signed: 0. V. WEMPLE, Dy. Clerk.

Recorder's Office DeSoto Parish, La.

I hereby certify that the Extract from the Inventory of Property belonging to John J. Greening, amounting to

$10,658.54 has on this day been recorded in this office in Book D, of Mortgages, Pages 202, 203. December

3rd, 1873. Signed: D. M. HERIOT, Recorder, DeSoto Parish La.Filed December l5th, 1873.

Signed: 0. V. WEMPLE, DY. CLERK

It is hereby ordered that Sarah A. Greening be and is hereby appointed Administratrix of the Succession of John

J. Greening, Dec'd., she having taken the oath and given bond as the law directs, her application for same having

been published for the time and in the manner required by law and no opposition thereto. December 15th,

1873.Signed: J. H. SUTHERLIN, PAR. JUDGE,

Filed December 15th, 1873, Signed: 0. V. WEMPLE, DY. CLERK

It is hereby ordered that Sarah A. Greening be and is hereby recognized and confirmed as Natural Tutor of her

minor children, to wit: Julius H. Greening, Ella A. Greening, Willie L. Greening and Thomas J. Greening, issue of

her marriage with John J. Greening, deceased, she having taken the oath required by law and having complied

with all the formalities required by law. December 15th, 1873.


Filed December l5th, 1873, Signed: 0. V. WEMPLE, DP CLERK


1, 343 1/2 A land DeSoto Parish $5,557.50

1,454 Acres land, Red River Parish $12,775.00

Community Movables, DeSoto Parish $1,529.00

Notes and Accounts $$3,572.04

Personal Property Red River Parish $1,767.00

TOTAL ACRES= 2,797.50

GRAND TOTAL $25,200.54



To the Honorable John H. Sutherlin, Parish Judge and Ex-Officio Judge of the Court of Probate, in and for the

Parish of DeSoto, State of Louisiana: The Petition of Sarah A. Greening of the Parish and State aforesaid, and

Administratrix of the Succession of John J. Greening, late of same residence, but now deceased, respectfully

represents that it is necessary to sell some property of said Succession in order to meet demands against it for

debts and charges and to defray current expenses of such as Court Costs, taxes, etc. -Wherefore she prays that

an order be granted by your said court for the sale of the following described property, for cash, provided it

brings its appraised value, and if not, then on a credit of twelve months as the law directs; Viz: the South 1/2 of the

South 1/2 of the SW 1/2 of Sec. 26, the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 and the NW1/4 of the NW 1/4 and the SW 1/4

of the NW 1/4; and the SE 1/4 of the NW1/4; and the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4; and the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4;

all in Sec. 35; and the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4, and the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4, Sec. 34, all in Township 13, of Range

14, lying and situated in the Parish of DeSoto, State of Louisiana, and containing in the aggregate Three

Hundred and Sixty Acres, according to the United States' Surveys thereof, together with all the buildings and

improvements thereon and thereunto belonging Petitioner prays for all the necessary rules and orders, and that

said property be ordered to be sold after the legal delays and necessary advertisements on the times and

conditions herein set forth by the Sheriff of the Parish of DeSoto, and that a commission issue to him for that

purpose, and for general relief.

Signed: ELAM & SUTHERLIN, ATTORNEYS Filed November 19th, 1874.

Signed: 0. V. WEMPLE, DY. CLK.

Upon reading and considering the facts and allegations contained in the foregoing petition it is ordered that the

land therein described be sold on the terms and conditions therein set forth as prayed for, and that the necessary

commission issue for that purpose to the Sheriff and Ex-Officio Auctioneer in and for the Parish of DeSoto. Done

and signed in chambers on this 18th day of November, A. D, 1874.


Filed: November 19th, 1874, Signed: 0. V. WEMPLE, DY. CLK.


To R. T. Carr, Sheriff, of the Parish of DeSoto, GREETING:

In pursuance of authority of the Hon. the Parish Court for DeSoto Parish, Louisiana, you are hereby authorized

and commissioned to sell to the last and highest bidder after the legal delays and advertisements, the following

described property belonging to the Succession of John J. Greening, deceased, to wit: (Same Description of land)

said property to be sold on the following terms and conditions, to-wit: For Cash, provided it brings the appraised

value, and if not, then on credit of twelve months as the law directs. And how you shall execute this commission

make due returns according to law. Given under my hand and seal of the parish court on this 19th day of

November, 1874.

Signed: 0. V. WEMPLE, DY. CLK.

Filed: December 30th, 1874, Signed: 0. V. WEMPLE, DY. CLK.


Be it remembered that J. M. M. Williams, Deputy Sheriff for R. T. Carr, Sheriff and Ex-Officio Auctioneer for

the Parish of DeSoto State of Louisiana by virtue of an order of the Hon. the Parish Court for said Parish and a

special commission to me directed by the Clerk of said Court and dated 19th November, 1874, authorizing and

ordering me to sell the real estate of J. J. Greening, dec'd, I did proceed to the Court House door in the town of

Mansfield, DeSoto Parish, Louisiana, between the legal hours of sale on Saturday, the 26th day of December,

1874, and offered for sale to the last and highest bidder at Public Auction and did sell and do by these presents

adjudicate the parties below described the following described property, she being the last and highest bidder for

the same designated, to-wit: South 1/2 of South 1/2 of SW 1/4, Sec. 26, containing 40 Acres, more or less, sold

to MRS. SARAH A. GREENING for the price of $3.33 per acre; the NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Sec. 35 containing

40 Acres more or less sold to MRS. SARAH A. GREENING for the price of $3.33 per acre. The NW 1/4 of

the NW 1/4 Sec. 35, containing 40 Acres, more or less, sold to MRS. SARAH A. GREENING, for the price of

$3.33 per acre. The SW 1/4 of NW 1/4 Sec. 35, containing 40 Acres more or less, sold to MRS. SARAH A.

GREENING for the price of $3.33 per acre. The SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 Sec. 35, containing 40 Acres, more or

less sold to MRS. SARAH A. GREENING for the price of $3.33 per acre. The NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 Sec. 35,

containing 40 Acres more or less sold to MRS. SARAH A. GREENING for the sum and price of $3.33 per

acre. The SW 1/4 of SW 1/4 Sect. 35, containing 40 Acres more or less sold to MRS. SARAH A. GREENING

for the price and sum of $3.33 per acre. The SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4, Sec. 34, containing 40 Acres more or less

sold to Mrs. SARAH A. GREENING for the price and sum of $3.33 per acre. The NE 1/4 of SE 1/4, Sect. 34,

containing 40 Acres more or less sold to MRS. SARAH A. GREENING for the price and sum of $3.33 per

acre, with all the improvements thereon and thereunto belonging, all being in Township 13, Range 14, and

containing in the aggregate Three Hundred and Sixty Acres, more or less, total amounting to $1,200.00., first

having advertised the property in the MANSFIELD REPORTER, a weekly newspaper published in the town of

Mansfield, DeSoto Parish, and posting a certified copy on the Court House for the same length of time and having

complied with all the formalities of law in making Succession Sales and having on said day of sale proceeded to

the Court House door in the town of Mansfield, DeSoto Parish, Louisiana, first read my commission authorizing

me to make the sale then my advertisement announcing the terms of the sale which were for cash provided the

property brought its appraisement all in a clear and audible tone of voice to the bystanders and having cried the

bids made me a reasonable length of time, I said Deputy Sheriff, do by these presents Grant, Bargain, Sell,

Transfer, Convey and Adjudicate to the foregoing party MRS. SARAH A. GREENING the property as

heretofore designated she being the last and highest bidder for the respective price and sum herein heretofore

expressed as having complied with all the formalities of law and with the terms of this sale by buying the land as

Administratrix of the Succession of John J. Greening.

This done and signed in the presence of A. R. Williams and R H. Womack, competent witnesses of lawful age

and domicile.

Signed: M. M. WILLIAMS, Dy. Sheriff Attest: A. R. WILLIAMS, R. H. WOMACK

Filed December 30th, 1874. Signed: 0. V. WEMPLE, DY. CLERK



Be it remembered that on Saturday the Nineteenth day of February, A. D., 1876, I, JOHN R. GREENING,

Co-Administrator of the Succession of John J. Greening, deceased, by virtue of an order of the Honorable Parish

Court in and for the Parish of DeSoto, State of Louisiana and a special commission directed to me by the Clerk

of said Court, did offer for sale between the legal hours of sale on said day before the Court House door in the

Town of Mansfield, Parish of DeSoto, State of La., at Public Auction to the last and highest bidder and there did

sell in legal sub-divisions the following described real estate belonging to said Succession to the following

purchasers on the terms and conditions and for the price and sums hereinafter set forth: First, being caused said

property to be advertised for sale for thirty clear days next preceding said day of sale by posting copy of

advertisement of said sale on the Court House door in said town of Mansfield and by publication in the

MANSFIELD REPORTER a weekly newspaper published in the English language in said town, and having

caused said property to be appraised at said time and place by two competent appraisers; And, at said time and

place having announced the terms and conditions of said sale which were for cash provided the property should

bring the appraised value, and having read in an audible and distinct voice in the presence of the bystanders, my

commission as aforesaid authorizing me to make said sale and my advertisement of said sale and said property

being then and there offered for sale as aforesaid, and the bids made for the same having been cried in the

presence of the bystanders in audible and distinct voice for a reasonable length of time; Whereupon the following

adjudications were made to MRS. SARAH A. GREENING, she being the last and highest bidder, and said

property bringing its full appraised value, Viz: the NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Sect. 30,Twp. 13, Range 13, containing

40 acres .12 (40.12 A) for the price and sum of $2.00 per acre; and the NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Sec. 29, Same

TWP. and Range, containing 40 Acres for the price and sum of $2.50 per acre; and the NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 Sec.

29, Same TWP, and Range, containing 40 Acres; and the SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 Sect. 29, Same TWP and Range,

containing 40 Acres, and the NE 1/4 of SW 1/4 Sect. 29, Same Township and Range, containing 40 Acres; all

for the price and sum of $1.50 per acre~ all of said lands lying and being situated in the Parish of DeSoto, State of

La., and the purchase prices of all of said lands as aforesaid aggregate the sum total of Three Hundred and Sixty

and 24/100 Dollars. Now, therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law as aforesaid, and a

compliance with the terms of said sale by said purchaser, I do by these presents Sell, Convey and Deliver unto the

said MRS. SARAH A. GREENING all the rights, titles and interest which said Succession had, has or may have

in and to said lands, the same to have and to hold forever. This done and passed in presence of competent

witnesses on this the nineteenth (19th) day of February, A. D., 1876.

Signed: J. R. GREENING, Administrator


Filed: February 25th, 1876, 0. V. WEMPLE, DY. CLK.


I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of the original process Verbal of Sale on file in this


Attest: 0. V. WEMPLE, Deputy Clerk (BOOK R, P. 295, 296, 297 )



Be it remembered that on Friday, the Seventh day of January, A. D., 1876, I, JOHN R. GREENING,

Co-Administrator of the Succession of JOHN J. GREENING, deceased, by virtue of an order of the Honorable

Parish Court in and for the Parish of DeSoto. State of La., and a special commission directed to me by the Clerk

of said Court, did offer for sale between the legal hours of sale on said day at the last place of residence of said

deceased in said Parish and State, at public auction to the last and highest bidder and then and there did sell in

legal subdivisions the following described real estate belonging to the Succession of said deceased to the following

purchasers on the terms and conditions and for the prices of same hereinafter set forth; First having caused said

property to be advertised for sale for thirty clear days next preceding said day of sale by posting copy of

advertisement of said sale on the Court House door in the Town of Mansfield, in said Parish, State aforesaid, and

by publication in the MANSFIELD REPORTER, a weekly newspaper published in the English language in said

Town, and having caused said property to be appraised at said time and place by two competent appraisers and

at said time and place being announced the terms and conditions of said sale which were for cash provided the

property should bring its appraised value, and having read in an audible and distinct tone of voice in the presence

of the bystanders my commission as aforesaid authorizing me to make such sale, and my advertisement of said

sale, and said property being there and then offered for sale as aforesaid and the bids made for the same being

cried in the presence of the bystanders in an audible and distinct tone of voice for a reasonable length of time;

Whereupon the following adjudications were made to MRS. SARAH A. GREENING, she being the last and

highest bidder and said property bringing its appraised value, viz: The SE 1/4 of Sec. 19, containing 160 Acres,

and the E 1/2 of Sw 1/4 of Sect. 19, containing 80 Acres, and South 1/2 of SW 1/4 of Sec. 20, containing 80

Acres, and the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Sect. 29, containing 40 Acres:all in Township Twelve (12) of Range

Thirteen (13) , for the price and sum of $1.00 per acre. And also the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Sect. 19,

containing 40 Acres, And the North 1/2 of NE 1/4 of Sect. 30, containing 80.25 Acres and the SW 1/4 of NE

1/4 of Sect. 30, containing 40.125 Acres, all in Township Twelve (12) , and Range 13, for the price and sum of

$2.50 per acre. And, also the NE 1/2 of NW 1/4 of Sect. 30, containing 40.125 Acres, in Township 12, Range

13, for the price and sum of $3.00 per acre. And, also the SE 1/4 of NW 1/2 Section 30, containing 40.125

acres, and the SE 1/4 of NE 1/4, Sect. 30, containing 40.125 Acres; in Township 12, Range 13, for the price and

sum of $1.50 per acre. And, also the SE 1/4 of SE 1/4,

Section 17, containing 39.98 acres, in Township 12, Range 13, for the price and sum of $10.00 per acre. And,

also the NE 1/4 of SW 1/4 of Sect. 17, containing 39.98 Acres, in Township 12, Range 13, with the buildings

and improvements thereon, for the price and sum of $30.00 per acre. And, also the East 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NW

1/4, Section 17, containing 20 Acres, in Township 12, Range 13, and a five acre lot of ground in the SE corner of

North 1/2 of NW 1/4 of said Section, and a lot of ground of one and one fourth (1 1/4) Acres, lying and being

due East of said lot in said Section, and a lot of fifteen and one half acres (15 1/2) commencing three chains and

fifty links from the SW corner of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of said Section and running thence to NW corner of said SW

1/4 of NE 1/4 thence East thirty-five chains and eighteen links and thence to place of beginning, containing in all

forty-one and 75/100 Acres, for the price and sum of Five Dollars per acre. Said lands containing in all Seven

Hundred and Sixty Two and 83/lOO Acres, and all lying and being situated in the Parish of DeSoto, State

aforesaid, and the purchase prices for the same aforesaid aggregating the sum total of Twenty-Eight Hundred and

Ten 03/100 Dollars ($2,810.03)

Also, the following personal property to same purchaser, Viz:

one Black mule, Mollie, for $50.00

12 head cattle at $5.00 for $60.00;

15 head of hogs at $2.00 for $30.00,

one old Carriage for $25.00;

one old Buggy for $35.00;

one Buggy Harness & Buggy for $50.00;

one two/horse wagon for $40.00;

farming implements for $12.75;

and household and kitchen furniture for $550.00,

said sales of personal property aggregating Eight Hundred and Fifty-Two and 95/lOO ($852.95) ,

and total proceeds for sale of all property aggregating the sum of Thirty-Six Hundred and Sixty-Two and 78/l00

Dollars ($3,662.78) .

Now, therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law and a compliance with the terms of said sale, I do

by these presents Sell, Convey, and Deliver unto the said SARAH A. GREENING all the rights, titles, and

interest which said Succession had, has or may have in and to said property to have and to hold the same forever.

This done and passed in presence of competent witnesses on this January 4th, 1876

Signed: J. R. GREENING, Administrator Witness: E, W. SUTHERLIN S. P. DUBOIS

Filed: January 1lth, 1876 W. C. REYNOLDS, Clerk : DESOTO PARISH,. LA. February 25th, 1876. I hereby

certify that the above foregoing is a true copy of the original process verbal of sale on file in this office.




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