DeSoto Parish Louisiana

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the state of Louisiana
and to the motto for which it stands:
A state, under God, united in purpose and ideals,
confident that justice shall prevail for all of those abiding here."

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Grove Hill Cemetery

DeSoto Parish LA

Transcribed by Connie McAdams Dennis


Mansfield, Ward 7, Dollette Hills, DeSoto Parish, La. USA

Grove Hill Cemetery Census From 1971-2007


This listing reads left to right beginning with the first row and walking all the way across the cemetery. Then starts back at the 2nd Row etc, left to right all the way across to the other side of the cemetery.  For genealogical purposes it is roughly by family plot. Last update 6-25-2011


Calvin Smith Thigpen   

11-1-1898 12-24-1980


Calvin Smith Thigpen Jr

 9-1-1928 11-24-1987


Bertie Odom Thigpen      

4-14-1909 1-6-2003


Vernon Ray Burt           

1-9-1945 4-13-2005


Mable Burt                     

9-12-1907 3-12-1988


Gladys Thompson Devaltz

9-3-1911 10-9-1958


Dewey G Devaltz              

1-181911 1-23-1975


Ernest A Ledgerwood    

10-17-1907 2-14-1987


Maudie Walker Ledgerwood

3-3-1915 4-12-2001


Emma Taylor Walker       

12-15-1887 1-19-1976


Ruth Thigpen                     

4-10-1910 2-5-2002


Jasper Monroe Thigpen Jr

10-18-1896 10-17-1990



Gertrude Thigpen              

9-24-1894 6-17-1987


Robert Randolph Mason   

12-17-1915 10-26-2002


Mary Mustin Mason          

1-25-1917  1-18-2008


Joe A Sims                             

11-10-1922  5-15-2004


Sandra Sims                       

11-25-1947 4-22-1985


Mamie E Sims                       

8-19-1895 9-29-1976


Henry E Ezernack              

8-5-1928 6-15-2002 


Susie Taylor Ezernack       



Curtis Glynn Taylor “Kenny”

12-29-1936 9-25-2003           


Aaron D. Matthews Jr         

4-22-1929 9-26-1974


Mattie Matthews                  

5-15-1882 5-11-1973


Ralph Gallaspy                   

 7-12-1914 4-2-1970


Ruby Jewell Williams Gallaspy

1-23-1922 8-16-1995


 Robert C “Bob” Gallaspy    

 8-6-1950 3-23-2000


Paul E Taylor                       

 9-20-1909 7-5-1997



Mary Leigh Murphy Taylor

1-21-1918 11-30-1997


Richard W Green                 

1-2-1906 1-17-1996


Doris Taylor Green                      

6-20-1906 7-8-1983


Dalton Green

1-10-1944  10-15-2008


C W “Ben” Taylor               

3-9-1913 5-6-2003


Mable Elizabeth Taylor       

6-25-1919        -


Katherine Taylor Foster      

 8-13-1926 1-20-2005


Sherry Lynn Foster             

12-5-1957 1-13-1996


Jewell G Taylor                   

11-6-1902 1-28-1984


Curtis E “Hoots” Taylor
1-13-1921 2-6-2010


Calvin W Taylor                 

3-9-1913 5-6-2003


Hugh A Taylor                  

12-8-1902 9-10-1980


Vermel W Taylor                

6-26-1909 5-31-1988 


Gertrude Malissa Horn McNeil

1-22-1902 12-22-1982


Corene Horn Taylor Kavanaugh

6-3-1899 3-10-1980


Anna Green Heard                

10-12-1903 12-19-1984


John Leonard Heard            

1-18-1930 8-17-1994


Ruth Green Billingsley        

6-18-1910 9-18-1990


M Doug Billingsley

10-31-1911 11-9-2002


Patricia Billingsley

8-15-1949 2-20-2007


Luther E Taylor       

1-1-1917 5-26-2005


Clinton Howard Conder

5-24-1936  4-25-2010


Barbara Jeanne McAdams Conder

7-9-1942 12-15-1977


Bena Mae Smith McAdams

11-20-1894 10-21-1973


Thomas Cooper McAdams Sr

7-21-1924 8-31-2004


James Pittman McAdams Sr

2-13-1922 9-7-1975


Jewell Corene Murphy McAdams

 1-10-1923 -     


Lucy Virginia Smith Scott

1-9-1892 3-3-1978


William Thomas Scott

8-26-1880 4-15-1950


Willie J Scott

1-23-1909 3-17-1940


Curtis L Scott

1-4-1913 5-25-1982


Phebie Wills Ferguson



Robert Ferguson



Devro Ann Ferguson Smith

1864-Nov 1907

m. Dec 8 1889



Kirby L Smith

Dec 1866-1904


            Devro and Kirby Smith’s daughters:


Minnie Smith 1893-


Twin girl 1898-1898


Twin girl 1898-1898


Susan Smith 1899-


Buford Zack Strange

 1-18-1909 1-5-1978


Josie Margaret Griffith Strange

9-27-1915 1-6-2010


Russell (Jack) Stoner

1-16-1918 7-16-1984


Alan Lemme Heath

7-3-1971 3-25-1994


John F Ferguson

Southern Cross of Honor symbol


Co C 2nd La Inf


1821-1872 (Marker placed 6-2-2009)



Mary Lou Johnson Wells

2-9-1915 Nov 2007



Emmett Edgar Walker

3-31-1887 3-10-1976


Emmett Edward Brown

11-20-1935 9-3-2005 m. 9-3-1972

 Mildred M Thomas 11-9-1942 -


Eulah Wadkins



Jay Leon Avant

1-28-1937 9-12-1978


Janola Avant Wadkins

1-26-1940 7-4-1986


Leman Wadkins

5-15-1931 8-20-1997


Mary Ezelle Robertson

1-28-1903 3-18-1980


Ione M Walker

3-4-1906 6-18-1993


Braxton Lee Lord

3-2-1887 7-10-1975


Alice Helen Wilson

3-26-1887 3-21-1971


Fred A Lord

8-22-1919 11-6-2001


Irma W Lord

8-24-199 2-25-2000



Louis E Kavanaugh

1-19-1911 1-2-1984


Eula Mae Scott Kavanaugh

5-14-1915 1-24-1995


Van Otis Griffith

8-17-1926 2-24-1999

Emmett Lee Nance

9-15-1883 7-1-1973


Mineola Nance Kahn

4-4-1889 10-11-1978


Eunice Farrell Burk

9-7-1903 7-6-1979


Lester Lee Burke

5-23-1897 6-1-1979


Leona Farrell Howington

5-21-1900 Jul 1987


Gladys Smith Birdwell

10-29-1898 5-2-1984


Eudie F Scott

3-4-1915 5-30-1976


Joseph A Scott

12-25-1909 3-9-1977


Annie E Ferguson Scott

8-7-1888 11-16-1975


James Elvin Hendricks

10-14-1911 2-22-1979 


Emmett Dosier Renois

8-15-1904 6-20-2000

m. 8-22-1936


Alice Terrebonne

2-24-1915 1-18-2003


James A “Buddy” Litton

4-25-1947 9-4-1992

 M.  8-31-1967


Evonne Weaver Litton

11-21-1950  2-25-2008


Buster Lee Jr 

4-25-1951 7-27-1985


Edith Marie Polk 

1-21-1927 8-1-1974


Ira H “Buck” Polk

3-30-1898 3-19-1984


Jessie B Myers

4-24-1892 7-19-1977


Gladys Renois Myers

1907 2001


Samuel David Polk

4-5-1919 5-13-1984


Lillie Sandifer Polk Harrington

8-31-1892 1-15-1973


Maynard Oliver Polk

11-17-1916 5-24-1982


Bryant N Williamson

3-11-1923 12-30-1990


Earl J Womack

11-21-1934 8-4-1992


Cynthia W Womack

8-21-1954 –


Carl T Taylor

8-10-1916 8-12-1991


Ola M Welborn Taylor

10-8-1921 –


Blanche Polk Chumley

8-21-1905 3-30-1990


Rose M Polk

7-31-1906 11-24-1976







Fallen Heroes OR Salute to Veterans

Project for any soldier  who has served his or her county during a war or peace-time. Submit your veteran's name at either site.




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Page Modified: 11 September 2024                           

DeSoto is part of the LAGenWeb Project, State Coordinator:Marsha Holley