DeSoto Parish Louisiana

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the state of Louisiana
and to the motto for which it stands:
A state, under God, united in purpose and ideals,
confident that justice shall prevail for all of those abiding here."

Index surnames beginning with 'A-G', to tutorship [guardianship] folders included in the DeSoto Parish courthouse records (1843-1911) donated 1996 to the Noel Memorial Library.

These now comprise parts of Reels 12 & 13 of the microfilm set, available at the Noel Memorial Library and Shreve Memorial Library, Shreveport Louisiana.

*********PLEASE NOTE*********

Record sets in this collection are nowhere near complete for surnames beginning with letters A through FA. This should NOT be taken to mean that records for those surnames are no longer extant -- or that all records 1843-1911 for surnames beginning with letters Fe-Z are represented here. The LAGenWeb DeSoto Parish page sponsor has obtained records from this time frame directly from DeSoto Parish which are not represented in this index, or in the collection. The researcher is strongly advised to check the parish court as well as the microfilmed collection.

[BOX 21 CON'T., REEL 12 CON'T.]

524 Abington, Thomas and Flores, Mary Jul. 28, 1866

525 Brown, Rebecca Cox Jul. 24, 1869

526 Carruth, Robert H. Jun.21,1871

527 Childers, John S. Jul. 05, 1859

528 Creech, Edna; Oswald and William Dec. 31, 1906

529 DeSoto, Ramie Feb. 01, 1856

530 Elam, Irene; Susan E. and Joseph Dec. 31, 1886

531 Fiddler, George Wm. Sep. 28, 1871

532 Flores, Foster Jun. 17, 1873

533 Flores, Joseph Menock Oct. 04, 1864

534 Fortson, A. B. Oct. 21, 1869

535 Fortson, Blanche Oct. 18, 1867

536 Fortson, Louisa K. Oct. 15, 1869

537 Fortson, Mary Eliz., Richard Shackleford, Francis Holloway Nov. 19, 1867

538 Gamble, William T. Jan. 02, 1858

539 Garcio, Joseph/Eliz. Sep. 19, 1878

540 Garico, Josephine Sep. 26, 1878

541 Gardner, Willie Mar. 01, 1884

542 Gibbs, Jackson Jan. 02, 1885

543 Gibson, Eady; Jack; Cora and Julia Nov. 27, 1868


544 Glover, William Gran. Aug. 19, 1879

545 Gooch, Wm. D. & Julia Jan. 04, 1883

546 Graham, G. W. Oct. 17, 1881

547 Graves, George T. Dec. 28, 1881

548 Graves, Giles N. Aug. 24, 187

549 Graves, John A. and Clara M. Jackson Aug. 24, 1872

550 Greening Wade H. Dec. 23, 1854

551 Griffin, Jesse W. and Mary S. Lawrence Jan. 23, 1881

552 Griffin,John R. Jan.17,1883

553 Guice, George Dec. 16, 1858

554 Guy, Thomas A. Dec. 06, 1865

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Page Modified: 11 September 2024

DeSoto is part of the LAGenWeb Project, State Coordinator:Marsha Holley