DeSoto Parish Louisiana

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the state of Louisiana
and to the motto for which it stands:
A state, under God, united in purpose and ideals,
confident that justice shall prevail for all of those abiding here."



submitted by Lynn Phifer Keller <>


The State of Louisiana}

Parish of De Soto}

Articles of agreement made and entered unto on this the 14th day of June AD 1856 before me Saml. F. Smith parish recorder and ex
officio notary public in and for De Soto Parish Louisiana- duly commissioned on and [contract?] between Silas Phifer and Edward
Davis of said parish & State of the one part and James L. Williams William J. Davis A.R. Rembert and H. L. Moss the Special committee
appointed by the Honorable Police Jury for Said parish of De Soto for the purpose of closing the contract for the Erection and completion of a Jail for said parish and also to receive a bond from the contractors for a compliance of said contract which said Jail is to be Situated in a place to be designated by said committee in the Town of Mansfield of the other part.

Witnesseth that the Police Jury of the parish of De Soto advertised in the De Soto Columbian to wit[?] a newspaper published in the Town of Mansfield to secure proposals for the building and completion of a brick Jail in the said Town with specifications annexed and whereas Phifer & Davis offered the lowest bid for the same the said Police Jury appointed said committee for the purpose of closing a contract with them for the building - according to the plans specifications and drafts &c as drawn by W. F. Allen and under which plans & specifications the same advertised aforesaid & which plans & specifications I the said Recorder & Notary have this day Marked A.B. for Identity & filed & Registered the same in my office The Said bid of Phifer and Davis being for the Sum of Three Thousand three hundred and fifty dollars - the said
 committee with the authority vested in them by said Police Jury do hereby obligate and bind the Parish of DeSoto to the extent of said authority to pay unto Phifer & Davis the Said Sum of 3350 Dollars for Said Work The Said sum to be due and payable as follows - The Said sum to be paid at the completion of the said building - and if not paid at maturity to bear 8 percent interest until paid and the said committy[sic] also proposes to advance to the said Phifer and Davis the sum of One Thousand dollars on or before the first of July next & the said Phifer & Davis agrees to deduct the Interest there from at Eight per cent from the time of the receipt of the one thousand dollars till the Jail is completed and the said Phifer & Davis agress by these presents to execute according to said specifications marked AB^ and complete said building on of before the first of March Next (1857), also bind themselves to do said work in a good and workman like Manner.

This done and signed by the parties at the Town of Mansfield State and parish aforesaid in the presence of Jessie B. Steel and Gilderoy Snider - witnesses of lawful age and domescidents[?] in said parish who also sign the same together with said parties and me the said recorder and notary public on the time and date in the beginning first above Written [flourish] -- The intertineations[?] of the words according to said specifications Marked AB/on second page before signing


J. G[sic] Steele A R REMBERT

G. Snider W J DAVIS



Saml. F SMITH Recorder ex

officio notary public


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Page Modified: 11 September 2024

DeSoto is part of the LAGenWeb Project, State Coordinator:Marsha Holley