DeSoto Parish Louisiana

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the state of Louisiana
and to the motto for which it stands:
A state, under God, united in purpose and ideals,
confident that justice shall prevail for all of those abiding here."

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Marriages of DeSoto Parish, LA.

E-mail me if you have DeSoto Parish marriage records or photos to share or if you add information.

The State of Louisiana, Parish of DeSoto.  Be it remembered that by virtue of a license issued by the Clerk of the Districe Court for DeSoto Parish Louisiana, I have celebrated Marriage between Mr. Joseph N. Connell and Miss Mattie Dixon and have joined them together in holy wedlock according to law this the 21st day of January AD 1892.  Witnesses:  C. C. Hewitt, H. B. Elliot.  Parties:  Joe Connell, M. A. Dixon.  W. C. Foshee, MG. Sent by:  Randall W. Connell, Great Grandson.
State of Louisiana, Parish of DeSoto. To any Minister of the Gospel or Justice of the Peace, who is authorized to celebrate Marriage within the Parish of DeSoto - Greeting: You are hereby authorized and empowered to celebrate marriage between Mr. C. B. Connell and Miss Mary Ann Medlock both residents of the Parish and State to join them together in Holy and lawful Wedlock according to law. Given under my hand and seal of office at Mansfield this fourth day of March AD 1850. J. D. Wemple Clerk of District Court for DeSoto Parish. I hereby certify that I celebrated the marriage contract between named parties on the 7th day of March 1850. A. W. Jackson VDM. Sent by Randall W. Connell, Great-Great Grandson, Houston Texas.
The Mansfield Enterprise - August 21, 1919:  Mr. and Mrs. James Connell announce the engagement and  approaching marriage of their youngest daughter Jessie Lee, to Elmer W. Hoell, son of the William Hoells also of Grand Cane.  The wedding is to take place on the night of August 25 at 9 p.m. in the Grand Cane Baptist Church.  "No cards".  Sent by Randall W. Connell, Houston Texas
The Mansfield Enterprise - June 7, 1917:  Aubrey Connell and Willie Gordon of Longstreet were quietly married on Saturday afternoon.  Our young men are busy today - some going to Grand Cane, some to Longstreet to register.  Mary and Sadie Lambert of Keatchie are visiting their sister, Mrs. Sam Bolen this week.  P. P. Jones left Saturday for Washington D. C. for the reunion.   Sent by Randall W. Connell, Houston Texas.


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Page Modified: 11 September 2024                           

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