DeSoto Parish Louisiana

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the state of Louisiana
and to the motto for which it stands:
A state, under God, united in purpose and ideals,
confident that justice shall prevail for all of those abiding here."

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 Some Marriages of DeSoto Parish LA (list is not complete)


submitted by Maxine S. Woodson

Groom Bride Date
Bradford, Joseph Sanders, Fanny 21 Aug 1893
Brown, William Hogan, Leanah 15 Nov 1892
Childress, Joe Sanders, Donnie 25 Sep 1890
Cowley, John H. Sanders, S. J. 17 Feb 1857
Ferguson, Morris Hogan, Emma 12 Feb 1891
Forsyth, Robert M. Sanders, Nola 30 Aug 1873
Gregg, Daniel Sanders, Lucy 25 Dec 1878
Hawkins, Isham Sanders, Effie 16 May 1901
Hogan, Andrew Adams, Eliza 04 Jun 1881
Hogan, Ben Allen, Francis 14 Sep 1884
Hogan, Ben. R. Baker, Fannie 17 Mar 1881
Hogan, Herbert Freeman, Matilda 12 Jan 1899
Hogan, Josh Anderson, Isabelle 10 Mar 1901
Hogan, Luke Atkinson, Ellen 10 Jan 1889
Hogan, William Thomas, Laura 16 Dec 1894
Ivey, Elizah Sanders, Mary 20 Dec 1858
Means, James Taylor Hogan, Ida 20 Mar 1860
Menarva, John Sanders, Sikes 24 Mar 1870
Mitchell, Bob Hogan, Mrs. Charlotty 15 Mar 1897
Penneywell, Luck Sanders Mary Jane 15 Jan 1903
Persythe, Monroe Sanders, Nola 04 Sep 1873
Pratt, Owen Sanders Polly 02 Apr 1891
Robbins, JR, Jacob Sanders, Mary Eliza 27 May 1897
Sample, Wm P Hogan, Annie P 18 Nov 1874
Sanders, Albert Vance, Mandy 06 Nov 1900
Sanders, Charley Kelley, Malsey 4 Jul 1872
Sanders, Charley Richardson, Mary Jane 28 Nov 1872
Sanders, Charles Turner, Minerva 28 Oct 1877
Sanders, Ed Franklin, Lee Ann 24 Jan 1905
Sanders, Ernest Collin Lizie 05 Jan 1905
Sanders, Fed Maton, Millie 28 Dec 1890
Sanders, Floyd Flores, Mary E. 15 May 1871
Sanders, Floyd Williams, Rosa Lee 02 Dec 1897n
Sanders, Isaac Wood, Mrs. Mary 6 Nov 1886
Sanders, Isaiah Jackson, Callie 05 Dec 1901
Sanders, Jacob Hall, Ann E. 14 Feb 1856
Sanders, Jack George, Delphus 21 Aug 1892
Sanders, John Edwards, Annie 22 Jan 1891
Sanders, Joseph Gilliard Celia 25 Nov 1904
Sanders, Joshua Mumford, Georgie E. 02 Dec 1889
Sanders, Moses Salter, Ann 5 Jan 1871
Sanders, Patrick H. Wemple, Fannie L 21 Sept 1887
Sanders, Patrick H. Wimple, Gena 10 May 1898
Sanders, W. R. Tanner, E. C. 19 Nov 1889
Satterwhite, Adine Hogan, Hana 06 Jul 1893
Smith, John H. Sanders, Mary Ann 08 Aug 1869
Stevens, G. B. Hogan, Sallie 17 Mar 1905
Taylor, George Sanders, Caroline 21 Jan 1872
Wright, Alexander Hogan, Julia 11 Aug 1904



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Page Modified: 11 September 2024                           

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