DeSoto Parish Louisiana

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the state of Louisiana
and to the motto for which it stands:
A state, under God, united in purpose and ideals,
confident that justice shall prevail for all of those abiding here."

Martin Wesley SCHRYVER
b. Oct 12, 1846; (Pickaway County), OH
d. Sep 16, 1926; South Mansfield (DeSoto Parish), LA

Ever the writer, Martin Wesley SCHRYVER, had this item published in the South Mansfield, LA "Star" on February 1, 1918:
   "You ask for my biography.  All right if you can make any use of it, you are welcome to it - I can't.  So here's what I dare to tell.
   1846 - Born, without my consent, on frosty October Morning, by the old fashioned fireplace, in the old hewed log mansion (?) in Pickaway County, Ohio.  They said I made a good deal of "fuss" about it at first, but later became reconciled to my fate, and went to work on the farm.
   1857 - My paternal progenitor was elected Clerk of the County Court and we moved to town there I was sent to school, and got licked for hugging girls, and other innocent amusements.
   1863 - Began teaching school, and got satisfaction out of the kids for what my teacher had done to me.
   1868 - Persuaded a farmer's lovely daughter to marry me against her father's wished, and he always had it in for me thereafter.  We went right on with our business and raised a family of six, all of whom are considerably alive, and scratching pay dirt.
   1869 - Lived in the town of Port Williams a few months - but let's say nothing about that - then moved to Mt. Sterling and taught in the Public School; but got "fired" for switching a rich man's daughter.  I've got it in for Mt. Sterling yet for that.
   1871 - Anxious for fame, I started a newspaper, "The Review," and reviewed things generally for three years when the constable, to relieve a "congestion, "took it over," but was generous enough to leave me with assets of a thousand dollars in subscriptions due and unpaid.  I've got 'em yet.
   1874 - Went back to pedagogy. ["teaching"]
   1876 - Opened a wall paper store and did pretty well, thank you.  Afterwards, added books and did better.
   1884 - The Ohio Legislature knocked me off the track again by "railroading" through the Township School Book bill in the interest of the publishers.  I don't know how much they got for it.
   1888 - Opened a house-furnishing store, and bought a little farm as a side-line.  Mostly on credit.
   1889 - "Adopted" a small waif of a bank, and nursed it on financial gruel until it was able to hoe its row.  It is now able to hoe mine too.  One "score" at last.
   1892 - Lost my good wife by typhoid fever.  The hardest knock I ever got.
   1902 - Lost my health, and beat my way - no, not on the bumpers - all over the U. S. in search of it.
1910 - Found it in the hills or N. W. Louisiana; bought - not on credit this time - a plantation, and settled down to raising cotton and writing "poems."
   1917 - Dec 28. - Got out of bed at midnight, and wrote "The Old Fashioned Fireplace," in my nightclothes; and am now automobiling the high road "to crimson glory and undying fame."
   No bouquets."  M. Wesley SCHRYVER#


[EDITORIAL NOTE: Martin Wesley SCHRYVER was never a man of strong physique, yet by careful adherence to the laws of health, he was able to carry on extensive enterprises and lived beyond the allotted age of most men.  He died Sep 16,1926, at age 80, in South Mansfield (DeSoto Parish), LA.]



Martin Wesley SCHRYVER was a pioneer resident of Pickaway & Madison Counties, and a highly esteemed citizen of Mount Sterling (Madison), Ohio.
   In 1869, he organized the first financial institution in Mount Sterling, Ohio, "The Mount Sterling Building & Savings Association," and was Secretary most of the time during its 11 years of existence.
   In 1871, he organized the "Mechanic's B & L Association."  After a few years, this association fell into incompetent hands and failed.  He was appointed receiver, and by husbanding the scattered assets, closed the business up with but little loss to the stockholders.
   In 1889, he aided in organizing "The Mount Sterling Building & Loan Company" which was changed, in 1898, to "The Security Building & Loan Company."  He drew up the constitution and by-laws, and the organization is still in successful operation.  He was a Member of the Board of Directors up to the time of his death.
[ - Viewed & printed 03-06-2003: Photo of "Security Building & Loan Company" - J. T. Walters, President; J. N. Waldo, V.P; M. W. SCHRYVER, Secretary; R. H. SCHRYVER, Treasurer; and J. R. Loofbourrow also listed with no capacity served]
   In 1871, he brought the first printing press to Mount Sterling, establishing and printing the first newspaper there, "The Mount Sterling Review" afterward changed to "The Husbandman," and then "The Mount Sterling Tribune."  Complete copies are on file with "The Historical Society of Ohio" in Columbus, Ohio.  One of those issues of "The Husbandman" was comprised of eight pages.  The first page was concerned with national and world affairs, then the rest of the paper had poems, short stories, vignettes, recipes, and farm interests scattered throughout.  There were many illustrated ads for just about everything.  Some of the more interesting were those for patent medicines and their claims for cure-alls of every imagined and imaginable disease or hurt.  There was very little local 'gossip' but sometimes a mention of some party or gathering would be made.  There were large ads for the "SCHRYVER and Company Mercantile" which sold dress goods, lusters in all colors and other dress-making needs; also groceries, Queensware, Hardware, Glassware and Stoneware.  "The Mercantile" had reasonable terms - they sold for cash or feathers, eggs, rags or bacon.  There was also an ad for the "SCHRYVER Music Store" in each issue, headed by a drawing of a piano and inviting patronage for all kinds of musical instruments.  [He possessed musical talents of high order, having taught music for several years, and written several musical compositions of much merit.]
   When Martin Wesley SCHRYVER first came to Mount Sterling, he began teaching school, having been educated in the Circleville public schools and had taught since the age of 16.  He remained connected with the schools for several years, serving as Superintendent in the years 1869 & 1870.  He was a Member of the School Board from 1878 to 1885 during which time the High School Department was added to the common school course. 
   He started the first book store in Mount Sterling, and for several years, conducted a general merchandise business.
   He was a member of Council and Clerk of that body from 1873 to 1877, during which incumbency he drew the plans and specifications, and superintended the building of the stone culvert on South Columbus Street, a mammoth undertaking at that time.
   During the last 12 years of his life, because of increasing years and declining health, he retired from business and disposed of his interests in the real estate and insurance firms.  He also declined re-election as Secretary of the Building and Loan Company. 

   He went south and purchased a plantation of 1,000 acres near South Mansfield (De Soto Parish), Louisiana.  There he would engage extensively in the growing of cotton.
   It would become his custom to spend about 8 months of the year supervising the plantation, and the other 4 summer months in Ohio with his children.

[EDITORIAL NOTE: Biographies of our ancestors sometimes give clues as to why we might BE what we are, or DO some of the things we do.  As a for instance, in the summer of 1977, this author acted upon an obsession to grow a dozen plants of "cotton" and only later discovered that this Great-Grandfather had owned a thousand-acre cotton plantation in Mansfield, Louisiana.  Family and neighbors laughed about my Ohio crop in the backyard, and asked if I were going to buy a "cotton gin" for harvesting?  (Instead, I settled for a bottle-of-gin, and plucked all of my crop by hand!)  Then too, there is a continuing line of SCHRYVER "scribes" who write until they drop.]
Edited & Submitted by his Great-Granddaughter:
"The Family's Genealogist"
Barbara Jean (SCHRYVER) Reynolds-Green
5416 Plainfield Rd; Dayton, OH 45432-3541
Phone:  (937) 254-3952  E-Mail:



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