DeSoto Parish Louisiana

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the state of Louisiana
and to the motto for which it stands:
A state, under God, united in purpose and ideals,
confident that justice shall prevail for all of those abiding here."


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1850 Census of Residents Born in a Foreign Country

Transcribed by Jane Keppler


ABINGTON, Thomas - 47 - Planter - Ireland
ANTONIA, M.    50 - Mexico

BROWN, John H. -46- Potter -Germany
BROWNING, George W. -45   Physician -Scotland
BURNS, Robert -38- Physician - Ireland

CARRELL, James -42- Ditcher - Ireland
CASPIRA, Peter W. -45- Merchant -France
CHECHO, Jacinto -60 - Mexico
COLBAR, Fred -Carpenter -Prussia
COLLINS, Frank -25 -Laborer- France
CONAHEY, (?) -35 -Joiner -Ireland
COOSE, Mary -65 - Mexico
COURTIS,Oleanna -20 - Mexico
CRAGO, John -40 -Carpenter -Wales
CUTHBERTSON, John -30 - Scotland

DAVIDSON, John -49 -Planter- Scotland
DAVIDSON, Mariah -30 - Nova Scotia
DAVIDSON,James -45 -Planter -Scotland
DEVALVE, Nepolian -48 -Planter -France
DOLORIS, Zamos -31- Laborer- Mexico
DUCEAGA, Augustus -25 -Mail Rider -England

ELLIOTT, Levi -20 -Laborer -Ireland

FANVILLE, O. -45 -Physician -France
FITSPATRICK, Patrick -30 -Laborer -Ireland

GAMBLE, Nancy- 53 - Ireland
GIBBONS, Joseph -17 -Student -Canada
GOSSIE, Csarnon -60 -Planter -Mexico
GRACIA, Benjamin -23 -Mail Rider -Mexico

HAITE, John -34 -Planter -Germany
HERRING, John G. -32 -Blacksmith -Prussia
HUSE, James -34 -Laborer -Ireland
HUSE, James -34- Laborer -Ireland

JOHNSON, Thomas -43 -Builder -Ireland

KELLER, Conrad -35 -Carpenter -Germany

LEE, Daniel -50 -Planter- England
LONG, William -50 -gent. at -Ireland

MAINS, Andrew -29 -Physician -Ireland
MALENA, Ambrose -45 -Planter -Mexico
MALENA, Mary -36 - Mexico
MANSHACK, Arvile- 53 -Tailor -Mexico
MANSHACK, Francis -38 - Mexico
MATTHEWS, Samuel -38 -Carpenter- England
McLAUGHLIN, John -44- Planter -Ireland
McNAMARA, Michail -50 -Planter- Ireland
MILLER, Frank- 28 -Shoemaker -Germany
MORAL, Felician- 14 - Mexico
MORAL, Hasoos -19 -Laborer -Mexico
MORAL, T. 12 - Mexico
MORAL, Undras -50- Planter -Mexico
MORAL,Joseph -20 -Laborer -Mexico

NORTON, William -29 -Overseer -Ireland

POWELL, John -36 -Methodist Minister -Great Britain
PRUDHOMME, John -47- Planter -France

SCHULTZ, C. F. -45- Musician -Germany
SHANNON, John -29 -Planter -Ireland
SIPHERINE, Bernald -45 - Mexico

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Page Modified: 11 September 2024                           

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