DeSoto Parish Louisiana

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the state of Louisiana
and to the motto for which it stands:
A state, under God, united in purpose and ideals,
confident that justice shall prevail for all of those abiding here."


R.D. RAMBIN ) The State of Louisiana ) Be it Remembered that on



TO ) Parish of De Soto) this the 4th day of February


MARIE TOUSENT) in the year One thousand Eight hundred and fifty-


MINOR. ) nine, Before me Sarnl. F. Smith, Parish Recorder,


LAND. ) within and for the Parish of De Soto, in the above

FEBY 4th/59.) State, duly commissioned and sworn and Ex Officio Notary

Public came and personally appeared Remi D. Rambin who

declared that for and in consideration of the sum of fifty Dollars to him in cash paid the

whereof is hereby acknowledged, He has sold and by these presents do grant bargain and sell

with all the Warranty of title which he acquired by purchase at Sheriff sale on the 13th day

of January A. D. l851, which appears of Record in the Clerk’s Office in Book D, Folios 607 to

611 - being the record of Succeesion papers of Pampose Bossier. The following described land

being and lying in the Parish of De Soto in said State, known as follows,

TO Wit: The South East quarter of Section No Ten in TownShip No Eleven of Range Eleven containing

one hundred and sixty acres more or 1ess, together with all the improvemente thereon belonging

unto Marie Tousent, ( a minor child of Lewis Rambin, Free man of color - said Minor being herein

represented by the said Lewis, Natural tutor of said minor - who accepts this deed by his mark

not knowing how to write his name. To have end to hold the above deecribed premises unto the

said Marie Tousent, her heirs and assigns and to their own proper use and behoof forever. The

Certificate of Mortgage is waived by the parties required by the 3328 Article of the Civil Code

of thie State. Thus done and passed before me at office in the presence of Joseph Prudhome and

competent witneses domicilated in said Parish who also sign their names together with the parties

& me Recorder and Notary on the day and year first written. (Signed) R. D. Rambin - Marie

Tousent, by Lewis his X mark Ramnbin -Witnessed - W. F. T. Bennett - Joseph Prudhornme -

S. F. Smith Recorder and Ex Officio Notary Public. I certify the above a true Record from the

original Recorded February 4th. 1859. S. F. Smith, Recorder.


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Page Modified: 11 September 2024

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