DeSoto Parish Louisiana

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the state of Louisiana
and to the motto for which it stands:
A state, under God, united in purpose and ideals,
confident that justice shall prevail for all of those abiding here."

Index, surnames beginning with 'I-K', to succession folders included in the DeSoto Parish Courthouse Records (1843-1911) donated 1996 to the Noel Memorial Library . These now comprise Reels 4[last part] through 12[first part] of the 16 reel microfilm set, available at the Noel Memorial Library  and Shreve Memorial Libraries, Shreveport Louisiana.

*********PLEASE NOTE*********

Record sets in this collection are nowhere near complete for surnames beginning with letters A through FA. This should NOT be taken to mean that records for those surnames are no longer extant -- or that all records 1843-1911 for surnames beginning with letters Fe-Z are represented here. The LAGenWeb DeSoto Parish page sponsor has obtained records from this time frame directly from DeSoto parish which are not represented in this index, or in the collection. The researcher is strongly advised to check the parish court as well as the microfilmed collection.


127 Irwin, Mariah Nov. 2, 1853

128 Ivey, Alfred C. Jan. 5, 1870

129 Ivey, Jesse Nov. 8 1879

130 Ivey, Samuel April 21, 1880


131 Jackson, Abraham July 24, 1854

132 Jackson, Charles J. June 16, 1873

133 Jackson, John C. Jan. 24, 1875

134 Jackson, John W. Mar. 20, 1861

135 Jackson, Joseph I. Mar. 30, 1883

136 Jackson, Joseph S. July 6, 1881

137 Jackson, Mary A. M. July 12, 1887


138 Jackson, Thomas D. July 2, 1859

139 Jefferson, Thomas June 12, 1855

140 Johnson, Enoch Dec. 24, 1860

141 Johnson, J.W. & Louisa Apr. 26, 1879

142 Johnson, John Porter Dec. 30, 1871

143 Johnson, Joseph B. June 1, 1883

144 Johnson, Richard Tally Sept. 27, 1871

145 Jones, J. & Penelope July 14, 1848

146 Jones, James Oct. 6, 1863

147 Jones, Mary E. Feb. 20, 1864

148 Jones, Robert Nov. 15, 1873

149 Jones, Sylvester P. Nov. 15, 1850

150 Jones, Thomas Jan. 30, 1890

151 Jones, W. J. Apr. 23, 1889

152 Jones, Wiley & Charlott Sept. 14 1891

153 Jordan, Henry Jan. 24, 1860

154 Jordan, Mary Sally June 28, 1887

155 Jordan, William H. Apr. 18, 1845

156 Jordan, William L. Aug. 28, 1875


157 Kahlau, Charles W. June 14 1887

158 Kahlau, Fredrick Feb. 11, 1879

159 Keller, Conrad July 19, 1862

160 Kidd, Mangus D. Aug. 4, 1865

161 King, Elizabeth R Sept. 15, 1890

162 King, Thomas B. Sept. 3, 1851

163 Kirvin, Calvin Dec.__, 1867

164 Kirvin, Joshua Feb. 15, 1880

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Page Modified: 11 September 2024

DeSoto is part of the LAGenWeb Project, State Coordinator:Marsha Holley