DeSoto Parish Louisiana

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the state of Louisiana
and to the motto for which it stands:
A state, under God, united in purpose and ideals,
confident that justice shall prevail for all of those abiding here."

Index, surnames beginning with 'Q-R', to succession folders included in the DeSoto Parish courthouse records (1843-1911) donated 1996 to the Noel Memorial Library. These now comprise Reels 4[last part] through 12[first part] of the 16 reel microfilm set, available at the Noel Memorial Library and Shreve Memorial Library, Shreveport Louisiana.

*********PLEASE NOTE*********

Record sets in this collection are nowhere near complete for surnames beginning with letters A through FA. This should NOT be taken to mean that records for those surnames are no longer extant -- or that all records 1843-1911 for surnames beginning with letters Fe-Z are represented here. The LAGenWeb DeSoto Parish page sponsor has obtained records from this time frame directly from DeSoto Parish which are not represented in this index, or in the collection. The researcher is strongly advised to check the parish court as well as the microfilmed collection.

[BOX 14 CON'T., REEL 9 CON'T.]

338 Quarles, John H. May 19, 1855

339 Quarles, Samuel & Susan M. Aug. 01, 1848


340 Rambin, Athenaise Sep. 07, 1860

341 Rambin, Auguste 5. Feb. 09, 1871

342 Rambin, Derzilien Mar. 14, 1862

343 Rambin, Edward Lesta Apr. 02, 1877

344 Rambin, Eli Aug. 02, 1861

345 Rambin, Francois Agustine Feb. 04, 1853

346 Rambin, Jean B. & Felicite LaFitte Jul 15, 1851

347 Rambin, Joseph A. Aug. 31, 1858

348 Rambin, Lewis Mar. 21, 1866

349 Rambin, Louis N. Oct. 05, 1865

350 Rambin, Marie Amelie Dec. 10, 1852

351 Rambin, Maria D. Nov. 28, 1860

352 Rambin, Mary Ann Jun. 15, 1879

353 Rambin, Mary D. Nov. 26, 1855

354 Rambin, St. Armand Jan. 19, 1883

355 Rascoe, Serena Tucker Aug. 15, 1860

356 Rawls, Samuel Sep. 17, 1866

357 Reardon, Daniel 0. Dec. 08, 1878

358 Reaves, John W. Jul 17, 1867

359 Reed, Cullen Apr. 16, 1872

360 Reed, William M. Nov. 27, 1871

361 Reins, James Nov. 21, 1859

362 Rembert, A. R Sep. 23, 1857

363 Rembert, Emily A. Sep. 12, 1861

364 Reynolds, Robert & Mary Oct. 12, 1865

365 Richards, Josiah May 09, 1891

366 Richards, Mary A. Mar. 12, 1858

367 Riddlesperger, James D. W. Jan. 10, 1878

368 Riggs, Basill Q. Jul. 07, 1855

369 Riggs, Edward G. Feb. 16, 1857

370 Riggs, William Jul. 27, 1860

371 Rives, G. W. May 03, 1861

372 Rives, Samuel H. Apr. 15, 1887


373 Robinson, Amos Jul. 08, 1857

374 Robinson, John Jan. 03, 1854

375 Robinson, John Dec. 30, 1854

376 Robinson, Nicholas Mar. 20, 1856

377 Robinson, Rebecca Apr. 27, 1854

378 Roblieu, Joseph Jan. 27, 1859

379 Rochelle, Thomas W. Oct. 12, 1867

380 Rodgers, Cynthia Nov. 04, 1856

381 Rogers, A. Pauline Rachell Feb. 19, 1859

382 Rogers, Israel Aug. 24, 1877

383 Rogers, Mary Ann Dec. 06, 1858

384 Rogers, P. G. Jul. 24, 1876

385 Romanell, Joel Dec. 28, 1852

386 Ross, John A. Mar. 08, 1866

387 ---No folder---

388 Rucker, Julia Oct. 28, 1856

389 Rucker, Lindsey Mar. 24, 1851

390 Rucker, Nancy Jan. 10, 1870

391 Rucker, Willis Jan. 10, 1870

392 Rugeby, Henry Mar. 29, 1866

393 Russell, Joseph Jul. 29, 1858

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Page Modified: 11 September 2024

DeSoto is part of the LAGenWeb Project, State Coordinator:Marsha Holley