DeSoto Parish Louisiana

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the state of Louisiana
and to the motto for which it stands:
A state, under God, united in purpose and ideals,
confident that justice shall prevail for all of those abiding here."

submitted by Courtney Tompkins

From Baptist Builders In Louisiana, p. 407

"Son of Rev. George Tucker. Born in Limestone County, Alabama, Nov. 14, 1829. Attended school in Columbus, Miss., and at Union University, Tenn., Taught school in Mississippi, Marshall, Texas, Mt Lebanon University, and, Keachie College. Ordained to preach by First church, Shreveport in 1856, at once assuming that pastorate. Elected to Presidency of Keachie Female College same year, and served until 1862, when resigned to enter the Confederate army, becoming Lieutenant. After the war he again became, in 1871, president of Keachie College, and pastor of Keachie and other churches, which engaged every Sunday of his time. The College and the Keachie Male Academy consolidated in 1879, during his Presidency. He was wounded in 1880 in a cyclone that partially wrecked the college buildings. His health rapidly declined, and he died in May 1881."

"Dr. Tucker was President of our State Convention four years, 1873-76; Moderator of Grand Cane Association for six years. In all, he served about 16 years as pastor of Keachie church. He was for a while custodian and distributor of Sunday School literature for the Southern Baptist Convention."

"Dr. W. E. Paxton in his History of Louisiana Baptists, says: Dr. Tucker had a clear head, sound judgment, and a kind heart, way noted for his unswerving integrity, his excellent discipline, and thoroughness of instruction; as a preacher, for his zeal and faithfulness."

Letter written from Vicksburg May 10, 1862 by Rev. Tucker to Mrs. Tucker
Tucker Bible Records
Pictures of the Tucker Family.





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Page Modified: 11 September 2024                           

DeSoto is part of the LAGenWeb Project, State Coordinator:Marsha Holley