Austin County Texas
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Austin County African American Genealogy
Please help us to provide the information you want.
PLEASE NOTE: I do not live in Austin County and cannot do research.
NOTE: I only do transcribing and helping people with genealogical research. I have nothing to do with the cemetery, so if you are looking for information on purchasing plots or rules and regulations of the cemetery, contact the caretaker or a local funeral home.
Our appreciation to Silvia Adkins for the following information .
Page 1
Rec of Deaths
1940 and 1941
Rec of Deaths
1940 and 1941
Ethel Price Peters |
Died |
Oct-5-1939 |
Will Smith |
Died |
Jan-30-1939 |
Herriold Smith |
Died |
April-8-1935 |
Robert Lott |
Died |
Dec-12-1939 |
Will Washington |
Died |
Feb-23-1940 |
Fred Jackson |
Died |
March-5-1940 |
Hadie McDade |
Died |
April-16-1940 |
Ras Blue |
Died |
April-20-1940 |
Walter Spates |
Died |
Jan-16-1933 |
Rebecker Spates |
Died |
Sept-27-1938 |
Rubie Lee Hewett |
Died |
Aug 20-1936 |
Emma Mays |
Died |
Apr 27-1930 |
Albert Gilmore |
Died |
Sept 15-1934 |
Effie B Vaughns |
Died |
June 1-1940 |
Girtrud M Lott |
Died |
Nov 30-1940 |
Rosie Evans |
Died |
Nov 25-1940 |
Miles Crevin |
Died |
Jan 12-1941 |
Silvestor Mays |
Died |
Feb 24-1941 |
Etmos Dabner |
Died |
May 26 1941 |
Lillie Ann Edward |
Died |
July 9? 1937 |
Page 2
Lawernce Quller |
Geogers Forster |
1.00 |
Eddie Jackson |
1.00 |
Leola Spates |
75 |
Bessie Cleveland |
75 |
George Dabner |
1.00 |
Freddie Dabner |
1.00 |
Freedonia Vaughn |
75 |
Effie Davis |
75 |
James Morgan |
1.00 |
Ira Lott |
1.00 |
Roy Spates |
1.00 |
Freddie Garnett pd. |
1.00 |
1 Will
Washington [A circle with a line through it has been placed on this name]
2 BT.
3 CH.
4 William
5 Garfield
6 James
7 Ben
8 R.L.
9 Joe
CHr. Eddie Hubbard
Sect. Clemmie Mcdade
Chr. Sct. UG Sandford
Trea Retie Spates
Page 3
Ethie Price Peters | Died | Oct 5-1939 |
Will Smith | Died | Jan 30 1939 |
Harridal Smith | Died | Apr 8-1935 |
Robert Lott | Died | Dec 12 1939 |
Will Washington | Died | Feb 23-1940 |
Fred Jackson | Died | Mar 5 1940 |
Hattie McDade | Died | Apr 16 1940 |
Ras Blue | Died | Apr 20 1940 |
Walter Spates | Jan 11-1933 | |
Rebecca Spates | Spt 27 1938 | |
Rubbie Lee Hewitt | Aug 20 1936 | |
Emma Mays | Apr 27 1930 | |
Albert Gilmore | Apr 27 1930 | |
Effie B. Vaughn | Jun 1-1942 | |
Lizzie Stevson | July 19-1940 | |
Rosie Evins | Nov 25 1940 | |
Girtrue M. Lott | Nov 30 1940 | |
Miles Creven | Jan 12 1941 |
Page 4
Printed Page 7
NOV. 27 1931
On the 22th of Oct. all the members was call to meet at Kenney to clean the cemetery. Eddie
Jackson goin as a member of the cemetery. 1.00 was paid to the treasure holder Walter Spates on Oct. 26, 1931.
BT Washington
Joe Mashel
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SEPT. 23 1932
Trea Spates pd. 75c to the chr. Will Washington on Sept 23 – 1932.
Sect. B. T. Washington
Amos Cleveland paid $5.00 to the chr committee Will Washington Jan 15 – 1933 for the burial
of Leroy Cleveland and 75c for Bessie Cleveland the same date.
Sect B. T. Washington
George Ward paid paid 2.50 to Eddie Hubbard an it was turn over to chr. Committee Will
Washington March 6 – 1932 for burial of a baby. Sect. B. T. Washington
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NOV. 24 1932
Comm. Reports was call to order by the chr. Comm.. Will Washington. Chr. Received 75c from
Leola Spates an turn it over to the Treas com. Johnnie Hampon? Recived 1.00 from Larnce Gullie an was turn over to the treasure. The comm.. decied to put a (blank
space) an make a rest room for the ladies. Comm James Jackson recived 1.00 from Ed Kesee and will turn it over to the treasure Sat Nov. 26 – 1932.
Chr. Will Washington
Sect. B. T. Washington
Eddie Kesee
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SEPT. 23 1932
Trea Spates pd. 75c to the chr. Will Washington on Sept 23 – 1932.
Sect. B. T. Washington
Amos Cleveland paid $5.00 to the chr committee Will Washington Jan 15 – 1933 for the
burial of Leroy Cleveland and 75c for Bessie Cleveland the same date.
Sect B. T. Washington
George Ward paid paid 2.50 to Eddie Hubbard an it was turn over to chr. Committee Will
Washington March 6 – 1932 for burial of a baby. Sect. B. T. Washington
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NOV. 24 1932
Comm. Reports was call to order by the chr. Comm.. Will Washington. Chr. Received 75c from
Leola Spates an turn it over to the Treas com. Johnnie Hampon? Recived 1.00 from Larnce Gullie an was turn over to the treasure. The comm.. decied to put a (blank
space) an make a rest room for the ladies. Comm James Jackson recived 1.00 from Ed Kesee and will turn it over to the treasure Sat Nov. 26 – 1932.
Chr. Will Washington
Sect. B. T. Washington
Eddie Kesee
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NOV 30 1933
CH Cossie pd. 25.00 to the bank what he had. Ira Lott pd. 1.00 to the CH com James Morgan
Paid to CHr Comm. 1.00.
On Sept. 12 1933 5.00 was paid to the sect. U. G. Sanford for bural of Richard Dabney
Georger Dabney paid 1.00 Fredonie Dabney paid 1.00 Fredonia Vaughn pd. 75 Effie Davis pd. 75.
On Nov. 2 1933 Chr. Eddie Hubbard call metting for the comm. In the call meeting it was move
and second that we need a G. Hoe and it will be brought up Grand metting comm. Mark that the trea. Will not be lone out no more. Comm. reports none.
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NOV 2 1933
Comm. metting was call to order by chr. Com. It been move and second that we need a G hoe it
will be brought up in the grand metting comm. move that they would not lone out the trea no more.
Three hoes at |
3.10 |
Latern |
.60 |
3.70 |
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MARCH 30 1934
Comm. metting was call to by CHr. Comm. Move reports non trea bught three hoes paid 3.10 for
them. Bought some laten paid .60. The bill was 3.70
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JULY 6 1934
Committee metting was called to order by ch. Will Washington on April bought one spool of
wire cost $4.25 and 15c worth of steeples.
On June 25 Annie Smith paid 75 to the chr. Committee Will Washington.
Toll Money $43.15
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Printed Page 19
Committee reports for Ed. Hubbard chr. Quilla Hubbard paid 75. Nealey Hubbard paid 75 on
August 30 it was turn over to the treasure holder.
Aurtha Bydum paid 1.00 to the chr. Will Washington Oct 2. Henry Lott paid 1.00 to the chr.
Commtt an it was turn over to the treasure.
T.D. Thomas paid 1.00
Maggie Bell Harris paid 1.00
Auther Hewett pd 1.00
43.15 |
5.50 |
48.65 |
.75 |
47.40 |
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APRIL 19 – 1935
ChR. Comm. report the commtt bought a rope paid 65. Bought lock paid 25 for it amount for
the two article was 90.
Authur Dever paid 2.50 to CHr committee Will Washington and it was turn over to trea.
Holder Sept 1 1935
On Oct – 1935 Susie Wilson paid 5.00 for Baril of her brother to the committee Richard
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DEC 4, 1935
B. T. Washington
On Nov. 10. CHr. Commtt bought two pins three bottle ink pin 25 each ink 5 per bottle total
65c. On Agust 31 Author Dever paid 2.50 to CHr. Commit Will Washington and it was turn over to trea. Holder Sept. 1 1935. On Oct 1 Susie Wilson paid 5.00 for the
burial of her brother Pal Mosha to the comm.. Richard Twiggs he tur it over to J.D. Karmas. Freddie Jarnet paid 1.00 to commtt Richard Twiggs it was turn over to the
CHr Edie Hubbard.
MARCH 28 1936
On Feb19 0 1936 Rosten Lott pd. 1.00 to the CHr. Comm. Will Washington. Susie Wilson paid
5.00 to the committee Richard Twiggs an it was return back.
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MARCH 20 - 1936
Commtt metting was call to order by the Chr. Committee Will Washington. It was motion an
second that we will have a genarl metting at Kenney on 5th. It was move and second that the committee on Rocky have decied to tear that buidin down an
build it over.
MARCH 28 – 1936
Committ metting was call to order by the CHr. Will Washington. It was move and second that
are committee decied to rebuild that tool house on the semectery.
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NOV. 26. 1936
Committee metting was call to order by CHr. Comm. Will Washington
by comm. reports that they will digs the Tool House an put a flour in it.
Sect B. T. Washington
CHr. W. W. Washington
1936 report jonor
Rosten Lott pd. |
1.00 |
Joe Marshel pd. |
1.00 |
Magor Spates pd. |
1.00 |
L.C. Cole pd. |
1.00 |
U.G. Sanford bought lumber for to repear the tool house he paid 12.38.
MARCH 26 1937
Commttee metting was call to order by CHr. Will Washington. U.G. Sanford bought lumber for
repear of the tool house paid 2.38.
Willie Washington Jr. pd. 1.00 to sect. C. Mcdade on April 4th.
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B.T. Washington
H.Y. Moshay paid to CHr. Comm.. Will Washington 1.00. It was turn over to the trea. Holder.
Reports Willie Washington paid $1.00 to sect Clennie McDade on April 4-1937. Henry Moshay
paid $1.00 in Aug to chr com – Will Washington it was turned over to the treasure holder. Comm. reported that they will build a new gate. They will need 4-fencing
plank. 4 plank 1-3-12 feet long.
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Printed Page 28
Semetery Metting was coll to oder by CHr. Eddie Hubbard. Song by bro. Will Washington.
Prayer by CHr. It was move and second that we will by 4 plank 1-3-12 long. It was move an second that we will met at Kenney Nov 29-1937 to clean the semetery on Sat.
morning. Reports of the Trea. 52.17 – reduce 75 leaves 51.42.
It was move an second that we will want have any smoking in our next metting. It was move
and second that we will use J.M. Lott for Rocky comm.- at Kenney cemetery. It was move that we will that Hary Harris for Rocky commtt. It was move an second that we
will use Kosten Lott for commtt at Kenney. It was move and second that we will use Bennie Havie for our commtt at Kenney. It was move an second that Will an Walter
Spates for commtt at Kenney.
We will join for the next metting will be in March on good Friday at Kenney.
Reports of Trea. |
51.42 |
.75 |
50.67 |
.86 |
Nov. 24 1938 |
49.81 |
1.00 |
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Printed Page 29
Report from CHr. Commttee they paid .71 for plank and paid .15 for a post. 1.00 for T.B.
Adams paid to Chr Washington. $2.50 for the burial of Aurther Deavers boy.
Comtt metting was call to order Nov 24-1938.
Report from Committry.
Paid .71 for plank for a gate an paid .15 for post. T.B. Adam paid to chr. Comm. W.
Washington 1.00 to be as a member of the semtemery. Auther Dever paid 2.50 to chr. Comm.. for the burial of his boy.
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Printed Page 32
Lawernce Quiller |
1.00 |
George Forster |
1.00 |
Eddie Jackson |
1.00 |
Leola Spates |
.75 |
Bessie Cleveland |
.75 |
George Dabner |
1.00 |
Freddie Dabner |
1.00 |
Freedonia Voughn |
.75 |
Effie Davis Dead (line through
Name) |
.75 |
James Morgan |
1.00 |
Ira Lott |
1.00 |
Ron Spates |
1.00 |
T.B. Adams |
1.00 |
Will Jr. Washington |
1.00 |
Henry Moshay |
1.00 |
Roston Lott |
1.00 |
Joe Marshell |
1.00 |
Magor Spates |
1.00 |
L.C. Cole |
1.00 |
T.D. Thomas |
1.00 |
Maggie Bell Harris |
1.00 |
Auther Hewett |
1.00 |
Auther Bynum |
1.00 |
Henry Lott |
1.00 |
Quilla Hubbard |
.75 |
Nealy Hubbard |
.75 |
Lester Hubbard |
1.00 |
Will Peters |
1.00 |
James L. Lott |
1.00 |
Lonnie Allen |
1.00 |
Pearlee Dabney |
.75 |
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Printed Page 33
Next meating July 4 1940
MARCH 22 – 1940
TH Joe Mashel
CH Ed Hubbard
Tresure is now holding Total $52.59
Total $53.59
APRIL 29 1940
Ed Robertson receive 1.00 from James Lott for the joning of the comity cemetery. This money
were dep in Kenney State Bank the same day it were receive. T.H. Joe Mashel repote 30c is owe to Andres Jackson for 3 rail road ties for the bilding of our cemmity
and it have not ben paid yet.
JULY 4 1940
It were move in second that treasure Joe Mashel is pay 30c to Andred Jackson for 3 rail road
ties. It were move in second that we would sanda ?
Next metting Rocky Nov. 28. 1940
53.89 |
6.00 |
59.89 |
3.80 |
55.69 |
3.90 |
59.59 |
Printed Page 34
Dec 1940 Totaling Treasure |
55.89 |
Added |
6.00 |
Paid Out |
3.90 |
Treasure Stand |
55.69 |
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On Oct 15 – 1940
$5.00 were paid to ? for the berring of Jim Randle. Lonnie A ? the the CH Ed Hubbard for the
member ship for Kenney Commity Cemerty. $3.90 were paid to Rernart Lumbar Yard for plank to wall graves.
Treasure |
$53.89c |
.75 |
$53.14 |
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Time 4pm
APRIL 11 1941
$53.89 Treasur
On Oct 15 – 1940
$5.00 were paid to Kenney cemerty in copration for the berring of Jim Randle. This money
were kept and added to treasure in the Kenney State Bank. Lonnie Allen paid to CH Ed Hubbard. $1.00 for a memrship of the Kenney Comity Cemerty. $3.90 were paid to
the Rernart Lumbar yard for plank to walls graves.
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APRIL 11 – 1941
2 water bucket 80
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JULY 1941
1 closet for ladies $14.63c with paint $5.43
(note at bottom of page)
Mr. Henskel send me 3 pound of bacon 2 bars of P.G. Soap 1 Lifebuoy Soap.
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APRIL 6 1942
1 |
Albert Gilmore |
Pd |
1.00 |
2 |
Robert Carson c.r |
Pd |
1.00 |
3 |
Corria Smith |
Pd |
.75 |
4 |
Cillie Doboes |
Pd |
1.00 |
5 |
Dick Willins |
Pd |
1.00 |
6 |
Annis Everline |
Pd |
1.00 |
7 |
Mattie Cleverne |
Pd |
.75 |
8 |
Annie Cleverne |
Pd |
1.00 |
9 |
Susie Allens |
Pd |
1.00 |
10 |
Davis Roberts |
Pd |
1.00 |
11 |
Clemmie McDade |
Pd |
1.00 |
12 |
Idie Smith |
Pd |
.75 |
13 |
Wollis Hood |
Pd |
1.00 |
14 |
Horce Craven |
Pd |
1.00 |
15 |
Riley Deaver |
Pd |
.75 |
16 |
Willie Deaver |
Pd |
1.00 |
17 |
John Allen |
Pd |
1.00 |
18 |
Ed Dever |
Pd |
.70 |
19 |
Handy Tollever |
Pd |
1.00 |
20 |
Dock Wallas |
Pd |
1.00 |
21 |
Louis Robertson |
Pd |
1.00 |
22 |
John Bonner |
Pd |
1.00 |
23 |
Henry Beathny |
Pd |
1.00 |
24 |
Rosie Ward |
Pd |
.75 |
25 |
Dollie George |
Pd |
1.00 |
26 |
Mack Fenniel |
Pd |
.75 |
27 |
Fade Guyton |
Pd |
1.00 |
28 |
Allin Harris |
Pd |
1.00 |
29 |
James Jackson |
Pd |
1.00 |
30 |
Willie Williamson |
Pd |
1.00 |
31 |
Price Jackson |
Pd |
1.00 |
32 |
Walter Jackson |
Pd |
1.00 |
33 |
Wright Jackson |
Pd |
1.00 |
34 |
Dick Dabney |
Pd |
1.00 |
35 |
Will Kenner |
Pd |
? |
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Printed Page 69
Mrs. Hannie Sallins, Mr William Lester Sallins Chapple Hill Texas
36 |
Henry Baley |
Pd |
.25 |
37 |
W.L. Lott |
Pd |
.75 |
38 |
Ben Sanford |
Pd |
.50 |
39 |
George Ward |
Pd |
.50 |
40 |
Jas Moshay |
Pd |
.50 |
41 |
Julia Dabney |
Pd |
.25 |
42 |
George Jackson |
Pd |
.25 |
43 |
Eugenia McDade (Dead) |
Pd |
.75 |
44 |
Price Spates |
Pd |
.50 |
45 |
Fredick Stepson |
Pd |
1.00 |
46 |
Denis Gilmore |
Pd |
1.00 |
47 |
Frank Hood |
Pd |
1.00 |
48 |
George Hicks |
Pd |
1.00 |
49 |
Fennil Sanford |
Pd |
.75 |
50 |
Allice Kessee |
Pd |
.75 |
51 |
Ennis Stokes |
Pd |
1.00 |
52 |
Beddie Kessee |
Pd |
.75 |
Alice Kessee .75
Ennis Stokes 1.00
Page 31
Printed Page 77
Pirsila Thomie |
Pd |
.75 |
Massil Lott |
Pd |
.75 |
Florince Guyton |
Pd |
1.00 |
Robert Lee Brimbra |
Pd |
.75 |
Mattie Washington |
Pd |
.75 |
James Jackson |
Pd |
1.00 |
Milin Willomus |
Pd |
1.00 |
Salie Jeff |
Pd |
1.00 |
Harris Beathen |
Pd |
1.00 |
ED Roberts |
Pd |
1.00 |
Will Parker |
Pd |
1.00 |
Aegentine Griffien |
Pd |
1.00 |
Catey Muffey |
Pd |
1.00 |
Johnnie Smith |
Pd |
1.00 |
Samal Kassie |
Pd |
1.00 |
Millie Harris |
Pd |
.75 |
Ollie Lee Smith |
Pd |
1.00 |
Jissie Rollis |
Pd |
1.00 |
West Davis |
Pd |
1.00 |
Gaba Davis |
Pd |
1.00 |
Maggie Willie |
Pd |
.75 |
Willie Quiller |
Pd |
1.00 |
W.B. Knoxson |
Pd |
1.00 |
Anderson Lee |
Pd |
1.00 |
Arsar Sander |
Pd |
1.00 |
E.D. Allen |
Pd |
1.00 |
John Millie |
Pd |
1.00 |
Locket Robertson |
Pd |
1.00 |
Pinkie Smith |
Pd |
.75 |
Hobert Hohlt |
Pd |
1.00 |
Cess Jackson |
1.00 |
Seser Hood |
Pd |
1.00 |
C.W. Hood |
Pd |
1.00 |
Jim Cleverne |
Pd |
1.00 |
Page 32
Printed Page 78
Lawernce Quiller |
Pd |
1.00 |
Louis Hill |
George Foster |
Pd |
1.00 |
Arther Hicks |
Eddie Jackson |
Pd |
1.00 |
Arther Hewitt |
Leola Spates |
Pd |
.75 |
John Bolden |
Edd Kesee |
Pd |
1.00 |
Johnnie Dabney |
Bessie Cleburne |
Pd |
.75 |
George Dabney |
Pd |
1.00 |
Freddie Dabney |
Pd |
.75 |
Effie Voughn |
Pd |
.75 |
James Lott |
Pd |
1.00 |
James Morgon |
Pd |
1.00 |
Ira Lott |
Pd |
1.00 |
Richard Twigs |
Pd |
1.00 |
Chillie Kissee |
Pd |
1.00 |
Karo Thomas |
Pd |
1.00 |
Will Collins |
Pd |
1.00 |
CW Dabney |
Pd |
1.00 |
Johnie Hampton |
1.00 |
Garfield Graves |
Pd |
1.00 |
Ben Voughn |
Pd |
1.00 |
Glen Quiller |
Pd |
1.00 |
Robert Lott |
Pd |
1.00 |
Robert Holt |
Pd |
1.00 |
Ray Spates |
Pd |
1.00 |
U.G. Sanford |
Pd |
1.00 |
Joe Mashle |
Pd |
1.00 |
John Lott |
Pd |
1.00 |
Louis Smith |
Pd |
1.00 |
Edd Hubbard |
Pd |
1.00 |
Lonnie Collins |
Pd |
1.00 |
ED. Robertson |
1.00 |
Magor Spates |
1.00 |
LC Coles |
1.00 |
TD Thomas |
1.00 |
Robert Spates |
1.00 |
Page 33
Printed Page 81
Lawrence Quiller |
Pd |
1.00 |
Louis Hill |
1.00 |
George Foster |
Pd |
1.00 |
Arthur Hicks |
1.00 |
Eddie Jackson |
Pd |
1.00 |
Arthur Hewitt |
1.00 |
Leola Spates |
Pd |
.75 |
John Dabney |
1.00 |
Eddie Kesee |
Pd |
1.00 |
Bessie Clebern |
Pd |
.75 |
George Dabney |
Pd |
1.00 |
Freddie Dabney |
Pd |
.75 |
Louis Hine |
Effie Vaughn (line through name) |
Pd |
.75 |
Arther Hick |
James Morgan |
Pd |
1.00 |
Arthur Hewitt |
Ira Lott |
Pd |
1.00 |
John Dabney |
Richard Twiggs |
Pd |
1.00 |
Chilie Kissie |
Pd |
1.00 |
Karo Thomas |
Pd |
1.00 |
Will Collins |
Pd |
1.00 |
CW Dubose |
Pd |
1.00 |
Johnnie Hampton |
Pd |
1.00 |
Garfield Grare |
Pd |
1.00 |
Ben Voughn |
Pd |
1.00 |
Glen Quiller |
Pd |
1.00 |
Robert Lott |
Pd |
1.00 |
Robert Holt |
Pd |
1.00 |
Kenney Texas |
Roy Spates |
Pd |
1.00 |
UG Sanders |
Pd |
1.00 |
Joe Mashel |
Pd |
1.00 |
John Lott |
Pd |
1.00 |
UG Sandfor |
Louis Smith |
Pd |
1.00 |
Eddie Hubbard |
Pd |
1.00 |
Eddie Hubbard |
James J. Lott |
Pd |
1.00 |
James W. Lott |
Lonnie Allen |
Pd |
1.00 |
Lonnie Allen |
ED Robertson |
Pd |
1.00 |
Ed Robertson |
Maggie Spates |
Pd |
1.00 |
Maggie Spates |
LC Coles |
Pd |
1.00 |
LC Cole |
TD Thomas |
Pd |
1.00 |
TD Thomas |
Robert Spates |
Pd |
1.00 |
Robert Spates |
Louis Hill |
Pd |
1.00 |
Website maintained by Jane Keppler, Austin County Coordinator.
Gina Hefferman - TX State CoordinatorAssistant State Coordinators: Jane
Keppler, Bunny
Freeman and Laura
Gregory Roberts
Copyright © 1997-present by
Jane Keppler.
information may be used by individuals for their own personal use,
libraries and genealogical societies. Commercial use of this
information is strictly prohibited without prior written permission from Jane Keppler.
If material is copied, this copyright notice must appear with the information and please email me and let me know. Neither the Site Coordinators nor the volunteers assume any
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10 December 2024