Austin County African American Genealogy
Our appreciation to Silvia Adkins and Terrence A. Garnett for their help with this section of the Austin County, TXGenWeb website.
World War One Veterans
The following information was taken from A HISTORY OF AUSTIN COUNTY, TEXAS IN THE WORLD WAR a thesis written by Ruby Grote Ratliff, B.A. in August, 1931 for "Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Master of Arts. Chapter III entitled MILITARY SERVICES OF THE COLORED MEN lists the service records of two officers, Men in the Army," men who were killed or who died, the wounded, two deserters, one man who was discharged without honor and a list of the colored men whose names appear on the county list but whose records were not found. Only part of the information regarding these men is provided in order to fit it into a table. The lists were also combined and alphabetized for your convenience.. We added cemetery information (not in thesis) when easily available. The entire thesis is available for patrons to use in the reference section of the Bellville Public Library but may not be removed from the library. The following information is divided for faster downloads because the complete file is large.
Surname | First Name(s) | Service Information | Cemetery |
Abbs | Duffie | 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | Ives Creek |
Adams | Thomas B. | Pfc Co C 509 Engrs U. S. Army | Cedar Hill; Wash. Co. |
Ammons | Benjamin B. | 1st Lt. 92 M. P. Co U. S. Army | |
Ammons | Oscar | U. S. ArmyOrg.3 Co. 1 Bn. 165 Dep. Brig. | |
Anderson | John | Co. A. 326 Laor Bn. | |
Annstrang | James | Co. 10 Tng. Bn. 158 Dep. Brig. | |
Austin | Floyd | Sup. Co. 809 Pioneer Inf. | |
Bailey | Zeany | 15 Co. 4 Bn. 155 Dep Brig | |
Bank | Tom | Co C. 522 Engrs. | |
Bankett | Ezekial | Co. B. 522 Engr Serv. Bn. | |
Bassett | George | Pfc Co C 521 Engrs U. S. Army | Downey |
Bassett | John Sam | Pvt. Bo B 522 Engrs U. S. Army | Downey |
Bassett | Thomas L. | Co B SATC Prairie View | |
Bates | Frank | Pvt Co B 313 Serv Bn U. S. Army | |
Beal | Joseph N. | Pvt Co A 414 Reserve Labor Bn Army | |
Benjamin | Bennie | Sgt 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Benjamin | Henry | Pvt 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Blackman | Eugene | Pfc Co E 24 Inf U. S. Army | |
Blacknell | Floyd Warren | Pvt 159 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Blacknell | Harry | Pfc 22 Serv Co 20 Engrs U. S. Army | |
Blacknell | Smith | Pvt 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Blumson | Eugene | Pvt 445 Res Labor Bn U. S. Army | |
Bolden | Cleffus M. | Pvt Co A 522 Serv Bn Engrs US Army | |
Bonner | Oscar | Co C 523 Engrs Serv Bn U. S. Army | |
Bouldin | Johnnie Lee | Co D 449 Res Labor Bn. U. S. Army | |
Brooks | Albert | Cpl Co A 322 Serv Bn QMC Army | |
Brooks | Bennie | Pvt Co C 509 Engrs U. S. Army | |
Brown | Elbert | Pvt Co A 65 Pion Inf U. S. Army Died of Pneumonia | SealyOther |
Brown | James | Pvt. Co A 65 Pion Inf U. S. Army | Downey |
Brown | James | Pvt Co D 522 Engrs U. S. Army | |
Brown | Joe | Cook 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | SealyOther |
Brown | Juny | Record not found | |
Bryant | James | Pvt Co A 326 Labor Bn U. S. Army | |
Bryant | Roger | Record not found | |
Burditt | Austin, Sr. | Pvt. 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | Dotson |
Bush | David | Pvt Co B 531 Engrs U. S. Army | |
Byars | Jones | Pvt Co C 509 Engrs Serv Bn Army | |
Byars | Namon | Pvt 22 Serv Bn Co 20 Engrs Army | |
Byers | Dave | Pvt Co B 513 Engrs U. S. Army | |
Byers | Richard | Record not found | |
Bynum | Elijah | Pvt Co I 369 Inf U. S. Army | |
Canty | Eddie | Co I 369 Inf U. S. Army | Pleasant Grove |
Carter | George | Pvt Co L 801 Pion Inf U. S. Army | |
Carter | Rufus | Pfc Co B 322 Lab Bn U. S. Army | |
Chappell | Ed. | Pvt 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Chappell | Hillry | Pvt 20 Engrs U. S. Army | |
Clark | Salum | Pvt Co I 368 Inf U. S. Army | |
Cleveland | Jasper | Pvt Co D 410 Res Labor Bn US Army | |
Cleveland | Saul | Pvt. 1 Co Col Ret Camp U. S. Army | Parker Chapel |
Cloud | Walter | Pvt 412 Reserve Lab Bn QMC Army | |
Coats | Aaron A. | Pvt 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Cole | Elijah | Col Det 57 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Collier | Toliver | Pfc Co K 370 Inf U. S. Army | |
Cramer | Gripa | Cpl Co I 801 Pion Inf U. S. Army | |
Cramer | Joe | Pvt Co 3 Aux Rmt 329 U. S. Army | |
Creed | Minton | Pvt Co B 522 Engrs U. S. Army | |
Crockett | Walter | Pvt Co A 24 Inf U. S. Army | |
Cumings | Nehemiah | Pvt Co A 449 Reserve Labor Bn Army | |
Cummings | Allen W. | Pfc Co D 355 Labor Bn U. S. Army | |
Cummings | Reese | Pvt Auto Repl Camp Cp 8 FB Morse | |
Davis | Bennie | Pvt Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Davis | Ed | Pvt Co A 343 Serv Bn U. S. Army | Jeff |
Davis | Will | Pvt Co A 435 Labor Bn U. S. Army | |
Dawson | Choice Alexander | Pvt. Co A 410 Res Lab Bn U S Army | Dotson. |
Dawson | John | Pvt. Co B 308 Serv Bn QMC US Army | Downey |
Downey | Arthur | Prv 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | San Felipe Black |
Downey | Dennis | Pvt Co B 522 Engr Serv Bn US Army | San Felipe Black |
Dudley | Albert | Co A 322 Labor Bn U. S. Army | |
Eckels | William | Pvt Co A 345 Labor Bn QMC Army, Died of Pneumonia | |
Edwards | Henry N. | Co C 815 Pion Inf U. S. Army | |
Edwards | Plenty | Pfc Co C 509 Engrs U. S. Army | |
Erwin | Willie | Record not found | |
Evans | Arthur James | Pvt Co A 410 Res Labor Bn US Army | |
Fawcett | Sam David | Pvt Co D 801 Pion Inf U. S. Army | Hillside Ceme |
Fedford | Agria | Record not found | |
Fedford | Truman | Record not found | |
Fisher | Andrew J. | TX Pvt Co B 307 Engr. U. S. Army, Died of pneumonia | StaehleCem |
Flakes | Ollie | Pvt Motor Sec B U. S. Army | |
Foster | Richard | Pfc Co D 430 Res Labor Bn US Army | Bellvillevicinity |
Free | Alfred | Pvt Co L 801 Pion Inf U. S. Army | |
Fry | James | Pvt 410 Labor Bn U. S. Army | Downey Ceme |
Gaines | Aron | Pvt Co F 368 Inf U. S. Army | |
Gaines | Arthur McKinley | Pvt 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Gaines | Robert | Pvt Co A 322 Serv Bn U. S. Army | |
Gasper | Arthur | Pvt Co B 507 Engrs U. S. Army | Dotson Memorial Ceme Sealy, TX |
Gentry | Nick | Record not found | |
Gillum | Louis | Pvt 410 Labor Bn U S Army | JeffCem |
Gilmore | Monroe | Pvt Co C 509 Engrs U. S. Army | |
Glenn | James | Pvt. Co C 24 Inf U S Army | Glenn Ceme |
Goff | Tom | Pvt Det Camp U. S. Army | |
Gonzales | George | Pvt 6 Engrs U. S. Army | |
Gonzales | John | Pvt Co A 65 Pion Inf U. S. Army | |
Gonzales | Williard | Pfc Bo B 322 Serv Bn U. S. Army | |
Goodem | Charley | Pfc Det 392 Div Labor Bn US Army | |
Grant | Frank | U. S. Army 61 Dep. Brig. | |
Graves | David | Record not found | |
Graves | Garfield | Pvt 165 De Brig U. S. Army | |
Greene | Edward | Pfc Co B 507 Engrs U. S. Army | |
Greene | Rogers | Pfc Co C 509 Engrs U. S. Army | Macedonia Ceme |
Hall | Jeffrey (Jeff) | Pvt Co A 412 Res Lab Bn QMC Army | San Felipe Cem |
Hall | Tommy | Pvt 5 Co 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | San Felipe Cem |
Hall | Willie | Pvt C 223 Co Trans. Corp US Army | |
Hampton | Walter | Record not found | |
Harper | John | Pvt 265 Dep Brig U. S. Army | Pleasant Grove |
Harris | Charlie | Cpl 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Harris | Clarence | Pvt 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | SealyOther |
Harris | John J. | Pvt Co C 509 Engrs U.S. Army | SFC colored |
Harris | Lonnie | Pvt 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Harris | Raleigh | Pvt Fld Rmt Sq 364 U. S. Army | |
Harris | Sam | Record not found | |
Haten | Reedy | Pvt 22 Serv Bn Co 20 Engrs Army | |
Haynes | Charles J. | Pvt Co A 65 Pion Inf U. S. Army | BellVinicity |
Haywood | Henry | Pvt 22 Serv Bn Co 20 Engrs Army | |
Haywood | Wesley | Pvt Co D 509 Engrs U. S. Army | |
Hill | Jake | Pvt 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Hill | John H. | Sgt Co A 322 Serv Bn U. S. Army | |
Hill | Sam | Pvt Co F 816 Pion Inf U. S. Army | |
Holmes | Elisha Willie | Pvt Co A 355 Labor Bn U. S. Army | |
Hood | Charlie | Cpl 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
House | Jack | Record not found | |
Hubbard | Andrew | Pvt 301 Stev Regt to 808 T. C. Army | |
Hunter | Jessie | Pvt Co D 405 Serv Bn U. S. Army | |
Jackson | Albert | Pfc Co L 24 Inf U. S. Army | |
Jackson | Allen | Record not found | |
Jackson | Dave | Pvt Co A 625 Labor Bn U. S. Army | |
Jackson | Fred D. | Pvt Co D 615 Pion Inf U. S. Army | |
Jackson | James A. | Pfc Co B 537 Engrs U. S. Army | |
Jackson | Julius | Pvt 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Jackson | Lee J. | Pfc Co B 404 Serv Bn U. S. Army | |
Jackson | Luther | Cpl 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Jackson | Montie, Jr. | Pvt 412 Labor Bn U. S. Army | |
Jackson | Wayman | SATC Prairie View | |
Jamerson | Charlie | Pvt Co B 331 Service Bn US Army | |
Jeff | John Eddie | TX Sgt 2 Co 165 Depot Brig. U S Army | Jeff |
Jeff | Walter | Pfc 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Jeff | William | Pvt 3 Cp 1 Bn 165 Dep Brig U S Army | Jeff |
Johnson | Amos | Pvt 6 Engrs Serv Bn U. S. Army | |
Johnson | Eldridge | Pfc Co A 434 Res Labor Bn US Army | |
Johnson | Paul | Record not found | |
Johnson | Willard | Record not found | |
Jones | Ellis | Pfc Co D 412 Res Labor Bn US Army | |
Jones | William | Pvt Co C 522 Engrs U. S. Army | |
Kallie | Johnie | Pvt Co A 322 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Keener | Arthur "Archie" | Pvt Co C 414 Labor Bn U. S. Army | Vicinity of Bellville |
Keener | Willie | Pfc 78 Co 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Keith | Bennie | Pvt Co B 532 Engrs U. S. Army | |
Kennedy | Rance | Pvt Engrs U. S. Army | |
Kenner | Alex | Pfc Co. B. 429 Reserve Labor Bn. U. S. Army | |
Kenner | Ismah | Pvt Co B 435 Labor Bn U. S. Army | |
Kenno | Willie | Pvt 10th Co 165 Dep Brig US Army | |
Kesee | Ed | Record not found | |
Kinnard | Sammie | Co. D. 341 Labor Bn. US Army | |
Kirby | Eugene | Record not found | |
Kitchen | Henry | Record not found | |
Leaks | Clenty (Clinty) | Vicinity of Bellville | |
Leaks. | James, Sr | Pvt 410 Labor Bn U. S. Army | Samuel |
Lee | Allen | Pvt Co 8 Casual Cp #L US Army | |
Lewis | Albert | Pvt 22 Engrs Serv Co 20 Engrs Army | |
Lewis | Hilliart | Pvt Sup Co 304 Stev Regt US Army | |
Lewis | Ira | Pfc Co C 509 Engrs U. S. Army | San Felipe Black |
Lewis | Jesse | Pvt 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Lewis | Walter | Pvt Co D 341 Serv Bn QMC US Army | |
Lillie | Curge | Pfc Co L 801 Pioneer Inf US Army | |
Lilly | Fred | Pvt 22 Co Bn 165 Dep Brig US Army | |
Lockett | Temple | 1st Sgt 2 Co 165 Dep Brig US Army | |
Locust | Glenda Ware | 2nd Lt Inf. U. S. Army | |
Long | Robert, Jr. | Cpl Co D 410 Res Labor Bn US Army | San Felipe Black |
Madison | Nathan | Pvt 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Mahan | Jessie | Pvt Co C 316 Serv Bn U. S. Army | |
Majors | Jesse | Pfc Co C 509 Engrs U. S. Army | |
Majors | Norman | Mech 817 Co T. C. U. S. Army | |
Manley (Manly) | Arthur (Art) | Pvt Unassigned U. S. Army | Downey |
Manning | Lucius | Record not found | |
Mayo | David | Pvt Co A 522 Serv Bn U. S. Army | |
Mays | Bracy | Pvt Co D 1 Dev Bn U. S. Army | |
Mays (Mayes) | John | Pfc Co C 322 Serv Bn U. S. Army | Pilgrim's Rest Black |
McDade | Robert | Pfc Co B 523 Engrs U. S. Army | |
McFarland | Oscar | Pfc 133 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
McNeese | Wesley | Pvt 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Miller | James | Pvt Co A 503 Engrs Serv Bn Army | |
Miller | Jimmie | Pvt 6 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Miller | Willie | Pvt 18 Serv Co 20 Engrs U. S. Army | |
Mitchell | Eddie | Pvt Co C 509 Engrs U. S. Army | Vicinity of Bellville |
Mitchell | William H. | Pvt 845 Co Trans Corps U. S. Army | |
Moore | Abraham | Pvt 6 Engrs Serv Co Forestry Army | |
Mosely | Jonathan | Record not found | |
Mosely | Lucian | Pvt Co B 522 Engrs Serv Bn Army | |
Mosley Mosely | George J. | Pfc Co B 410 Labor Bn U. S. Army | Vicinity of Bellville |
Mosley Mosely | Henry | Cpl Co D 332 Serv Bn QMC Army | Jeff |
Nash | Hiram | Pvt. Co C 322 Serv Bn U. S. Army | San Felipe Black |
Nazy | Roy | Pvt 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | Vicinity of Bellville |
Neal | Hilliard | Pvt Co 8 Cas Camp #1 U. S. Army | |
Newsome | Isaac | Sgt Co 322 Serv Bn QMC US Army | Ind IvesCreek |
Newsome | John | Pvt 57 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Nichols | Arthur | Pvt 57 Dep Brig U. S. Army | Jeff |
Nichols | Ralph | TX Pvt Bglr Co C 509 Engrs US Army | Jeff |
Nichols | Walter | TX Pfc 312 Labor BN QMC US Army | Jeff |
Nichols | Will | Record not found | |
Noise | Jesse | Record not found | |
Osborne | Solomon | Pvt 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Palmer | Salem | Pvt Co L 801 Pion Inf U. S. Army | |
Parker | Ira | TX Pvt 6 CO 165 Depot Brigade | Gilbert Ceme. |
Parker | Joe | Pvt Black Draft Camp to disch. | |
Parker | Johnnie J. | TX Pvt. 14 Co. 165 Depot Brigade | Gilbert Ceme. |
Parker | Willie | Pvt 6 Engrs Serv Co U. S. Army | |
Patrick | Joe | Record not found | |
Pointer | Mathew | Pvt Co C 322 Serv Bn U. S. Army | |
Pope | Burel | Pfc Co C 509 Engrs U. S. Army | |
Porter | John | Pvt Co 8 2nd Bn 165 Dep Brig Army | Pilgrim's Rest Black |
Portis | Marion | Record not found | |
Portus | George | Pvt 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Portus | Thomas | Pvt 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Randle | Alonzo | Record not found | |
Randle | Willie | Pvt Co 9 Detention Cp U. S. Army | Goodwill |
Ray | James | Pvt 326 Labor Bn U. S. Army | |
Reed | Minton | Pfc 522 Engrs Co B U. S. Army | |
Reese | James | Record not found | |
Richardson | Charlie | TX Pvt 3 Co ! Bn 165 Depot Brigade | Jeff |
Richardson | Ed | TX Cpl Co A 522 Engrs U. S. Army | Jeff |
Roberson | Ackles | Pvt 6th Engrs Seerv Co. U. S. Army | |
Roberts | Elijah | Cpl Co B 355 Labor Bn U. S. Army | |
Roberts | James | Pvt Co A 326 Serv Bn U. S. Army | |
Robinson | Ardell (Odell) | Pvt 9 Co U S Army | Hillside |
Robinson | Charles | Pvt Co K 24 Inf U. S. Army | |
Roller | Harry | Pvt Co A 52 Engrs U. S. Army | |
Roundtree | Henry L. | Pvt Q.M.C. U. S. Army | Hillside |
Routt | Oscar | Pfc Co A 815 Pioneer Inf U. S. Army | |
Sanders | Joe | Pvt U. S. Army | |
Sanford | Ultra | Pvt Ord Dept U. S. Army | |
Saunders | Mathis | Co. C. 322 Labor Bn. | |
Shelton | James D. | Pvt Co C 322 Serv Bn U. S. Army | Wallis |
Sheppard | Isaac | Record not found | |
Sherod | Samuel | Pvt 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Sims (Simms) | Alex | TX Pvt 165 Depot Brig U. S. Army | Jeff |
Singleton | Arthur | Mech Co B 410 Res Labor Bn Army | |
Singleton | Tom | 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Slater | Hammond L. | Cpl 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | Pilgrim's Rest Black |
Sloan | Jim | Pvt. Co B 521 Engrs U. S. Army | San Felipe Black |
Smalley | Oscar | Pvt 163 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Smalley | Willie | Pvt Co F 369 Inf U. S. Army, Wounded | |
Smith | Sol | Pvt 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Southern | Daniel | Pvt 6 Serv Bn 20 Engrs U. S. Army | |
Southern | Noah | Pvt U. S. Army, Died of pneumonia | Vicinity of Bellville |
Spates | Major | Pvt 20 Engrs U. S. Army | |
Spates | Warner | Pvt Sup Co 65 Pion Inf U. S. Army, Died of pneumonia | Kenney |
Spriggs | Hagman | Pvt Co B 513 Engrs U. S. Army | |
Starks | John B. | Pvt Co C 509 Engrs U. S. Army | |
Strawder | Dave | Pvt 57 Dep Brig U. S. Army | Vicinity of Bellville |
Sykes | Marcellus | Unassigned U. S. Army | |
Telford | Cora | Record not found | |
Terry | Acie | Pvt 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Terry | Allen L. | Pvt Co C 308 Serv Bn U. S. Army | |
Thomas | Arthur | Pvt Co I 812 Pion Inf U. S. Army | |
Thomas | George | Pvt 61 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Thomas | John | Pvt. Co A 405 Res Lab Bn U. S. Army | San Felipe Black |
Thompson | Julius | Pvt Co F 369 Inf U. S. Army, Died of wounds | Vicinity of Bellville |
Tippit | Edwin | SATC Bishop College, Marshall, TX | |
Twiggs | Richard | Pvt 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | Kenney |
Upshaw | Eddie | Pvt 6 Engrs U. S. Army | |
Upshaw | Edgar | Pvt 61 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Upshaw | Will | Pvt Co B 322 Serv Bn U. S. Army | |
Wade | George | Pvt 57 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Walker | Lawrence | Pvt 57 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Waller | Crawford | TX Pvt 6 Engrs U. S. Army | Jeff |
Waller | Mathew Bell | Pvt 165 Depot Brig U. S. Army | Jeff |
Waller | Overton V. | Pvt 410 Res Labor Bn QMC Army | Jeff |
Ward | George | Pvt 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Ward | Louis | Pvt Co C 509 Engrs U. S. Army | Vicinity of Bellville |
Ward | Wesley | Pvt 155 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Ward | Willie | Pvt QMC Aux Rmt Dept 329 Army | |
Warner | Walter | Pvt U. S. Army | |
Washington | Charles | Record not found | |
Washington | Charles | Pvt Co B 65 Pion Inf U. S. Army | |
Washington | Frank | Bglr 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Washington | Gideon | Bglr 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | Jeff |
Watkins | Tom | Cook Co D 341 Labor Bn U. S. Army | |
Wells | Isaac | Pfc 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | Vicinity of Bellville |
White | George | Pvt 165 Depot Brig U. S. Army | |
Whitley (Whitely) | Hezikiah | Pvt 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army, Died of empyema | Vicinity of Bellville |
Whitmire | Frank | Pvt 165 Depot Brig U. S. Army | |
Whitmire | Pearl | Wag Sup Co 65 Pion Inf U. S. Army | |
Williams | Archie | Pvt 57 Dep Brig U. S. Army | Samuels . |
Williams | Dave | Pvt Co D 341 Labor Bn U. S. Army | Pilgrim's Rest Black |
Williams | Ira | Pvt Co C 509 Engrs U. S. Army | |
Williams | Jesse | Pvt 51 Co 157 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Williams | John | Pvt 824 Transport Corps U. S. Army | |
Williams | Leonard | Pvt Co B 404 Serv Bn U. S. Army | |
Williams | Leonard | Record not found | |
Williams | Mathews | Record not found | |
Williams | McKinney | Unassigned U. S. Army | |
Williams | Thomas | Pvt Co C 322 Labor Bn U. S. Army | |
Wilson | Albert | Pvt Medical Dept U. S. Army | |
Wilson | Wilbert | Pvt 163 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Woodards | Ollie | Pvt Sup Co 809 Pion Inf U. S. Army | |
Yancy | Mathew | Pvt 164 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Young | Massie | Pvt 165 Dep Brig U. S. Army | |
Young | Robert | Cpl 806 Bn Transport Corps US Army | |
Zink | Light | Pvt 57 Dep Brig U. S. Army | New Ulm |
Zink | Willie | Pfc Co M 815 Pion Inf U. S. Army | |