Austin County, Texas

Census of Austin County, Texas

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1858 Austin County Census

| Name Index |
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State of Texas Census of 1858

Copied under the supervision of the Littlefield Fund and assisted by Project No. 43 of the Bureau of Research in the Social Sciences at The University of Texas from original manuscripts located in the courthouse at Bellville, Texas, and loaned by the county clerk and county judge of Austin County.

This 1858 Austin County census information was copied from typed text and includes whatever errors were in the original script, whatever errors were in the typed text, and whatever errors we were unable to edit out from our own copy. Much appreciation goes to Joy Neely who thought up this project and spent hours copying and editing. 

In addition to the original text, we have added an index. You will notice in the original text that frequently there are more than one name in the head of household column. The index lists all these names as shown and then shows the page number where the original entry is shown. Following is the first page of manuscript. We took the liberty of adding column headings rather than using the numbers shown. Also, we omitted several columns showing acreage, crops, totals, etc.