Austin County, Texas

Census of Austin County, Texas

If you are aware of other records or can provide us with such records, or have any census of Austin County, please share it with everyone here. You can contact us for census content donations.

NOTICE: This Census section of the website is under construction. Please check back as addition is being added frequently.

Austin County, Texas
1880 United States Census
Enumeration Districts

We do not claim that this map is absolutely accurate. However, it will be helpful to those who are not well acquainted with the topographical features of the county.

Thanks to John Sauer for producing this map.

Click the map for a larger (readable view)

Austin County Population for each district. (Approximate population)

BellvilleDistrict 1485
Bovine BendDistrict 567
Brazos River BendDistrict 5223
HartsvilleDistrict 587
Precinct 1District 11120
Precinct 1District 22420
Precinct 1District 397
Precinct 1District 1661654
Precinct 2District 41466
Precinct 3District 5236
Precinct 4District 61577
Precinct 5District 73085
Precinct 5District 16665
Precinct 7District 71555
San BernardoDistrict 539
San FelipeDistrict 5162
SealyDistrict 524
WallisDistrict 521
WardsvilleDistrict 573