History of Austin County, Texas
Located in southeastern Texas, Austin County is one of the oldest counties in Texas, organized in 1837 during the Republic of Texas. It was founded from an old Mexican Municipality and named in honor of Stephen Austin. Austin County is bordered on the north by Washington County, on the east by Waller and Fort Bend Counties, on the south on Wharton County, and on the west by Colorado and Fayette Counties. Bellville, the county seat and second largest town, is fifty miles west-northwest of Houston.
From: www.austincounty.com
The County Facts
- Austin County is named for Stephen Fuller Austin, also know as the "Father of Texas"
- Austin County was selected by Stephen F. Austin in 1823 as the central site for his colony, the first Anglo-American settlement in Texas
- Austin County is one of the oldest counties in Texas, organized in 1837 during the Republic of Texas
- San Felipe was the County Seat of Austin County until 1848 when it was moved to Bellville
- Total area in square miles is 663.
The County of First
- San Felipe, the first capital of Texas. A log cabin replica of Stephen F. Austin's home at San Felipe
- First newspaper, The Gazette, founded in 1829
- First book published in Texas was printed at San Felipe
- First postal system
- First organized police force which became the Texas Rangers. The Texas Rangers had their beginning in San Felipe's committees of public safety for protection against Indians
- First flag and the official flag of independence
- First Sunday School
- First English speaking school funded in 1829
Historical Facts
- Bellville - became county seat in 1848. Named for the Bell family. Historical Marker placed at Concordia Hall for 108 year old German Singing Society
- Nelsonville - nearby is the Joseph L. Leshikar house. The first Czech home built in Austin County in 1854 has a historical marker
- Industry - oldest German settlement in Texas established in 1830 when Frederick Ernst settled there (Historical Marker 3 miles off FM 109 in pasture)
- New Ulm - settled in early 1830's when German settlers came into this area (Historical marker on school grounds)
- Milheim - The German spelling of the name was Muelheim. Water mill for grinding corn was in the creek. Town settled in early 1830's. Creek became known as Mill Creek
- Cat Spring - Town established near springs in early 1830's (Historical Marker on the grounds of the Cat Spring Agricultural Society Hall, organized in 1856)
- Piney - In 1850 Concordia Gesangverein organized in the home of Fritz Schlect. (German Singing Society) Concordia Hall is now in Bellville
- Sealy - founded on 11,635 acre tract of land conveyed by the Corporation of San Felipe de Austin (out of original 22,000 acre Mexican land grant of 1824 for San Felipe) to George Sealy in 1879 for whom it was named
- Frydek - Czech town established in 1890 named by its early settlers for Silesian city of same name (Frydek means "Friendly Corner")
- San Felipe De Austin - Established in 1824, Translated means "Saint Phillip" believed to have been the patron saint of Luciano Garcia, Governor of this Province of Mexico, who named the town. Capital of Anglo-American Colonists 1824-1836. Burned on orders of General Sam Houston about three weeks prior to battle of San Jacinto. Three homes, Town Hall, Church, Cabin and museum have Historical Markers. Official Marker for town site on FM 1458 at entrance to town
- Stephen F. Austin Park Association - organized 1928. Established Memorial Park for Stephen f. Austin, 12 acres now in historical are of state park
- Stephen F. Austin State Park - Corporation of San Felipe de Austin gave 657 acres to the State of Texas in 1940 for the recreational area. Both parts of the park are operated by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.

Austin County History
Austin County, with its rural and agricultural
background, presents a series of inspiring views to the passer-through. Its
rolling hills and almost idyllic farm settings can be breathtaking in their
beauty and on closer inspection, the farm houses, and even the commercial
buildings give the impression of a vital and tenacious pioneer spirit which
managed to bring forth a civilized way of life from the wild land to which
these settlers first came. What were they like? How did they live?
The area now known as Austin County was selected
by Stephen Fuller Austin in 1823 as the site for his colony, the first
Anglo-American settlement in Texas. It was Stephen F. Austin's father,
Moses, who had originally obtained permission from the Mexican government in
January, 1821, to bring three hundred families to Texas to establish a
colony. However, before he could begin to carry out his colonization plan he
became ill with pneumonia and died June 10, 1821. Prior to his death, Moses
Austin had requested that his son be allowed to carry out this colonization
plan, which Stephen F. Austin was permitted to do. He was instructed by the
Mexican authorities to explore the area on the Colorado River that he
expected to settle. Austin reported back to the Mexican authorities
outlining the boundaries he desired for his colony and submitted the plan he
had devised for the distribution of land. In order to attract settlers for
his new colony Austin advertised in newspapers and offered the incentive of
additional land to those who possessed skills which could be used by all who
settled in the colony. Those families which followed Austin settled on the
west bank of the Brazos River, above the mouth of Mill Creek. Among those
who first settled were: Abner Kuykendall and sons, Horatio Chriesman,
William Robbins, Early Robbins, Moses Shipman, David Shipman, William
Prator, James Orrick, J. M. Pennington, Samuel Kennedy, Isam Belcher, and
David Talley. In 124 Stephen F. Austin was commissioned the political
chief of the colony. In July, 1824 the general land office was opened at San
Felipe de Austin, the unofficial capitol of the Anglo-American settlements
in Texas. At this time titles were issued for the amount of land allowed by
the contract of colonization, which was 640 acres for each single man or
head of the family, 320 acres for a wife, 160 acres for each child and 80
acres for each slave. These early settlers usually built near streams where
water could easily be found and an abundance of wood for building and
fencing material, as well as where fuel would be readily available.
During the early years of settlement Indians were the greatest problem and
danger faced by the colonists and it appears that the Karankawas were the
most troublesome. Many women and children were killed while left unguarded
as the men were working.
Additionally, because of poor transportation routes that made it difficult
and often impossible to obtain the equipment needed to cultivate the land,
productivity during the first few years settlement was not sufficient to
meet the needs of the colonists. As the needed implements became more
readily available productivity increased, and this coupled with an abundance
of game proved sufficient to meet the colonist's needs. During those early
years there was plenty of wood, but no sawmills, so houses were built of
logs. Most were one room with a dirt floor. One of these dwellings is
described by a woman, one of the early settlers, who said, "Our house was a
miserable little hut, covered with straw and having six sides, which were
made of moss. The roof was by no means waterproof, and we often held an
umbrella over our bed when it rained at night, while the cows came and ate
the moss. Of course we suffered a great deal in the winter. My father had
tried to build a chimney and fireplace out of logs and clay, but we were
afraid to light a fire because of the extreme combustibility of our
dwelling. So we had to shiver.
Early routes of transportation through Austin
County consisted usually of wagon ruts or beaten trails marked by notched
trees. Many were small roads joining colonies, but there were also a few
major routes which extended to sizable towns or joining colonies, but there
were also a few major routes which extended to sizable towns or joined
larger highways such as the San Antonio Road (El Camino Real). One main
route that passed through San Felipe was the Atascosita Road, which
connected Goliad with the United States. This road received its name from
Atascosa (Spanish for "boggy") Spring near Liberty. Goods brought inland
from the Gulf Coast were transported over the San Felipe Road, which ran to
Harrisburg. The Brazos River was also used for transportation, but it was
used less than the roads for its waters were often rapid during the rainy
season and the water route was longer than the overland routes. However,
even the main routes were dusty in the summer and often impassable during
the winter because of flooding.
Most accounts of the early history of Austin County describe the colonists
as being quite intelligent as a whole. But it appears few were interested in
securing an education for their children for early records indicate only a
few of those school age children ever attended school. Stephen F. Austin
attempted to get the legislature of Mexico and Texas to establish a school
system and he sought to establish an academy at San Felipe, but was unable
to see either plan realized. The German settlers attempted to organize a
German University near Industry in 1842 and were given land by the Texas
Congress. In January, 1844 Hermanns University was incorporated. Although
the University originally was to have been built between Mill and Cummins
Creeks, the charter was amended in April, 1886 and location was no longer
restricted. A two story stone structure was built at Frelsburg, in Colorado
County, but was never used by Hermanns University. Another charter was
received in 1860 but, finally, the Civil War had ended all hopes of
establishing Hermanns University.
Austin County experienced three waves of settlement. First to arrive were
the Anglo-Americans of Austin's colony who settled on the fertile land
around the Brazos and its streams. Some of these early farmers wasted the
land and due to poor farming practices they were left with once fertile soil
that was no longer capable of cultivation.
The Germans were the next large group to settle
within Austin County. A few German immigrants came to Texas as early as
1821, but significant numbers did not begin to settle until 1830. These
farmers were of a more economical mind and settled successfully on land the
Anglos did not want. Czech immigrants were the next sizable group to settle
in Austin County. Their first settlement neat Cat Spring was founded in
1848, but there were Czechs in Texas as early as 1833. Those Czechs who
established their homes in Austin County were able to settle successfully on
land left by the Germans.
Anglo-American settlement was responsible not only for the development of
the first town in Austin County, but also for those towns which were to
later develop as a result of railroad expansion. The settlement of towns in
Austin County began in 1823 when San Felipe de Austin was chosen as the
headquarters of the colony by the first settlers and the Baron de Bastrop.
The city was named in honor of a saint and Stephen F. Austin. The name "de
Austin" was removed by a legislative act of the Republic of Texas in 1840.
Among the earliest settlers important in the development of San Felipe were
Josiah Bell, James B. Miller, Godwin B. Cotton and Gail Borden. Others
important in the early history of Texas lived there at one time or another,
or went to San Felipe to conduct their business. Laid out by Seth Ingram, a
surveyor, the town in its early stage of development is described in an
article, A Trip to Texas in 1828 , by Jose Maria Sanchez, who said, "This
village has been settled by Mr. Stephen Austin, a native of the United
States of the North. It consists present of 40 to 50 wooden houses on the
western bank of the large river known as Rio de Los Brazos de Rios, but the
houses are not arranged systematically so as to form streets; but on the
contrary, lie in an irregular and delusory manner...Its population is nearly
two hundred persons, of which an occasional European. Two wretched little
stores supply the inhabitants of the colony; one sells only whiskey, rum
sugar, coffee; the other rice, flour, land, and cheap cloth. Having to
repair several parts of the wagons, it was necessary to remain in the
village, and it was with much regret that we noticed the river began to
rise. The baggage was placed in the ferry boat, and boarding it, we started
down the river in search of a landing...a drunk American held the rudder and
three intoxicated Negroes rowed, singing continuously. This confusing
singsong deprived us, by the irritation it caused us, of the pleasure we
could have enjoyed seeing the immense woods that bordered the river. We
traveled this way for about two leagues, and then we entered still on the
same boat, through the midst of the flooded woods, until we reached the road
we were to follow afterwards."
The history of the town of San Felipe is filled with many "firsts." The
first English school and Sunday school in Texas were begun in San Felipe in
1827 by Thomas J. Pilgrim, a young Baptist teacher and preacher from New
Godwin Brown Cotton published the Texas Gazette, the first newspaper in
Texas in 1829 at San Felipe. He moved his press to Brazoria in the spring,
1832. Another paper The Telegraph and Texas Register was begun at San Felipe
on October 10, 1835 by Gail Borden, Jr., Thomas H. Borden and Joseph Baker,
a paper which would become the official voice of the government of the
Republic of Texas when it was organized a few months later.
Also organized at San Felipe were the Texas
Postal System and the Committee of Safety. The latter was founded as
protection against the Karankawa Indians and grew in time to be called the
Texas Rangers.
San Felipe was almost the site of the organization of Freemasonry in Texas.
Started by Stephen F. Austin and fellow Masons, the chapter never really
became organized because of the opposition of the Catholic Church and
disagreements between the Scottish Rite and York Rite Masonry.
The first organized opposition to Mexican rule was expressed at the
Convention of 1832 which was held in San Felipe. It was at this convention
that delegates from the colonies met to discuss colonial problems. Another
convention was called in 1833 and at this time a petition for statehood was
drawn up to be delivered to the authorities in Mexico. The Consultation of
1835 met in San Felipe and it was at this time that San Felipe was made
capital of the provisional government until the Convention of 1836 which met
at Washington-on-the-Brazos.
San Felipe was burned in February, 1836 to keep it from falling into the
hands of the approaching Mexican Army. The towns people fled their homes and
left the area in what is known as the Runaway Scrape. After the Runaway
Scrape and the end of the Revolution some of San Felipe's former residents
returned. The city was rebuilt upon its original site and was incorporated
under the Republic of Texas. Once the social and political center of
Americans in Texas, as well as the cultural and economic center, San Felipe
never regained its importance following the Revolution. It remained the
County seat until the majority vote of the election of December 23, 1846 was
cast in favor of moving the County seat to Bellville to a site suggested by
the Bell family. In the early 1880's the Texas Western Railroad, a narrow
gauge railroad which originated in Houston, passed within a half mile of the
town and many of the businesses moved closer to the railroad, so the city
was rebuilt for the third time. In 1880 the Santa Fe Railroad attempted to
build tracks on the west edge of town, but the residents, fearing the noise
and possible danger to their livestock, opposed it and it was moved to
Sealy, followed by many businesses and families. It was this refusal to
allow tracks to be built through the city which lead to the decline of San
Felipe and to the growth of Sealy.
Bellville, the county seat of Austin County is located on the Santa Fe
Railroad. This Anglo-American settlement is named for Thomas B. Bell, one of
the Old Three Hundred who came to Texas in 1822 and in 1838 built a home in
the Bellville area. In March, 1848, the town was surveyed and laid out by
Charles Amthor, on land which had been donated by Thomas Bell and his
brother, James. At this time Bellville was a post office on the mail
route from Hempstead to La Grange. In 1848 when the county seat was moved
from San Felipe to Bellville the first courthouse was an old frame structure
which stood in the town square. A second courthouse which was constructed in
1854 was built at a cost of $13,000.00 and was the first brick building in
Austin County. 12 This courthouse burned on April 5, 1960 and a new one was
rebuilt to take its place. The first house in Bellville was built by Jim
Irwin in 1849 and it served as a grocery and hotel as well as a home. 13
Economic conditions in Bellville were enhanced in 1880-1881 with the arrival
of the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railroad. Bellville was incorporated in
January, 1929.
The town of Sealy, another Anglo-American settlement, was established by
the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railroad and was laid out on land the
railroad purchased from the San Felipe Corporation in 1878. The town was
named for John Sealy, a banker and president of the Gulf, Colorado and Santa
Fe Railroad. With the establishment of the railroad yards Sealy became an
active trading post. Events which significantly hindered the growth and
economic development of Sealy were the flooding of the Brazos River in 1899,
the removal of the railway division point from Sealy to Bellville in
January, 1900 and the storm of 1900. All proved to be serious blows to
Sealy's economy.
The Anglo-American settlement of Wallis was originally founded by William
Guyler who moved to the area in 1853. The town's first name was Bovine Bend
for it was known as "round-up-ground" for cattlemen and for many years the
cattle industry was most important. But with ever increasing numbers of
German immigrants settling in the area, emphasis changed to agriculture
rather than cattle. The city as it now exists was established in 1875 or
1876 and the name was changed in honor of J. E. Wallis, director of the
Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railroad.
The Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railroad was responsible for the development
of Kenny, another Anglo-American community established in 1880. The
community was first known as Thompson, named after J. E. Thompson, an early
settler of the area and a postmaster. A stream grist mill, a cotton gin, a
school, several businesses including a general store and a hotel, and three
churches could be found in
Kenney in 1885 when the community had a population of 150. In 1890 the
name was changed to Kenney, honoring
John Wesley Kenney, a Methodist minister.
Historical Marker
The founding of Industry, the first German settlement in Texas, in 1831,
marks the introduction of German influences to Texas. It was the presence of
unsatisfactory social, economic and political conditions from the close of
the Napoleonic period through the European revolutionary period of 1847-1848
which stimulated the emigration of Germans of Texas. One Characteristic of
most German settlements was their attention to the formation of clubs.
German settlers formed social, cultural, political, literary, dramatic, and
workingman's clubs, all of which helped to make them feel more at home in
Texas. Because of their love of music they formed singing clubs and held
annual song festivals, (Saengerfest). Singing societies could be found in
nearly every German settlement. Another society, the Teutonic Order
(Teutonia Orden) was founded by the Germans of Cat Spring and Industry in
1841 under the leadership of the Fredrick Ernst. The organization was formed
to, "...further immigration, facilitate correspondence between Texas and
Germany, practice philanthropy and preserve the German traits of character."
Many of the community halls in which these societies met remain standing and
are still used frequently for dances, meetings, reunions and picnics. Fine
examples of the architecture associated with this type of structure can be
found in Sealy, Shelby and Cat Spring.
Industry, the first German settlement in Texas, was founded by Fredrick
Ernst, who, along with Charles Fordtran had come from Germany with the
intention of going to Missouri. But in New Orleans they heard glowing
accounts of Stephen F. Austin's colony and decided to go to Texas instead.
On April 16, 1831, Ernst received title to a league of land near Mill Creek
and divided the land with Fordtran who had surveyed the land. Ernst wrote
home to friends back in Oldenburg and in his letters spoke of Texas in
glowing terms. These letters were widely read, as they were published in
newspapers. It was these letters which Ernst wrote home, as well as the
founding of the "Society for the Protection of Herman Immigrants" which
offered support, advice, as well as land, that were largely responsible for
the families who followed Ernst and settled in Texas. In 1838 Ernst laid out
a town site. German immigrants who visited in the Ernst home suggested that
he make cigars from the tobacco which he grew in his garden. It was the
cigar-making industry which developed in the community that gave Industry
its name. As all the German settlements in this area of Texas, Industry grew
very slowly.
The German settlement of Cat Spring was founded in 1834 as a result of the
Ernst letters, and, according to Robert Justus Kleberg, the founder of Cat
Spring, because of the desire to "live under a republican form of
government, with unbounded personal, religious and political liberty, free
from the petty tyrannies and the many disadvantages and evils of the old
countries." The name Kleberg is famous in Texas history not only because of
its importance in the settlement of Austin County, but also because of its
association with South Texas and the King Ranch.
The first settlers in Cat Spring were: Marcus Amster, Karl Amster, Louis von
Roeder, Albrecht von Roeder, Joachim von Roeder, and Valeska von Roeder. The
settlement was named Cat Spring supposedly because a son of the von Roeders'
killed a wildcat near a spring and the family named the area
"""Katzenquelle" (Cat Spring). Cat Spring and San Felipe were developing
almost simultaneously, one with an Anglo-American background, the other with
a German background. Their cultures, language, religion and dress differed,
but each shared the desire to improve themselves economically and
politically. Those Germans who settled here were well educated but knew very
little about agriculture, so far their own education and protection they
found it necessary to form an agriculture society. Organized on June 7,
1856, it was named the Agricultural Society of Austin County
(Landwirth-schaftlicher Verein fuer Austin County) after it was decided that
the entire county, not only Cat Spring could benefit from the organization.
Later it was renamed the Cat Spring Agricultural Society and remains an
active organization to this day, holding regular monthly meetings and one
annual meeting. The regular meetings were held in German until April, 1942
and the minutes of all the meetings have been recorded. The minutes of the
meetings held from 1856-1956 have been translated and published by the Cat
Spring Agricultural Society. The minutes read much like a story and provide
insight into the rich cultural background of the members, as well as the
manner in which they solved the many agricultural problems with which they
were faced. The hall in which this society meets is one of the finest
examples of octagonal community hall architecture to be found.
Another group, the Cat Spring Butcher Club, was quite active at one time.
This group, was started during the 1870's so that each individual did not
have to kill a steer during the warm weather and attempt to preserve it.
Instead a steer was killed every week and distributed among the members.
Every week each member got a different cut of meat so that eventually
everyone got the equivalent of his own steer. The members knew whose meat
they were eating and watched the quality very closely. Thus it was a matter
of pride and good sense to contribute only good animals. The organization,
which had been active only in the summer, later changed to a year-around
An example of the living conditions is given in description of the von
Roeder house. The floor and ceiling were made from shingles nailed to
upright posts, with the spaces between the uprights filled with clay and
wood. The interior wall as covered with pasted pictures from magazines. When
Mrs. von Ploeger, von Roeder's sister, arrived from Germany and entered the
pioneer home, it is said that she swooned. About 1895 the railroad
came through and the town was moved to its present location. As a result,
nothing of the original Cat Spring is intact.
Millheim, another German community was founded about 1845 and was an
offshoot of Cat Spring. Some of the early settlers in Millheim were: Andreas
Friedrick Frenchmann, the founder of the Agricultural Society of Austin
County, E. G. Maetze, founder of the Old Millheim School, J. H. Krancher,
the first constable of Millheim, Robert Kloss, W. Mersmann, F. Engelking,
Louis Kleiberg, Hugo Zapp, A. Kuewer, and H. Vornkahl. Most of these men
became farmers, but Adalbert Reganbrecht, describes others as, "blacksmiths,
wheelrights, carpenters, shoemakers, tailors, brickmasons, a cabinetmaker, a
saddler, a tanner and a tinner. The ordinary farm-laborer received free
board and fifty cents per day . . . The Farmers of Millheim lived in frame
dwelling houses, but some of the pioneer settlers still lived in block
houses. . . . Therefore, many settlers were cattle and horse raisers. Some
raised sheep, but with no success on account of depredations by wolves.
Cornbread, bacon, molasses, and coffee, occasionally fish and venison were
the principal food of the pioneers. In 1856 the settlers had better
vegetable gardens and orchards and more milk, butter and cheese. There were
more stores. . . There was a singing society in Millheim." The community was
given its name some time during the 1850's by a settler, William Schneider,
who suggested the name, Meuhlheim, which the Americans pronounced Millheim,
the name that was then used.
New Ulm was settled by Germans about 1850. These first settlers came from
Nassau in Fayette County, and Industry and Shelby, both in Austin County.
Prior to its settlement by Germans the area was known as Duff's Settlement
in honor of James C. Duff to whom the land was granted in 1841. It is said
that Lorenz Mueller suggested changing the name to New Ulm in honor of Ulm
in Wuertenburg, Germany, the area from which most of the settlers had come.
He stressed him point, it is reported, by treating those present at the
discussion to a case of Rhine wine. Housing for the settlers consisted
mainly of log cabins. Adolph Beschel is said to have built the first hotel
and dance hall at New Ulm. A small growth in population and new businesses
occurred in 1892 with the coming of the railroad.
Shelby, in the northeastern corner of Austin County, is name for a prominent
settler of that area, David Shelby. However, the town dates from the 1840's
when the German pioneer, Otto von Roeder built a mill there on Mill Creek.
It is for this reason that the town was called Roedersmuehle by the Germans.
Most of the Germans who settled in Shelby came to Texas with the Society for
the Protection of German Immigrants in Texas. These settlers began a school,
an agricultural society, a singing society and a band as evidence of their
interest in the arts and sciences.
The small German community of Welcome lies in the northern part of Austin
County. The earliest settlers were Anglo-American, but they did not give a
name to the town. By 1852, the German population outnumbered the original
settlers. One of these German settlers, J. F. Schmidt, is credited with
selecting the name, "Welcome" because as he said, "everything--forest,
field, meadows and flowers--seemed to give them a friendly welcome." The
settlers interest in bringing culture to Welcome is noted by their founding
of a school and singing society.
The village of Nelsonville was established by Germans in 1855. A saw and
grist mill and a cotton gin were built there by Issac Lewis. The village had
a church, school, mills, gins and a population of one hundred in 1855. The
population was 158 in 1900; by 1947 the population was 100 and there were
four stores in operation.
The German settlement of Bleiblerville is named for Robert Bleibler who
built a general store at the site in the 1880's. The community had already
established a post office by 1877 and Theo Wehring was operating a cotton
gin in 1990. By 1915 the population had grown to three hundred; in 1947 the
population was 150 and there were three stores in operation.
Following foundation of these German communities we begin to see evidence of
the third wave of settlement in Texas, that of the Czech immigrants who
began to arrive after the middle of the 19th Century. Like the Germans, the
Czechs learned of the opportunities available in Texas largely through
correspondence and advertisements. Because of a similar way of life and
customs, the Czechs settled near the Germans. Like the Germans, the Czechs
formed societies which helped the immigrants feel more at home in Texas and
also assisted them during times of need by lending money and providing life
insurance policies to members. Probably the most important of these Czech
societies is the Slavonic Benevolent Association of the State of Texas, S.
P. J. S. T. (Slovanska Podporujici Jednota State Texas), which was founded
at La Grange, Texas on December 28, 1896 when a group of Texas
Czechoslovakian citizens gathered for the purpose of founding an exclusive
Texas-Czech fraternal organization. In every section of the state where
there are Czech communities, there are S. P. J. S. T. Lodges which are
furnished with the facilities for promoting the social and educational life
of the community. With floor space for dancing, stages for plays and grounds
that are used for picnics, reunions, and community gatherings, the lodge
hall is the center of activity for every town.
The greatest number of Czech immigrants in Texas turned to farming, and they
along with the Germans are largely responsible for agricultural development
in Texas. The earliest Czech settlement in Texas was at Cat Spring and the
first Czech settler there was Reverend Arnost Bergman, born August 12, 1797
in Zupudor, near Mnichova Hradiste in Czechoslovakia. With his family he
moved to Cat Spring in March, 1849, where he bought land and began to farm.
As Fredrick Ernst was responsible for a great deal of German immigration to
Texas, so Bergman was responsible for much of the early Czech immigration to
Texas. He too wrote home describing the land and resources in glowing terms.
Also, Svoboda , a newspaper published in La Grange with a large circulation
both in the United States and Europe, was responsible as well for a large
number of Czech immigrants settling in Texas.
In 1853 Josef Lidumil Lesikar and his family settled on some land near New
Ulm after a voyage from Moravia which had lasted fourteen weeks. There with
the aid of his four sons he built a log cabin for his family home. Lesikar
wrote for a number of Czech publications, describing the situation in Texas
prevailing at this time. It is said that these publications increased
immigration to Texas, especially after the Civil War, when the greatest
number of Czech immigrants arrived.
Czechs eventually spread throughout Texas and the pioneer names of Leshikar,
Sebesta, Smetana, Skopik, Shillet, Pett, Hriska and others may be found in
most any of their later settlements.39 In Austin County the Czechs settled
near the Germans, and as a result and German settlement is more than likely
to have a sizable Czech population. However, the population of the community
of Frydek is chiefly of Czech origin. This village was established in about
1895 and was noted for being a trade center for an agricultural and stock
raising community.
While a great deal has been written about the men who carved their homes out
of the wilderness, very little has been written about the women who assisted
and endured the many hardships of a frontier life. Working long days and
into the night the women helped to cultivate the land, spent hours weaving
so that their families would be sufficiently clothed, cooked the meals and
carried out the every day maintenance of the house. Many devoted part of
their day to the education of their children and were often involved in
singing, literary, dramatic, or other societies. During the Civil War many
of these women raised tobacco and other crops for sale while the men were
gone so that they might support their families. The part the pioneer woman
played in the settlement of the frontier is certainly not to be overlooked,
and it must be noted that the women who settled with their families in
Austin County were most important in shaping the history and way of life in
Austin County as it now exists.
So it was that by the blending of these different, distinct cultures, and by
the slow but sure Americanization processes, Austin County became what is it
today -- a place of considerable beauty and some sadness for those empty
buildings which, a hundred years ago, were worth the effort and love that
first saw them built. This report, then, is dedicated to the firm,
optimistic belief that the good of the past can be meaningful when
adapted to present and future needs.
Also see... Handbook of Texas