Austin County, Texas

Pioneers of Austin County

Covered Wagon

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Who do WE think YOU are?
We think you are the descendants of brave men and women. We share your pride in your family history and want to present what we know about some of them.


Welcome home to the family of....

Winfield Alford

Descendants of WINFIELD ALFORD

  Generation No. 1

  1. WINFIELD2 ALFORD (ISAAC1) was born Abt. 1804 in NORTH CAROLINA, and died November 12, 1877 in GONZALES COUNTY, TEXAS. He married (1) ELIZA DERRINGTON February 28, 1829 in PERRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. She was born 1809, and died February 08, 1867. He married (2) MRS. CATHERINE GARNER July 24, 1868 in GONZALES COUNTY, TEXAS. He married (3) MRS. ELIZABETH BLACKBURN April 21, 1872 in GONZALES COUNTY, TEXAS.


Isaac Alford's son Winfield Alford came to TX as an Austin Colonist, served in the war for independence. His father and siblings came about 1839. Isaac, and brothers, Hatch, Kemp and Wright Alford appeared on the 1839 Austin Co. tax list. Hatch Alford md. Martha Jane Longley.   See websites at  and

  Winfield Alford, wife Eliza, and two children were the first of the family in Texas, Austin Colonists listed by Stephen F. Austin as arriving 15 Jun 1832 from State of Illinois. They settled near San Felipe de Austin. That arrival date was repeated in his Republic of Texas Pension application but his land grant certificate gave the date of 1833. He was on the Austin Co. tax list of 1833, made up in 1832.

Caney Creek Brasos River Texas Oct 1836

I certify that Winfield Alford entered the Service of Texas in Capt. Cleveland's Command now under my command 1st Regt 1st Brig Texas Army on the first day of July last and service up to the 10th of Sept last and being absent on furlough it expiring said date he could not return in consequence of sickness he is hereby honorably discharged from his tour of three months.

B. F. Reavill, Capt

H. N. Clevland, Lieut. Col.

1st Regimt 1st Brg TA

Winfield (X) Alford, Gonzales Co., 14 Dec 1870, approved 1874. Age 71 in 1874. In fall 1835 at his residence near "San Phillippe" he joined a company commanded by Randal Jones. When disbanded he joined Travis's company at San Antonio and prior to San Jacinto he was under Capt. McNutt. After San Jacinto he was part of garrison at Victoria under Capt. H. N. Cleveland. Received bounty warrant.

T. J. Allcorn, Washington Co., served with Alford under W. B. Travis and was in battle of Old Mill and at Concepcion. James F. Miller, Wm. B. Sayers, and T. S. Lee affirmed service. Dr. Thomas Polk, Gonzales Co., served with the applicant under Jones and Travis. John Burleson, Travis Co., served with the applicant under Jones. A. F. Allbright, Newton Co., affirmed identity Jan 1872.

Alford was born in Franklin Co., NC, and came to Texas in 1832

Winfield and Eliza's children were LeRoy (1834), Julius (1839), Abraham "A. J." (1839), Eliza Amanda (1852), and Eboline.


Burial: November 1877

Record Change: December 11, 2001



ii. LE ROY ALFORD, b. 1834.

iii. JULIUS ALFORD, b. 1839.

iv. ABRAHAM "A. J." ALFORD, b. 1839.