1922 Bellville High School
1922 THE PIONEER, VOLUME VI THE ANNUAL PUBLICATION OF THE STUDENT BODY OF BELLVILLE HIGH SCHOOL FOREWARD: This is the Pioneer of "22. Facing unprecedented money shortages and high costs, the editors have done the best they could, within their modest means, to make it a pleasant, faithful record of the past year's life and work at dear old Bellville High.
Pioneer Staff with 12 pictures, last names only shown:
Westermann, Miller, Roensch, Wopitka, Foehner, Schauerhammer, Fisher, Sander, Bader, Muske, Sander, Koehn.
THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES C. Schauerhammer...president A. A. Sander C. F. Tesch H. F. Granau Dr. O. A. Trenckmann W. Weige W. C. Westermann FACULTY Mr. J. T. Shaver, superintendent Mrs. W. Z. Miller, Principal Miss Mary Beale McGee Frances Foote Drummer PRIMARY AND INTERMEDIATE TEACHERS Miss Louise Loweien Miss Erna Hoffmann Miss Louise Peschke Miss Kathleen Davis Miss Mollie Johnson Miss Nona Laws SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS Alvin Muery, President Louise Wammel, Historian Thelma Bader, Poet Howell Brooks, Prophet SENIOR CLASS Howell Brooks Thelma Bader Isadore Foehner Ellen Fisher Irwin Hammack Lilly Koehn Alvin Muery Eleanor Miller Theo Roensch JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS Lucile Reinicker, President Wilfred Louwien, Treasurer Mercedes Trenckmann, Historian Louise Holland, Secretary Elenora Muske Harry Sander Ellen Schauerhammer Owen Sander Tilda Ueckert Louise Wammel Robert Westermann Bessie Wotipka JUNIOR CLASS Lloyd Bell Johnnie Marie Brooks Eva Fisher Louise Holland Wilfred Louwien Dora Lea Mahnke Marguerite Meyer Erhardt Mittanck Emilia Peschke Lucile Reinicker Mercedes Trenckmann Leah Weige
Page Last Updated: 02 January 2025