Austin County, Texas

Austin County, Texas Schools

This section of the website contains photographs and yearbooks for the schools in Austin County, Texas.

If you have an old yearbook please consider typing it up and donating to this site so it can be shared by everyone. If you are aware of other records or can provide us with such records, or have any history stories of Austin County, please share them with everyone here. You can contact us for content donations.

1949 Bellville High School


DEDICATION: It is impossible to express complete appreciation for the many years 
of guidance, council, and teaching given our community and school by Miss 
Louise Louwien.  Therefore the Bellville Public Schools dedicate the first 
issue of the BELLVILLE BRAHMA to our beloved friend.

	Baker Wright. Superintendent
	Boyd Vaughn. High School Principal
	LeRoy Grebe, Elementary Principal

	Miss Hazel Andrews
	Mr. B. J. Coufal
	Mr. William F. Fariss
	Mr. William D. Haley
	Miss Maxine Huebner
	Miss Dorothy Layne
	Miss Louise Louwien
	Miss Edis N. Martinelli
	Miss Bertie Mae Payne
	Mr. Ray Tripp
	Mr. R. Boyd Vaughn
	Mr. F. W. Volkman
	Mr. Edwin Bohne
	Miss Clara Brugger
	Miss Martha Buelow
	Mrs. O. G. Cannon
	Miss Ellen Kloss
	Mrs. S. J. Makeever
	Mr. LeRoy Grebe
	Mr. Baker Wright
	Miss Arlie Mae Caletka

	John Seale ............President
	Johnnie Copeland ......Vice-President
	Lil Geisendorff .......Sec.-Treasurer
	Billie Jean Stafford ..Reporter

	Otis Ashorn
	Margie Bertling
	Carole Jane Brandt
	William Bravenec
	Elizabeth Broom
	Johnny Copeland
	Vernon Dahse
	Leon Dehnel
	Weldon Frank
	Lillie Rose Geisendorff
	Ben Goebel, Jr.
	Rose Marie Grawunder
	Allen Griffis
	Audrey Glutowsky
	Ruth m. Hueske
	Mary Jane Kenter
	Ruth Krupala
	Floyd Lamp
	Lavern Lischka
	George Luedke
	Virginia Luetge
	Henry Luhn
	Harold Gene Marek
	Valeria Mikeska
	Fred Murdock
	Sarah Jane Newman
	Janet Newsom
	Joyce Pfeffer
	Barbara Raines
	Mary Sander
	Erwin Sc;hiller
	John Seale
	Billie Jean Stafford
	Werner Lee Stalbaum
	Marie Thornell
	Sterling Zander
	Florine Zbranek

	Peggy Schomburg ....Sec.-Treasurer
	Betty Wilson .......Reporter
	Bruce Branham ......Vice-President
	Steve Clark ........President

	Charles Balke
	J. W. Boriack
	Leroy Boriack
	Bruce Branham
	Calvin Brast
	Roy Brast
	Carroll Butler
	Irene Chernosky
	Steve Clark
	Aline Cloyd
	Bennie Ed. Faist
	Jo Ann Fletcher
	Francine Fulgham
	Iris Jean Glaser
	Clifford Goebel
	Dorthy Goebel
	Gloria Goebel
	Verlien Hegemeyer
	Harvey Himly
	Alice Hupe
	Dan Kamas
	James Kiesewetter
	Bonnie Lange
	Elsie Ann Lange
	Delton Lubojasky
	Waldine Luetge
	Leland Maeckel
	Clarence Mahlmann
	Dorothy Meyer
	Lilburn Meier
	Charles Mewis
	Pat Mikeska
	Frances Ognosky
	Frances Ottmer
	Edward Peters
	Milton Pfeffer
	Myrtie Pfeffer
	Bonnie Dean Platte
	Ora Dell Remmert
	Margie Rinn
	Robert Lee Rinn
	Gary Rosenberg
	Harvey sciller
	Peggy Joyce Schomburg
	Helen Jean Schott
	Mary Lou Skeen
	Clifford Slovak
	Bonnie Smith
	Johnny Stasney 
	Dean Steck
	Eddie Steck
	Reginald Stevens
	Virginia Ueckert
	Bertheen Veith
	Melvin Vornkahl
	Bobby Warmke
	Elroy Wiecker
	Betty Wilson
	Vernon Wittlif
	Julius Zbranek

	James Froebel ....Treasurer
	Gretchen Zeiske ..President
	Jimmie Goodman ...Secretary
	Hubert Brast .....Vice-President

	Edwin Birkelbach
	Hubert Brast
	Joyce Brast
	Aline Breddin
	Frances Buckner
	Ella Mae Dahse
	Gladys Davis
	Calvin Frank
	Ima Jane Frank
	James Froebel
	Llohd Galle
	Verlien Glaeser
	Jimmie Goodman
	Mary Lou Gould
	Dorothy Jean Grawunder
	Rose Mary Gross
	Willfred Gross
	Janette Gutowsky
	Malcolm Heintschel
	Toinette Hillboldt
	Irene Hille
	Fern Jaeger
	Leroy Kemper
	Vivian Kiesewetter
	Charles Koehn
	Dennis Krause
	Milton Krause
	Betty Krueger
	Robert Lindemann
	Roger Lubojasky
	Lorene Maeckel
	Dorothy Pfeffer
	Dorothy Ratjen
	Joyce Remmert
	Waldine Renken
	Glenn Schmidt
	Robert Schulz
	A. D. Smith
	Ann Trenckmann
	Gretchen Zeiske

	Dorine Boeker
	Jack Chapman
	Dorothy Delion
	Margie Ferguson
	Bruno Frank
	Edgar Hoff
	Donald Lamb
	Stella Lewandowsky
	Gladys Loesch
	Lee Mabry
	Charles Machemehl
	Eugene Mittanck
	Frankie Oliver
	Wilford Pfeffer
	Dorothy Phillips
	Helen Phillips
	Ruth Nell Schroeder
	Marcus Steck
	Robert Uhlig
	Wayne Uhlig
	Myrtle Jean Wienecke
	Dorothy Wolf
	Ellie Mae Youngblood

	Charles Bretschneider
	Joyce Dehnel
	Barbara Domingue
	Alfred Ewald
	Wilfred Froebel
	Benita Goebel
	Landis Kamas
	Ralston Krumrey
	Lucille Linke
	Franklin Maresh
	Vernice Mikeska
	Edwin Moudry
	Charles Ray Muery
	Max Nehrkorn
	Wayne Perkins
	Willroy Peschel
	Elfred Pfeffer
	Shirley Ann Platte
	Charles Ratjen
	Milton Schroeder
	Joseph Spacek
	Delores Syptek
	Louise Thompson
	Virginia Vogelpohl
	Billie Walker
	Benolye Zettel

	Arthur Arning
	Roy Arning
	Dennis Ashorn
	Eugene Baranowski
	Rosa Lee Blazek
	Dale Bracey
	Jack Clark
	William Scott Clark
	Jerry Ann Domingue
	Allen Ewald
	Hannah Joy Felchak
	Monroe Ferguson
	Paula Fletcher
	Melvin Froebel
	Carrie Garling
	Ethel Gray
	Peggy Hildbrandt
	Edward Hille
	Neely Fay Kinkler
	Wayne Krumrey
	Margaret Lewandowsky
	Robert Luhn
	Dorothy Lynn
	Arleigh Machemehl
	Kenneth Machemehl
	Floyd Merten
	Derry Mikeska
	Charles Mohr
	Willie Newman
	Lorrene Ottmer
	Edward Papke
	Marvin Phillips
	James Reinecker
	Barney Rose
	Reuben Saage
	William Schaffner
	Grace Schroeder
	Ladislav Sisa
	Joe Wright
	Harvey Lee Zatopek

	Cl. Zettel, Felchak, Vogelpohl, Witte, Moudry, Koehn, Klopsteck, furr, 
	Ch. Zettel, Lyons, Gould, Makeever, Krueger, Brast, Bailey, Clark, 
	Harris, Eben, Machinsky, Sander, Merten, Mikeska, Zanek, Hoff, 
	Kloss, Schramm, Goodman, Bishop, Stewart, Schumann.  Teacher: Mr. Grebe.

	Pawlek, Smith, Schumann, Nail, Slovak, Koonce, Schroeder, Henricksen, 
	Muery, Tatjen, Brast, Flentge, Alexander, Wienecke, Mikeska, Saage, 
	Baranowski, Arning, Pacher, Rinn, Branham, Pritchett, Booth, Gutowsky, 
	Bravenec, Schramm, Schluens, Krause, Schumann, Murdock, Krueger.  Teacher: Mr. Bohne.

	Crutchfield, Delion, Wisnowski, Lewis, Jackson, Wondrash, Arning, 
	Kendrick, Zettel, Masar, Villa, Werner, Dehnel, Saage, 
	Luedke, Golan, Bailey, Mutina, Wilke, Sander, Werner, 
	Neumann, Perrine, Jasek, Wendt.  Teacher: Miss Kloss

	Gilbert, Lewis, Eben, Bond, Neil, Rankin, Broz, Zanek, 
	Sander, Schneider, Ludwig, Krumrey, Dittert, Ottmer, 
	Janosky, Flentge, Peschel, Brooks, Schroeder, Ottmer, Brast, 
	Witte, Viereck, Gilbert, Pacher, Fisher, Booth.  Teacher: Miss Buelow

	Engelking, Harris, Lynn, Schomburg, Muery, Mikeska, 
	Kaliszewski, Smith, Sager, Melcher, Stafford, Buchanan, 
	Elick, Gattis, Pfeffer, Lyons, Neumann, Smith, Wiese, Evans, 
	Stuessel, Clarke, Kenter.  Teacher: Mrs. Makeever

	Gilbert, Ratjen, Ladig, Dehnel, Maresh, Kaase, Felchak, Maresh, 
	Wondrash, Pritchett, Shomburg, Ashorn, Garling, Furr, Remmert, 
	Andrews, Velasquez, Surovik, Acebo, Muery, Wright, Baranowski, 
	Janosky, Wietstruck, Syhptak, Gilbert, Schluens, Herzog, 
	Hoffman, Wilke.  Teacher: Mrs. Cannon.

	Grube, Boriack, Kristen, Crutchfield, Schneider, Gray, Wisnowski, 
	Woehst, Schomburg, Ketzler, Gilbert, Zettel, Muesse, Brast, Falk, 
	Koonce, Eckermann, Green, Evans, Palm, Regenbrecht, Pacher, 
	Lyth, Schott, Goebel, Pugh, Wisnowski, Moudry, Matuska.  Teacher: Miss Brugger

	Pete E. Etlinger; Baker Wright, Supt.; Hugo Muery; A. L. Brooks, Jr., Vice-President; 
	H. G. Branham; O. A. Severin, Secretery; Ernie Koy; H. C. Schumann; 
	Dr. H. E. Roensch, President.

	Mrs. G. R. Schumann, Treasurer; Mrs. H. G. Branham; Mrs. Guy Wiese; 
	Miss Louise Louwien; Mrs. Wayne Buchanan; Miss Martina Buelow; 
	Mrs. Charles G. Smth; Mrs. 

Page Last Updated: 02 January 2025