Austin County, Texas

Austin County, Texas Schools

This section of the website contains photographs and yearbooks for the schools in Austin County, Texas.

If you have an old yearbook please consider typing it up and donating to this site so it can be shared by everyone. If you are aware of other records or can provide us with such records, or have any history stories of Austin County, please share them with everyone here. You can contact us for content donations.


Richard Acebo
Joy Aschenbeck
Franklin Austin
Kathy Bader
Sally Baranowski
Dorothy Bilski
Versie Marie Blackmon
Norbert Blezinger
Randy Broussard
Larry Brune
Cuba Joe Burleson
Edward Burleson
George Clark
Willie Davis
Charlotte Deere
Susan Dunn
Daniel Eckermann
Marilyn Eckermann
Elois Emshoff
John Evans
Gary Frank
Joyce Franke
Joyce Glenewinkel
Robert Gollmer
Peggy Grebe
Carl Gordon
Janie Hansard
Nancy Henske
Janis Hicks
Eunice Hinze
Harry Lee Hoff
Gladys Holmes
Alberta LaVerne Houston
Richard Hrachovy
Justine Jackson
Stanley Jackson
Jerald Jolly
Wilbert Kalkhake
William Knolle
Ted Koy
Darlene Krause
Marlene Krause
Carolyn Lahrmann
Ralph Latimer, Jr.
Clifton Leaks
Theresa Ludwig
David Luedeker
Jeanette Luedke
Abby Machemehl
Carolyn Maresh
Otis Maresh
Pearlie Maresh
Patsy Martens
Elvis C. Mays
Ray McFarland
Rosalie Merz
Donald Mikeska
Georgia Nicholson
James Orange
Janice Orange
Edna Marie Perry
Mary K. Perry
Jerome Peters
Mary Ann Pieper
Peggy Plagens
Janie Ratjen
Mildred Ray
Peggy Ray
Glenn Remmert
Malinda Remmert
Bonnie Rosenbaum
Ronald Rudloff
Clarene Schmitt
Roy Schubert
Johnnie Shupak
Vernita Shupak
Ernest Siptak
Betty Smith
Elroy Smith
Sharon Stamnitz
Michael Strauss
Madelyn Tegeler
Linda Travis
Michael Turner
Linda Ueckert Walton
Lois Weinert
Carrell Wendt
Gloria Williams
Carol Winkelmann
Ronny Woodley
Charles Yancy
Frank W. Zapalac, Jr.

Page Last Updated: 02 January 2025