Austin County, Texas

Austin County, Texas Schools

This section of the website contains photographs and yearbooks for the schools in Austin County, Texas.

If you have an old yearbook please consider typing it up and donating to this site so it can be shared by everyone. If you are aware of other records or can provide us with such records, or have any history stories of Austin County, please share them with everyone here. You can contact us for content donations.


Sheryl Abel
Theresa Aldridge
Eddie Andreas
Marian Balke
Carol Beck
Linda Blezinger
Brenda Sue Blum
Henry Bohne
Barbara Ann Brenner
Margaret Coward
Candy Crick
Lana Dehnel
Thomas Edward Dittmar
Darlene Eckermann
Lawrence Eckermann
Alvin Flentge
Henriette Kay Ford
Bonnie Mae Glaeser
Erich W. Glenewinkel
Jerry Wayne Goebel
Gilbert Goeke, Jr.
Kathryn Ann Goeke
Gary W. Grawunder
Karen Sue Grebe
LeRoy Grebe
Sidney Grebe
James Green
Joseph Gregorcyk
Robby Lee Hammack
Gary Hammack
Larry Hohle
Gary Holba
Bettie Jackson
Jacqueline Johnson
Sherrie Jackson
Richard Jolly
Doris Kalkhake
Diana Keding
Ben Darrel Klausmeyer
Joyce Klump
William Krueger
Elizabeth Laas
William A. Laas
Venoral Leaks
Sue Loesch
Iris Cornelia Logan
Fred Luhn
Shirlene Lynn
Francine Lynn
Randy Lynn Markwardt
William Meinscher
Judy Mewis
Theresa Mikeska
Mary Jane Moudry
Pamela Muery
Glenn Nehrkorn
Brenda Noviskie
Marilyn Oppermann
David Ottmer
Bruce Pilcik
Benedict F. Pustejovsky, Jr.
Robert Reichle, Jr.
Donald Remmert
Joel Fred Remmert
Judy Remmert
John David Fordtran
Ronnie Robertson
Charlie Schramm
Larry Wayne Schroeder
Kenneth Slater
A. J. Smith, Jr.
William Michael Smith
Michael Sommerlatte
Joyce Stalmach
Marsha Strauss
Elna Joyce Thiel
Rudy Tiemann
Susan Turner
Janet Volkman
Monte Hale Warmke
Warren D. Warmke
Maurice Watts
Kenneth Wehring
Carolyn Wieburch
Milton Williams
Susan Witte
Carol Wittneben
Greg Zapalac
Mary Ann Zettel

Page Last Updated: 02 January 2025