Industry 1923 Schoenau School Class
Schoenau School 1923
Miroslav Petrusek provided this picture for SCISSORTAIL STILL RETURN TO SCHOENAU by Geraldine Luetge, published in 1985.
The names of the pupils and teachers can be found in that book in the chapter about schools.
This pictures shows Miss Ida Fordtran, the teacher, in the center with
Dickie Wassermann and Cornell Eckermann, the two little boys with the slate.
On the first row left to right are Dennis Luetge, Elsie Eckermann, Adela
Braun, Anita Eckermann, Mundian Glaeser, and Arthur Rodiek. On the second
row are LeRoy Luetge, Hugo Wassermann, Miroslav Petrusek, Alfred Eckermann,
Gilbert Eckermann, Walter, Pfeiffer, Stanley Vasicek, Wilbert Eckermann,
with one name missing. Edna Eckermann, Carrie Wassermann, Theresa Vasicek,
Lena Neumann, Lena Pfeiffer, and Lydia Pfeiffer ar on the back row with two
names missing. Miroslav Petrusek provided this picture for SCISSORTAIS STILL
RETURN TO SCHOENAU by Geraldine Luetge, published in 1985.
Luetge submitted it to the Austin County Historical Commission in June of

Page Last Updated: 02 January 2025