Lee County Texas

to the Lee
TXGenWeb Project site! My name is
Jane Keppler
and I am the County Coordinator for Lee County. If you have an interest in
helping to maintain this site, please email me. I am looking for
While visiting the site I hope that you will
find valuable
information to aid in your research for families in Lee County. This site is part of the
TXGenWeb and
projects. All information on this site is
for your personal use. If you paid to view any of these
please contact the me. If you have questions, suggestions or
comments, please feel free to email
anytime. To submit information please email me
the information to be contributed to this
site as well as your name and email address.
Brief History of Lee County
Parent Counties:
Bastrop, Burleson, Fayette & Washington counties
April 1874 County
Seat: Giddings
County was organized in April 1874 and was craved from Bastrop,
Burleson, Fayette and Washington counties. The county is
named for General Robert E. Lee, the Confederate Army
Commander-In-Chief . There is rich history in Lee County that
includes Tonkawa Indians, Camino Real or Old San Antonio Road (modern
day TX Hwy. 21)and old Spanish Missions (now in Milam Co.).
For more information, there is a very detailed article by Christopher
Long located on The Handbook of Texas Online website, located
here. Lee County is also known for some original
counties, such as, Austin's Little Colony; Milam Colony; Leftwich's
Colony; Austin's Original Colony; and DeWitt's Colony.
Surrounding Counties
TXGenWeb County of the Month Award
has initiated a program to recognize the efforts
of County
who provide outstanding resources and assistance to county
visitors. This program
County of
the Month Winners Circle!
Click here to nominate LEE
Lee County
TXGenWeb Project needs your records.
Please submit anything which maybe of value to other researchers:
Bible records, marriage records, wills, pension records, land records, death and obituary
records, photos, and old letters. County, community, church, and school histories. Your
help in helping other researchers is vital to
the success of the TXGenWeb Project.
Just contact
Jane Keppler with your
information or

Do you enjoy "surfing"
the TXGenWeb county websites and have a few extra hours
available each month? Then contact
Chairperson for more information on joining the surfing
If you are interested in adopting a
county, please check out the
Orphan page.
If you or your genealogy group would like to
sponsor a county, please contact
State Coordinator.
Website maintained by Jane Keppler,
Lee County Coordinator.

TXGenWeb State Coordinator
Copyright © 1997-present by
Jane Keppler.
information may be used by individuals for their own personal use,
libraries and genealogical societies. Commercial use of this information
is strictly prohibited without prior written
Jane Keppler.
If material is copied, this copyright notice must appear with the
information and please email me and let me know.
Neither the Site Coordinators nor
the volunteers assume any responsibility for the information or material
given by the contributors or for errors of fact or judgment in material
that is published at this website.
20 December 2024