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DNA, Genealogy & Lineage Societies

Please contact Jean Smoorenburg if there any any changes to your information.


DNA & Genealogy


Atascocita-Kingwood Genealogical Society

This group meets the second Sunday of the month at The Rosemont, 6459 Kings Parkway, Humble, Texas 77346 at 3 pm. No meetings are held from June - August. Visit Us On Facebook!

Chapparral Genealogical Society, Inc. 

Lone Star College - Tomball Community Library
Chaparral Genealogical Society & Library is now permanently closed.

The library materials were donated to the Lone Star College - Tomball Community Library and are now housed as the Chaparral Collection on the 2nd floor, here in Tomball at 30555 Tomball Parkway, Tomball, TX 77375, 832.559.4200. Contact Kyla Bayang Genealogy and Preservation Program Specialist, Kyla.Bayang@hcpl.net for more info.

Humble Area Genealogical Society - THAGS

THAGS meets monthly at 7:00 PM at the Humble Senior Activity Center on the second Monday of the month, September through May at 1401 S Houston Ave., Humble, TX 77338. The Humble Senior Activity Center is located next to Octavia Fields Library just north of the intersection of South Houston Avenue and Will Clayton. Email: humbleareagen@gmail.com. Our membership is open to genealogy lovers from Atascocita, Crosby, Huffman, Kingwood, New Caney, Porter, Splendora, and of course Humble, Texas. Visit Us On Facebook!


DNA Discussion Group

DNA Discussion Group meets at the Montgomery County Memorial Library on the third Thursday of the month located at 104 I-45 South Conroe, Texas 77301 in the Montgomery County Genealogy Library and History Room from 1-4:00 pm. There is no meeting in July. Email Jean Smoorenburg or call 936-273-1936 for more information.

Montgomery County Genealogical & Historical Society
For meeting times and presentations of MCG&HS, visit www.mcgandhs.com for more information. Visit Us On Facebook!


Montgomery County Genealogists' Internet Research Group - MCG-IRG

Daytime Group meets the First Friday of the month, 9:15 - Noon at George & Cynthia Mitchell Library 8125 Ashlane Way – The Woodlands, Texas 77382.
Contact Jean Smoorenburg  for more information. Like
Us On Facebook!

Historical Societies


East Montgomery County Historical Society

The Society meets the second Tuesday of each month at the R B Tullis Memorial Library, located on the Hwy 59 feeder road just north of Community Drive. Meet and Greet begins at 6:00 and the meeting at 6:30 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend. For more information contact us. Visit Us On Facebook!

Heritage Museum of Montgomery County, Texas
The Heritage Museum is located at 1506 I-45 North Feeder in Conroe Texas. They are open from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm on  Wednesday thru Saturday and are closed Holidays. Their mailing address is: P. O. Box 2262, Conroe, TX 77305-2262. Tel 936-539-6873. Email Heritage Museum. Visit Us On Facebook!

Montgomery County Historical Commission
The Montgomery County Historical Commission of Texas meets the first Monday of the month. All members of the public are welcome to attend. Montgomery County Historical Commission, c/o Larry Foerster, Chairman, 414 West Phillips Street, Suite 100, Conroe, TX 77301. On the web: Montgomery County Historical Commission. Contact Larry Foerster, Chairperson. Visit Us On Facebook!

Montgomery Historical Society

Montgomery Historical Society is located at 8225 FM149, Montgomery, Texas. Phone: 936-597-4899


Texas Heritage Society

General meetings are held quarterly in March, June, September, and December. Historic Site Tours are held quarterly in February, May, July, and November. Visit Texas Heritage Society on the web.


Lineage Societies

Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Sarah Emma Edmonds Detached Tent #4, Houston, Texas
For information about becoming a member or attending a meeting, contact
  Martha Class.


Robert Woodson Chapter, National Society Colonial Dames XVII Century

This group meets at 10:00 a.m. the first Wednesday of September, November, January, March, and May. Contact: ladylizd@consolidated.net.


John Barker Esq. Chapter, National Society Daughters of American Colonists

Consult the website for meetings time and place.

Coushatti Trace Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, Willis, TX 

This group meets the second Thursday of each month   Visit Coushatti Trace Chapter on the web. Visit Us On Facebook!


Margaret Montgomery Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, Conroe, Texas

This group meets the third Saturday of each month,  September through May. Email conroemmdar@gmail.com for membership and meeting information. Visit the Margaret Montgomery Chapter, NSDAR on the web.


Spring Creek Chapter,  National Society Daughters of the American Revolution

This group meets the second Thursday of each month in Old Town Spring. Visit Spring Creek Chapter on the web.


Judge Nathaniel Hart Davis Chapter, Daughters of the Republic of Texas

This group meets the first Saturday of October, December, March and May. Visit Judge Nathaniel Hart Davis Chapter
On Facebook!


Houston Colony of Mayflower Descendants, The Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Texas

Visit Houston Colony of Mayflower Descendants on the web for information.

Freedom Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution

Most Meetings are 3rd Tuesday, except June and December. Location of Meetings, except for Special Events, Spring Creek Barbeque, 19O99 N. Freeway, Shenandoah, Texas 77385.  
Visit Us On Facebook!


Granbury's Texas Brigade, Camp 1479, Sons of Confederate Veterans

This group meets at 7:00 p.m. on the First Tuesday of each month. Granbury's Texas Brigade, Camp 1479, Sons of Confederate Veterans. Visit them on the web.


Lone Star Chapter #58, Sons of the Republic of Texas

The Lone Star Chapter serves the Montgomery and Walker county areas with regular monthly meetings, the second Tuesday of each month starting at 11:30 am. We meet a Pappadeaux, 18165 I-45 N, Shenandoah, Texas 77385.
Follow Us On Facebook!


St. Bartholomew Chapter, Texas Huguenot Society

This chapter meets the third Saturday in October, February and May at the Briar Club in Houston, reservations required.  Visit Huguenot Books & Lineage On Line

Thomas Bay Chapter, United States Daughters of 1812

This group meets at 10:00 a.m. the third Wednesday of September, November, January, March and May at the Carriage Inn, 750 Longmire Rd, Conroe, TX 77304.





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Montgomery County Texas Banner graphics were designed by and remain the property of Jean Huot Smoorenburg. You cannot use this banner without my written approval.


Copyright © 1997 - 2019  by Jane Keppler. This information may be used by individuals for their own personal use, libraries and genealogical societies. Commercial use of this information is strictly prohibited without prior written permission from Jane Keppler. If material is copied, this copyright notice must appear with the information and please email me and let me know. Neither the Site Coordinators nor the volunteers assume any responsibility for the information or material given by the contributors or for errors of fact or judgment in material that is published at this website. If you are being charged to view/use any of this information or have questions or comments, please contact Jane Keppler.


Page Modified: 24 March 2025