Robertson County TX

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1964 Deaths

Robertson County TX



            Name                Date      Sex       Marriage
Adams, William Pierce         12-7-1964    M    Single
Aguirre, Cecil Paul          11-16-1964    M    Married
Alvarado, David               1-15-1964    M    Married
Amos, Tammie                  4-18-1964    F    Married
Bailey, William Henry         1-13-1964    M    Single
Baker, Rachel                12-19-1964    F    Widowed
Battle, Eliza Plum            4-26-1964    F    Widowed
Beam, Andrew Terrell           3-1-1964    M    Single
Biggs, Georgia                5-23-1964    F    Widowed
Bishop, Mary Edith             3-1-1964    F    Single
Blake, Charlette              3-27-1964    F    Widowed
Bond, Norman Claude           3-25-1964    M    Single
Bowen, Katherine             10-23-1964    F    Widowed
Bowling, Leon Ormand          9-17-1964    M    Single
Bradley, Jack Robert          9-13-1964    M    Single
Bradley, Willie Laura          6-6-1964    F    Widowed
Breeding, Wiley Preston      12-16-1964    M    Single
Bristow, Johnnie Estelle      4-12-1964    F    Single
Britton, Dora                 6-10-1964    F    Single
Brown, Albert  Jr            10-30-1964    M    Married
Burleson, Ellie V              2-5-1964    F    Married
Burts, James Calvin Sr        6-14-1964    M    Widowed
Canada, Wallice               8-26-1964    M    Single
Carr, Walter Newton           12-7-1964    M    Single
Cashaw, Nelsie                12-5-1964    F    Widowed
Chance, Robert E              9-26-1964    M    Single
Chappel, Jennetter            12-7-1964    F    Widowed
Chopp, Violet                 9-15-1964    F    Widowed
Clark, Roland V Sr           11-25-1964    M    Single
Clemons, Mary                 9-12-1964    F    Widowed
Cobb, Elijah Clark           11-24-1964    M    Widowed
Conitz, Hermena Barbara       7-25-1964    F    Single
Cooper, Harvey                4-27-1964    M    Single
Cullum, Charlie Garland       3-11-1964    M    Married
Davis, Elizabeth               8-5-1964    F    Separ/Divorced
Davis, James Watson          11-11-1964    M    Married
Deboard, John Franklin         3-1-1964    M    Single
Dent, Eleanor May             6-23-1964    F    Single
Dunn, Ronnie                  7-24-1964    M    Married
Ely, Hosea William            7-10-1964    M    Single
Emery, Flora Maud             1-18-1964    F    Widowed
Erwin, Wad Gardner           10-18-1964    M    Single
Evans, Roy Mack               6-28-1964    M    Single
Ford, Arthur                   5-6-1964    M    Single
Foster, John L                 2-9-1964    M    Widowed
Fowler, Myrtle Louela         8-27-1964    F    Single
Foxhall, Rachel              10-20-1964    F    Widowed
Fulton, Nathaniel J           3-24-1964    M    Married
Fussell, Mary Lillian          5-6-1964    F    Single
Gaines, Earnest Q             10-2-1964    M    Married
Gandy, Jewel Mcvey             3-1-1964    F    Single
Gardner, T D                  3-28-1964    M    Separ/Divorced
Geise, Dan                    7-19-1964    M    Married
Giddings, Johnnie             3-17-1964    M    Single
Godfrey, Jerimiah             1-14-1964    M    Separ/Divorced
Goodman, Thomas C             8-25-1964    M    Married
Gray, Albert                  3-12-1964    M    Married
Gray, Carmellious             3-24-1964    M    Widowed
Green, Janie Derffenreid      8-16-1964    F    Widowed
Greenwood, Charles            1-27-1964    M    Single
Guynes, Emma Lee              9-27-1964    F    Widowed
Henderson, Patrick B           1-2-1964    M    Married
Hennigan, Lemmie Lee           6-2-1964    F    Married
Hernandez, Filomeno            3-8-1964    M    Single
Hilburn, Bob Rhodes           1-25-1964    M    Single
Honea, Clistie Agather        8-10-1964    F    Widowed
Humber, Jessie Lee             5-3-1964    F    Widowed
Ibarra, Ignacio  Jr          11-11-1964    M    Married
Jackson, Frank               12-13-1964    M    Separ/Divorced
Jenkins, Sarah                7-11-1964    F    Widowed
Johnson, Mamie                 7-6-1964    F    Separ/Divorced
Johnson, Wiley                9-12-1964    M    Separ/Divorced
Johnston, Garland  Sr         4-13-1964    M    Single
Jones, Embro                  3-25-1964    M    Single
Keeling, John Edward          8-23-1964    M    Single
Kesner, Claude Wyte            2-4-1964    M    Single
Kinney, Samuel                10-3-1964    M    Single
Koscelniak, Anton             4-25-1964    M    Widowed
Kwasnica, Paul Felex         11-28-1964    M    Single
Lagrone, Arthur W            11-19-1964    M    Widowed
Larkin, Eva C                  9-6-1964    F    Widowed
Lero, Katherine               1-16-1964    F    Widowed
Lewis, Jane                   1-11-1964    F    Single
Lewis, Rosiland Denise        6-17-1964    F    Married
Lightfoot, Betty Marie       10-23-1964    F    Married
Limbaugh, Lucille Susie      12-27-1964    F    Single
Macias, Luis                  7-30-1964    M    Married
Martin, Luther Matthew        8-27-1964    M    Single
Mason, Annett                11-12-1964    F    Married
Mccarty, Bertha Harriette     3-22-1964    F    Widowed
Mcdonald, Walter Lee          12-1-1964    M    Single
Mcgrew, Rosetta              12-19-1964    F    Single
Mcwilliams, Robert Walter     1-15-1964    M    Single
Meadors, Gene Autry           7-23-1964    M    Single
Moss, Eva Lenora             12-21-1964    F    Widowed
Murphy, Mike                   5-1-1964    M    Single
Nance, Zela Louise            7-21-1964    F    Single
Naranjo, Audencio  Jr        12-23-1964    M    Married
Neal, Mary Howell             7-18-1964    F    Widowed
Parish, Harvey               12-14-1964    M    Single
Parks, Lottie Ann             4-10-1964    F    Widowed
Perez, Fidencio G Jr         11-13-1964    M    Married
Peyton, John Randolph        10-31-1964    M    Widowed
Pool, J V                     3-30-1964    M    Single
Portis, Joe  Sr              10-10-1964    M    Single
Portis, Lena                   7-1-1964    F    Single
Powell, Curtis                7-22-1964    M    Separ/Divorced
Price, Mary Moody            11-19-1964    F    Single
Ramiriez, Luis Magana          7-9-1964    M    Single
Ramsey, James Frank           6-19-1964    M    Single
Reagan, Dexter Madison         3-3-1964    M    Single
Rhodes, Cliff                 4-10-1964    M    Single
Richardson, Matilda P          5-5-1964    F    Single
Ritchie, James H              6-22-1964    M    Single
Robertson, Luke               6-29-1964    M    Single
Rush, John Henry               7-2-1964    M    Single
Rushing, Emma Clay            9-17-1964    F    Single
Russell, William Wesley        1-8-1964    M    Single
Rutherford, O J Jr           10-16-1964    M    Single
Salas, Fidela Cantu           1-21-1964    F    Single
Schubrick, Helen              9-23-1964    F    Single
Self, Henry Guy Sr           12-21-1964    M    Single
Sills, Sarah Elizabeth        1-23-1964    F    Single
Simmons, Bobby Gene            9-9-1964    M    Single
Sims, Rachel                  6-10-1964    F    Widowed
Smith, James Davied          10-21-1964    M    Widowed
Smith, Mary Reddy            12-17-1964    F    Widowed
Speer, Ben Thomas              1-8-1964    M    Single
Squires, Joseph Russell      12-28-1964    M    Single
Starkey, Emma Ruth            2-17-1964    F    Widowed
Starkey, Jeff Lloyd           9-26-1964    M    Single
Steels, Larance Charles       2-10-1964    M    Married
Stewart, James Henry         12-19-1964    M    Separ/Divorced
Stiles, Virginia Clay R       6-22-1964    F    Single
Stubbs, Elmer Gerome          8-16-1964    M    Single
Summerville, Hatch Melton     1-14-1964    M    Widowed
Taylor, Joseph Cyrus          8-19-1964    M    Single
Taylor, Tobe                  9-13-1964    M    Widowed
Taylor, Zebb                  6-10-1964    M    Widowed
Thomas, Katie                 9-12-1964    F    Widowed
Thornton, Frella             11-10-1964    F    Widowed
Tullous, Mark Washington      8-17-1964    M    Widowed
Turner, Dock Bernard           7-5-1964    M    Single
Turner, Robert                 3-9-1964    M    Single
Turner, Winnie Augusta        8-31-1964    F    Single
Vancleave, Daisy L            3-26-1964    F    Widowed
Varvel, Lewis Frank Sr         6-2-1964    M    Single
Walston, James Burton         5-28-1964    M    Married
Wells, Azlena                 9-22-1964    F    Single
Wiese, Della                  9-19-1964    F    Widowed
Wiley, Laura A                2-19-1964    F    Widowed
Williams, Estella Price        3-2-1964    F    Single
Williams, Mariah              9-19-1964    F    Widowed
Williams, T R                  3-3-1964    M    Single
Wilson, Archie                4-20-1964    F    Widowed
Wilson, Lillie Bell            1-8-1964    F    Single
Woods, Martha Ann            12-31-1964    F    Single
Wynn, Susanna Elizabeth       1-20-1964    F    Widowed
Yanonski, Millie              2-18-1964    F    Widowed
Yracheta, Maria Dionda        10-9-1964    F    Widowed


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Page Modified: 14 October 2024



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