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Robertson County Deaths - 1967



            Name                Date        Sex    Marital Status
Alford, Ozzie B               11-26-1967     M    Single
Alvarado, Richard C             1-9-1967     M    Married
Amos, Rosie Lee                3-23-1967     F    Widowed
Amos, Rubin Tilley             8-24-1967     M    Single
Anderson, Lucy                 2-14-1967     F    Widowed
Andrews, Billy Carl             2-3-1967     M    Married
Atomanczyk, Mary                2-4-1967     F    Widowed
Bandy, Mary Frances           10-25-1967     F    Single
Barnett, Cassie                2-24-1967     F    Widowed
Barrera, Cruz Garcia           3-16-1967     M    Single
Bates, Eula Owen               8-22-1967     F    Widowed
Bell, Preston Lee              11-7-1967     M    Married
Benford, Johnnie                8-6-1967     M    Married
Bersch, Albert David            6-2-1967     M    Married
Bickham, Mazola                8-29-1967     F    Separ/Divorced
Bishop, Lonnie Calvin          5-23-1967     M    Single
Blocker, Corine E               8-7-1967     F    Single
Box, Harve Henry               3-16-1967     M    Single
Boyd, Luther Ira              10-25-1967     M    Single
Branch, Arizona                9-30-1967     F    Widowed
Buchanan, William Harmon        6-8-1967     M    Single
Buford, Joseph                 3-29-1967     M    Married
Buhler, Arthur  Sr             2-24-1967     M    Single
Bullock, Inez Alberta          4-22-1967     F    Widowed
Bundage, Roshunda S            8-10-1967     F    Married
Carter, Jessie Mae             4-17-1967     F    Widowed
Carter, John Wright           11-23-1967     M    Single
Chance, Taylor F                7-3-1967     M    Widowed
Clark, James Earl              8-21-1967     M    Separ/Divorced
Closs, Ernest Thomas          10-26-1967     M    Single
Cobb, Bernard Leon              6-7-1967     M    Single
Cochran, Carmen Ercelle        8-15-1967     F    Single
Coleman, Jewel                 3-28-1967     F    Widowed
Conde, Louisa Silva            6-20-1967     F    Single
Corpora, Jasper Sam            2-14-1967     M    Single
Dalton, Martha                 5-24-1967     F    Widowed
Davis, Kathryn Lorraine        6-18-1967     F    Married
Davis, Maggie                 12-16-1967     F    Widowed
Debose, Robert Jackson         11-6-1967     M    Single
Dodds, Eddie Joseph            6-19-1967     M    Separ/Divorced
Duffey, Grace E                1-19-1967     F    Widowed
Dunn, Sharon Kay                7-2-1967     F    Married
Edwards, Stokes                 3-1-1967     M    Single
Elledge, Corbett               3-20-1967     M    Single
Elliott, Oscar Saloan           3-1-1967     M    Single
Ely, Jordan Alexander Jr       10-4-1967     M    Single
Estes, Lilly Pearl            12-22-1967     F    Widowed
Faison, Mable Ruth             8-29-1967     F    Single
Flores, Tino                   7-14-1967     M    Married
Foyt, Thomas Everatt            3-9-1967     M    Single
Fulton, Hiram                 12-21-1967     M    Single
Fulton, Ruby Deborah           7-21-1967     F    Widowed
Fulton, Willie Ray             7-26-1967     M    Married
Garrett, John Thomas Ii        7-26-1967     M    Single
Garrett, Shanda Ruth           10-1-1967     F    Married
Gibson, Samuel Wayne            7-1-1967     M    Married
Giddings, Charlie  Sr          4-19-1967     M    Widowed
Golasinski, Victoria           3-26-1967     F    Single
Griffin, Dewey Elmer           11-2-1967     M    Single
Haas, Michael Thomas           3-25-1967     M    Married
Hall, Son                      9-16-1967     M    Single
Henderson, Ima Cox             6-14-1967     F    Single
Henry, Horace Roy               8-1-1967     M    Single
Hill, Pearl                   12-26-1967     F    Widowed
Holland, Minnie Lee H          2-19-1967     F    Separ/Divorced
Hompton, Steve                  6-4-1967     M    Single
Hunter, Luranza                6-18-1967     M    Single
James, Ashby Minor             4-17-1967     M    Widowed
James, George                   2-7-1967     M    Single
Johnson, Micheal Anthony       4-14-1967     M    Married
Johnson, William Andrew        2-12-1967     M    Single
Jones, Estella                 5-20-1967     F    Single
Jones, Frank J                 5-26-1967     M    Widowed
Jones, Savanah                 7-30-1967     F    Widowed
Kelly, Addie Gladys             8-7-1967     F    Widowed
King, Artie Elizabeth           3-6-1967     F    Widowed
King, Zebrem Edward            9-28-1967     M    Single
Lang, Wilfred Herman            8-1-1967     M    Single
Lastor, Seth Thomas           11-22-1967     M    Single
Lefevre, Ethel                 4-25-1967     F    Widowed
Leonard, Paralee               5-25-1967     F    Widowed
Lott, Ike  Sr                   3-6-1967     M    Single
Luhr, Donald W                 2-25-1967     M    Married
Mabry, Joe H                   1-22-1967     M    Single
Martine, Lillie G              2-17-1967     F    Single
Mauley, Mary                  12-30-1967     F    Separ/Divorced
Mcwilliams, Annie Lee          2-22-1967     F    Widowed
Metcalfe, Thomas Pryse Sr      3-23-1967     M    Single
Meyers, Anna                   12-5-1967     F    Widowed
Miles, Emma E                   9-6-1967     F    Married
Moody, Ida Mae                 6-29-1967     F    Widowed
Mooney, John Ector             5-17-1967     M    Widowed
Moore, Matt Wilson            12-10-1967     M    Single
Morgan, Joe Thomas              6-9-1967     M    Single
Morris, Verna Kathryn          8-14-1967     F    Single
Moss, Hartwell Lavert          7-24-1967     M    Widowed
Myers, Thomas Andrew           1-27-1967     M    Separ/Divorced
Nash, John Cleveland           1-18-1967     M    Widowed
Nobra, Theresa                 7-18-1967     F    Widowed
Norfleet, Etta                 6-27-1967     F    Widowed
Nunn, Handy                    10-8-1967     M    Single
Palmer, Tom                    5-29-1967     M    Widowed
Parker, Mary                  11-29-1967     F    Widowed
Partridge, Flora Pearl         10-6-1967     F    Widowed
Payne, George William         12-31-1967     M    Single
Powell, Callie                12-10-1967     F    Widowed
Powell, Nerline                4-28-1967     F    Single
Priestly, Hubert Byron         7-31-1967     M    Single
Pruitt, Gary Don              11-10-1967     M    Married
Reagan, Kate                   6-23-1967     F    Single
Roberson, Elizabeth Ruth        6-4-1967     F    Single
Rosemond, Margarette           3-22-1967     F    Widowed
Ross, Caroline Rebecca         8-23-1967     F    Widowed
Rutkowski, Albert Adolph        9-4-1967     M    Widowed
Salazar, Maria Rodriquez       10-8-1967     F    Single
Sanchez, Simon                 3-26-1967     M    Single
Sanders, Arthur Aron            1-3-1967     M    Single
Scaggs, Octavia Claudette       3-2-1967     F    Widowed
Scott, Allen Glenn             12-8-1967     M    Single
Seelye, William J Sr           1-27-1967     M    Single
Shepherd, Willie              10-29-1967     M    Widowed
Sims, Martha                    3-1-1967     F    Widowed
Slenk, Antone John             2-21-1967     M    Single
Smith, Ella Reid                5-8-1967     F    Widowed
Spiller, Homer Ray            11-18-1967     M    Single
Stark, Sarah A                12-22-1967     F    Widowed
Starkey, William Lewis        12-24-1967     M    Widowed
Steele, Charlie Mae            5-21-1967     F    Single
Stem, Rupurt Allen             5-31-1967     M    Married
Stephens, Irene Ada            8-20-1967     F    Single
Stepney, Rosie Lee             2-17-1967     F    Married
Stevens, Homer Edney           7-30-1967     M    Single
Steward, Roslyn Deshuu         6-17-1967     F    Married
Stewart, Rebecca Leuera       11-12-1967     F    Widowed
Strickland, Lavughn             9-1-1967     F    Widowed
Syfrett, Barnie M              1-21-1967     M    Single
Sykes, Sam Milton Jr           7-15-1967     M    Separ/Divorced
Tatum, Leu                     4-13-1967     M    Single
Thomas, Curtis                  8-4-1967     M    Single
Thomas, Walter B               3-27-1967     M    Single
Thompson, J P                   2-5-1967     M    Single
Tidwell, Jessie James         12-16-1967     M    Single
Troyanowski, John              1-11-1967     M    Widowed
Turner, Ora Kate               1-24-1967     F    Widowed
Ward, Adramiram Judson H       6-16-1967     M    Single
Watson, Nathan                 1-29-1967     M    Single
Webster, Ernestine            10-30-1967     F    Single
Webster, Mary                   7-3-1967     F    Single
Wells, James Edward            8-24-1967     M    Single
Wheless, Kathryn                9-3-1967     F    Married
White, Lula                    3-10-1967     F    Widowed
Widmer, Joseph J                8-8-1967     M    Single
Wiley, Katie                   5-14-1967     F    Single
Williams, Annie                8-11-1967     F    Widowed
Williams, Grace Margret       11-25-1967     F    Single
Williams, Penny Viola         11-22-1967     F    Widowed
Williamson, Alfred             6-22-1967     M    Single
Woodard, Alabama               1-12-1967     F    Married
Yarber, Vady Lambright         9-13-1967     F    Widowed
Young, Ruby Joyce              7-27-1967     F    Married
Zert, Rudolph John             4-17-1967     M    Single





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Page Modified: 14 October 2024



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