Robertson County TX

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Robertson County Deaths - 1969


    Name                          Death      Sex     Status

Adams, Tom Wiley              18-Sep-1969     M    Single              
Ainsworth, Missie             23-Feb-1969     F    Single              
Andrues, Raymond Samuel       20-Sep-1969     M    Single              
Annoot, Johnnie Frederick     08-May-1969     M    Single              
Atamanczuk, Annie             21-Dec-1969     F    Widowed             
Austin, Oka O Stockwell       21-Sep-1969     F    Widowed             
Averyt, Bessie Belle          12-Jul-1969     F    Widowed             
Bandy, Grace Christine        03-Apr-1969     F    Single              
Banks, Addie                  14-Nov-1969     F    Widowed             
Barker, Lottie Gertrude       25-Jan-1969     F    Widowed             
Bartkowiak, Frank J           29-Nov-1969     M    Married             
Battle, John                  22-Sep-1969     M    Single              
Becktold, Alva Ellsworth      20-Jun-1969     M    Single              
Bell, Oscar                   16-Feb-1969     M    Married             
Bell, Viola                   18-Feb-1969     F    Separ/divorced      
Black, Richard Gaston         02-Apr-1969     M    Single              
Blair, Odessa Lewis           25-Aug-1969     F    Single              
Blazek, Joe                   07-Nov-1969     M    Single              
Bolton, Horace Fenley         03-Oct-1969     M    Single              
Bolts, Henry                  23-Jun-1969     M    Widowed             
Boyd, James Franklin          02-Jun-1969     M    Single              
Bren, Frank                   30-Jul-1969     M    Single              
Brisher, Robert B             06-Apr-1969     M    Single              
Britton, Will                 05-Feb-1969     M    Widowed             
Brock, John Washington        05-Aug-1969     M    Single              
Brown, Nellie Ada             12-May-1969     F    Widowed             
Bruce, Mattee Lena            10-Sep-1969     F    Single              
Burger, Cullen                11-Jul-1969     M    Single              
Cashaw, Cornelious            19-Apr-1969     M    Single              
Cazey, Gladis Virginia        25-Jun-1969     F    Single              
Comer, Susana Loraine         12-Nov-1969     F    Widowed             
Cook, Zella Faye              06-Jul-1969     F    Married             
Copeland, Willie Oscar        19-Jul-1969     M    Separ/divorced      
Creeks, James Anna            11-Mar-1969     F    Widowed             
Dorrell, John Manton          15-Dec-1969     M    Single              
Drummond, John Milton         29-Sep-1969     M    Single              
Edwards, Mcarthur             08-Jun-1969     M    Married             
Ferrell, Melvin Lacarl        31-Jul-1969     M    Married             
Flemings, Cora Lee            24-Aug-1969     F    Widowed             
Fletcher, Inez                06-Jan-1969     F    Separ/divorced      
Flewing, Helen L              13-Feb-1969     F    Single              
Freeman, Karen Yvonne         19-Jul-1969     F    Married             
Fulton, Glenn                 08-May-1969     M    Single              
Glenn, John David             19-Aug-1969     M    Married             
Green, Mary Pearl             28-Feb-1969     F    Widowed             
Grismore, Jim                 13-May-1969     M    Widowed             
Groholski, Tony               09-Sep-1969     F    Married             
Hancock, Nellie               20-Nov-1969     F    Married             
Hanks, Tom                    28-Oct-1969     M    Single              
Harris, Callie                12-Mar-1969     F    Widowed             
Hickman, Michael R            10-Jun-1969     M    Married             
Hickman, Horatio M            08-Oct-1969     M    Single              
Hickman, Margarett Elvira     13-Dec-1969     F    Widowed             
Hicks, Lucy                   10-May-1969     F    Widowed             
Hilbert, Fredricke M          03-Jul-1969     F    Widowed             
Hodges, Fannie                07-Jul-1969     F    Widowed             
Holidy, Mildred L             18-Dec-1969     F    Single              
Hooks, Laura Bell             06-Jul-1969     F    Single              
Hychew, Luck                  21-Aug-1969     M    Single              
Jackson, Maggie               13-Aug-1969     F    Separ/divorced      
Johnson, Tewueve Madelyn      11-Aug-1969     F    Married             
Jordan, Elizabeth             05-Apr-1969     F    Single              
Jurode, Lee                   09-Feb-1969     M    Single              
Keeter, Ernest Richard        04-Dec-1969     M    Single              
Kelley, Jonas                 06-Jun-1969     M    Widowed             
Kelly, Mattison L             05-Sep-1969     M    Married             
Key, Ella                     20-Oct-1969     F    Widowed             
Knights, Jeff                 09-Jul-1969     M    Single              
Krenek, Albin                 20-May-1969     M    Married             
Laake, Hugo E                 26-Jul-1969     M    Married             
Lange, Herman A, JR           25-Mar-1969     M    Single              
Leggett, Florence R           17-Feb-1969     F    Single              
Lensing, Alfred C, SR         06-Aug-1969     M    Widowed             
Lewis, Charlie Lee            07-Mar-1969     M    Single              
Lewis, Andrew                 12-Mar-1969     M    Widowed             
Lewis, George                 25-Apr-1969     M    Widowed             
Liles, Travis Orden           22-May-1969     M    Single              
Lockett, Henry Edward, JR     01-Jun-1969     M    Single              
Loper, Lottie                 26-Jan-1969     F    Widowed             
Maguire, Edwin Joseph         04-Oct-1969     M    Single              
Maris, Claude Thomas          20-Jun-1969     M    Single              
Mathews, Eunice Gardner       03-Dec-1969     F    Widowed             
Mccullough, Susie Mae         21-Apr-1969     F    Single              
Mcdaniel, Kitty               31-Dec-1969     F    Single              
Mcdonald, Eddie Earl          19-Jul-1969     M    Married             
Mcleod, Robert David          31-Mar-1969     M    Single              
Mcleroy, Woodrow Wilson       19-Sep-1969     M    Single              
Mcmillan, Virginia E          21-Feb-1969     F    Widowed             
Meier, Theodore Adolph R      20-Jun-1969     M    Single              
Merryman, Frances E           27-Aug-1969     F    Single              
Merryman, Willard Jessie      04-Dec-1969     M    Single              
Mikolajewski, Roy Clem        29-Jun-1969     M    Widowed             
Mims, Lillie                  11-Jul-1969     F    Widowed             
Montgomery, Jessie            11-Jan-1969     M    Single              
Moody, Oscar                  19-Oct-1969     M    Married             
Moore, Ima Naomi              13-May-1969     F    Widowed             
Moore, Lee William            25-May-1969     M    Single              
Murphy, Rachel                08-Feb-1969     F    Widowed             
Nance, Alexander Arthur       23-Feb-1969     M    Single              
Nelson, William H             06-Aug-1969     M    Single              
Oliver, Ever                  29-Mar-1969     F    Single              
Parker, Rosie                 17-Apr-1969     F    Widowed             
Perez, Johnnie, JR            22-Jun-1969     M    Married             
Philen, Mae Davis             10-Jul-1969     F    Widowed             
Poetter, Leo Harrison         21-Oct-1969     M    Married             
Porch, Robert J C             27-Mar-1969     M    Widowed             
Ramos, Maria Rangel           04-Jul-1969     F    Single              
Reagan, Robert Charles        01-Oct-1969     M    Married             
Richardson, Madie E           18-Feb-1969     F    Single              
Robertson, Hattie Jurode      20-Jul-1969     F    Single              
Salazar, Ambrocio             05-Jan-1969     M    Widowed             
Sandifer, Ola Mae             02-Dec-1969     F    Married             
Sheffield, Luther William     20-Feb-1969     M    Single              
Sims, Lee Odis                17-Apr-1969     M    Single              
Sims, Oney                    21-Jun-1969     F    Widowed             
Sinches, Ruth Ella            17-Jan-1969     F    Single              
Slay, George                  23-Dec-1969     M    Separ/divorced      
Sledge, George                15-Dec-1969     M    Single              
Smith, Charlie Claburn        02-Mar-1969     M    Single              
Smith, Majar                  31-Dec-1969     M    Single              
Smithers, Daniel Orgen        10-Feb-1969     M    Widowed             
Snyder, Charles Stewart       26-Nov-1969     M    Single              
Staskey, Frances Marie        14-Aug-1969     F    Widowed             
Swick, Herman Ray, JR         11-Jan-1969     M    Married             
Syfrett, Pearl                26-Apr-1969     F    Widowed             
Taylor, Roy Lee               16-Nov-1969     M    Separ/divorced      
Tenner, James                 28-Mar-1969     M    Single              
Thomas, John G                27-Jun-1969     M    Widowed             
Thompson, Corine              06-Jul-1969     F    Separ/divorced      
Tidemann, Pauline Wilkens     11-Feb-1969     F    Widowed             
Tomczyszyn, Grady Paul, SR    13-Dec-1969     M    Single              
Torres, Juan                  21-Feb-1969     M    Widowed             
Turner, John                  26-Oct-1969     M    Single              
Vargas, Juan                  18-Apr-1969     M    Single              
Walker, Gussie Marie          06-Jul-1969     F    Single              
Wallace, Ronnie               10-Jun-1969     M    Married             
Weir, Leslie Gee              19-Oct-1969     M    Married             
White, William David, SR      25-Feb-1969     M    Single              
White, Georgia Ann            04-May-1969     F    Single              
Whitlow, G M                  26-Jan-1969     M    Single              
Whittington, Lula Caskey      26-Jan-1969     F    Widowed             
Wilganowski, Bill Frank       02-Feb-1969     M    Single              
Williams, Plez                11-Apr-1969     M    Single              
Williams, May Bessie A        28-Dec-1969     F    Widowed             
Winstead, Emma Frances        14-Aug-1969     F    Widowed             
Witherspoon, Cora             15-Dec-1969     F    Separ/divorced      
Woods, Tenolar                08-Jan-1969     M    Single              
Yarbrough, Albert Lee         16-Sep-1969     M    Single              
Zimbelman, Darlene            19-Dec-1969     F    Separ/divorced      






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Page Modified: 14 October 2024



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