Robertson County TX

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Robertson County Deaths - 1971


Name                        Date of Death    Sex  Marital Status

?                             26-Aug-1971     M    Married             
Adams, Lavada                 15-Dec-1971     F    Married             
Alfaro, Joe V                 12-Oct-1971     M    Single              
Alford, Myrtle                29-Nov-1971     F    Widowed             
Allen, Edith G                05-Apr-1971     F    Single              
Allen, Cedric L               19-Nov-1971     M    Married             
Appleby, Augusta H            12-Jul-1971     F    Widowed             
Atchison, Shellie L           05-Apr-1971     F    Widowed             
Autry, Fred                   30-May-1971     M    Married             
Banks, William O              29-Mar-1971     M    Single              
Baylor, Dennis B Inf Of       25-Oct-1971     F    Married             
Beavers, Jessie M             25-Oct-1971     F    Married             
Bernal, Felix F               26-Jun-1971     M    Single              
Bishop, Beulah M              27-Feb-1971     F    Single              
Bland, Birdie K               21-Feb-1971     F    Single              
Bobbitt, Bryan W              30-Jun-1971     M    Widowed             
Boyd, Mattie L                02-Mar-1971     F    Widowed             
Boyd, Tommy L                 31-Dec-1971     M    Married             
Brady, Alfred B               07-Sep-1971     M    Single              
Brown, Clemmie                02-Feb-1971     F    Widowed             
Brown, John H                 25-Mar-1971     M    Single              
Bustillos, Samuel B, JR       26-Jun-1971     M    Married             
Chance, Alice                 19-Feb-1971     F    Widowed             
Chance, Wesley H              17-Nov-1971     M    Widowed             
Chandler, Thomas R            16-Jul-1971     M    Widowed             
Collins, Elizabeth            08-Jul-1971     F    Single              
Comfort, Ruth P               19-Dec-1971     F    Single              
Cooks, Willie D               23-Jul-1971     M    Single              
Cooper, Lottie                07-Jan-1971     M    Widowed             
Copeland, Ida M               08-Mar-1971     F    Single              
Crowder, Emma P               27-Jul-1971     F    Single              
Davis, Maggie M               19-Mar-1971     F    Widowed             
Denman, Lula M                07-Jul-1971     F    Widowed             
Diggs, Henry                  19-Dec-1971     M    Single              
Driskill, Luther W            07-Jan-1971     M    Single              
Duffey, Sebie A               19-Apr-1971     F    Single              
Dunn, Katherine A             24-Jul-1971     F    Married             
Edwards, Fletcher B           15-Jun-1971     M    Widowed             
Elam, Ananias                 10-Dec-1971     M    Widowed             
Elliott, Mabel E              22-Dec-1971     F    Single              
England, Willerene            25-Jun-1971     F    Single              
Espitia, Pilar O, JR          13-Jan-1971     M    Married             
Farris, Ida                   09-Aug-1971     F    Widowed             
Franks, Maggie                11-Jun-1971     F    Widowed             
Gean, Buster E                26-Nov-1971     M    Single              
Gibson, Linnie                18-Oct-1971     F    Widowed             
Gibson, Peter C               05-Dec-1971     M    Single              
Gillard, Dremas               02-Sep-1971     M    Widowed             
Goff, Mary                    13-Dec-1971     F    Widowed             
Haley, M C                    01-Feb-1971     M    Single              
Hall, Ruby F                  29-Nov-1971     F    Separ/divorced      
Hancock, William W            06-May-1971     M    Widowed             
Hardy, Lee                    08-Dec-1971     M    Separ/divorced      
Hart, Elizabeth               04-Jun-1971     F    Widowed             
Hearne, Sam                   15-Sep-1971     M    Separ/divorced      
Henderson, Adolphus D, SR     08-Mar-1971     M    Widowed             
Hill, Lurlean                 27-Sep-1971     F    Single              
Hooper, Maggie S              19-Jul-1971     F    Widowed             
Hordge, Hester                11-Jun-1971     F    Widowed             
Horton, Lela                  06-Jun-1971     F    Widowed             
Hyde, Imogene A               12-Jun-1971     F    Widowed             
Issac, Van                    05-May-1971     M    Widowed             
Jackson, Julius               02-May-1971     M    Single              
Jackson, Wiley                04-May-1971     M    Single              
Jennings, Gussie              22-Nov-1971     F    Widowed             
Johnson, Fannie M             14-Sep-1971     F    Separ/divorced      
Johnson, Myrtle M             10-Nov-1971     F    Widowed             
Johnson, Ollie M              01-Dec-1971     F    Widowed             
Jones, Arthur                 21-Jan-1971     M    Married             
Kelley, L D                   13-Jun-1971     M    Single              
King, Orphy E                 12-May-1971     F    Widowed             
Kirk, Katie J                 19-Aug-1971     F    Single              
Klotz, Louis                  19-Apr-1971     M    Married             
Lewis, Willie E               28-Dec-1971     F    Single              
Malone, Bennie                05-Nov-1971     M    Widowed             
Martinez, Pedro               14-Jun-1971     M    Widowed             
Mayes, Dora                   28-Nov-1971     F    Widowed             
Mcclure, Mackie L             14-Nov-1971     M    Married             
Mccreery, Ada A               24-Feb-1971     F    Widowed             
Mccullough, John              25-Sep-1971     M    Single              
Mendez, Felisiano             14-Dec-1971     M    Single              
Merritt, Warren F             17-Dec-1971     M    Single              
Montanez, Pascual M           26-Jun-1971     M    Married             
Moody, Evalena                23-Dec-1971     F    Widowed             
Moore, Jordan                 25-May-1971     M    Single              
Morgan, Jack M                27-Mar-1971     M    Widowed             
Morrow, Larry W               18-Oct-1971     M    Single              
Muckelroy, Debra A            13-May-1971     F    Married             
Nichols, Ace E                08-Jun-1971     M    Single              
Nickelson, James A            13-Dec-1971     M    Single              
Noey, Mary A                  14-Jan-1971     F    Married             
Parker, Willie R              24-Jun-1971     F    Widowed             
Petty, Will                   19-Jul-1971     M    Single              
Pope, William W               02-Apr-1971     M    Single              
Rabe, Elizabeth               08-Apr-1971     F    Widowed             
Ramos, Epigmenio              11-Apr-1971     M    Widowed             
Ravien, Johnie                18-Apr-1971     M    Single              
Richardson, Henry A           16-Dec-1971     M    Single              
Roach, Earnest                06-Dec-1971     M    Single              
Robertson, Claude L           25-May-1971     M    Widowed             
Russell, Grady H              22-Sep-1971     M    Single              
Sadler, Mattie M              28-Dec-1971     F    Widowed             
Sanchez, Josephine            09-Jan-1971     F    Single              
Santos, Debbie G              28-Oct-1971     F    Single              
Sapp, Shirley A               07-Mar-1971     F    Married             
Sapp, Anna                    14-Dec-1971     F    Widowed             
Seigler, Eunice L             04-Jul-1971     F    Single              
Shaw, William I               15-Jan-1971     M    Single              
Shepard, Wesley               02-Mar-1971     M    Single              
Skains, Katherine N           02-Oct-1971     F    Married             
Slagle, Minnie L              06-Dec-1971     F    Widowed             
Smith, Margaret               17-Nov-1971     F    Single              
Stanley, Alice E              04-Aug-1971     F    Single              
Stewart, Bethel A             21-Mar-1971     F    Single              
Suggs, Lula                   25-Aug-1971     F    Widowed             
Swift, Willie M               15-Oct-1971     F    Single              
Thomas, William R             07-May-1971     M    Single              
Thomas, Ronald                06-Sep-1971     M    Married             
Thomas, Donald                12-Sep-1971     M    Married             
Thomas, D L                   23-Nov-1971     M    Single              
Threadgill, Mollie H          23-Nov-1971     F    Widowed             
Tidwell, William R            07-Aug-1971     M    Single              
Todd, Roger Q                 29-Jul-1971     M    Single              
Truett, Bertie                12-Feb-1971     F    Widowed             
Tubbs, Riley                  28-Jan-1971     M    Single              
Turlak, Mary                  20-Apr-1971     F    Widowed             
Turnham, Ruby L               07-Feb-1971     F    Single              
Vinton, Charles W             02-Jan-1971     M    Single              
Walker, Will                  21-Apr-1971     M    Single              
Waltmon, William K            14-Dec-1971     M    Single              
Washington, Gus, JR           18-Sep-1971     M    Single              
Watson, Pinkie                12-Sep-1971     F    Widowed             
Whitaker, John                02-Oct-1971     M    Married             
White, Edgar L, SR            27-Jan-1971     M    Widowed             
White, James                  10-Sep-1971     M    Married             
White, Dora                   17-Dec-1971     F    Widowed             
Whitfield, James E            12-Apr-1971     F    Single              
Whittington, Samuel L         01-Jan-1971     M    Single              
Wilkins, Bama E               20-Apr-1971     F    Widowed             
Williams, Henry               01-Apr-1971     M    Widowed             
Williams, Jodie               19-Apr-1971     F    Widowed             
Williamson, Lonie             07-Jun-1971     F    Widowed             
Wilson, Nelson                23-May-1971     M    Single              
Wilson, Alene                 09-Jul-1971     F    Separ/divorced      
Witherspoon, Harvey           26-Oct-1971     M    Single              
Wright, George                24-Jun-1971     M    Widowed             
Zavada, Louis, JR             20-Apr-1971     M    Single           





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Page Modified: 14 October 2024



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