Robertson County TX

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Robertson County Deaths - 1972


 Name                        Date of Death   Sex  Marital Status

Avant, Ruby A                 25-Nov-1972     F    Single              
Ayers, Abbie J                05-Sep-1972     F    Widowed             
Baldwin, Anna                 17-Apr-1972     F    Separ/divorced      
Banks, Evelyn                 02-Jan-1972     F    Separ/divorced      
Barnett, Georgia L            22-Jan-1972     F    Single              
Battle, Annie S               08-Jan-1972     F    Single              
Battle, Johnnie               31-May-1972     M    Widowed             
Blue, Algie                   24-Jan-1972     M    Single              
Book, Lina P                  11-Apr-1972     F    Widowed             
Bowman, Henry M               24-May-1972     M    Single              
Boyd, James M                 17-Jun-1972     M    Single              
Briggs, Charlie P             14-Mar-1972     M    Single              
Bristow, Lester J             18-Feb-1972     M    Single              
Britton, Lula                 04-Jan-1972     F    Widowed             
Britton, Annie N              16-Mar-1972     F    Widowed             
Brock, Nancy E                13-Feb-1972     F    Widowed             
Brown, Banks                  08-May-1972     M    Widowed             
Brown, Charlie                03-Sep-1972     M    Single              
Brown, Charlie                03-Sep-1972     M    Single              
Caldwell, Novia               07-Nov-1972     F    Widowed             
Calhoun, Kate F               28-Jan-1972     F    Widowed             
Carpenter, Mabel              08-Oct-1972     F    Widowed             
Carr, George                  26-Jun-1972     M    Single              
Cheek, Caldonia               04-Mar-1972     F    Widowed             
Cherry, Leola                 02-Nov-1972     F    Widowed             
Chopp, Claudette Y            14-May-1972     F    Married             
Clapp, Henry B                27-Nov-1972     M    Single              
Coe, Birdie S                 24-Mar-1972     F    Widowed             
Cohen, Morris                 24-Feb-1972     M    Married             
Cox, Herman S                 08-Jun-1972     M    Single              
Cross, Hattie L               10-Feb-1972     F    Single              
Crouch, Roy O                 29-Dec-1972     M    Single              
Culbreth, Terry P, JR         02-Aug-1972     M    Separ/divorced      
Curry, Jessie C               12-Feb-1972     M    Married             
Curry, Leslie C, JR           29-Jun-1972     M    Single              
Darnell, Lula M               16-Jun-1972     F    Separ/divorced      
Davison, Dora H               18-Mar-1972     F    Widowed             
Davlin, Willie                06-Apr-1972     F    Widowed             
De Board, Paul F              08-Jul-1972     M    Single              
Deal, Charles R, SR           25-Sep-1972     M    Widowed             
Dirickson, Saunie R           17-Feb-1972     M    Single              
Dorsey, Charlie L, SR         11-Jan-1972     M    Single              
Dotson, Samuel L              09-Oct-1972     M    Single              
Dupree, Cynthia               31-Aug-1972     M    Widowed             
Dykes, Elnora N               25-Feb-1972     F    Widowed             
Easterly, Daniel J            01-Jan-1972     M    Widowed             
Elledge, Lee T                26-Apr-1972     M    Widowed             
Elliott, Charlie              21-Dec-1972     M    Single              
Elmore, Millie                28-Mar-1972     F    Widowed             
Elom, Robert A                06-Jan-1972     M    Widowed             
Field, Eugene                 08-Apr-1972     M    Single              
Field, Agnes W                04-Aug-1972     F    Widowed             
Garcia, Mary E                26-Nov-1972     F    Separ/divorced      
Gates, John W                 04-May-1972     M    Single              
Godbolt, Lucile               05-Nov-1972     F    Widowed             
Green, James W                14-Dec-1972     M    Single              
Grigory, Earl B               10-Aug-1972     M    Single              
Harris, Ella A                06-May-1972     F    Widowed             
Hart, Callie B                11-Jul-1972     F    Widowed             
Harzke, Robert C              14-Feb-1972     M    Single              
Hein, George G                28-May-1972     M    Single              
Henderson, Allen              25-Sep-1972     M    Single              
Hendrix, Nollie A             14-Nov-1972     F    Widowed             
Hill, Elnora                  14-Oct-1972     F    Widowed             
Hodges, Iva L                 28-Sep-1972     F    Single              
Holland, Bertha F             13-Jun-1972     F    Widowed             
Huerta, Margarita Z           16-Jul-1972     F    Widowed             
Hychew, Affie                 22-Feb-1972     F    Widowed             
Ingram, Grigsby H, SR         06-Nov-1972     M    Single              
Isom, Sarah                   30-Jul-1972     F    Single              
Johnson, Edna                 13-Jun-1972     F    Married             
Johnson, David H, II          23-Jun-1972     M    Married             
Johnson, Darrell D            09-Oct-1972     M    Married             
Jones, Lawrance B             09-Jul-1972     M    Married             
Jones, Dora                   07-Aug-1972     F    Widowed             
Jones, Georgia A              29-Nov-1972     F    Single              
Kelly, Henry C                17-May-1972     M    Single              
Kelly, Reola T                17-May-1972     F    Single              
Kennedy, Laura                05-Jan-1972     F    Widowed             
Kirkpatrick, Romulus          11-Apr-1972     M    Single              
Leamon, Addie M               25-Jun-1972     F    Widowed             
Lee, Elizabeth E              28-Jan-1972     F    Single              
Lee, James H                  13-Sep-1972     M    Married             
Levels, Katie                 05-Oct-1972     F    Widowed             
Lummus, Dorothy               15-Mar-1972     F    Widowed             
Mahan, John W                 01-May-1972     M    Single              
Marsh, Pearlie H              30-Dec-1972     F    Widowed             
Martin, Fred D                14-May-1972     M    Widowed             
Martinez, Janie               03-Mar-1972     F    Married             
Mathews, Viola A              14-Nov-1972     F    Separ/divorced      
Mathys, Albert D              27-Jan-1972     M    Single              
May, Mary L                   28-Jan-1972     F    Single              
Mccowan, Gertie J             13-Sep-1972     F    Separ/divorced      
Mcdaniel, Donie M             14-Mar-1972     F    Widowed             
Mcnair, Bertie G              04-Apr-1972     F    Single              
Melcer, Felix                 05-Apr-1972     M    Single              
Micklewitz, Conrad J          05-Mar-1972     M    Single              
Miles, Vernell                03-Jan-1972     F    Married             
Miles, Ollie                  24-Mar-1972     F    Single              
Mims, Eddie                   27-Jun-1972     M    Married             
Minnitt, Arthur L             04-Jan-1972     M    Separ/divorced      
Montelongo, Panfilo C         11-Dec-1972     M    Single              
Moon, Jesse L                 22-Feb-1972     F    Widowed             
Morgan, Peter C               08-Jan-1972     M    Widowed             
Moten, Green                  03-Dec-1972     M    Single              
Mullins, Francis C            09-Dec-1972     M    Single              
Murray, Lydia M               18-Jul-1972     F    Widowed             
Muzyka, Annie                 11-Dec-1972     F    Widowed             
Nelson, Norman                03-Dec-1972     M    Separ/divorced      
Nichols, Sidney               22-Nov-1972     F    Widowed             
Nobles, Jimmie                21-May-1972     M    Single              
Nordhoff, Ottie M             24-Sep-1972     F    Widowed             
Nunn, Willie L                17-May-1972     M    Single              
Oliver, Gus                   28-Oct-1972     M    Widowed             
Pack, William F               06-Nov-1972          Unknown             
Pannell, Franklin P           24-Nov-1972     M    Widowed             
Parish, Charlie               31-Jan-1972     M    Single              
Partridge, Bunie B            06-Mar-1972     F    Widowed             
Perrone, Peno A               26-Mar-1972     M    Single              
Peterson, Johanna H           19-Mar-1972     F    Widowed             
Peterson, James S             21-Aug-1972     M    Single              
Pietrowicz, Jake              24-Apr-1972     M    Widowed             
Pinchback, Emerson            26-Sep-1972     M    Widowed             
Porter, Annie                 02-Jun-1972     F    Widowed             
Powers, Fred                  18-Feb-1972     M    Widowed             
Price, Cora                   18-Aug-1972     F    Widowed             
Prince, Minnie B              09-Oct-1972     F    Widowed             
Pursell, Lea                  14-Jun-1972     F    Widowed             
Rains, Laura J                31-Jul-1972     F    Widowed             
Raynor, Roxie                 01-Dec-1972     F    Widowed             
Reagan, Mattie B              05-Jun-1972     F    Single              
Rhodes, Albert D              25-Dec-1972     M    Single              
Richards, Lula                26-Feb-1972     F    Single              
Rohde, Vida                   15-Jun-1972     F    Widowed             
Rudasill, Roxie A             31-Jan-1972     F    Widowed             
Rumple, Lottie C              03-Feb-1972     F    Widowed             
Salser, Robert E              24-Mar-1972     M    Widowed             
Samuels, Betty                10-Jan-1972     F    Widowed             
Sanders, Joe H                05-Nov-1972     M    Married             
Shoemake, Leola               09-Aug-1972     F    Single              
Shuffield, Jessie P           16-Mar-1972     F    Widowed             
Slominski, Sophie             16-Feb-1972     F    Widowed             
Smith, Mack                   28-Feb-1972     M    Single              
Smith, Arther R               28-Feb-1972     M    Single              
Smith, Jessie C               03-Jun-1972     M    Single              
Snider, Mike B                26-Oct-1972     M    Single              
Sosa, Hilario O, SR           17-Sep-1972     M    Single              
Stovall, Nancy K              17-May-1972     F    Single              
Strelec, Willie L             27-Sep-1972     M    Single              
Sweaks, Mary F                01-Jun-1972     F    Widowed             
Swick, Mike, JR               28-Nov-1972     M    Single              
Szydlik, Frank J              17-Oct-1972     M    Single              
Taylor, Minnie                06-Nov-1972     F    Widowed             
Thomas, William H             18-May-1972     M    Single              
Thornton, Mary F              08-Apr-1972     F    Married             
Toliver, Dorthy J             16-Apr-1972     F    Single              
Tryon, Lola M                 03-Aug-1972     F    Single              
Wallace, James F              05-Jul-1972     M    Widowed             
Watson, Pope                  09-Mar-1972     M    Single              
Weir, Thomas E, SR            28-Aug-1972     M    Single              
West, Jack S                  03-Feb-1972     M    Single              
Wiley, Enoch                  25-Jan-1972     M    Widowed             
Williams, Harris N            10-Jan-1972     M    Single              
Williams, Trannie F           26-Feb-1972     F    Widowed             
Williams, Clarence B          28-Jun-1972     M    Single              
Williams, Samuel A            28-Jul-1972     M    Single              
Williams, Mary A              24-Aug-1972     F    Widowed             
Wilson, Inez                  22-Jul-1972     F    Separ/divorced      
Winkler, Lewis T              04-Apr-1972     M    Single              
Winstead, Tyler B             26-Jul-1972     M    Single              
Woodall, John R, JR           04-Sep-1972     M    Single              
Woodard, James A              21-Feb-1972     M    Single              
Woodard, Jewel L              23-Oct-1972     F    Single              
Wright, Leslie                08-Aug-1972     M    Single              
Young, James W                21-Dec-1972     M    Married             
Young, Robbie L               21-Dec-1972     F    Single              





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Page Modified: 14 October 2024



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