Robertson County TX

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Robertson County Deaths - 1973

Information in this database comes from the Texas Department of Health.

Name                        Date of Death    Sex  Marital Status

Adams, John B                 15-Jan-1973     M    Single              
Adams, Pearl L                05-Apr-1973     F    Single              
Ainsworth, Phiners H          25-Jan-1973     M    Widowed             
Allen, Eva P                  22-Jun-1973     F    Widowed             
Alsup, Rodney J               29-Jan-1973     M    Single              
Anderson, Regina M            19-Jun-1973     F    Married             
Andrews, Nathan               26-Sep-1973     M    Married             
Banks, Ethel                  04-Nov-1973     F    Widowed             
Bartula, Mark                 09-May-1973     M    Married             
Bartula, Frank                13-Sep-1973     M    Single              
Batson, Luther J              23-Apr-1973     M    Widowed             
Baxter, Marvin W              07-Apr-1973     M    Single              
Becker, Hannah                02-Aug-1973     F    Married             
Bench, Kie O                  12-Nov-1973     M    Married             
Biggerstaff, Malcolm B        29-Nov-1973     M    Single              
Blue, Gertrude                13-Jan-1973     F    Widowed             
Body, Maewill                 08-Jun-1973          Unknown             
Boney, Bama                   14-Feb-1973          Unknown             
Bosier, Joseph Y              28-May-1973          Unknown             
Brooks, Lydia A               23-Nov-1973     F    Single              
Brown, Murry                  24-Apr-1973     M    Married             
Brown, Murry                  24-Apr-1973     M    Married             
Buchanan, Ivan G              11-Jul-1973     M    Single              
Bumpers, Leslie G             09-May-1973     M    Single              
Byrns, Willie L               17-Sep-1973     F    Widowed             
Cash, Ross J                  11-Apr-1973     M    Single              
Castilleja, Alfonso, SR       11-Nov-1973     M    Single              
Catalina, Joe P               23-Jul-1973     M    Single              
Cavitt, Rebecca               17-Feb-1973     F    Widowed             
Cicherski, Joe B              27-Jan-1973     M    Single              
Cofield, Ernest               05-Apr-1973     M    Single              
Corn, Robert J                06-Jun-1973     M    Widowed             
Cortez, Jesse J               13-Mar-1973     M    Married             
Crowell, John C               05-Jan-1973     M    Widowed             
Demaret, Mary A               08-Feb-1973     F    Widowed             
Dickey, Ruby L                08-Feb-1973     F    Single              
Dunn, Robert W                17-Aug-1973     M    Single              
Dunson, Ada                   21-Jan-1973     F    Widowed             
Dyer, Estelle                 03-Nov-1973     F    Widowed             
Edwards, Jim                  01-Sep-1973     M    Single              
Edwards, Annie                27-Sep-1973     F    Widowed             
Elmore, Fannie                18-Oct-1973     F    Widowed             
Ely, James C                  25-Nov-1973     M    Single              
Espitia, Crystal A            04-May-1973     F    Married             
Fannin, Isabell L             07-Jan-1973     F    Widowed             
Ferrara, Charles              17-Aug-1973     M    Single              
Folsom, Minnie B              29-Jan-1973     F    Widowed             
Franklin, B F                 30-Nov-1973     M    Married             
Freeman, George               09-Nov-1973     M    Single              
Freto, Albert D               10-Jan-1973     M    Separ/divorced      
Fulton, Henretta              01-Mar-1973     F    Single              
Gallagher, Elaine V           14-Oct-1973     F    Single              
Gillispie, James M            24-Sep-1973     M    Widowed             
Gould, Fred, SR               26-Jun-1973     M    Single              
Green, Bennie                 19-Mar-1973     M    Separ/divorced      
Hall, Callie S                29-May-1973     F    Separ/divorced      
Harris, Benjamin K, SR        30-Aug-1973     M    Single              
Hearne, Conway                14-Oct-1973     M    Single              
Henderson, Joshua T           24-Jan-1973     M    Single              
Hendrick, Willie              18-May-1973     M    Single              
Hill, Sam                     24-Mar-1973     M    Widowed             
Holder, Royce A               04-Mar-1973     M    Single              
Hooks, Isom                   10-Oct-1973     M    Widowed             
Hopkins, Tonie M              04-Jun-1973     F    Single              
Hornsby, Flossye A            25-Jan-1973     F    Widowed             
Hudson, Clyde L               24-Mar-1973     M    Single              
Hughes, Dan C                 13-Jan-1973     M    Single              
Jackson, Oliver               07-Mar-1973     M    Single              
Jett, Billy C                 12-Jun-1973     M    Single              
Johnson, Lisa K               02-Apr-1973     F    Married             
Johnson, Isabell              07-Jun-1973     F    Widowed             
Johnston, Thomas L            16-Mar-1973     M    Widowed             
Jones, Elsie K                12-Oct-1973     F    Widowed             
Joshlin, Wanda E              01-Oct-1973     F    Single              
Klement, Alfred W             14-Jul-1973     M    Single              
Lewis, Lonnie B               20-Mar-1973     M    Single              
Liner, James L                18-Mar-1973     M    Single              
Liner, Nettie                 21-Jul-1973     F    Widowed             
London, Willie                15-Jan-1973     F    Widowed             
Lopez, Canuto                 10-Nov-1973     M    Single              
Love, Mary J                  08-Feb-1973     F    Single              
Mabrey, James A               19-Jul-1973     M    Single              
Macek, Tom, JR                26-May-1973     M    Married             
Majkszak, Rosie C             23-Aug-1973     F    Single              
Martel, Tenesia R             07-Jul-1973     F    Married             
Massey, Vida A                08-Dec-1973     F    Widowed             
Mata, Mary                    21-Mar-1973     F    Single              
Mathis, Clarence E            21-Dec-1973     M    Widowed             
Mcclure, Richard J            14-May-1973     M    Separ/divorced      
Mccoy, Estella                08-Mar-1973     F    Widowed             
Mcleod, Ela C                 05-Sep-1973     F    Widowed             
Miles, Irene F                01-Apr-1973     F    Widowed             
Miles, Sam                    09-Dec-1973     M    Single              
Minter, Aaron L               06-Jul-1973     M    Widowed             
Mitchell, James M             15-Apr-1973     M    Single              
Montelongo, Celedonio         21-Jan-1973     M    Separ/divorced      
Montelongo, Pabla C           18-Feb-1973     F    Single              
Montelongo, Reyes C           02-Jun-1973     M    Married             
Moody, Lucille N              11-Mar-1973     F    Widowed             
Moody, Estella M              29-Oct-1973     F    Widowed             
Moore, Margaret E             23-Jan-1973     F    Widowed             
Moore, Cayce W                12-Feb-1973     M    Single              
Morris, Mabel W               30-Jan-1973     F    Widowed             
Moss, Lillie F                09-Mar-1973     F    Widowed             
Murdock, Luther B             10-Oct-1973     M    Single              
Murray, Bennie C              28-May-1973     M    Single              
Muzyka, Steve                 13-Nov-1973     M    Widowed             
Neeley, Bertha D              25-Jan-1973     F    Widowed             
Nelson, Grant                 22-Nov-1973     M    Single              
Neyland, Liddie               27-Aug-1973     F    Widowed             
Nutall, Alberta               20-Jun-1973     F    Widowed             
Ottea, Marion M               14-Feb-1973     M    Single              
Owen, Odos S                  06-Aug-1973     M    Single              
Palmer, Mary E                11-Sep-1973     F    Widowed             
Paradowski, Carl W            18-May-1973     M    Single              
Payne, Annie V                06-Oct-1973     F    Widowed             
Petty, Charlie J              25-Jul-1973     M    Single              
Phillips, William A           02-Apr-1973     M    Separ/divorced      
Pietrowski, Mary K            15-Mar-1973     F    Widowed             
Pillow, Roy L                 04-Jul-1973     M    Married             
Poetter, Helda P              18-Jan-1973     F    Single              
Porter, Mattie                01-Aug-1973     F    Widowed             
Porter, Mary                  30-Dec-1973     F    Widowed             
Preston, Henry R              15-Jul-1973     M    Single              
Prince, Caleb                 06-Apr-1973     M    Widowed             
Quintanilla, Isabel           16-Dec-1973     F    Widowed             
Ramsay, Nora M                25-Sep-1973     F    Single              
Reaves, Charles               27-Dec-1973     M    Single              
Richardson, Walter M          13-Sep-1973     M    Widowed             
Robinson, Lula                06-Jun-1973     F    Widowed             
Rogers, Elmo                  03-Jan-1973     M    Single              
Rogers, Adellor               17-Jun-1973     F    Widowed             
Ross, William H               07-Apr-1973     M    Separ/divorced      
Ruiz, Matilde G               15-Dec-1973     M    Widowed             
Sallie, Beatrice H            30-Nov-1973     F    Widowed             
Sauer, Ethel M                19-Mar-1973     F    Single              
Shaw, Wayne H                 24-May-1973     M    Single              
Shillings, Joe B              23-Nov-1973     M    Single              
Smith, Christel               27-Jan-1973     F    Single              
Smith, Willard B              30-Apr-1973     M    Widowed             
Stanford, Odis D              02-Feb-1973     M    Single              
Staskey, Janie J              25-Sep-1973     F    Married             
Stewart, Inez                 29-Jan-1973     F    Widowed             
Stewart, Frank F              24-Aug-1973          Unknown             
Stubbs, Ruth P                31-Dec-1973     F    Widowed             
Suggs, Robert L, SR           24-Apr-1973     M    Single              
Suggs, Stella A               22-Jul-1973     F    Single              
Swingler, Annie B             15-Nov-1973     F    Single              
Taylor, Julia F               09-Feb-1973     F    Widowed             
Templeton, Emmit M            19-May-1973     M    Single              
Thomas, Hazle B               08-Dec-1973     F    Married             
Thompson, Phanata B           18-Feb-1973     F    Widowed             
Thompson, Phillis             08-Apr-1973     F    Widowed             
Tiggs, Cora                   06-May-1973     F    Widowed             
Tinsley, Warren O             29-Dec-1973     M    Single              
Turner, Ella                  30-Dec-1973     F    Widowed             
Tyler, Dressa L               21-Jan-1973     F    Widowed             
Vinton, Vista M               01-Aug-1973     F    Widowed             
Wade, Lillie M                06-Feb-1973     F    Single              
Walker, Irene                 03-May-1973     F    Single              
Waltmon, Dorothea A           24-Dec-1973     F    Widowed             
White, Elzora                 17-Apr-1973     F    Married             
Wilganowski, Pauline C        16-Oct-1973     F    Single              
Williams, Darlene             12-Feb-1973     F    Married             
Williams, Esther M            07-May-1973     F    Widowed             
Williams, Lillie              09-May-1973          Unknown             
Williams, Charlie             30-Dec-1973          Unknown             
Withers, Mildred L            18-Apr-1973     F    Single      




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Page Modified: 18 November 2024



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