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Sections Will Be Added As They Are Completed
January 26, 1879 Organizational Resolution
Robertson County
1st A few Baptist met at the house of sister Mary Hutson and after preaching by Elder T. A. Menefee, organized themselves by the assistance of Elder T. A. Menefee and T. H. Eaton into a regular Baptist Church of Christ upon a covenant to which the names of the members are attached adopting the articles of faith of the Trinity River Association.
2nd Moved and carried to postponed the election of clerk until next meeting.
3rd Moved and carried to elect a pastor, which resulted in the lection of Elder T. A. Menefee.
4th Moved and carried to set apart the 1st Sunday and Saturday before in each month as days of meeting. There appearing no other business adjourned.
Signed By The Following:
T. H. Eaton, Mod.
T. A. Menefee, Clerk Pro. Tem.
Mary A. Hutson
Suraner Aulston
A. G. Bivens
M. A. Fullbright
W. B. McDonald
M. C. Gillcrease
Henry Kincy
Having been led as we believe by the spirit of God to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our savior and on the profession of our faith having been baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, we do now in the present of God, angels, and this assembly most joyfully enter into covenant with one another as one body in Christ we engage there by aid of the Holy Spirit to walk to gather in Christian love to strive for the advancement of this Church in knowledge, Holiness, and comfort, to promote its prosperity and spirituality to sustain its worship ordinances discipline and doctrines to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the Gospel through all nations we also engage to religiously educate our children, to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances, to walk circumspectfully in the world to be just in our dealings faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in our deportment to avoid all tatlings, back bitings, and excessive anger, to abstain from the sale and use of intoxicating drinks as a beverage, and to be zealous in our efforts to advance the Kingdom of our Savior.
We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love to remember each other in prayer to aid each other in sickness and distress, to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and courtesy in speech to be slow to take offence but always ready for reconciliation and mindful of the rules of our Savior to secure them without delay we moreoever agree that when we remove from this place we will as soon as possible unite with some other church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God's word.
1st This church shall be known by the name of Little Flock Baptist Church;
2nd This church shall consist of members who may present letters from other regular Baptist churches, or upon a creditable profession of faith in Christ into baptism or by voucher or in any way not contrary to the word of God provided it be satisfactory to the members present at the time;
3rd The officers of this Church shall consist of a pastor, chosen by a majority of the members present at the time of choosing. Also, deacons, who shall be chosen by a majority of the members present at the time of choosing; and may shall be ordained in the usual way; and may continue in office during good behavior; and a clerk who shall be chosen by a majority of the members present and may continue in office one year.
4th In all cases where difficulty arise between members, the rule laid down in the 18th Chapter of Mathew shall be observed;
5th All matters coming before this church shall be determined by the will of a majority of the members present, except in the receiving of members, when it shall be unanimous;
6th Any member of the church becoming a member of any other benevolent societies of the day and contributing to their support or refuse to do so shall be no bar to fellowship;
7th The Constitution may be altered or amended at any regular or called meeting of the church by a two-thirds majority of the members present provided the member desiring the alteration shall have notified the church at least one month previous.
Rules Of Decorum
1st The conference meetings of this church shall be opened with prayer and may be closed with benediction;
2nd The pastor when present shall act as moderator in the absence of the past , the church may appoint anyone of the members present to fill his place, if there shall be a minister of some other Baptist Church present, they may invite him to act a moderator, provided he is not known to be out of order at home. The moderator shall be deemed a judge of order and may call to order at any time;
3rd May invite yes it shall be the duty of the moderator to invite visiting brethren and sisters of sister churches to seats with us to aid us in any business that may come before us by their Council but not to vote;
4th Open the door of the church for the reception of members in any way not contrary to the teachings of the gospel;
5th Only one person shall speak at a time and shall arise and address the moderator with "brother moderator" and shall not be interrupted while speaking by anyone except the moderator and not by him unless the person speaking departs from the subject;
6th The brother speaking shall adhere strictly to the subject and in now wise reflect on the brother who spake before so as to make remarks on his slips or failings or imperfections, but shall fairly state the case and matter as clearly as he can so as to give his light or idea;
7th No brother shall abruptly break off or absent himself from the conference meeting without leave of the moderator;
8th It shall be deemed a violation of good behavior for any brother or sister to laugh or whisper or talk during a speech;
9th No brother shall rise and speak more than three times on the same subject without leave of the church;
10th No appelations shall be used in a conference meeting but that of brother or sister;
11th The moderator shall not interrupt any member in or prohibit him from speaking till he give his light upon the subject, except he break the rules of this decorum;
12th The names of the several members of this church shall be enrolled by the clerk and called over as often as called for by the church;
13th The moderator shall have the right to speak on any matter in debate provided the chair be filled, but shall have no vote unless he be a member of the church;
14th These rules may be changed, altered, or amended at any time by a vote of two-thirds of the members present voting in favor of the change, provided the members wishing said change or amendment shall have notice there of at least one month previous to voting.
Articles Of Faith
Article 1. We believe that the holy bible is the divinely inspired word of God; and the only rule of faith and practice; and that it embraces both the Old and New Testaments.
Article 2. We believe in the one true and living God, the creator of all things, revealed to us under the personal and relative distinctions of father, son, and holy ghost. Equal in every divine perfection, yet exercising different but harmonious offices in the great work of Redemption.
Article 3. We believe in the fall of man, his total depravity, and utter inability to recover himself from his fallen state by nature;
Article 4. We believe that the Salvation of sinners is by the grace of God only, through the atonement of our Lord Jesus Christ;
Article 5. We believe that we are justified in the sight of God only by the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ interpreted to us;
Article 6. We believe that in order to be saved we must be born again, which consist in giving a holy disposition to the mind, whereby we yield willing obedience to the law of God, and that is produced entirely by the holy ghost;
Article 7. We believe in election as the eternal groups purpose of God according to which he saved sinners, that his elect are or will be called, regenerated, sanctified, and saved;
Article 8. We believe in the final perseverance of the Saints, that all true believers being kept by the power of God, through faith, shall none of them fall away but all attain to eternal glory;
Article 9. We believe that the Church of Christ is an organization of believers, united upon the faith and fellowship of the gospel, observing the ordinances of Christ and governed by his laws, that its only officers are bishops, or pastors and deacons;
Article 10. We believe that baptism is the immersion of a believer in water in the name of the father, son, and holy ghost, and is an emblem of the burial and resurrection on Christ and to be valid, baptism must be performed by a proper administrator, that the Lord's Supper is an ordinance of Christ in the Church as an an emblem of his shed blood and broken body;
Article 11. We believe in a general judgment;
Article 12. We believe that the joys of the righteous and the punishment of the wicked are eternal.
Little Baptist Church Of Christ Minutes
4th Day Of August 1879
We have had preaching regular by pastor from the organization until the 2nd
day of August 1879 when there was commenced a protracted meeting by pastor who
preached two days when brother T. King came to his assistance and we trust and
feel assured that the Lord was present with us to bless and comfort our hearts
August 4th opportunity given to any desirous of doing so to unite with the
church when one presented herself who after giving creditable evidence of
the pardon of sin was received into the Christian fellowship of the church and
awaits baptism to wit Mrs. Cobb, August 5, Margaret L. Honey & Mary Ann Gillcrease August 7th closed meeting and repaired to the water where the above
sisters were buried with Christ in baptism to wit sister Margaret Cobb,
Margaret L. Honey, and Mary
Ann Gillcrease.
Clerk non, T. A. Meneffe, Pastor
6ht Day Of September 1879
After preaching by pastor T. A. Menefee Little Flock Baptist Church met in conference.
1st Visiting brothers and sisters invited to seats to and by their council in any business coming before the church;
2nd Opportunity given to any that wished to unite with the church now;
3rd Proceeded to receive sister Margaret Cobb, Margaret L. Honey, and Mary Ann Gillcrease who had been previously baptised into full membership;
4th Granted letter of dismission to Sister Margaret Cobb; There appearing no further business, conference closed.
Clerk non, T. A. Menefee, Pastor
2nd Lord's Day In November 1879
After preaching by Pastor T. A. Menefee, Little Flock Baptist Church of Christ met in conference.
1st Visiting bretheren and sisters invited to seats;
2nd Opportunity given to any that wished to unite with the church now requesting membership and there being other business presented conference closed.
T. A. Menefee, Moderator
1st Lord's Day In July 1880
After preaching by Eld. T. King, Little Flock Baptist Church met in conference.
1st Visiting bretheren and sisters invited to seat to aid by there councel in any business coming before the church;
2nd Opportunity given to any wishing to unite the church when one presented herself who after giving creditable evidence of the pardon of sins was received into the Christian fellowship of the church to wit Mrs. Crawford and awaits baptism;
3rd July 11 opportunity given to any wishing to unite with he church when two presented themselves who after giving creditable evidence of the pardon of sin was received into the Christian fellowship of the church and awaited baptism;.
4th To wit, Mrs. Crawford and J. T. Hutson, and Robert Bivins closed meeting and repaired to the water where the above sister and brother were buried with Christ in baptism to wit Sister Crawford and brother Robert Bivins, Brother Hutson being previously baptised being no further business, conference closed.
T. King, Pastor
1st Lord's Day In August 1880
After preaching by Eler T. King, Little Flock Baptist Church met in conference.
1st Visiting bretheren and sisters to seats to aid by their councel in any business becoming before the church;
2nd Opportunity given to any wishing to unite with the church now;
3rd Move and carried to elect a clerk which resulted in the election of J. T. Hutson and theire being no other business present, conference closed.
T. King, Moderator
1st Lord's Day in September being the 4th day of 1880
After preaching by Elder T. King, Little Flock Baptist Church met in conference.
1st Visiting brothers and sisters invited to seats to aid by their council in any business coming before the church;
2nd Opportunity given to any wishing to unite with the church now;
3rd Proceded to received Sister Fannie Bailey who had been previously baptised into full membership
4th Having no pastor, proceded to elect one which resulted in the election of Ele T. King
5th There appearing no further business, conference closed.
J. T. Hutson, Eld T. King, Pastor
1st Lord's Day In November 1880
After preaching by Pastor T. King, Little Flock Baptist Church met in conference.
1st Visiting brethering and sisters invited to seats to aid in any business coming before the church;
2nd Opportunity given to any that wished to unite with the church - none;
3rd Thaire being no other business present, conference closed.
T. King, Moderator
3rd Lord's Day In June 1881
1st After preaching by Eld D. A. Carter, Little Flock Baptist Church of Christ met in conference.
2nd Visiting bretherin and sisters invited to seat to aid in any business coming before the church;
3rd Oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church now;
4th Thaire being a motion made and carried thaire was a committy appointed to wait on brother W. B. McDonald to wit brother Gilcrease and brother Adams;
5th Moved and carried having no pastor proceed to elect one which resulted in the election of Elder D. A. Carter;
6th Moved and carried to set apart the first Sunday and Saturday before in each month as days of meeting, theire being nor further business, conference closed.
J. T. Hutson, Clerk; Eld D. A. Carter, Moderator
Saturday, July 2nd 1881
After preaching by Eld T. A. Carter, Little Flock Baptist Church of Christ met in conference.
1st Visiting brethern and sisters to seats to aid in any business coming before the church;
2nd Oppertunity given to any wishing to united the church - none;
3rd No further business before the church, moved and caried conference closed.
J. T. Hutson, Clerk; Eld. D. A. Carter, Moderator
Saturday, August 6th, 1881
After services by brother Flemon, Little Flock Church of Christ met in conference.
1st Vistin bretthern and sisters invited to seats to aid in any business coming before the church;
2nd Opportunity given to any wishing to unite with the church - none;
3rd Brother McDonald made some few ackknowedgements. No other business before the church, moved and caried conference closed.
J. T. Hutson, Clerk; Brother Flemon, Moderator Pro Tem
Saturday, September 3rd, 1881
After preaching by Eld. D. A. Carter, Little Flock Baptist Church met in conference.
1st Visiting brethern and sisters invited to seats to aid in any business coming before the church;
2nd Opertunity given to any wishing to unite with the - none;
3rd Moved and carried that Eld. T. A. Menefee should perform the baptismal service of baptising Sister Rachel Ridge;
4th Thair being no other business, conferenced closed.
J. T. Hutson, Clerk; Eld. D. A. Carter, Moderator
Saturday, October 1st, 1881
After preaching by Eld. D. A. Carter, Little Flock Baptist Church of Christ met in conference.
1st Visiting brothers and sisters invited to seats to aid in any business coming before the church;
2nd Opertunity given to any wish to unite with the church - none;
3rd Our pastor's time being expired, the church procede to elect one which resulted in the election of Eld. D. A. Carter;
4th Proceded to elect delegates to the Association which resulted in the election of brother D. A. Carter and Brother Gillcrease and Brother J. T. Hutson and wife, conference closed until ???
Sunday October 2nd, 1881
After preaching by Eld. D. A. Carter, Little Flock Baptist Church Of Christ met in conference;
1st Visiting brothers and sisters invited to seats to aid in any business coming before the church;
2nd Opertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church - none;
3rd Clerk's time having expired, preceded to elect one which resulted in the election of J. T. Hutson;
4th Having no deacons, church went into an election which resulted in the election of Brother Gillcrease and Brother Adams.
5th Thaire being no other business, moved and caried conference closed.
Eld D. A. Carter, Moderator; J. T. Hutson, Clerk
Saturday, November 5th, 1881
After preaching by Eld D. A. Carter, Little Flock Baptist Church of Christ met in conference
1st Visiting brothers and sisters invited to seats to aid in any business coming before the church;
2nd Opertunity to any wishing to unite the church - none;
3rd W. B. McDonald having violated the ruls of the church the church delt with him according to the ruls and dismissed him from felowship with the church;
4th Our pastor not being ordained the church petitioned by letter to his church to hav him Eld D. A. Carter ordained;
5th Thaire being no other business, moved and caried to adjourn conference.
Eld. D. A. Carter, Moderator; J. T. Hutson, Clerk
Saturday Night, December 31, 1881
After preaching by Eld D. A. Carter, Little Flock Baptist Church of Christ met in conference.
1st Visiting brothers and sisters invited to seats to aid in any business coming before the church;
2nd Motion and caried to send J. T. Hutson with a petitionary letter to have Eld. D. A. Carter ordained; No other business, conference closed.
MInutes From January 1882 through February 1883
Fourth Sabath Night In March 1883
After preaching by Eld B. H. Beall, Little Flock Baptist Church met in conference.
1st Visiting brothers and sisters invited to seats to aid by thaire concel in any business coming before the church;
2nd Oppertunity given to any wish to unite with the church - none;
3rd We, the member of Little Flock Baptist Church, having no pastor, made unanimos chice of Brother Garner;
4th Then the members of Little Flock Church unanimosly petition by letter that Post Oak Church have brother Garner ordained;
5th We also petitioned Eld B. H. Beall to beare the petitionary letter to brother Garner's church;
6th Done in conference on the 4th Sunday in March 1883;
7th No other business. Moved and seconed conference closed.
B. H. Beall, Moderator Pro Tem; T. H. Hutson, Church Clerk
August 7th, 1883
Little Flock Baptist Church of Christ met in a called conference to transact such buseinss as would put them in a proer condition to properly conduct business belonging to the church.
1st Whereupon the members of the church that was present, to wit (brother J. T. Huston, W. S. Whatley, M. C. Gilcrease, and Ben Yove and sister M. A. Hutson) entered into a covenant to endeaver to live more for God in the future.
2nd Elder T. A. Meneff accepted the call of the church as pastor;
3rd By motion and second which caried to move the place of meeting to a school house that was then being built;
4th Sister M. A. Hutson asked for a letter which was granted;
5th Conference closed for that time.
T. A. Menefee, Moderator; J. T. Huston, Clerk
August 8th, 1883
After preaching by Eld B. H. Beall, opertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church when one presented herself, to wit Lida Adams and awaits baptism no other business conference closed with the meating.
T. A. Menefee, Moderator; J. T. Hutson, Church Clerk
Saturday Before The First Lord's Day in September Being First Day 1883
After preaching by pastor T. A. Menefee, Little Flock Baptist Church of Christ met in conference.
1st Visitng bretheren invited to seats to aid by their councel in any business becoming befor the church;
2nd An oppertunity given for any to unite with the church that wish to, the following Brothers and Sisters presented letters and were received, to wit Sister Mary Whatley, Brother T. C. Mauk and wife Sister Elisabeth Mauk, Brother James Mauk and wife Sister Martha Ann Mauk, and Brother T. A. Menefee;
3rd New business being called for it was ascertained that two members of the church had united with the Christian Church Cambellite, whereupon a charge was brought against Brother Ben Yove and by motion and second sustained and by motion and second followed by vote the church withdrew her fellowship from Brother Ben Yove; also a charge was brought against sister M. A. Hutson for uniting with the Chistian Cambelite Church said charge being sustained by motion and second followed by vote the church withdraw her fellowship from Sister M. A. Hutson.
4th The time of the clerk being out, the church proceded to elect a clerk which resulted in the election of Brother John Hutson. Thaire appearing no further business, conference closed.
J. T. Hutson, Church Clerk; T. A. Menefee, Moderator
Saturday Before The First Lord's Day In October Being The 6th 1883
After preaching by pastor T. A. Menefee, Little Flock Baptist Church of Christ met in conference.
1st Visiting brothers and sisters invited to seats to aid by theire concel in any business coming before the church;
2nd An oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church when the following brother and sister presented letters and was received, to wit Brother John Cobb and wife Sister Elisabeth Cobb, thaire appearing no futher business conference adjouned.
J. T. Hutson, Church Clerk; T. A. Menefee, Moderator
Saturday Before The First Lord's Day In November It Being The 3rd 1883
After preaching by pastor T. A. Menefee, Little Flock Baptist Church of Christ met in conference.
1st Visiting brothers and sisters invited to seats to aid by their councel in any business coming before the church;
2nd An Opertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church - none;
3rd New business being called for when it was agreed by Brother J. Cobb and Brother Hutson and Brother James Mauk as volinteirs to see Brother W. W. Adams.
4th Motion and seconed to read the ruls of decorum;
5th Brother Gilcrease asked for a letter for himself and wife Sister Mary Ann Gilcrease;
6th No other business, conference adjourned.
T. A. Menefee, Moderator; J. T. Hutson, Church Clerk
Saturday Before The First Lord's Day In December Being the 1st 1883
After preaching by Pastor T. A. Menefee, Little Flock Baptist Church of Christ met in conference.
1st Opertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church - none;
2nd The time extented to the committy to see Brother W. W. Adams until next day of meeting;
3rd New business being called for it was ascertained that one of the brothers of the church had violated the ruls of the church by dancing whereupon a charge was brought against Brother Robert Bivins and by motion and seconed followed by vote the church withdrew her fellowship from Brother Bivins;
4 Thaire being no other business, conference adjourned.
T. A. Menefee, Moderator; J. T. Hutson, Church Clerk
Saturday Before The First Sabath In February (?) Being the 2nd 1884
After preaching by pastor T. A. Menefee, Little Flock Baptist Church of Christ met in conference.
1st Opertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church - none;
2nd Having ascertained that Brother W. W. Adams having violated the rules of the church by dancing and the laws of God whereupon the church brought a charge against him and by motion and second and by vote the church withdrew felowship from Brother Adams. Thaire being no other business, conference adjourned.
T. A. Menefee, Moderator; J. T. Huston, Church Clerk
Saturday Before The First Sabath In March Being The 1st 1884
After preaching by pastor T. A. Menefee at Little Flock Baptist Church of Christ met in conference
1st Visiting brothers and sisters invited to seats to aid by thair council in any business coming before the church;
2nd Opertunity given to any wishin to unite with the church - none;
Having changed the days of meeting and set apart Saturday before the second Sunday in each month for preaching;
4th No other business, conference adjourned.
T. A. Menefee, Moderator; J. T. Huston, Church Clerk
Saturday Before The Third Lord's Day in April Being the 13th 1884
(Duplicate information for this date was apparently entered into the church ledger in error. The original entry appears at the bottom of page 20; the second entry containing identical information appears at the top of page 21.)
After preaching by pastor T. A. Menefee at Little Flock Baptist Church Of Christ met in conference
1st Visiting brothers and sisters invited to seats to aid by their councel in any business coming befor the church;
2nd Opertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church - none;
3rd New business being call for and being none, conference adjourned.
T. A. Menefee, Moderator; J. T. Hutson, Church Clerk
Saturday Before The Second Lord's Day in April Being The 12th Day 1884
After preaching by Eld T. A. Menefee at Little Flock Baptist Church of Christ met in conference
1st Visiting brothers and sisters invited to seats to aid by their counsel in any business coming before the Church;
2nd Oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church - none;
3rd New business being called for and being none conference adjourned.
T. A. Menefee, Moderator; J. T. Hutson, Church Clerk
Saturday Before The Second Lord's Day In May 1884
After preaching by paster, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce
1st Visiting brethren invited to seats;
2nd Oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church;
3rd It was moved and seconed that a charge be prefered against brother J. T. Hutson for uniting with another denomination. Sustained, moved and seconed the church withdraw her fellowship from Brother Hutson for the Sin heresy;
5th Moved and seconed that church elect a clerk whereupon J. H. Cobb was elected Church Clerk.
T. A. Menefee, Moderator; J. H. Cobb, Church Clerk
Saturday Before The Second Lord's Day in June (1884)
After preaching by paster the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce
1st Visting brothers and sisters invited to seats;
2nd Oppertunity given to any wishing to united with the Church.
T. A. Menefee, Moderator; J. H. Cobb, Church Clerk
Saturday Before The Second Lord's Day In July 1884
After preaching by Paster the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce
1st Visiting brethren and sisters invited to seats with us;
2nd Oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the Church;
3rd Moved and carried that a charge be prefered against Sister Luraner Alston for heresy, sustained;
4th Moved and carried, the church withdraw her fellowship from L. Alston.
T. A. Menefee, Moderator; J. H. Cobb, Church Clerk
September 13, 1884, Saturday Before The Second Lord's Day
After preaching by paster, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce
1st Visiting brothers and sisters invited to seats with us;
2nd Oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church, whereupon brother John Horton and Sister Harriett E. Cobb presented letters , also Mary J. Mauk and Evan Cobb presented their selves by experience awaits baptism;
3rd Sunday night the 14th after preaching by paster oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the Church whereupon Margret E. McBride presented herself by experience awaits baptism;
4th Tuesday the 16th after preaching by Bro. T. H. Eaton oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church whereupon Sister Sylvia Castlow presented herself by experience awaits baptism;
5th Thursday the 18th. After preaching by paster opertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church whereupon Mackey A. Mauk presented himself by experience;
6th 4 o'clock met at the water where the following sisters was buried in baptism M. J. Mauk, Evarn Cobb, Margriet E. McBride, Sylvia Castlow, Mackey A. Mauk, also the right hand of church fellowship was extended to them.
T. E. Menefee, Moderator; J. H. Cobb, Church Clerk
Second Lord's Day in December 1884
After preaching by paster, oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church whereupon Brother H. A. Menefee and wife Mahala F. Menefee presented letters.
T. A. Menefee, Moderator; J. H. Cobb, Church Clerk
Saturday Before Second Lord's Day In January 1885
1st After preaching by paster, the Baptist Church of Christ calld Little Flock met in confernce visiting brothers and sisters invited to seats with us.
2nd Oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church. New business called for.
T. A. Menefee, Moderator; J. H. Cobb, Church Clerk
February the 7th 1885, Saturday before the 2nd Lord's Day
After preaching by paster, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Visiting brothers and sisters invited to seats with us.
2nd Oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church.
T. A. Menefee, Moderator; J. H. Cobb, Church Clerk
March the 7th 1885, Saturday Before the Second Lord's Day
After preaching by paster the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Invitation given to any wishing to unite with the church;
2nd New business called for.
T. A. Menefee, Moderator; J. H. Cobb, Church Clerk
April the 11th 1885
After preaching by paster, the Baptist Church met in confernce.
1st Oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church. New business called for.
T. A. Menefee, Moderator; J. H. Cobb, Church Clerk
Saturday Before The 2nd Lord's Day in July (?) 1885
The Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Visiting brothers and sisters invited to seats with us;
2nd Oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church;
3rd Moved and carried a charge be prefered against Brother John Horton for dancing. Sustained;
4th Moved and carried the church withdraw fellowship from John Horton;
5th Moved and carried a charge be prefered against Brother W. S. Whatley for excessive drink. Sustained;
6th Moved and carried that a commity be appointed to wait on Brother Whatley which resulted in Brothers T. A. & H. A. Menefee. Adjourned.
T. A. Menefee, Moderator; J. H. Cobb, Church Clerk
Saturday Before The Second Lord's Day in September 1885
After preaching by paster, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Visiting brothers and sisters invited to seats with us;
2nd Oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church;
3rd Minute of last conference read and approved;
4th The case of Brother Whatley taken up and refered to next meeting;
5th Moved and carried to call a paster for the next year which resulted in a unanimous call of Brother T. H. Eaton. For any brother seeing Brother Eaton to inform him of the call and invite him to come to the next meeting. Adjourned.
T. A. Menefee, Moderator; J. H. Cobb, Church Clerk
Saturday Before the Second Lord's Day In October 1885
After preaching by paster, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Visting brothers and sisters invited to seats with us;
2nd Oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church;
3rd Minute of last meeting read and adopted;
4th Case of Brother Whatley taken up and refered to next meeting;
5th Time changed from 11 to 2 o'clock on Saturdays;
6th Brother T. H. Eaton accepted the call to the church.
T. H. Eaton, Moderator; J. H. Cobb, Church Clerk
November the 7th Saturday Before the Second Lord's Day In November 1885
After preaching by paster, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce;
1st Visiting brothers and sisters invited to seats with us;
2nd Oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church;
3rd Minute of last meeting read and approved. Brother Whatley made the necessary acknowledgements.
T. H. Eaton, Moderator; J. H. Cobb, Church Clerk
February the 13th A. D. 1886, Saturday Before The Second Lord's Day
The Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce;
1st Visiting brothers and sisters invited to seats with us;
2nd Oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church;
3rd Minute of last meeting read and adopted;
4th Resolved to visit the members of this body that has absented theirselves from the church on the regular meeting days for six months.
T. H. Eaton, Moderator; J. H. Cobb, Church Clerk
(Some ink marks appear in the middle of this page 28 of the original. "This was not blotched intentionaly" says the quote signed by J. H. Cobb.)
March the 13th 1886, Saturday Before the Second Lord's Day
After preaching by paster the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church;
2nd Visiting brothers and sisters invited to seats with;
3rd Minute of last meeting read and adopted;
4th Moved and carried a charge be preferd against Brother A. Kincy for unchristain conduct;
5th So moved and carried a charge be preferd against Brother Henry Kincy for unchristain conduct.
T. H. Eaton, Modeartor; H. A. Menefee, C Pro Tem
April the 10th 1886, Saturday Before the Second Lord's Day
After preaching by paster the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church, whereupon the following brothers and sisters presented, to wit Brother William H. Snyder and Sister E. A. Snyder, Sister A. Z. Snyder, Sister S. B. Snyder unanimously received;
2nd Visiting brothers and sisters invited to seats with'
3rd Case of Brother A. Kincy taken up moved and carried the church withdraw fellowship from A. Kincy for unchristain;
4th Case of Brother H. Kincy taken up moved and carried the church withdraw fellowship from H. Kincy for unchristain conduct;
5th Moved and carried to adjourn.
T. H. Eaton, Moderator; J. H. Cobb, Church Clerk
May 8th 1886, Saturday Before the Second Lord's Day in May
After preaching by pastor, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church;
2nd Visiting brother and sisters invited to seats with us;
3rd Minute of last meeting read and approved.
T. H. Eaton, Moderator, J. H. Cobb, Church Clerk
July 10th 1886, Saturday Before The Second Lord's Day in July
After preaching by pastor, the Baptist Church of Christ met in conference.
1st Opportunity given to any wishing to unite with the church, whereupon Brother M. C. Gilcrease and wife A. A. Gilcrease presented themselves by voucher unanimously received. Also, Sister A. C. Hancock by letter. Sunday night the 11th. After preaching by pastor, Brother John Tarver presented himself by letter, unanimously received.
2nd Minutes of last meeting read and adopted.
T. H. Eaton, Moderator; H. A. Menefee, Clerk Pro Tem
January the 16th A.D. 1887, Sunday, the Third Lord's Day in January
Preaching by Brother HUdman. After preaching, the church me in conference. An opportunity given to any that might wish to unite with us. Brother Hudman joined by letter then our choice of paster resulted in favor of Brother Hudman. Letter granted to Brother T. A. Menefee moved and second. Breathern namily Brothers Bolten, Burns, and Moody be invited to meet with us on the third _____day in February for the purpose of ordaining Brother Hudman. (small portion of page missing)
H. A. Menefee
February 19th 1887, Saturday Befour The Third Lord's Day In February A. D. 1887
After preaching by paster, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church. Moved and decon that a letter be granted to J. H. Cobb moved and secon that James Mauk be ainted Cleark Minute of the last meeting approved.
Brother Hudman, Moderator; H. A. Menefee, Clerk Pro Tem
March 19th, 1887, Saderday Before the Third Lord's Day In March
After preaching by pastor, the Baptist Church of Christ met in Confernce oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the Church. Moved and Second that the church go into a lection four a paster and Gary Burton was elcted. Brother Hudman call four his church letter and it was granted. Minut of the last meeting approved.
Gary Burton, Moderator; James Mauk, Church Clerk
April 16th, 1887, Sadurday Befour the Third Lord's Day in April 1887
After preaching by paster, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce oppertunity given to anyone wishing to unite with us. Brother John Tarver's church letter was called four and granted.
Brother Frid BUrton, Moderator; James Mauk, Church Clerk
August 3rd, 1887, Wensday Befour The First Lord's Day in August 1887
After preaching by Brother E. J. Smith, the Baptist Church of CHrist met in confernce oppertunity given to any one wishing to unite with the church. Minets of the last meeting approved. New buisness called four motion and second that a commitie be formed to visit Shilow and Mount Plseant and Henary Prairie Churches four the purpos of selecting a paster commettie. H. A. Menefee, W. H. Snider, James Mauk. Charg against Brother Whattley four drunkiness moved and cairried that a commitie be appointed to see him. Committie: W. H. Snider, H. A. Menefee, J. Mauk. Copnfernce adjurned.
E. J. Smith, Moderator; James Mauk, Church Clerk
Friday Before The Third Lord's Day In August (1887)
The Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce. Report of commity to se Brother W. S. Whatley. The Brother notified them in writing not to come to se him. The report of the commity received and the commity discharged moved and carried the church withdraw fellowship from W. S. Whatley for drunkinness. Minutes of last meeting adopted.
H. A. Menefee, Moderator; Jas. Mauk, Church Clerk
(A revival was apparently held during this week in August of 1887)
Monday, August the 23rd 1887, after preaching by Brother H. M. Day oppertunity given for any wishing to unite with the church whereupon Brother A. Kincy presented himself by resolution, also J. W. & Vitalis Cobb by experience. Tuesday, August the 24th, 1887, after preaching by Brother T. A. Meneffe, oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church whereupon Brother J. H. Cobb presented himself by letter also J. W. Lolley by experience. Wednesday, August the 25th, 1887, after preaching by Brother J. M. Day oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church, whereupon O. L. Snider presented herself by experience. Thursday, August the 26th, 1887, after preaching by Brother J. M. Day, oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church, whereupon Brother H. L. Kincy presented himself by resolution. Friday, August the 27th, 1887, after preaching by Brother T. A. Menefee oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the churhc whereupon W. F. Mauk, J. W. Whatley, and G. S. Castlow presented theirselves by experience. (Editor's Note: dates don't match up here) Saturday, the 18th, after preaching by Brother T. A. Menefee, oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church whereupon Brother W. A. Cazey and wife Sister Nancy Cazey presented themselves by letter. Sonday, the 19th, met at the water whare the following sisters and brothers was buried in baptism, to wit Sister O. L. Snider and Vitalis Cobb, Brothers J. H. Cobb, W. T. Mauk, J. W. Whatley, G. S. Castlow, and J. W. Lolley. After baptism right hand of church fellowship was extended to the brothers and sisters above named Sonday night. After preaching by brother T. A. Menefee, oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church, whereupon Lalle (or Polk) Watson presented herself by experience. Monday the 20th, met at the water where the sister was buried in baptism also after baptism the right hand of church fellowship was extended to the sister.
T. A. Menefee, Moderator; Jas. Mauk, Church Clerk
(Another revival was apparently held during this week in September 1887)
Second Lord's Day In September 1887, the 11th. After preaching by Brother J. M. Day the Baptist Church met in call confernce. Oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church, whereupon Brother J. W. McDonald and wife Sister Mattie McDonald presented themselves. The brother by restoration; the sister by voucher. Monday the 12th, after preaching by Brother J. M. Day oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church whereupon Nancy Zenick, Molley Barker and Castilla McDonald presented themselves by experience. Tuesday the 13th, after preaching by Brother J. M. Day, oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church whereupon Brother Robert Bivins presented himself by restoration, also E. M. Hancock, Robert Fullbright, and Martha McDonald presented themselves by experience. Wednesday the 14th, after preaching by Brother J. M. Day, oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church whereupon Sister Mary A. Fullbright made necessary acknowledgements to the church, also Jas. Capleton presented himself by experiance, also Louisa Holebrooks presented herself by experiance. Thursday the 15th, after preaching by Brother J. M. Day, oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church whereupon J. L. Fullbright presented himself under the watch cear of the church, also J. B. Fullbright, R. A. McAlister, and J. W. & S. J. Colburn presented themselves by experiance, also A. R. Tarver and N. A. Bivins presented themselves by experiance.
J. M. Day, Moderator; J. H. Cobb, Church Clerk Pro Tem
Saturday Before the Third Lord's Day in September, the 17th, 1887
After prayer by Brother M. C. Gilcrease, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Visiting brothers and sisters invited to seats with us;
2nd Oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church;
3rd Moved and carried the church call a paster whereupon Brother J. M. Day was the choice, also a clerk whereupon J. H. Cobb was the choice;
4th A charge was prefered against Brother G. W. Crawford for lieing to the church, sustained, moved, and carried the church withdraw fellowship from G. W. Crawford;
5th Third Lord's day after preaching by paster, oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church, whereupon A. McDonald presented himself by experiance;
6th Proceded to appoint delegates to the association whereupon Brethren Jas. Mauk, E. M. Hancock, and J. H> Cobb as delegates, W. B. McDonald, M. C. Gilcrease, and H. A. Menefee alternates;
7th 4 o'clock, repaired to the water, oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church whereupon Brother J. M. Day presented himself by latter and the following brothers and sisters was buried in baptism to wit, J. B. Fullbight, A. McDonald, Martha McDonald, N. A. Bivins, M. Barker, Costilla McDonald, E. M. Hancock, Robert Fullbright, Jas. Capleton, Louiza Holebrook, R. A. McAlister, J. W. Colburn, S. J. Colburn, A. R. Tarver, Nancy Quick, right hand of church fellowship extended to them and also to Brother Day.
F. M. Walker, Moderator; J. H. Cobb, Church Clerk
September the 18th (1887), after preaching by paster, oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church whereupon Thos. Hobbs presented himself by experiance. September the 19th (1887), repaired to the water whereupon Thos. Hobbs was buried in baptism also the right hand of church fellowship was extended to the brother.
F. M. Walker, Moderator; J. H. Cobb, Church Clerk
Second Lord's Day in October, 1887
After preaching by paster, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Visiting brothers and sisters invited to seats with us;
2nd Oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church;
3rd minutes of last meeting adopted;
4th New busness called for;
5th Association letter adopted, also collection for minutes $1.50 for home mission $1.00, for foreign mission, 50 cents. Total $3.00.
J. M. Day, Moderator; J. H. Cobb, Church Clerk
November the 19th A.D. 1887, Saturday Before The Third Lord's Day in November 1887
After preaching by paster, the Baptist Church of CHrist met in confernce.
1st Visiting brothers and sisters invited to seats with us;
2nd Oppertunity given to any wishing to unit with the church;
3rd Minute of last meeting adopted.
J. M. Day, Moderator; J. H. Cobb, Church Clerk
December the 10th 1887, Saturday Before the Second Lord's Day in December
After preaching by paster, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church;
2nd Minute of last meeting adopted.
J. M. Day, Moderator; J. H. Cobb, Church Clerk
January the 6th 1888
At a call meeting, we the members present resolved to grant the Baptist Church at Little Mississippi School house in Leon County and prebytry the rite to ordain Brother J. M. Day.
H. A. Menefee, Moderator; J. H. Cobb, Church Clerk
January the 14th 1888, Saturday Before The Third Lord's Day
The Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church;
2nd Minute of last meeting adopted.
J. M. Day, Moderator; J. H. Cobb, Church Clerk
February the 18th, 1888, Saturday Before the Third Lord's Day
The Baptist Church Of Christ met in confernce.
1st Visiting brothers and sisters invited to seats with us;
2nd Oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church;
3rd Moved and carried a charge be preferd against Brother W. B. McDonald for drunkenness and swaring, sustained;
4th Moved and carried a charge be preferd against Brother Robert Fullbright for drunkenness, sustained;
5th Moved and carried a charge be preferd against Sister Costilla McDonald for dancing, sustained;
6th Moved and carried a charge be preferd against Sister Molly Barker for dancing, sustained;
7th Moved and carried a charge be preferd against Brother J. W. Lolly for dancing, sustained;
8th Moved and carried a charge be preferd against Brother Thomas Hobbs for playing a fiddle for a dance party, sustained;
9th Moved and carried that Brethren E. M. Hancock and Jas. Mauk be appointed as commity to se Brothers McDonald, Fullbright, and Hoobs, also sisters McDonald and Barker;
10th Moved and carried that Brethren Jo and W. T. Mauk be appointed as commity to se Brother Lolly;
11th Minute of last meeting adopted.
J. M. Day, Moderator; J. H. Cobb, Church Clerk
March the 17 1888, Saturday Before The Third Lord's Day In March
After preaching by paster, the Baptist Church of CHrist met in confernce.
1st Oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church;
2nd Reference called for report of commity received and commity discharged;
3rd Moved and carried the church withdraw fellowship from McDonald, Fullbright, and Lolly;
4th The church received the acknowledgements of Sisters Costilla McDonald and Molly Barker;
5th Cas of Brother Snider and wife Sister Snider;
6th Brethren Jas. Mauk and H. A. Menefee appointed to se Sister Snider. Brother Snider being present and made necessary acknowledgments;
7th Case of Brother Thomas Hobbs continued to next conference;
8th Report of commity brethren A. McDonald and H. A. Menefee received and dismist of Sister McDonald on watch cear of the church continued until next conference;
9th Minute of last meeting adopted.
J. M. Day, Moderator; J. H. Cobb, Church Clerk
April the 14th 1888
After preeching by paster, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Visiting brethren and sisters invited to seats with us;
2nd Oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church;
3rd Reference called for report of commity received and commity discharged. sister Snider ast for time to consider the case between her and Brother Snider;
4th The church granted her request until June;
5th Case of J. L. Fullbright report of commity received and commity discharged;
6th Moved and carried the church withdraw watch cear from J. L. Fullbright;
7th Minute of last meeting adopted.
J. M. Day, Moderator; J. H. Cobb, Church Clerk
June the 16th 1888, Saturday Before the Third Lord's Day In June
After preaching by paster, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Visiting brethren and sisters invited to seats with us;
2nd Oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church;
3rd Refernce taken up and case of Sister Snider settled;
4th Letters of dismission granted to Brother W. H. Snider and Sister M. A. J. Cobb. Minute of last meeting adopted.
J. M Day, Moderator; J. H. Cobb, Church Clerk
Saturday Before the Third Lord's Day in July 1888
The Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Visiting brothers and sisters invited to seats with us;
2nd Oppertunity given to anyone wishing to unite with the church;
3rd minute of last meeting adopted.
J. M. Day, Moderator; H. A. Menefee, Church Clerk Pro Tem
Saturday Before the Third Lord's Day in August 1888
The Baptist Church of Christ met in conference, visiting brother and sisters invited to seats with us, oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church, minute of last meeting adopted.
J. M. Day, Moderator; J. H. Cobb, Church Clerk
(Another revival was apparently held during this week in September 1888)
Monday the 10th, 1888. The Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church whereupon Sister M. A. Gillcrease presented herself by letter the church made a call for a paster whereupon breathren Barchley was called went in to an election of a clerk resulted in J. C. Mauk elected deligates to the association whereupon Brethren J. M. Day, J. W. Cobb, and E. M. Hancock was elected a charge prefered against Sister Rachel Ridge for living in adultry, sustained moved and carried that the church withdraw fellowship from her. Preaching Tuesday the 11th and Wednesday the 12th by paster, oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church whereupon Sister L. Boldon presented herself by restiration preaching Thursday the 13th and on Friday the 14th by Brother Beel. Brother Gillcrease case was taken up and he made necessary acknowledgements, went into an election of a deachon, which resulted in Brother James Mauk, the presbyters being present, brother B---, H---, Beel, and Barchley went in to the ordination of a minister and of a deachon done by order of the church on Friday, September the 14th 1888, minute of last meeting adopted.
B. H. Beel, Moderator; J. Mauk, Church Clerk
October the 6th 1888
After prair by Brother H. A. Menefee, the Baptist Church of Christ met in conference, went into an election of a deligat on bisness of a new association which resulted in Brother James Mauk, went into an election of a pastor, and Brother B. H. Beall was called, don by order of the church on Saturday Before the First Lord's Day in October 1888.
H. A. Menefee, Moderator; J. O. Mauk, Church Clerk
November the 3rd 1888
After preaching by paster, the Baptist Church of CHrist met in conference, oppertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church, went into an election of deligates to the association which resulted in Brethren H. A. Menefee, E. M. Hancock, and J. O. Mauk, moved and second that letters be granted to Brother J. M. Day and Sister M. A. Gilcrease, minute of last meeting adopted.
B. H. Beall, Moderator; J. O. Mauk, Church Clerk
December the 1st 1888
After preaching by paster, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce. First, opportunity given to any wishing to unite with the church; 2nd Resolve to pass a resolution when a member absents him or her self from three conference days, the church withdraw fellowship from them. Minuts of last meeting adopted.
B. H. Beal, Moderator; J. H. Cobb, Church Clerk Pro Tem
January the 5th 1889
After payer by Brother Gilcrease, the Baptist Church met in confernce.
1st The church withdraw feloship from Brother Capleton for not being worthey of a member;
2nd Also, the church withdrew feloship Brother Joe Holburn for dancing; (no 3rd)
4th The church withdrew the watch care from Sister Martha McDonald;
5th Moved and second that a letter be grant to Brother Kincy;
6th The church went into an election for a church clerk witch resulted in favor a W. T. Mauk. Minuts of last meatting adopped.
H. A. Menefee, Moderator; J. H. Cobb, Church Clerk
February the 2nd, 1889
After preaching by the paster, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Opportunity given to any whishing to unite with church;
2nd Moved and second that charges be perferd aginst Brother Kincy for dancing and drunkness;
3rd Moved and second that the church withdraw felowship from Brother Kincy;
4th Whereas the churche having receaved Brother M. H. Gilcrease by the order of Eld. Thomas Eaton into her fellowship, and whereas trian church complained through Brother Ball and others that the Little Flock Church had not treated them right, and whereas Brother M. H. Gilcrease having through us made all the acknowledgements we thinck would be asked and trian church refusing to restore and give him a letter resolved that we the Church of Christ at Little Flock do therefore confirm the act of receiving Brother M. H. Gilcrease and received him into full connection with us and entitle him to all the priviledges of the church. Minuts of last meatting adopped.
B. H. Beal, Moderator; W. T. Mauk, Church Clerk
March the 2nd, 1889
After prayer by Brother Gilcrease, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Opportunity given to any one whishing to make acknowledgements when Brothers J. W. Cobb and W. T. Mauk made their acknowledaments. Moved and second that the church receave them;
2nd Charges perferd against Brothers J. W. Whattley and McColbroler and Brother Robert Biveans and wif Sister Biveans and Sister Costilar McDonald - all for dancing, resolved that the church be a commitity to those parties;
3rd Moved and and carried that charges by perferd against Brother James Colburn for dancing;
4th Moved and carried that the church withdraw feloship from Brother James Colburn for dancing;
5th The church withdrew feloship from Brother Thomas Hobbs for playing the fiddle for a dance;
6th Moved and carried that the church perfer charges against Sister Moudra for dancing;
7th Moved and carried that the church withdraw feloship from Sister Moudra for dancing;
8th Moved and carried that the church recend the act of trying members of non attendance. Minuts of last meatting read and adopped.
H. M. Menefee, Moderator; W. T. Mauk, Church Clerk
April the 6th 1889
After prayer by Brother Gillcrease, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Refernce call for;
2nd Moved and caried that the church withdraw feloship from Brother J. W. Whatley
3rd Moved and caried that the church put of the case of Brother McCalister tell next confernce;
4th Moved and caried that the church with feloship from Brother Biveans for dancing, also Sister Biveans for dancing;
5th Moved and caried that the church put of the case of Sister McDonald tell next confernce. Minuts of last meetting read and adoped.
H. A. Menefee, Moderator; W. T. Mauk, Church Clerk
May the 4th 1889
After preaching by paster, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confence.
1st Visting brothers and sisters invited to seats with us;
2nd Refernces call for when the church taken up the case of Brother McCalister and withdrew feloship from him;
3rd The church receaved the acknoledgements of Sister McDonald through brother Gillcrease. Moved and caried that the church receive the acknoledgements of Sister Fullbright through Brother Gillcrease. Minuts of last meetting red and adoped.
B. H. Beal, Moderator; W. T. Mauk, Church Clerk
June the 1st 1889
After preaching by paster, the Baptist Church of christ met in confernce.
1st Opportunity given to anyone whishing to unite with the church - none;
2nd Visiting brothers and sisters invited to seats with us. Minuts of the last meeting read and adoped.
B. H. Beal, Moderator; W. T. Mauk, Church Clerk
July the 18th 1889
After preaching by Brother B. H. Beal, the Baptist Church of Christ at a call confernce receaved the acknolwedment of Brother Kincey and restored him into full feloship with the church.
B. H. Beal, Moderator; W. T. Mauk, Church Clerk
July the 20th 1889
After prayer by Brother Gilcrease, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Moved and caried that the church go into an alection of delagats to the association which resulted in favor of Brother James Mauk and Brother M. H. Gilcrease;
2nd Moved and caried that the church prefer charges aguist Brother Castlow for profain language, resolved that the church be a commity and report at next confernce. Minuts of last meeting red and adoped.
H. A. Menefee, Moderator; W. T. Mauk, Church Clerk
August the 10th 1889
After preaching by Brother McCay, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st References call for;
2nd Moved and caried that the church withdraw felowship from Brother Casttlow for profain language;
3rd Moved and caried that the church withdraw feloship from Brother J. W. Cobb for dancing;
4th Moved and caried that the church go into and alection of a paster whitch resutled in favor of Brother McCay;
5th Moved and caried that the church go into to an alection of a church clerk whitch resutled in favor of W. T. Mauk;
6th The Assocaition loetter was read and adoped. Minutes of last meeting read and adoped.
Brother McCay, Moderator; W. T. Mauk, Church Clerk
August the 31st 1889
After prayer by Brother Gilcrease, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce. Minuts of last meetings read and adopped.
H. A. Menefee, Moderator; W. T. Mauk, Church Clerk
June the ?? 1890
(The information entered for this date is crossed out with the notation "This is not right".)
After prayer by Brother Menefee, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce. Minuts of last meeting read and adopped.
H. A. Menefee, Moderator; W. T. Mauk, Church Clerk
March the 22nd 1890
After preaching by Brother Beal, the Baptist Church of CHrist met in confernce.
1st Visting brothers and sisters invited to seats with us;
2nd Moved and caried that the church grant Sisters Snider and her too daughters their church letters;
3rd Minuts of last meetting read and adoped.
B. H. Beal, Moderator; W. T. Mauk, Church Clerk
September the 11th 1890
After prayer by Brother Menefee, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Moved and caried to go into election of delagates to the association whitch resulted in favor of W. T. Mauk & H. A. Menefee;
2nd Moved and caried to go into election fo a church clerk whitch resulted in favor of W. T. Mauk;
3rd Moved and caried that the church grant Brother M. C. Gillcrease his church letter;
4th Moved and caried to adjorned. Minuts of last meeting read and adoped.
H. A. Menefee, Moderator
September the 13th 1890
After preaching by Brother B. A. Barnett, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce. Moved and caried to go into an election of a paster which resulted in favor of Brother Barnett, the association letter was read and adoped.
B. A. Barnett, Moderator; W. T. Mauk, Church Clerk
October the 11th 1890
After prayer by Brother Menefee, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce. Minuts of last meetting read and adopted.
H. A. Menefee, Moderator; W. T. Mauk, Church Clerk
November the 7th 1890
After preaching by Brother B. A. Barnett, the Baptist Church of CHrist met in confernce.
1st Opportunity given to anyone whishing to unite with the church - none.
2nd Minuts of last meetting read and adopped.
B. A. Barnett, Moderator; W. T. Mauk, Church Clerk
December the 13th 1890
After preaching by Brother Barnett, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Opportunity given to anyone whishing to unite with the church - none;
2nd Minutes of last meetting read and adoped.
B. A. Barnett, Moderator; W. T. Mauk, Church Clerk
March the 7th 1891
After preaching by Brother Barnett, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st The church prefered charges against Sister Holbrook fore hearsy.
2nd Moved and caried that Brother Menefee and Brother James Mauk go to see the sister and report next conference.
3rd Meetting minuts of last meetting read and adoped.
B. A. Barnett, Moderator; W. T. Mauk, Church Clerk
April the 11th 1891
After preaching by Brother Barnett, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce
1st Report of committy receaved and committy discharged;
2nd The church withdrew felowship from Sister Holbrook for heasy;
3rd Minuts of last meetting read and adoped.
B. A. Barnett, Moderator; W. T. Mauk, Church Clerk
May the 9th 1891
After preaching by Brother Barnett, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Opportunity given to any one whishing to unite with the church - none;
2nd Moved and caried to prefer charges against Sister Tarver fore fore hersay. Moved and carried to withdraw felowship for hersay;
3rd Moved and carried to invite Brother Watts to preach here the fourth Sunday in each month;
4th Minutes of last confernce read and adoped.
B. A. Barnett, Moderator; W. T.Mauk, Church Clerk
June the 13th 1891
After preaching by Brother Barnett, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Visiting breathren and sisters invited to seats with us;
2nd Opportunity given to anyone whishing to unite with the church - none;
3rd Minuts of last confernce read and and adoped.
B. A. Barnett, Moderator; W. T. Mauk, Church Clerk
July the 11th 1891
After preaching by paster, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Visting brothers and sisters invited to such with us;
2nd Opportunity given to any one whishing to unite with the church whereupon Brother B. T. Poalk and Sister M. O. Poalk presented their letters and was received in the full feloship with the church.
3rd Moved and caried to adjourned.
B. A. Barnett, Moderator; W. T. Mauk, Church Clerk
July the 16th 1891
After preaching by paster, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Opportunity given go any one whishing to unite with the church, where upon their was three presented them selfs by experiance. Their names are as fowls Idella Mauk, Ola Menefee, Johney Cobb.
July the 17th 1891
Resorted to the water where they buried in baptism and received into full felowship with the church. Minuts of last confernce read and dopped.
W. T. Mauk, Church Clerk
August the 8th 1891
After preacing by Brother Watts, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce, moved and caried to go in to election of a pastor, which resulted in favor of Brother B. A. Barnett, also a church clerk, which resulted in favor of E. M. Hancock, also the church went in to election of delagats to the association, which resulted in favor of Brothers H. A. Menefee and E. M. Hancock, and Brother Eamel Mauk and Brother W. T. Mauk. Minuts of last confernce read and adoped.
B. A. Barnett, Pastor; E. M. Hancock, Church Clerk
September the 12th 1891
After preaching by Brother B. A. Barnett, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Visiting brothers and sisters invited to seats with us;
2nd Opertunity given for any one wishing to unite with the church; (no 3rd)
4th Moved and caried that the church perfur charged against Brother Kincey for Hercy;
5th Moved and carred that the church withdraw fellow ship from the brother for the same;
6th Moved and carred that the church perfur charges against Sister Castillar McDonald for dancing;
7th Moved and carred that the church withdraw fellow ship from the sister for the same;
8th Moved and carred that the church go in to election of a treasur, which resulted in favor of E. M. Hancock;
9th Moved and carred that the assocation leter be a doped;
10th Minuts of last meaten read and a doped.
B. A. Barnett, Pastor; E. M. Hancock, Church Clerk
October the 9th 1891
After preaching by Brother B. A. Barnett, the Babtist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Vising brothers and sisters invited to seats with us to aid us in any bisness before the church;
2nd Oppertunity given to any one wishing to unite with the church - none;
3rd Moved and carred that the church grant Brother W. T. Mauk and wife thair church leters;
4th Moved and carred that Brother Wiliam Cazey case lie over untell next confernce;
5th Minuts of last meaten read and adopted. Moved to adjourn.
B. A. Barnett, Pastor; E. M. Hancock, Church Clerk
October the 31st 1891
After preaching by Brother B. A. Barnett, the Babtist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Vising brothers and sisters invited to seats with us;
2nd Opertunity giveny to any one wishing to united with the church;
3rd Moved and carred that Brother Cazey case be refurd to next confernce;
4th Minuts of last meaten red and adopted, moved to adjurne.
B. A. Barnett, Pastor; E. M. Hancock, Church Clerk
December the 5th 1891
After preaching by Brother Barnett, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Visting brothers and sisters invited to seats with us;
2nd Opertunity given to any one wishing to unite with the church;
3rd Moved and carried that Brother Casey case be refured to next confernce;
4th Minuts of last confernce red and adopted.
B. A. Barnett, Pastor; E. M. Hancock, Church Clerk
January the 2nd 1892
After preaching by pastor, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Visting brothers and sisters invited to seats with us;
2nd Opertunity given to any one wishing to unite with the church whereupon Sister M. E. Anderson persented herself by experience and babtism;
3rd Moved and carred that Broth Casey case be refured to next confernce;
4th Minuts of last meatin red and adoped.
B. A. Barnett, Pastor; E. M. Hancock, Church Clerk
February the 6th 1892
After preaching by pastor, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Visting brothers and sisters invited to seats with us;
2nd Opertunity given to any one wishing to unite with the church;
3rd Moved and carried that the church grant Brother Casey a letter;
4th Commity appointed names as follars Brother Polk, Sister Polk, Sister Mauk, E. M. Hancock to waite on Sister Casey;
5th February the 7th (1892), resorted to the watter where Sister M. E. Anderson was buried in baptism with Christ and received in full felowship with the church;
6th Minuts of last confernce red and adoped.
B. A. Barnett, Pastor; E. M. Hancock, Church Clerk
March the 5th 1892
After preacing by pastor, the Baptist Church of Chist meet in confernce.
1st Visting brothers and sisters invited to seats with us to aid us in any busness may come before us;
2nd Opertunity given to any wishing to unite with us whir a pun Sister M. M. Smith united with us by expernce and baptism;
3rd Report of committee received and committee realesed;
4th Moved and carried that the church perfur charges against Sister Cazey for heresy and non felowship and the church withdrew felloship for the same; (no 5th)
6th Moved and carred that the church grant Sister L. M. Watson a letter. Minuts of last confernce red and adoped.
B. A. Barnett, Moderator; E. M. Hancock, Church Clerk
April the 2nd 1892
After preaching by pastor, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Visting Brothers and Sisters invited to seats with us;
2nd Opertunity given to any one wishing to united with the church;
3rd Moved and carried to grant Sister Marget E. McBride a letter;
4th Moved to aguorne.
B. A. Barnett, Moderator; E. M. Hancock, Church Clerk
April the 30th 1892
After preaching by pastor, the Baptist Church of Christ met in confernce.
1st Visting brothers and sisters invited to seats with us;
2nd Opertunity given to any one wishing to unite with the church where apun Sister Pairlee Loften presented herself by resteration and was received into full fellowship of the church. Moved to agurn. Minuts of last confernce red and adoped.
Brother B. A. Barnett, Moderator; E. M. Hancock, Church Clerk
June the 4th 1892