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Franklin High School Monarch Yearbook
Contributed and beautifully typed by Jo Ella Snider-Parker (SPJPVine@aol.com).
Names are typed as they appear in the yearbook even though some spelling errors are apparent.
"Students from twenty common school districts and from the Franklin Independent School District are happily associated daily in the Franklin High School, so in 'The Monarch' of 1941 we have tried to give an interesting view of our high school life by presenting all forms of student activity and the participants. We hope it will carry happy memories of your days spent in Franklin High School."
"To our principal and friend, Roland Reynolds, better known to students as 'Fessor', who has for ten years been a guide and inspiration to us, we dedicate this, the second edition of 'The Monarch'."
School Board
B. L. Parten, President, Attorney-At-Law |
R. W. Goodman, Mgr. Farmers Co-op Gin |
F. A. Davison, Asst. Sec., Superintendent |
Carl Duffey, Pharmacist |
Mrs. T. G. Curry, Secretary, Homemaker |
H. O. Jennings, Merchant |
C. E. Maris, Lumberman |
Frank A. Wood; Attorny-At-Law |
Roland Reynolds, Principal-Commercial |
Norma Dee Layton |
W. E. Weathers |
V. M. Harris |
Lucy Jane Lloyd |
V. W. Goodwin |
Mrs. Frances Nickelson |
Ruth Nemir |
Mrs. F. A. Davison |
Mrs. W. E. Weathers |
Mrs. Vernon Anderson |
Mildred Colson |
Frances Jane Leathers |
Louise Adams |
Ruby Hand |
Norman Pack |
Estelle Ainsworth |
Edward Howell |
Minnette Petty |
Alton Akins |
LaVerne Jackson |
Doris Prestridge |
George Autrey |
Lois Kegler |
Marguerite Rambo |
Dorothy Baker |
Daisy Lee Lincecum |
Helen M. Reagan |
Cecelia Blazek |
Emma Lee Loe |
Johnnie S. Redden |
Dorothy Brantner |
Louis Maddox |
Lucindy Redden |
Emmet L. Brazier, Jr. |
Mary Marshall |
Bernice Reid |
Louise Bristow |
Raymond Martine |
Janice Richardson |
Faye Burch |
Gilbert Mauk |
Lola Rivers |
Lucile Burts |
Ada Faye McLeroy |
Howard Sanders |
Melvin Commander |
Eugene Meadors |
Clarence Sauer |
Paul Corn |
Mary Merchant |
Lillie Mae Scasta |
George Cox |
James Moore |
Bill Shaw |
Jessie Lee Davis |
Carlton Morgan |
Brooker Stegall |
Edwin Dieckman |
Lillian Morgan |
Inez Sweat |
Madeline Dowdy |
Maggie Ruth Morgan |
Louise Vann |
Melba Dryman |
Edgar Morris |
Louis Varvel |
Gerald Echols |
Maxine Neely |
Lois Watson |
Ira Franks |
Dorothy Mae Nickelson |
Glendon Weir |
Louise Grace |
Jack Pack |
Bernice Ansley |
Weldon Grant |
James Phillips |
Eldridge Barnett |
Edna Fay Harris |
Lucille Rabe |
Ruth Baxter |
Ruby Holiday |
Mary Franceis Ramsey |
Lee Nola Bolton |
Raymond Jett |
Lawrence Scasta |
Oleta Bolton |
Keith Johnson |
Doris Slaughter |
Janie Boswell |
John Kay |
M. K. Smith |
Eula Mae Brewer |
J. L. Lindsey |
Estelle Spiller |
Marie Brewer |
Carrol Martin |
Claude Starkey |
Pauline Brown |
Miller Martin |
Nannie Merle Tullous |
Frank Brunette |
Ollie Lee Massey |
Estelle Turman |
Freddie Burch |
A. J. May |
Ione Turner |
Claudie Burts |
Biddie McCormick |
Geneva Wallace |
Marjorie Bush |
Mary Lou McCown |
Lorraine Wallace |
Edna Earle Caldwell |
Johnnie Lou McCullough |
Gladyne Watson |
Eugene Commander |
O. D. McLeroy |
Hazel Whittington |
Marguerite Conner |
Roger Merle Melton |
Sezzea Wilkins |
Louise Elliott |
Ann Merryman |
Doris Woodall |
Clarence Ezell |
James Miller |
Viola Yates |
Dorothy Forson |
Maurice Milstead |
John Yeary |
Dewey Fulton |
Adren Morgan |
Lawrence Grace |
Bill New |
Mack Abbott |
Pearl Grace |
Joe Mitchell |
Edwin Akins` |
Alma Hawkins |
Colenia Moore |
Loretta Barnett |
Edger Jackson |
Woodrow Moore |
Mary Jo Baxter |
Murrah Johnson |
Travis Morgan |
Vada Bolton |
Ollie Lee Johnston |
Harry New |
Wilburn Bruce |
Fannie Lee Kent |
Telva Parker |
Ruby Pearl Calhoun |
Nena Beth Lindsay |
Janelle Petty |
Leo Crane |
Bonnie Faye Maris |
Joe Rambo |
Ned Crane |
Bobbie Marshall |
Tommie Marie Reid |
Mary Faye Davis |
Lera Mae Martin |
Geneva Richardson |
Beulah Dowdy |
Edna Earle Massey |
Jim Stanley |
Thelma Everett |
Alice Matejka |
Betty Supak |
Maudine Freeman |
Verla Mae McCormick |
Frank Supak |
Maxine Frost |
Ocie McLeroy |
Estelle Tullous |
Darrow Fulton |
Jewel Meadors |
Juanita Vann |
Helen Fulton |
Maurine Meadors |
Imogene Whittington |
Wilbur Galloway |
Ollie Sue Merryman |
Homer Wilkerson |
Clarence Grace |
Marie Milstead |
Maudell Wilkerson |
Martha Jo Yates |
James Baker |
Lavone Johnson |
Gladiola Pace |
Tommie Lou Baker |
Willie Belle Johnson |
Billie Pecena |
Gladys Barnett |
L. C. Johnston |
Lionel Pippin |
Lera Barnett |
Mary Kegler |
Pansy Post |
James Bishop |
Inez Kent |
Robert Earl Prestridge |
Billie Jean Blackman |
Maudine Kirkpatrick |
Ruby Lee Ramsey |
Billy Boyd |
Mary Louise Lloyd |
Douglas Redden |
Randal Brewer |
Mary Virginia Lyles |
Mary Helen Redden |
Grady Carter |
Pat Maris |
Dorothy Reeves |
Ruth Cooper |
Ocie Martin |
Lois Rivers |
Denver Cornelius |
Thelma Lois Martin |
Gwendolyn Rogers |
Orville Cornelius |
Roy Martine |
Sywell Sanders |
Billy Cunningham |
Wilburn Massey |
Wesley Sanders |
Dorothy Nell Cunningham |
Robert Matejka |
Albert Ray Scasta |
Fairie Jo Cunningham |
Ruth Matejka |
Marion Shelton |
Mildred Davis |
Ona Beth McClure |
Howard Sills |
Ruby Faye Davis |
Syble McDowell |
Geneva Slaughter |
William Davis |
Ray Merchant |
Carl Smith |
Hilda Doherty |
James Milberger |
Connie Smitherman |
Freda Dowdy |
Wayne Miller |
Thomas Smithers |
A. J. Duncan, Jr. |
Leander Moore, Jr. |
Billie Stanford |
Nathan Eledge |
Garvis Morehead |
G. W. Stanford |
Martha Ferguson |
Adrain Morgan |
Ben Tarver |
Frances Fickling |
Elsie Marie Morgan |
Mildred Taylor |
Mary Lou Flanagan |
Etner Dell Morgan |
Bobbie Drue Wallace |
E. B. Forson |
Julia Morgan |
Lucile Watson |
Lois Rae Fulton |
Louie Morris |
Viola Watson |
George Harrison |
Louise Morris |
Marie Weir |
Betty Haskell |
Janie Lee Nedbalek |
Ione Whittington |
Jimmy Hickman |
Barbara Nicholson |
Dale Woodall |
Doris Jett |
Bradford Nicholson |
George Wylie |
Gloria Johnson |
Sue Owens |
Names are typed as they appear in the yearbook
even though some spelling errors are apparent.
Page Modified: 20 June 2022
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