Robertson County




County Coordinator is Jane Keppler.

County Co-Coordinator is Jean Huot Smoorenburg

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Sterling Cemetery

Cemetery notes and/or description:
An historic marker reads: "Burial place of some 400 Texas pioneers and descendants. On land granted (1835) to A. J. Webb; bought in 1850 by Judge Robert Calvert, a civic leader in Sterling, a town named for Empresario Sterling Clack Robertson. Calvert dedicated 11.1-acre cemetery and built adjacent Cumberland Presbyterian Church of his own plantation timber. In 1867, Judge Calvert died and was buried near cemetery gate. The church building was moved by oxen to new town of Calvert (2 mi. E). In 1868, his wife, Mary Keesee Calvert, and their three daughters deeded cemetery site to the Cumberland Presbyterians." The rest of the land still belongs to the descendants of Robert Calvert.

Cemetery is in very bad shape and there is no fence to keep cattle out. Several of the original board "homemade" markers that were there 10 years ago, are now gone.
Located on Calvert Farm Road, off of Hwy 979, West of Calvert.

2025 Update
There has been a committee started to preserve this cemetery. Anyone with family buried here, or that would like to help, please contact Jennifer at

P A R T I A L   L I S T

BENSON, GENERAL, 9.4.1893 - 4.11.1910, s L. & C. Benson

BRISCOE, MARY, 12.21.1870 - 8.25.1873, d R. A. & Lucy C. Brown Briscoe

CALVERT, JUDGE ROBERT, 2.19.1802 - 9.20.1867, b Wartrace, TN, s William & Lucy Rogers Calvert, w Mary Keesee, came to Little Brazos Valley in 1850, Calvert named after him, died in yellow fever epidemic

CALVERT, MARY KEESEE, 10.11.1807 - 12.16.1873, h Judge Robert Calvert, c William, Lucy (Mrs. George W.) Rutherford, Pauline (Mrs. J. Tom) Garrett, Mary (Dr. Peter) Smith

CALVERT, WILLIAM, 9.6.1826 - 12.13.1864, s Judge Robert & Mary Keesee Calvert, suffering from a malady contracted in the Mexican War, unable to serve CSA, c Robert (killed in action CSA)

CONNELL, LOU A., 2.4.1840 - 12.24.1872, h T. B. Connell

ELLIOTT, SELESTER, 12.22.1893 - 2.13.1895, d B. R. & M. A. Elliott

FORT, MARY I., 4.2.1849 - 1873

FRANTZ, PETER, 1.2.1870 - 1886, aged 16 years, 10 months, 7 days (in German)

GARRETT, G. W., 11.4.1802 - 2.16.1871, w Scina

GARRETT, SCINA, 11.25.1795 - 7.12.1862, h G. W. Garrett

GARRETT, W. H., 2.25.1834 - 2.10.1870

HAMMONS, G. W., 1.16.1849 - 2.17.1879

HART, WILLIAM MONROE, 11.23.1859 - 9.26.1886, first husband of Sallie Pink Long Hart (who is buried at the Nesbitt Cemetery, Robertson Co., TX)

HART, infant girl, 1882 - 5.28.1882, d William Monroe & Sallie Pink Long Hart

HERNDON, JACOB W., aged 18 years, 5 months

HERNDON, JANE B., aged 16 years, 7 months

HERNDON, JOSEPH D., 1816 - 6.27.1881, Virginian who came to Texas in 1857, w. Mary A., aged 65 years, 1 month, 22 days

HERNDON, MARY A., 1819 - 11.19.1877, h Joseph D. Herndon, aged 58 years, 8 months, 19 days

HERNDON, MARY B., aged 1 year, 7 months

HERNDON, M. CANO, aged 15 years, 7 months

HICKS, STEVE, 9.8.1851 - 1.25.1907

IHRINGER, ANNE E., 3.26.1873 - 6.17.1879

IHRINGER, AUGUST, 7.27.1831 - 5.28.1882

IHRINGER, AUGUST, 9.29.1871 - 10.8.1871

IHRINGER, HENRY, 1.3.1870 - 2.20.1872

IHRINGER, MRS. A. E., 1847 - 10.19.1873, aged 26 years, 5 days

JACKSON, ANINIAS, ? - 8.11.1908


LANE, LULA A., 1873 - 2.2.1876, d J. W. & C. M. Lane, aged 2 years, 4 months, 15 days

LINDSEY, IDELLA, 11.20.1868 - 9.7.1869, d J. M. & S. J. Lindsey

LITTLE, FRANK B., 8.4.1885 - 11.1.1887, s J. M. & M. A. Little

LITTLE, MARION G., 9.9.1872 - 6.22.1873, s J. M. & M. A. Little

LITTLE, PYKE B., 5.11.1879 - 4.9.1880, s J. M. & M. A. Little

LITTLE, RICHARD B., 10.12.1870 - 6.10.1874, s J. M. & M. A. Little

MCCALL, JANE E., 2.26.1824 - 3.25.1881, b SC

MCCALL, R. SCOTT, 5.22.1884 - 1.11.1889, b Greene County, AL

MCCALL, ROBERT S., 11.4.1814 - 1.16.1889, b Greensboro, AL, w Sarah Briton

MCCALL, ROBERT G. B., 1817 - 1889 (may be duplicate of Robert S. McCall)

MCCALL, SARAH BRITON, ? - ?, h Robert S. McCall, c William Alexander

MCINTOSH, DELLA, 11.7.1887 - 6.23.1888, d W. M. & M. C. McIntosh

MCINTOSH, NORMAN, 12.11.1888 - 12.20.1888, s W. M. & M. C. McIntosh

MILLERFIFE, JAMES, 12.26.1851 - 11.17.1876

ROBERTS, JAMES T., 1828 - ?, w Jane O'Neal

ROBERTS, JANE O'NEAL, ? - ?, h James T. Roberts, 2 children - Magdalena (b 2.9.1861 in FL) & a son

ROBERTS, MEDORA, 1.3.1851 - 9.12.1905, h Edmond Roberts

ROBERTS, MRS. J. L., 1882 - 1927

STEELE, ELIZA FOSTER, ~1838 - 1874, sister of Joseph A. Foster, h Jared Steele, c Leila (Mrs. Peter C.) Gibson, Sally (Mrs. C. P.) Briggs, Louise (Mrs. Spencer) Meredith, Ida (Mrs. W. A.) Smith, Henry Jared, Eugene F., aged 36

STEELE, JARED, 1833 - 5.5.1875, b West Liberty, VA (now WV), w Eliza Foster, died in Sedalia, MO, body later returned and buried at Sterling

STRICKERT, OTTO, 5.25.1873 - 10.27.1873 (in German)

The above list is partially based upon information contained in the out-of-print book Cemeteries In Robertson County, Texas by Verna Corn Floyd and Vernelle Corn, copyright 1980, D. Armstrong Co., Inc., Printers/Publishers, Houston, Texas.  Updates, additions, and corrections have been made as a result of extensive cemetery and family history research and the invaluable assistance of relatives of people buried in this cemetery.

Death Certificates

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Page Modified: 06 January 2025

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