Clark-Downs Funeral Home


Name Birth Death Burial Father Mother Cemetery
Adams, Carl Samuel 28-Sept-1877 9-Apr-1939 10-Apr-1939 Adams, C. H. Sparks, Virginia Rebecca Salem
Andrews, Mary 11-Dec-1865 3-Dec-1939 4-Dec-1939 Holman, Mount Slaughter, Henrietta not listed
Bodine, Oliver H. P. Jr. 29-Jan-1858 25-Apr-1939 25-Apr-1939 Bodine, Oliver H. P. Sr. Saunders, Mary not listed
Bogard, Vera 10-Jan-1902 9-May-1939 10-May-1939 Williams, J. W. McDonald, Florence City 
Brown, Annie 3-Jul-1856 12-Dec-1939 15-Dec-1939 - Kell, Sarah Ann not listed
Burnaman, George W. 3-Dec-1884 10-Apr-1939 12-Apr-1939 Burnaman, M. A. Bennett, M. A. Swift , Nacogdoches Co.
Childers, Verdell H. 20-Nov-1910 6-Nov-1939 7-Nov-1939 Childers, J. E. Harrell, Cornelia not listed
Downs, Lewis N. 7-Apr-1875 7-Dec-1939 8-Dec-1939 Downs, W. W. Cogburn, Ophelia not listed
Evans, Margarett Ann 15-Nov-1870 14-Sep-1939 15-Sep-1939 Lakey, W. C. Brooks, Mary Elizabeth Oakgrove
Garner, Bethenia  25-Jan-1897 6-Jun-1939 8-Jun-1939 Redman, Willie Jackson, Mary Roberts 
Garrett, Kate 7-Apr-1867 22-Dec-1939 22-Dec-1939 - - Garrett 
Gilbert, Erma 9-Jul-1900 9-Oct-1939 10-Oct-1939 Fite, E. Denman, Francis not listed
Hightower, Minnie Edith 16-Dec-1886 4-Mar-1939 4-Mar-1939 Lee, Albert Grandberry, Marne Jane Attoyac 
Hilton, Charles Lee 5-Sept-1883 3-Aug-1939 5-Aug-1939 Hilton, C. W. Brown, Neb Liberty Hill 
Johnson, Rufus Price   15-Jul-1939 16-Jul-1939 Johnson, Bud Sumpter, Sallie Chapel Hill 
Loggins, Hattie 8-Oct-1889 2-Oct-1939 2-Oct-1939 Henley, Green Dickerson, Sallie Chinquapin 
Lowe, G. S. 37 years old 24-Dec-1939 25-Dec-1939     Bronson , Sabine Co.
Marshburn, Julus Adrian  9-Mar-1910 18-Oct-1939 18-Oct-1939 Marshburn, J. Mitchell Jones, Lou Ada Bronson , Sabine Co.
Mays, George 17-Aug-1871 21-Nov-1939 22-Nov-1939 Mays, George W. Iler, Elizabeth not listed
McElroy, F. H. - 5-May-1939 7-May-1939 - - not listed
McLaurn, Daniel 18-Sept-1869 17-Apr-1939 18-Apr-1939 McLaurin, H. D. Duke, Permelia McRae 
McLemore, Ruth T. 27-Dec-1859 11-Jun-1939 11-Jun-1939 White, Henry Vardeman, Polley Gravel Hill, Sabine Co.
Murphy, Annie 22-jul-1898 25-Nov-1939 25-Nov-1939 Murphy, Wiley Strother, Enby Joyce not listed
Ponder, Perry Monroe 7/31/1875 5-Apr-1939 10-Apr-1939 Ponder, W. F. Roberts, Angelinca Hebron 
Solly, Eller Elizabeth 9-Jun-1855 28-Sep-1939 28-Sep-1939 Walker, ? Dent, ? Springhill, Sabine Co.
Sowell, Viola V. 6-Jan-1901 3-Aug-1939 4-Aug-1939 - - Attoyac 
Stanley, William 22-Feb-1871 24-Dec-1939 28-Dec-1939 - - Liberty Hill 
Tarver, Helen Virginia 10-Aug-1860 3-Oct-1939 4-Oct-1939 Sanders, James R. Matley, Wilnath not listed
Wade, William 15-Jan-1851 26-Dec-1939 26-Dec-1939 - - Macune 
Walcott, Robert V. 20-Sep-1860 24-Mar-1939 24-Mar-1939     not listed
Ware, Edith 13-Aug-1875 16-Nov-1939 17-Nov-1939 Thomson, John McQuilton, Jessie  Antioch 


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