Garner Funeral Home


Name Birth Death Burial Cemetery
Lenard, J. H. (Rev)   27-Nov-1947    
Lane, Ada   23-Apr-1947   Lane
Jenkins, Ivenell   8-Jan-1948   Lane
Matlock, J. B.   30-Jan-1948   Mont Horbon, Shelby Co.
Holmes, Addie Bell 13-Sept-1899 5-Mar-1948   Lane
Price, Hattie   28-Mar-1948   Greer
Dennis, Curtis   29-Apr-1948   unlisted
Brooks, Lizzie   16-May-1948   Mt. Zion
Mosby, James Willie   17-Jun-1948   unlisted
Walker, Ike   2-Jul-1948   unlisted
Allen, Columbus Sr.   17-Jul-1948   unlisted
Holman, Charles Everett   23-Jul-1948   Greer
Roberts, Mollie T.   28-Jul-1948   Kellyville
Johnson, Benard Joey 10-Mar-1948 9-Oct-1948   Perkins
Jones, Sammie   28-Oct-1948   Perkins
Curl, John 1876 31-Oct-1948   unlisted
Garrett, Nell   21-Nov-1948   St. John
Jones, John   18-Dec-1948   unlisted


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