Garner Funeral Home


Name Birth Death Burial Cemetery
Cook, Claude A.   22-Feb-1950 22-Feb-1950 County Line, Sabine Co.
Davis, Ella Mae   15-Jun-1950 18-Jun-1950 Antioch
Garner, J. H.   3-Feb-1950 5-Feb-1950 Mt. Zion
Hale, Pearl   6-Nov-1950 7-Nov-1950 St. Luke
Hall, Bertha   5-Aug-1950 6-Aug-1950 Panella, Sabine Co.
Harper, Rosie J.   15-Apr-1950 16-Apr-1950 Lane
Horton, Rebecca   13-Feb-1950 13-Feb-1950 Mosiac
Horton, William Aron 1876 1-Jan-1950 3-Jan-1950 Mosiac
Jones,  Winnie   31-Dec-1950 1-Jan-1950 St. Luke
Jones, Harry   5-Mar-1950 12-Mar-1950 Roberts
Maxey, James Willie   15-Jul-1950 16-Jul-1950 Roberts
Nickerson, Linda Carline   17-Sep-1950 18-Sep-1950 unlisted
Page, Janie    15-Jun-1950 18-Jun-1950 Roberts
Sexton, Lewis   26-Sep-1950 28-Sep-1950 Gesthemane
Sharp, Jackson   27-Apr-1950 29-Apr-1980 Thompson
Shepherd, Mose     20-Aug-1950 Mosiac
Teal, Sarah Jane Porter   25-Jul-1950 30-Jul-1950 Redland
Watkins, Myriah D.   7-Jul-1950 9-Jul-1950 Antioch
Williams, Nancy   17-Oct-1950 23-Oct-1950 Mosiac


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