Garner Funeral Home


Name Birth Death Burial Father  Mother Spouse Cemetery
Ardrey, William "Bill" 10-Jul-1873 20-Sep-1952 23-Sep-1952       Polk
Bozeman, Martha   28-Mar-1952 30-Mar-1952       New Zion, Sabine Co.
Cartwright, Sidney James 3-Sep-1899 15-Aug-1952 18-Aug-1952       Mt. Horium
Cartwright, Viney   20-Feb-1952 24-Feb-1952       Roberts
Clay, Norman 25-Dec-1902 16-Sep-1952 19-Sep-1952       Mosiac
Davis, Clark Jr. 3-Nov-1940 19-Sep-1952 20-Sep-1952       Antioch
Davis, Willis Ray 21-Sep-1952 21-Sep-1952 22-Sep-1952       New Zion, Sabine Co.
Dennis, Avalonia   2-Jan-1952 3-Jun-1952 Dennis, Cornell     New Zion, Sabine Co.
Dennis, Dian 26-Aug-1950 7-Apr-1952 10-Apr-1952       New Zion, Sabine Co.
Duffield, Alve Nell 20-May-2023 7-Sep-1952 9-Sep-1952       St. John
Duffield, Georgia stillbirth 26-Jun-1952 27-Jun-1952       St. John
Garner, Crayton   4-May-1952 6-May-1952       Chireno, Nacogdoches, TX
Garrett, Betty Ruth infant 14-Mar-1952 15-Mar-1952       Pisagh
Greer, Bertha Rillow 28-Jan-1896 19-Aug-1952 24-Aug-1952     Greer, James Greer
Greer, Clabe 2-Aug-1883 20-Oct-1952 22-Oct-1952       Greer
Jones, Bolton 6-Jun-1884 14-Dec-1952 17-Dec-1982       Greer
Lacy, Lee 7-Oct-1876 5-Nov-1952 6-Nov-1952       Roberts
McMichael, W. T. (Prof)   21-Jan-1952 25-Jan-1952       Roberts
Mosby, Jessie Viola   9-Jun-1952 11-Jun-1952       Greer
Rawls, D. R. 3-Mar-1865 16-Dec-1952 18-Dec-1952       Mosiac
Sowell, Lottie Mae 26-Feb-1941 6-Dec-1952 8-Dec-1952       St. John
Teagle, Carolyn Jean  2/25/52 28-Jul-1952 29-Jul-1952       Greer
Teagle, Velma   27-Mar-1952 29-Mar-1952 Tanner, Richard     Greer
Thomas, Mary Francis   17-Apr-1952 19-Apr-1952       Paradise
Williams, Leola   19-Mar-1952 20-Mar-1952       Cedar Grove, Sabine Co.
Williams, Rogise Jean infant 5-Apr-1952 6-Apr-1952       County Line, Sabine Co.
Williams, Willie T. 26-Dec-1904 3-Sep-1952 6-Sep-1952       County Line, Sabine Co.


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