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Memory of
Imogene Kinard Kennedy
Barbara Franz
Conroe Loses Former Columnist
& Retired Genealogy Librarian
MCG&HS Loses Its Founder
The genealogy community has lost a valiant ally, when Imogene Kinard
Kennedy passed away on May 19, 2000. She began her personal genealogy
in 1959, and when she retired in April 1992, she had served Montgomery
County Library for nineteen years.
Imogene Kinard Kennedy was born September 22, 1928 in Anadarko,
Oklahoma, to Ira Neal Kennedy and Thella Mae Smallwood. She attended
Cameron College in Lawton, Oklahoma, where she met her husband Leon
Kennedy. In 1960 they moved to the Houston area, where Jean worked
at Clayton Genealogical Library, starting in 1968.
Jean was hired at the Montgomery County Library in 1973. In 1976
she was appointed head of the Genealogy Department, which was to be
formed from materials pulled from the existing library collection.
This had been a dream of hers for many years. She was able at the same time
to bring about the establishment of the Montgomery County Genealogical
& Historical Society.
This organization has since become the official friends group for
the Montgomery County Genealogy Department. Since its inception the
society has donated in excess of $150,000, in money and materials, as well
as countless hours of volunteer service.
In 1988, Jean was the first recipient of the Montgomery County
Genealogical Society's "Hall of Fame Award" in recognition of her many
accomplishments, one of these being the publishing of three books. Her book
titled Genealogical Records In Texas is considered the definitive
book on researching Texas county records and is still in publication
today. She coordinated the Houston Genealogical Institutes in 1978
throughout 1980, taught beginners to advanced genealogy classes, was
a sought-after genealogical speaker, and authored the genealogy column
"Shaking The Family Tree" for the Conroe Courier in the 1970's.
Imogene is survived by four daughters, two brothers, eight
grandchildren, 1 great-grandchild, and numerous other friends and
It was her desire that any memorials be given to the Genealogy
Department through the Montgomery County Genealogical & Historical
Society. Anyone wanting to donate can send their check to MCG&HS, P
O Box 867 Conroe, TX 77305-0867.
Barbara Franz is the head
librarian of the genealogy department at Montgomery County Memorial Library. |