DeSoto Parish Louisiana

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the state of Louisiana
and to the motto for which it stands:
A state, under God, united in purpose and ideals,
confident that justice shall prevail for all of those abiding here."

Bible Records of John James & Sarah Ann Warren Greening

in possession of Sadie Greening Sparks < (note, email bounces) Nacogdoches, Texas

The following are only family record pages from a Bible, (Not the Bible itself) given to me by my father , James Claud Greening in 1976 when I started researching my family. These pages were folded, wrapped in a cellophane wrap and stuck in an envelope and were in an old briefcase belonging to his father, T. J. Greening. This old briefcase was given to my Dad by his mother when she broke up housekeeping in 1949, and went to live with her daughter Lola Frances Greening Hancock family. I copied these onto family group sheets and put the original pages away. They are very fragile, even more faded, and crumbling now. Two small pieces have since been lost somehow.



MARRIAGES - Written in very tiny beautiful penmanship, blue ink

Conecuh Co, Ala-John James Greening intermarried with Saran Ann Warren 1 Oct., 1832

DeSoto P .,La-Samuel P. DuBois " " Virginia Elizabeth Greening 1 July, 1858

" Swepson W. Greening " " Rebecca D. Bullock 1 November, 1866

" William R Jackson" " Sarah Louisiana Greening 11 April, 1867

Written in black ink, different. handwriting

" James C. Williams " " Ella Alabama Greening, 15 January, 1880

" J. C. Ellsworth " " Willie Lillian Greening, 18th Mch, 1892

Nacogdoches, Tex. T. J. Greening " " Sadie D. Ray, Sept. 20,1892

DeSoto Par, J. L. Ray" " Maggie Ruthven, Jan. l0th, 1895+

" Reuben E. Greening" " Susie W. Grantham Jan. 28th, 1915

Nac. Co, Tex-Hollis R. Crawford " " Sallie L. Greening, Feb. 9. 1916

+My note-J .L .Ray-Maggie Ruthven marriage license purchased in Nacogdoches.

BIRTHS -very tiny handwriting, blue ink (left side of page -top)

SC-John James Greening was born 31 st August, 1804

Ga-Sarah Ann Warren" " 1st January, 1817

Ala- Mary Amanda Greening " "( Illegible) Feb, 1834

" Frances Lillias Greening " " 14th. Feb., 1836

" Virginia Elizabeth Greening " 3Oth Jany, 1838

" Swepson Whitehead Greening " " 26th July, 1839

" Eldridge Warren Greening " "6th March, 1842

"Sarah Louisiana Greening" " 3rd Feby, 1844

" John Randolph Greening" " 22 April, 1846

Sabine P., La - James Oscar Greening ". " 6th Feby, 1848

" Hinchey Rufus Greening " " 15th April, 1850

" Wade Horace Greening " " 27th Deer.. 1851

" Julius Heustes Greening " " 22nd April, 1853

DeSoto P. ,La- Ella Alabama Greening " " 19th Jany.,1856

" Lillian Willie Greening " " 9th Feby., 1860

" Jefferson Thompson Greening " 22nd Jany.,1862

(Right side of Page- top)

Samuel P, DuBois was born 16th, Sept, 1827

William R Jackson " " 13 Sept. 1829

Rebecca D. Bullock " " 21st July, 1844

John Greening DuBois " " 9th April, 1859

Sarah Louisa DuBois " " 9th Oct., 1860

Kate DuBois " " 12th Oct, 1862

Mattie Carr DuBois " " 2Oth March, 1865

Annie Dubois & Virginia DuBois " " 4th June, 1866 (Twins)

Louisiana DuBois " " 14th Decr., 1869

(LEFT SIDE -bottom) Different handwriting, black ink

Sadie D. Ray was born 29 October, 1874

DeSoto, La- Reuben Ell Greening was born 13 Sept., 1893

" Sally May Greening " " 21 st Sept, 1894

Margarette Lilly Greening " " 21st Feby, 1897

Nacog. Tex. Thomas Earl Greening " " 25 th April, 1899

" Clarence Edward Greening, 10 March, 1902

" Hinchey Vertie Greening, 16th August, 1904

" James Claud Greening. 3Oth Ian, 1907

" Willie Eugene Greening, lst June, 1909

" Charles Fletcher Greening, 14th Dec, 1911

" Lola Frances Greening, 16 March, 1915

" Jessie Lee Greening, Oct. 29, 1918

Page 2 BIRTHS very tiny handwriting, blue ink

Douglas Reubin Greening, 8 Aug, 1867

Sarah Julia Greening, 8th, Dec, 1869

John Milton Greening, 11 th Sepr ., 1871

Swepson W. Greening, Jr . 4 th Jany ., 1873

Reba Bell Greening, 9th Dec, 1874

C. D. Greening, 8th Dec, 1876

There are some names and dates written in pencil, in a different. handwriting that have

faded to the point of being illegible.

DEATHS (written in very tiny handwriting, blue ink)

Frances Lillias Greening died 2Oth Jany. 1838

Mary Amanda Greening died 28th May,I843

Eldridge Warren Greening died 29th Aug 1844

Wade Horace Greening died 15th June, 1852

James Oscar Greening died 28th July, 1866

John James Greening died 22nd July, 1873

Written in different ink: (appears to be a different handwriting)

Julius Heustes Greening died 13th July, 1884

Hinchey Rufus Greening died 22nd Dec, 1884

John Randolph Greening died 1889

Sarah Ann Greening died 16th Feb, 1892  -1817 75 yrs

The following is written in pencil (appears to be same handwriting as above)

Ella Alabama Greening died Jan. , 190 1

W. R. Jackson died Aug. 18, 1903

Virginia Elizabeth Greening died Nov. 14, 1910

John Milton Greening died Feb. 24, 1911

S. W. Greening died Oct 3, 1912

Sarah Louisiana Greening died Nov. 14, 1915

On a different page from a different Bible. in same envelope are the following:

Ollie Kerr Dec. 5, 1921 Margie L. Greening

Thos. E. Greening Jan. 1, 1922 Vera Crawford

James C. Greening March 28. 1930 Mary L. Broach

Raymond J. Hancock Jan. 2, 1932 Lola F. Greening

Fletcher C. Greening (Il1eg.) 1933 Nannie Lou Baird


More records for Greening


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Page Modified: 11 September 2024                           

DeSoto is part of the LAGenWeb Project, State Coordinator:Marsha Holley